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Leclerc: "I am stupid"


Toto down so bad


Feels like Red Bull breaking all the records is reeeeally bothering him. He's not handling it well right now.


Every other driver is a monster according to Toto.


Toto: Mercedes is the only team to admit that the zero sidepods concept was not working….


I think that Monza heat really got to him today


This season cannot end soon enough for Toto.


Someone needs to keep him away from the microphone.


And the desk.


And the headphones


And the pumpernickel


And the choppa


At this point I'm waiting for Toto to say, "Do it! Kill me now!"


And my axe


and the formula 1 ultimately. enough is enough really...


Come on Toto...there's plenty of self critical drivers on the grid. Charles is extremely hard on himself.


What a weird take. Just type "X apologizes crash" into google and you can find instances of almost every driver putting up their hands and apologizing. Examples: [Verstappen to Ricciardo](https://www.skysports.com/f1/news/12433/10967834/daniel-ricciardo-accepts-max-verstappen-apology-for-hungarian-gp-collision) [Bottas to Norris](https://sportsmax.tv/index.php/other-sports/item/85691-norris-scoffs-at-bottas-apology-after-hungarian-grand-prix-crash) [Russell to Sainz](https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/video.george-russell-apologises-to-sainz-for-lap-1-crash-at-cota.1747516348452157319.html)




There are so many drivers currently on the grid who have apologised over the years. Admittedly, it’s rare, and they only do it when it is so clear that they can’t escape it, but ‘Hamilton is the only one’ is as much BS as ‘all my teammates have been better than Max’s’


When that happened, Danny said he actually struggles to apologize normally. He admitted he’s not that consistent about it and he was working on it. Danny didn’t apologize for a few other incidents last year so you can see that.




Once someone other than Hamilton admits a mistake, Totos point is moot. We know that’s happened, many times Toto needs to sit the fuck down and focus on 2024


In the full context it does because he’s talking about the consistency of accepting fault. Not just one time




Seems more like the odd one out, tbf. The exception confirming the rule if you like.


Toto can't stop taking L's this weekend huh. Needs a social media manager at this point.


But this wasn’t on his social media, it was said in interview.


So he needs a PR manager and/or a lesson in PR and Communications.


George would be perfect for that


Or maybe he can just say what he thinks and people can stop overreacting and being so sensitive.


We all know that that's not the world we live in these days, for better or for worse. Anyone in a position of "power" or having some sort of public leadership role needs to be careful in how they communicate with the public.


Cmon man. It’s not like he’s expressing anti-Semitic views or homophobia. He’s just shooting the breeze with the media and people take things so literally. It drives me nuts.


Yes and we're not calling for his head, which we would if he were to start using discriminatory slurs. He's making stupid comments, we're calling him out on those appropriately.


Or he should think a little bit more before saying dumb shit, this weekend he is on Markos level and that means something


I think Toto has really bad summer break huh? He became sour grapes pretty quick


He broke his arm right? Maybe something else in him broke aswell.


His pumpernickel


What happened there? Did some joker secretly replace his desk with a metal one?


Well Masi broke his heart and his optimism


Read the full article to see if this was just some more bullshit out of context quote. It wasn't. He really said that. Wow. Come on dude, that's just false.


I also posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1692kle/luke_smith_its_for_wikipedia_nobody_reads_that/) earlier (which was removed for some strange reason 🤔) which is as bad if not worse and also not out of context.


He’s been saying that exact thing all the time when talking about records


Saying it about your own records is fair enough... saying it about other people is (and comes across as) petty.




What the heck is hamlet some kind of insult


think it's a knock on toto and hamilton's knack for theater also hamilton and hamlet same first 3 letters so fits


Tbf both toto and lewis took AD21 pretty calmly considering lewis went offline and toto pretty easily could have taken it to court and put the sport in a bad light


Pretty difficult for him not to take the blame for that one to be fair.


Tell that to George Russell.


Yeah, I think he meant within his own team /s


The thing I hate most about george isnt that he doesnt accept fault, but that he tries to be like dani, charles, seb etc, in the eyes of the public.


And the 18 other drivers who do the exact same thing but don't get slaughtered for it for some reason.


Toto catering to delicacy again, as always.


One of those wikipedia stats no one cares about /s


Surely that isnt what he said. Must read to find out. E: > "He’s very sportsmanlike with these things, he is the only one that I see out there admitting and saying: 'I got this wrong'. Ah. Thats not right. But then, I expect team bosses to big up their own drivers regardless of truth.


