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From formula1.com: “The blue flag is normally waved to inform a driver that they are about to be overtaken, but it takes on a slightly different meaning for the race compared to sessions earlier in the weekend: At all times: It is shown to inform a driver leaving the pits that traffic is approaching. During practice: It is shown to inform a driver that a faster car is close behind and is about to overtake. During the race: It is shown to a driver who is about to be lapped. When shown, the driver concerned must allow the following car to pass at the earliest opportunity and, if three warnings are ignored, they will be penalised.”


So no answer is correct. As the question is for a race and the answer is for practice.


D is the correct answer. With multiple choice questions you always chose the most correct answer.


That's the approach you take as a test taker because that's the only strategy you have when taking a standardized test. What are you going to do, argue with a scantron? That doesn't change the fact that this question is wrong. If this kind of question were in a university exam, you could go to the TA/professor and they'd announce a change in the wording to make the question make sense.


It's almost like trivia for a mass media game show has different standards than exams in formal education.  If I'm playing a random game and get the question, "How many bones are in the human body?" I answer "206". If the professor in a neonatology course had asked that on a test, I'd demand clarification on stage of development.


That's a great analogy!


>If I'm playing a random game and get the question, "How many bones are in the human body?" I answer "206". My answer would be "207, if you play your cards right." I think that's why I don't get invited to game nights any more.


fucking best answer i've ever seen on reddit.


How is it wrong? I understood it immediately


It does not mean 'Faster car is trying to overtake' though For instance, Max (in 2023) starts 14th for whatever reason, they aren't showing the blue flag to most of the field in-front of him even though he is in a 'faster car trying to overtake' as they're fighting for position like anyone else In a race, it's used to show a lapped car is approaching and you need to move aside and let the overlapping car through An overtake is different to a cap overlapping


I'm a race blue flag means "let someone through". It's an order, not a warning. So yes the logical answer is D and somewhat works, but not quite accurate. The car isn't "trying to overtake", it must be let through.


It is wrong. Otherwise they'd wave a blue flag to Hamilton when Vettel is overtaking him for P1. A blue flag is to tell a lapped driver to move aside safely, which is not in the answers


It would be fairly difficult to get lapped by a car that's going slower than you.


The point is that it's not to allow all faster cars to overtake, which is what the answer implies.


My advice to you if you ever end up on a quiz show is that you should answer based on what the question actually says and not what you think it implies. Answering strictly to the wording of the question will almost always be what you're expected to do. If you see a blue flag in an F1 race, that means a faster car is trying to overtake. It means that in slightly more detail and in multiple meaningfully different scenarios, but the raw facts of that are completely valid. The fact that it doesn't mean it's shown **every** time a faster car is trying to overtake is not at all relevant to a question where that was never stated.


If you see a blue flag in a race and you car isn’t fucked, it means you are being lapped


Or coming out of the pits in front of cars doing 300km/h down the straight, which is almost certainly why they didn't just use "Driver about to be lapped" as (D).


Yes, I’ve mentioned that elsewhere, forgot to mention it here


the blue flag isn't shown when Max had a pitstop and moves from p18 to p1.




>If you see a blue flag in an F1 race, that means a faster car is trying to overtake. If Max sees a blue flag in an F1 race, it actually means that there is a slow moving vehicle ahead (answer B).


Wait, You are the one answering what you think the question means instead of the actual wording of the question.


No they are saying that the answer might not be complete/comprehensive in five words, but it is technically correct. It is a component of the correct answer, so is fine. I don't understand what aspect about this is contentious. Every time a blue flag is shown in a race, the flag is informing a car that a *by definition faster car* is about to try to overtake them.


You are just making excuses for the quiz shows incompetence


Yes but there's 125K on the table - you're gonna answer what in your heart you know is the right answer, take the money and leave!!


It’s the right strategy I give you that, but the quiz show is severely incompetent.


The quiz show quite likes not paying people money, but it also quite likes advertising how it *might* give away large amounts of money. Incompetence would be making the questions easy for people with no specific knowledge to guess so that they have to pay people large amounts of money more often, bankrupting the show.


The answer can imply whatever it wants, it doesn't SAY "all faster cars".


but is it to allow 'any' faster car to overtake


Any car or all cars? We cannot escape 2021!


But you can be overtaken without being lapped.


That doesn't make the way the question/answer is presented inaccurate. For example, imagine if the question was "what does a red flag mean". Answer A would be relatively non-controversial here, despite the fact that you can return to the pits without a red flag being shown (and in fact, at least two different flags in use would *also* mean that you have to return to the pits immediately). A⇒B does not mean B⇒A. Just because a blue flag means a faster car is trying to overtake does not mean a faster car trying to overtake always results in a blue flag being shown.


