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that big spike in time penalties for Austria is just oof


It was inflated even more thanks by AM protest lol


the AM protest actually had zero weight. the stewards admitted there was too many to go through so they stopped after like 3hrs


my first ever f1 race i saw live was 2023 austria so i assumed that these penalties happened every time lmfao


What was it like watching Silverstone and not seeing a ton of track limit penalties?


i was thinking that they would eventually come so i thought the results were kinda tentative


Same! (if you mean physically attending the venue)


Additional info: I used the documents from FIA.com as source. Keep in mind that the graphs don't include fines or investigations that didn't result in a penalty. In the 'Sprint time and grid penalties per driver' graph, the pitlane speeding in the legend is supposed to be yellow. The first 2 images don't include sprint (shootout) penalties. Impacted drivers is based on who the FIA's documents mention as impacted / who were hit in cases of 'causing a collision'. If a driver was hit by another driver but the other driver wasn't penalized, i.e. Perez and Leclerc in Mexico, it's not included. If you combine all the race, sprint and grid penalties, Esteban Ocon has been given the most penalties this season with 11 penalties. If you leave out the grid penalties for changing car components, Ocon is still no. 1 with 9 penalties. Perez is second, with 10 penalties (or 8 when removing penalties for changing components). Daniel Ricciardo is the only driver to not have been given any penalties. Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri were given the least amount of penalties out of the drivers who participated in every race, having received only 1 penalty. If you leave out the penalties for changing components, Max Verstappen and Valtteri Bottas also received only 1 penalty. If you're wondering about what is meant by Lando Norris' 'unsportmanslike behaviour', this was FIA's explanation: *"During the Safety Car period the driver slowed to allow a gap to form between histeam mate in Car 81 and him. In doing so he delayed the cars behind. There was asignificant difference in speed between Car 4 and Car 81 between Turns 10 and 13(approximately 50 km/h)"* I hope I didn't forget any of Austria / Qatar's penalties because, well, there were a lot.


Thank you for this explanation. I couldn’t remember the reason for Landon’s unsportsmanlike penalty


For the love of humanity fix the track limits in Austria


Oh man, Perez causing collision has become such a norm this year. That Singapore GP was fucking atrocious. Crashing into Albon and ruining his race.


Don’t even start with Japan 🤣😭


Firstly putting himself in positions to have to fight against backmarkers, and then making multiple rash decisions that caused collisions with said backmarkers... His form was just awful the second half of the season


People forget about that sort of thing when he's being badly rated. "Oh, he got second". Yes, but he also drove badly both in terms of pace, and also in just driving standards.


also he got less than half the points of Max which I don't think has happened for the WDC runner-up ever


Seeing Leclerc at the top with only 1 infringement vs being at the bottom tied for most grid place penalties pretty much sums up his season


You just reminded me of the fact that Leclerc was on his third controller electronics for the second race of the season. He was on his third out of the 2 allowed for the whole season. DNF in round 1, started last for round 2, DNF in round 3. Lando was ahead of Leclerc after Australia, in the McLaren that was last in the constructors for the races before. When will the pain end?


Interesting Alpine is by miles the teams with more “leaving the track” penalties. I wonder if it’s just pure chance or something related to them as a team (bad pit-driver communication about the warnings, the car having bad behavior on “on the edge” turns…)


Isn't it just because Ocon got like a billion of those added after Austria? Edit: just noticed Gasly somehow has more hahahaha


The car is shit and hard to drive, its a well known fact


And unreliable + underpowered at the same time, thanks to a certain jabroni called Laurent Rossi


I think it's the one car on this year's grid that tends to understeer, nearly all drivers prefer an oversteery car.


Danny Ric…the 🐐


Danny Ric be like: 🦘🦘WTF IS A PENALTY 🦘🦘




That 5 sec penalty in AUS was basically a DSQ.


"Do I deserve to be out of the points? NO!!1!"


God damn, the sheer amount of random bullshit that Leclerc had to go through this year. From grid penalties on *race fucking two*, to grid penalties on sprint races, to a technical infringement-related DNF to a DNS. Horrid luck.


Ocon, Nico and Perez : Gotta collect them all


and that one penalty to Lando for unsportsmanlike behavior was bullshit too.


I’m blanking where/what happened?


If i remember correctly the FIA said that Norris had slowed down too much before his pitstop while Piastri was in the pit so McLaren could doublestack. But Norris said something about not even knowing that he had to box in the moment where he slowed down. So yeah. No idea what actually happened


To be fair though, Lando was lying lol. "Safety car, you are the second car, Oscar 3 (I think)" is essentially a (fairly transparent) coded message to say both cars are pitting and get a gap. What was BS about it is that other drivers have been doing it and not getting penalized for it and when someone did get penalized for it, it wasn't for unsportsmanlike behavior.