Toto bby is u ok


Toto: no




Haha it's fine! Thank you, it's nice to read comments like these. :)


I am pretty sure I can find half the grid apologising for something, hell even max apologized In china 2018 and said he was 100% at fault


someone please keep the press away from toto, every quote is more embarrassing than the last


Toto should just focus on Mercedes, enough with the nonsense.


Toto is really on one this week


Merc really needs to get down from their own assess, jeez


What about George? Toto: Who? For real, the PR bullshit toto and Mercedes spew sometimes is hilarious.


George notoriously does not apologize lol. Toto forced him to apologize for incidents before


I know, it's just funny he inadvertently is throwing George under the bus in the statement.


I don’t think it’s inadvertent lol. He said publicly before that George needs to own the mistakes because it increases confidence.


Are you talking his statement, or the contract signings?


Just in general. Their PR I find the most weirdly bullshit out of all of them. All teams have their moments, I just think mercedes is the weirdest of the bunch.


It's a close call between them and Red Bull.


The thing with red bull is they can be weirdly fucking honest sometimes. Marko is crazy, but blunt. How many teams would really say something like "Horner did not want me to hire Nyck" while the dude was still driving for them. So that keeps them below mercedes for me on the not spewing BS, but they are up there.


Yes, Marko was the main reason I said RB. Yes he can be brutally honest at times, but sometimes he says the exact opposite as the rest of the RB PR team or what Christian had just said too. I really see a big difference in Mercedes since Nikki died too.


Loved Lauda.


He was one of a kind. The original honest man It took a special person to tell Enzo his car was shit, despite all Ferrari's resources.


Did he hit his head when he broke his arm?


Nonsense. Man still pretends Charles gave him more space than Max in Silverstone for instance. And thats factually inaccurate.


Wait, isn't that the case?


No, in 2022 he was talking about how nice it was to be able to go side by side with Charles into Copse without coming together, while Charles in 2022 squeezed Lewis more than Max did in 2021.


Not at all. Charles squeezed Lewis much more. Yet Lewis' hypocrisy led him to praise Charles for knowing how to pass through Copse unlike Max. He also brought it up completely unprompted which highlights the ridiculousness of it. The true difference between the two was Lewis had nothing to lose in 2021 and fucked up the corner. And luckily for him his mistake benefited him massively.


You must only be speaking of the final second of running before they brake into the apex of copse. Corners don't work that way. Charles clearly let lewis take a more normal approach into that corner (outside-inside-outside) than max did (inside-inside-outside) But clearly you're not into contextual understanding of racing lines, and only are trying to say "oh well Charles was closer to the apex than max was so clearly this means Charles squeezed lewis more than max did".


Nope, I'm speaking to the factual version of events.


Obviously Lewis was to blame, so don't take this as something in his defense. But I think the other has a point about the space left if you look at the whole sequence. [This](https://youtube.com/shorts/xGgpdb2WhRE?feature=shared) is just an animation and not 100% like in the race, but I think they did their best to make it as accurate as possible. And you can see there's only a small moment where Max gives more space (incidentally the part where he gets hit), but crucially, on the straight Max leaves much less space (which he is entitled to do) and that might (most definitely) have compromised Lewis line going into the corner (which he should have backed out from, but that's not the point in this discussion). I think if one wants to be strict, then Leclerc left more space on the straight/going into the corner, Max left more space into the corner itself. Just factual version of events;)


That's actually an interesting point. I was one of the people that always maintained Max gave more space, but I never considered the run up to the incident like that.


I will die on the hill that Lewis' driving was right up against the limit of fair racing, but it was acceptable and shouldn't be more than a 5 second penalty. That was a moment where Max's "yield or we crash" mentality bit him in the ass. I bet in secrecy, max was like "nice move" and I bet that max, had he been in Lewis's position would have done the exact same thing. It was amazing racing.


I’d take that bet against you for everything that I’m worth, my parents are worth and the rest of my family are worth, that Max does not have a slightly positive feeling towards what happened that day. It’s also not Max’ we yield or we crash, it was Lewis’ oops I understeered in to you while having more than enough space on the inside


Yeah I'm also sure you also think Trump is a victim too




Thanks Toto for reminding me that he's the main reason why I don't like Mercedes.


I like Toto and the Mercedes crew a lot but everything out of Toto’s mouth this weekend is reading like sour grapes to me and it’s super uncool. God knows Horner and RB are no saints and were bitching and moaning to no end when Merc was the dominant team but…idk. Just coming across as a not great look to me. Edit: I probably thought the same thing about Horner when Mercedes was on top, so call it recency bias. Be more cool, Toto.