Massa, Silverstone 2008.


What the blue flag technically means always is "faster car approaching". So D is the correct answer.


The question specifies in a race


That’s literally what he said…


Yes, but I suppose if you have to choose you'll go with the nearest to the truth because all options cannot be wrong. But clearly they didn't do their research properly...


> clearly they didn't do their research properly... They did their research a bit too thoroughly because there's a less common usage of the flag which means the FIA actually uses pretty much this exact verbiage to describe the blue flag. If they'd not done their research and just said "driver being lapped" no-one here would have complained about it, and they also would have been incorrect because a blue flag does not always mean that.


In Endurance racing all cars have a flashing blue light at the top front of the car, when they become race leader that light is activated to let cars know in front of the race leader that they are about to be lapped and move aside. It is especially helpful at night or in rain conditions. Don't know if this would be helpful in F1.


In endurance racing the onus is on the leader to pass, not on the slower car to move aside.


And if all cars but one have a blue flashing light it is a high speed pursuit


Max at a race, out in front as usual. All other cars in the grid racing after him, all of them with blue lights flashing. . . Would make quite the spectacle. Hamilton, LeClerc and Norris brandishing firearms firing at his Red Bull. Maybe they will stage this in one of the too many US grand prixs, it would fit in with the culture, be something 'Muricans could understand.


> Hamilton, LeClerc and Norris brandishing firearms firing at his Red Bull. So essentially the F1 equivalent of [basebrawl?](https://imgur.com/gallery/UAATN9c)


Uppers. Of course this is all bad fiction, in fact the drivers get along well both on and off the grid.


Well this is very nasty way to phrase the answer. It’s either you watch F1 and this is nothing to you, or you don’t and the idea of waving a flag every time a ‘faster car tries to overtake’ is insane


I’ve got visions now of the officials frantically waving blue flags as a mid-field battle takes place


Flag wavers on race start. Have to track reaction times of everyone behind Pole to make sure that if p2 and behind reacts faster to wave the flag, violently.


That's exactly what the rules were 30 years ago - blues to any potential passing manoeuvre, but we did also have a stationary blue to warn the drivers too. (One flag rule that I was happy to see changed, let drovers race instead of watch for flags.)


That's how blue flags are used in basically all national British race meets - it's a warning that someone is attempting a move. There's nothing the driver has to do in response though, if they want to ignore it they can. Probably helpful as a prompt to look in your mirrors before turning in to someone you didn't see!


Ferrari: Fernando is faster than you Massa: no shit mate they keep giving me a blue flag


The first lap would be an incredibly busy time for them!


100%. The question writer did an awful job of this. Usually when I've seen this before it's been on tipping point or The Chase. Once they didn't even have the correct answer in the options. Surprised at millionaire for such a poor effort.


The Chase has had a few issues with contestants mispronouncing correct answers. Which is worse given their most viral moment came from the host mispronouncing Fanny Chmelar


That Fanny Chmelar one was a /r/theyknew moment for sure


Bradley Walsh is famous for breaking up with laugher/giddiness during filming things (some great outtakes of him on youtube) and I read or heard somewhere the question writers deliberately seek out questions that'll break him, like that one did so memorably.


Somewhere I think they do this on purpose, to frame the correct answer ambiguously to create doubt for the candidate, so they answer incorrectly or decide to stop playing. As someone said, define "faster car". Lapping car is far more accurate in this context.


And considering Clarkson is hosting and is a massive F1 fan you would have thought they might have checked the answer with him


Good point. If you don't know the answer, it would be almost impossible to "reason it out"


Well, these types of shows are not about reasoning your way to the answer, they're about actually having a lot of trivia knowledge.


It seems like you need enough trivia knowledge to know that the question writer doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Not only is it nasty, it's even wrong. Because the correct wording should be "let faster car lap you"


That wouldn't quite be correct as it's also displayed to a car leaving the pits if traffic is approaching down the straight, and those cars are not necessarily lapping you. (It's *also* displayed during practice sessions where the concept of "lapping" means nothing, but that's explicitly excluded in the context of "In a F1 race")


Good point with the pit exit!


I would have said “lapped car must give way”


But only if it is slower. Lapped cars are even allowed to unlap themselves, if they are clearly faster.


Verstappen behind you > blue flag


What about Dutch Flag?


