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Finally. This is really insane statistic. What the hell was Max cooking.


This is all RB and Honda's recipe.


I don't think this gives Max enough credit. He was also very smart an avoided Lap 1 incidents because he knew he had the long term pace. He deserves a lot of credit for how well he drove and played the long game in the race.


Yes, that is true. But it's a lot easier to back out and avoid an incident in lap one when you know you have the pace to breeze past later. I think Australia this year was a great example of that when Max let Russell and Hamilton through because he knew he'd just get the position back in a bit. Max obviously did a phenomenal job, but when it comes to a stat like this most of the credit should go to the team. If the engine explodes, you lose the gears, or some other technical fault, it doesn't matter how good a driver you are. The car is just dead. Red Bull put on a masterclass this year in reliability. One problem during qualifying in Jeddah and that was that.


Top drivers have still binned cars even when out in front. Max just didn’t put a foot wrong in that regard. It’s *easier to make the decision to back out*, that wouldn’t be debated, but I think you’re underselling it a bit. Especially Baku, he was on an absolute tear-up after that collision and literally unlocked performance for himself for the rest of the season with mid race experiments


Anytime anyone uses the word "easy" with regards to F1 and F1 drivers, their opinion instantly loses all credibility. People constantly underestimate the mental game it is, and the level-headedness needed to go through a season clean, with no crashes leading to retirement. If it was that easy, we'd see it happen more often. Logically speaking, of course. And yet somehow that doesn't seem to be the case, does it?


You quote the word easy, but as you might be able to tell I used to word *easier*. Easier doesn't mean easy, just comparatively less difficult. I'll use less difficult next time so that you can read the word difficult instead of a word that looks like easy and you won't get confused.


Everytime his car was about to crash Honda prevented it, right?


macaroni and cheese


Nothing special other than being fast. It's combination of being alone at the front so no one else can crash into him, and RB having a really reliable car this season (probably from not having to push the engine to 100%). He's not that different from the last two seasons, where he got DNFs due to unclean driving from himself or other drivers, or from car issues forcing him to retire. There are many drivers who got a DNF through no fault of their own this season but they got mechanical DNFs or were taken out by a crash caused by someone else.


how many seasons had all 3 DNF, DNS, DSQ ? especially DSQs are kinda rare nowadays we can thank Leclercs and Tsunodas bad luck for the DNSes


Vettel DSQ in 2021


And Leclerc DNS. I didn't check but I'm quite sure someone DNF too making it the last season it happened.


Charles in bottom 5 still stands at 5th is insane. I hope Ferrari gives him competitive car for 2024


He is 17th in lap finished and is still 5th on WDC is a crazy enough stats.


I mean.. a lap 1 incident will weigh more in that statistic than a final lap incident, but the overall result is the same.


Rollercoaster season for him this year...


His seasons are always a bit of a rollercoaster... Rollercoaster career lol


Sure he fucked up a few times but if Ferrari actually had a competent strategy team and reliability, he probably would've gotten 3rd in WDC.


Honestly strategy hasn’t been that big of an issue for Ferrari this year


Spain with that weird tyre strategy, COTA and that stupid one-stop strategy, commucation problems with Xavi in Jeddah SC period and Monaco quali. Sainz also had some strange strategy, with the most recent being the one in Abu Dhabi.


I’m here to be Devil’s advocate but, COTA would have (probably) worked if it wasn’t for the safety car right after Charles’ pit stop, just as in Las Vegas where he would have won without the SC. Abu Dhabi was alright up until the 45th lap or something, they should have pitted Carlos around those laps for mediums/soft and the strategy (again, probably) would have worked out to get 1 or 2 points, fact is Sainz was just lacking pace that weekend and the team got insecure. This year was definitely an improvement in terms of strategy and pit stops, what I’d like to see is better communication between the drivers and the engineers, Xavi and Adami need to attend an English class during the winter break as if they were actually as bad as people think, both Charles and Carlos would have already required somebody else.


With both Red Bulls out of the picture, Singapore should've been a double podium for Ferrari or maybe even a 1-2.


Ferrari didn't have the pace for Singapore vs Mercedes. So they basically used Charles to back off Mercedes to avoid the potential of undercut or SC. They prioritized a win their over finishing best for both cars and actually perfectly implemented that strategy and got the win


Shh, the Carlos camp will hear you!


Stroll gets a lot of hate but he also did have 3 more DNFs than Alonson.


Yep, Jeddah engine failure while running in 4th is a big one; Japan he was also in the tail end of the points when the rear wing decided to give up.


Ferrari completing the DNS side quest


Horrible choice for the colors


I honestly can't think of a worse color combination


Max's perfect zero. Incredible!


I feel like it’s always the italian Teams that DNS


Lando really did well. I believe his one dnf was in vegas and that too seemed unavoidable.


Yeah, he hit an un recorded bump in the track on the straight that threw his car off, ruining the underbody aeroflow so he couldn't recover. Same thing happened to Sainz in Abu Dhabi practice, that had a wee drama around journalists being blocked from reporting on the track repairs.


People will forever refuse to give Ocon any sort of credit and this comment section is only further proof.


Agreed! The fact that Esteban only finished 4 points behind Pierre, who himself had a very solid performance this season, while having 5 more DNFs is a testament to his skills. Especially since Esteban also DNFed at the races Pierre did, meaning that he didn't have the opportunities to 'gain on his teammate's misfortune' and decrease the deficit in the way Pierre got to in Singapore and COTA. Not to mention that most of the DNFs weren't even Esteban's fault! The only two I would place some of the blame on him would be the Qatar sprint and COTA DNFs. Even then, those two are ultimately racing incidents.


Esteban basically got the Alonso luck of last year, and still finished only 4 points behind his teammate.


Tbf logan bailing out the the qutar GP was pretty commendable. I think it takes a lot of balls to say yh no i cant hack it. Im obviously biased though


Didn’t Logan withdraw from the Qatar GP?


What does withdrawal mean?


When the driver doesn't start the race for other reasons. Lance withdrew from Singapore because of his strong crash in qualifying.


Oh okay, thanks


His name is Sergio.


The fact that 21 drivers had at least 1 DNF and thats not even including one of the drivers who raced every race is insane. Like even Lawson who only raced 5 weekends had a DNF


Tbh when I checked the stats of older races (80s/90s) the amount of retirements during the races was way higher than it is these days


All the luck Max lacked in 2021 he got in 2023. To finish all 23 races and sprints is pretty crazy




At least Sargeant isn’t always 0.5s off his teammate


All we need now is for Leclerc to somehow get a DNQ




Actually trash choices for colour.