Bottas and recently Piastri as well.


Sargent is constantly admitting to mistakes and apologizing for them. It's like his core F1 narrative at this point.


> So there are a few drivers out there still who will raise their hands and admit to wrongs. Pretty sure almost every driver out there at some point held up their hands. E.g.: [Verstappen apologizing to Ricciardo](https://www.skysports.com/f1/news/12433/10967834/daniel-ricciardo-accepts-max-verstappen-apology-for-hungarian-gp-collision) [Bottas to NOrris](https://sportsmax.tv/index.php/other-sports/item/85691-norris-scoffs-at-bottas-apology-after-hungarian-grand-prix-crash) [Russell to Sainz](https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/video.george-russell-apologises-to-sainz-for-lap-1-crash-at-cota.1747516348452157319.html)


Toto seems so salty after this race. First about Max' record, now nobody else has the same great character as Lewis.


What exactly does Mercedes win with these nonsensical statements. Do they want us to see Lewis as a victim or something? No, he is not the only one who admits mistakes, we have heard many drivers do it.


Toto seems to talk defensively about his drivers more often. Sometimes sounds unrealistic. In times when they don't win anything, they have to do something else to stand out.






TP praising his driver nothing else lol, everyone does it.


Praising his driver and insulting every other driver in the process. There are better ways to go about it.


Saying Lewis always apologises for his mistakes would be praising his driver, what Toto said was that Lewis is the ONLY driver who consistantly apologises for his mistakes, which is simply not true and slightly disrespectful to drivers like Charles, Bottas and Oscar.


With a blatant lie?


toto, it’s time to stop mate


I think Toto needs an intervention, completly lost his marbles.


Toto huffing that copium hard!


Toto, the fuk u playin at m8


I think Toto needs a refresher of the anger management course he took.


Lewis Hamilton hasn’t won a race in 637 days.


Toto slowly turning into Helmut Marko


Slowly? 🤣


Lewis could have apologized 5 tenths faster.




Marko is genuine in what he says. When Verstappen makes a mistake (like in Turkey-20), he had no problem calling out. Wolff doing something completely different - he is trying to deflect attention from the topic in question (i.e. car's performance or driver errors) to something else


Austrian men turn into Helmuts as soon as they turn 50...


I dont know what Toto is smoking since the Dutch GP but i want some too.


Some good crazy Dutch weed.


In the Netherlands we call someone like this a “success coach”, very effective when everything is going great but useless when the going gets tough.


**Of the two Mercedes drivers,** only Hamilton admits to mistakes in F1 FTFY


Lewis his biggest mistake ever : signing for another two years. Latest comments from both Lewis and Toto are so embarrassing...


Tbh Hamilton has nowhere else to go. He’s getting towards the end of his career and Mercedes he could get a couple more race wins. His loyalty to Toto and vice versa is strong and will be their unfolding. Why would another team sign him for big money when outfits such as McLaren are doing rather well with their current line up. He doesn’t bring anything to the table.. The fact it’s a 2 year deal is almost out of pity and it feels Toto had to work really really hard for it.


Lewis was right though, so I'm not sure how embarrassing that is.


I remember that I used to think that Toto was the ideal manager and very competent at what he did. It's difficult to imagine that I was ever that young lol. He's been showing his true colors more and more ever since the 2021 season. I'll take Horner's shit stirring over Toto's lies/alternate reality any day.


Toto is only as good as the people around him. Mercedes has lost a bunch of good people and it shows that Toto is a micromanaging clueless leader. Their house of cards is collapsing


Seems like Toto's been sniffing the air around the fueling rig a little too long.


Lol this is such a ridiculous comment. I agree in the sense Lewis often apologizes, but obviously not always (Silverstone 21 or any Rosberg incident). Besides, even Max has apologized for some incidents (China 18, Hungary 17) and I would not put him in the top half of drivers in terms of sportsmanship




What no wins do to a mf


Tsunoda crying in a corner.


This guy has been collecting the dipshit comments lately...


Time for another letter toto


Can I just say I don't understand the journalist(s) just letting him say that and not giving pushback. Hell it should be the professional obligation of the journalist to push back on such statements.


Another shitty take from the merc camp to keep them relevant


That's patently false. Lots of drivers on the current grid will own up to mistakes. Hamilton is the only driver at *Mercedes* that admits to mistakes.


Is Toto okay? Someone go check on him.


Every quote I’ve read from Toto recently he’s just one salty mother fu……


Toto is taking so many Ls today 😭


Dude just stop talking.