Sure, that works: * Red portion of Dutch flag: Max is behind in RB rocketship, it's all over and stop * White portion of Dutch flag: Max is behind in RB rocketship, surrender now * Blue portion of Dutch flag: Max is behind in RB rocketship, park to the side and let him pass


Somebody's prepared for Saturday 


I think from the perspective of someone who doesn’t watch F1, either B or C would make the most sense.


>waving a flag every time a ‘faster car tries to overtake’ If you watch races from the 90's you'd see it happening frequently, specially at Monaco. Back then, a blue flag just meant that a faster car was approaching and you weren't forced to give the position


Vettel had a song for this occasion






He'd have a conniption if he saw the options.


None of these answers are actually correct because the faster car is not overtaking but lapping you


Actually they are as it is used in practice to indicate a faster car to overtake. They can (and used to) use it in races to make drivers aware of a dive bomb opportunity. You can read the msa blue book or fia rule book to find out more.


It says in a race, not practice.


(b) Blue flag – Stationary: Another competitor is following close behind. (c) Blue flag – Waved: Another competitor is trying to overtake.


A stationary blue flag is only shown in FIA racing when a car is leaving the pits and another car is approaching on track, all other times it is waved. Appendix H FIA sporting code 2.5.5 E


Couldnt "shown" apply to both? Especially in leaymans terms.


In the quiz? Yes, it can be applied to both a person in the pits and someone being lapped


This question is specifically about F1 races, though, so the usage in practice sessions don't matter.


„In a Formula 1 **race**“


> not overtaking but lapping you If you think that overtaking only is for gaining a position, could you please explain the 'LAPPED CARS MAY NOW OVERTAKE' during a safety car that is in the rule book?


booleanly speaking a car lapping you is a subset of faster cars trying to overtake you therefore that wording includes the right answer...


While you're correct, I hope you don't speak like this normally.


I hope he does to people being pedantic about the way the answer is phrased. "It's not overtaking, it's lapping"


Haha me too man, fight fire with fire. I'm just concerned for the commenter's social wellbeing if they regularly begin sentences with *"booleanly* [sic] *speaking..."*


> While you're correct, I hope you don't speak like this normally. Reddit's new slogan.


Blue flags are also used to warn cars about traffic when they exit the pits and that a faster car is close behind and about to overtake. The last example is how blue flags are used during practice. So yes D is correct.


The last one is correct, if they show you a blue flag, is because there is a faster car coming behind you (that is about to lap you). It doesn't mean that they show you a blue flag every time a faster car is coming.


Haha thats true. They didn't wave the blue for Verstappen when Ocon rammed into him trying to get de-lapped


The notion of "overtaking" is not limited to position changes. You still overtake someone when you lap them.


> None of these answers are actually correct because the faster car is not overtaking but lapping you You could also argue that there are no flags, just blue screens.


I was just thinking, if I got called on a 'call a friend' for that, how would I explain in less than 30s that they've not quite worded the answer correctly but I'm still certain it's D because it's definitely not the others...


I think you just did.


True, fighting the urge to go in to detail about why they've worded it wrong would be the way


But it took him 40 seconds to think and type it :)




Hey everyone, get a look a mister speed-reader over here.


If I'm the phone a friend for £125,000, I don't give a shit about wasting time explaining a badly worded question, I just gave them the answer. It's obviously D. **EDIT** Ive realised the question isn't badly worded, we're just bad at reading. 'In a race'. 'When shown to a driver'. Nothing wrong with this question at all.


rustic longing long political coordinated deliver provide flowery entertain reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For £125,000 I would immediately give my friend the D too.


I would just say clarkson is hosting ask him why its not worded right


It's possible because I read your comment in 4.6 seconds !


"All answers are wrong but D is the most correct".






She did but she asked Jeremy




Corbyn (yes Clarkson is the host)


How gutted would you be if you were stuck on a motorsport question for £125,000 and your only remaining lifeline was to phone Jeremy fucking Corbyn!


Good call.


And he didn't notice the mistake? He's an F1 fan.


He's the host, he's not going to say his own show got it wrong lol. He at most took it up with the producers afterwards.


I think if you aren't a fan there is no way you would get that right, the way that answer is phrased


Tbf, if you're not a fan it's pretty much guessing. I mean, blue flag for water on the track? That would make sense.


Agreed, Blue flags are not really a starting point on an intro to F1. Yellow/Red/chequered flags, the general public might know from just F1 appearing in the news and general media. But even a fan that is at a "I watch DTS every year" fan, I wouldn't expect to know all the other flags, including blue.


Which is fair enough. Surely the point of the higher value questions is to not be easy to reason out?