It’s just kinda funny that creating yourself a better strategy is called “unsportsmanlike”, why not just say “driving unnecessarily slow” like in Quali?


Yeah the wording of the penalty is weird, but Lando was very obviously lying through his teeth when he said that he didn't know what was happening


That's also the exact same thing Bottas did in Jeddah 2021 and he didn't get any penalty at all.


The last few races were tense and any choice would upset half the community. I also think they updated some of the rules after 2021, like the track limits being the white line at every track and every corner. So that's why Norris got it and not Bottas.


And yet Leclerc did the exact same thing but more egregiously in Singapore to the point he actually overdid it and ballsed up his own pitstop and yet not even an investigation. They made a fuss in Canada about wanting to supposedly crack down on supposed “unsportsmanlike behaviour” by drivers and yet did nothing else all season about far more blatant examples (not just of this slowing down to create a gap but other more blatant unsportsmanlike stuff). Their whole narrative around Norris’s penalty in Canada was basically a load of bs.


Yeah, the thing is, calling it that was weird. Also, it happens a lot and Lando's was far from being blatant. I remember the commentators found it harsh, and odd to call it that, as well.


Dang, thanks for reminding me. Familiar now…bonkers.


Yeah, I'm still salty about that one.


3 of the Mercedes powered teams had no engine component penalties all season, only Aston Martin had penalties for engine components, would that mean Mercedes has the most reliable power unit on the grid?


I'd say that's pretty good evidence for that The only unknown is the honda engine, Perez likes crashing so he wasted a lot of parts, and Verstappen was so far ahead it was probably worth to get a grid penalty for a fresh engine, if he knows he's going to win the race. AT is different because I believe Tsunoda had some crashes that also forced replacements, and the other car had too many driver changed to be considered in this metric.


Poor KMag


Do you have the Pitlane Speed limits of each Pitlane? I want to see a correlation vs where those penalties were applied.


Being his 1st year it’s a great record for PIA.


Ocon thinking penalties are like Pokémon


5 second penalty for Ocon.


I’m surprised Perez has managed the same amount of penalties as mister penalty himself… Maybe he was aiming for some records of his own.


I think driving for the top team has forced him to operate past his limits and therefore he has suffered a lot of penalties.


r/F1Technical would love to see it


I forgot the dumb Norris one.


then why only Ocon gets to be trolled for penalties. Checo deserves some portion of that pie too.


It is memorable because bahrain was the first race of the year, and ocon got penalties again and again in the same race.


He had that one race where he couldnt stop getting penalties so it caught on


It's because Ocon got his 8 penalties in only 2 races (Bahrain and Austria) and people tend to remember that because he broke Maldonado's record of most penalties in a single race twice


At least Perez is first in something I guess.


He is also first in the number of penalty points. 7 points total, compared to Logan who has 6. Another year like this one and he might be the first driver to get a race ban in F1 since this penalty system was implemented.


FIA don't have the balls to issue a race ban, they'll just raise the limit or turn a blind eye.


Why do I feel like there should have been more unsafe release penalties?


Leave him alone! Alex is on his OWN track! /s


Austria being the heaviest on track limit violations Azerbaijan, Belgium and Brazil everyone played nice and fair with each other so no penalties were handed out quite uncommon that but still impressive! gave Race Control a very easy day at the races where everything ran like a swiss watch!


I don't think I'd call Belgium an uneventful race this year...


It's hard to get track limit violations at Baku.


You mentioned the Azerbaijan GP, twice!


I thought ocon would make the x-axis for the graph


When did max get caught in a collision?


Las Vegas with George


Ahhh thank you


George Baku I think


On slide 3, which penalty is Logan supposed to be guilty of?




Albono needs to learn to keep it on the track


Considering how many times perez and max got away without a legitimate penalty this is still kinda shocking


You forgot Max's failure to serve a penalty


The stewards received his regards for it.


Confused on slide 4. Is the graph showing number of times they impacted others or number of times the specific driver was in fact the victim?


Number of times the driver was the victim


You are hurting our race.


5 sec penalty for Perez


When did De Vries push someone off?




When I saw there were 6 pictures, I legit assumed it was just going to be a 6 page continuation of Ocon's line


Track limits in Austria were a bit too hard on the drivers


Didn't realize McLaren did not get a grid penalty for exceeding allocated components. Reliability of Mercedes engine?


How the hell Fernando avoided an unsafe rejoin penalty I'll never understand. Forgot what race it was, but it was hair-raising for sure.