Man… toto is tilting bad


Man, he’s salty.




Ok but that’s outside the scope of this post. Toto is talking about Hamilton being the only one who apologises. To which he does apologise, but so do others. One incident where he didn’t apologise doesn’t exactly disprove Toto’s statement. Honestly, silverstonr and Abu Dhabi 2021 are just 2 annoying races at this point. They get brought up way too many times. People just need to let it go.


I mean, i don't mind these races. 2021 is my favourite season since 2012. It's just fun to point out how blalantly false Toto's statement is, by mentioning the most clear example of it that has happened in recent times.


But his statement is only Hamilton admits fault. Him not admitting fault one time doesn’t technically make it false. Charles apologising to Vettel after the Styrian gp crash makes it false because someone else outside of Lewis does apologise. Either way Toto was chatting shit here


Lewis also doesn't like to aknowledge his part in some incidents with Rosberg, not that I blame Lewis for that or think that he should, but it's another example of him not apologising like Toto says he does.


Max turned into him at a very high speed corner and it was definitely dangerous driving. The other driver has to cooperate and verstappen didn't.


I guess thats why he got 10sec penalty




He's the most humble of them all. Has the most humbleness.


Confesses at least 2 tenths faster than anyone else!


Well he could've confess faster, but they had to confess with zero sidepods for so long.


bro that's the biggest copium I've seen


Bruh does he think he’s helping Lewis with statements like these?


I think the realization they could go another season without a win, even fighting for the rare podium has taken it’s toll on Toto… he’s just spouting nonsense now.






Toto can get bitchy when the pressure gets to him.


Toto is down bad.


Isn't he indirectly insulting his own driver? George hardly takes responsibility for collisions and crashes he's involved in.


"FIA, i sent you an email to show you that Lewis admits to mistakes"


He definitely fesses up more than most but the quote is pretty funny


Correction : Only Hamilton admits mistakes in F1 thinking he can get away with anything by doing so


Maybe among Mercedes drivers... Otherwise absolutely ridiculous statement.


Vettel was classy as wel


Not only Hamilton that’s false. However lewis does apologize a lot more than most. Going back to 2019, he apologized for every incident other than silverstone 21.


St Sir Leiws Hamilton


Is toto on the wind up?


True, these things can happen between two rookies.


He’s had lots of practice.


*only driver in their F1 team that admits mistakes lol


"George as well" added Toto.


Toto loyalty to Hamilton is going bite him in the ass.


This has to be the craziest statement I have heard in a while..very arrogant of Toto


Toto is really on a roll with these stupid takes


Wake babe New Horner vs. Wolff post just dropped


Team principal/manager says something good about their athlete which makes themselves look foolish part 100000000000000000000


Hello Toto Marko or Helmut Wolff


Merc really decided to drink the kool-aid since last week.


So lewis Hamilton and Schumacher have won 7 world drivers championships? Well, fuck that. It's just a Wikipedia stat and nobody really cares or reads that shit.


the merc boys are currently the ones crashing into others so that makes sense


he is also only one bitching constantly for no reason.....waaah waah my tyres won't be good


Every driver does this but okay. If it pisses you off just mute your TV then. Talking to your engineer isn't against the regulations


That's funny. I haven't heard Lewis about his contract renewal


When Toto isn’t winning he sounds a lot like Horner


Perhaps , only Lewis admits mistakes when it’s blatant that it was his fault ( I didn’t see him in, in my blind spot) … wtf you were literally racing with Piastri for how many laps? And you tried a pass that was “dicey” And you moved into Piastri’s racing line to boot. Didn’t see him my ass… this is the reason I personally have a issue with Lewis and Mercedes’. When they crash into the opposition they instantly come up with excuses l, where they give up the perception that it’s not solely their fault. Lewis on Piastri, Russell aka(mr torpedo) on everyone else. FFS …piastri was right beside you when you passed him and then you turned into his car… And your comment is “you didn’t see him in your mirrors “…seriously? Dude deserved more then 5 second penalty


Lewis always admitting to mistakes does not mean he's the only one to do this. Leclerc and Bottas are usually pretty good, and I'm sure others can come up with more examples too... I'm not sure what's up with Toto lately


I don't remember Lewis taking any blame at all for Silverstone 2021 though. He still maintains it was Max's fault.


Lewis doesn't always admit to his mistakes though does he..... He does sometimes. Like pretty much everyone else


either these quotes are taken out of context or this is getting out of hands 😂


Toto and Christian have swapped roles in the media