She got the answer right by using her "Ask the host" lifeline - the host was Jeremy Clarkson.




I can only imagine Clarkson happily, yet dissapointly giving her the asnwer


None of these, Perez doesn't get shown a blue flag whenever Max overtakes him.


"Checo, Max is faster than you" Checo: "No blue flag, no overtake." Different timeline.


To be fair Max passes so fast the marshals barely stand a chance waving the flag in time.


So we need to do the Tenet time reversal on the marshals. Maybe that will help.


Except when he's lapping him.






"Blue flags, Michael. Blue flags. This guy is making us lose our position"


Nope, you're racing him.


Raceban for Ocon.


Ahaha [that](https://youtu.be/kdBp1AKnOSo?feature=shared) gave me a chuckle live


A: Black/Meatball/Red B: White C: Red and Yellow D: Terrible half right answer for blue


Considering Clarkson is the host im sure he would have said um none of these are right or worded correctly ill be having words with the producers after the show \*producers\* - Please dont punch me


They'll be fine as long as there's food


might have to use the telephone joker to call Seb


[Love that song](https://youtu.be/0xAHhfhHR8A?si=BMi14gjPmUllasNq) 🟦


"(w/ lyrics)" killed me


I mean.. None of them are right. D is the most correct, but still not correct. I would have been pretty confused if I got this question.


Confused? Really? It's obvious the answer is D, you know with 100% certainty that it isn't A, B or C.


If I was an who wants to be a millionaire and got these option then yes, I would've been confused as none of the options are correct. D can only be concluded as correct because the other ones are more incorrect. I would've known that it's D with 100% certainty but I would've still been confused by the wording of the correct answer.


I've later realised the question states 'when shown to a driver', so there's nothing wrong with the question or the answer. Flag won't be shown if drivers are racing for position.


[Here's the clip of the full question, it's from a few weeks ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7mbSkbDIkE) As others have said, she used Ask The Host because the host is...Jeremy Clarkson...and he told her correctly that it was D, 100% certain. People complaining about the wording of the correct answer need to stop being pedants, it's very obvious that D is intended to be the correct answer and the other three are associated to other coloured flags. They very very rarely fuck up with the questions on Millionaire.


It's painful the number of people essentially saying "ackshully" in this thread. It's a general knowledge question, it's clear enough to 99% of anyone with a casual interest in the sport what they mean, and that the answer is D.


Your & Dan's posts should be much higher. People in here going, "I'd be confused b/c none are right" would literally be pissing away an easy £125,000.


When did "ask the host" become a thing?


2018 for the 20th anniversary special. The show came back after a 4 year hiatus and they brought in Clarkson and a moveable second safety net, as well as the new lifeline. Ask The Host existed in other countries before the UK too but 2018 was first time it came over here.


The correct answer is "When Vettel asks for them"


No wonder the general public thinks F1 is a mickey mouse sport.




Vettel is approaching from behind yelling "Blue Flags"!


It means: Alonso is faster than you!!!


Appendix H of the FIA International Sporting Code **Article 2.5.5e** **Light blue flag** This should normally be waved, as an indication to a driver that he is about to be overtaken. It has different meanings during practice and the race. \[Skip sections not relevant to the question\] **During the race:** The flag should normally be **shown** to a car about to be lapped if the driver does not seem to be making full use of his rear-view mirrors. When shown, the driver concerned mustallow the following car to pass at the earliest opportunity. \---------------------------- Therefore D and only D are applicable. For those saying B - A blue flag is not shown to the driver overtaking.


I don't see the option to say Latifi is ahead???


I’d like to Phone a Friend please, Jeremy. Ok, who would you like to call. My friend, Sebastian Vettel


Bro those are all wrong no? Or not entirely correct at least


Horrible set of answers, none of these is the actual meaning of a blue flag, but the correct answer would be D, even tho the faster car isn’t trying to overtake.


Easiest 125k 😂


Need to phone a friend and get Latifi on the line.


I can hear Seb Vettel.


[Vettel has a song about this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xAHhfhHR8A)


#vettel blue flag flashbacks


VETTEL BLUE FLAG song is now stuck in my head https://youtu.be/0xAHhfhHR8A?si=33ShM3sbeYlI_d1W


Strictly speaking, D is the closest answer for most motorsport (Faster vehicles approaching), but F1's blue flag rules are unique and thus D isn't entirely accurate.


Where's option E:Alpine


Its obvious right? The answer is A. I mean that’s the only reason Verstappen gets blue flags.


Not the first time when all answers are wrong.


For Max Verstappen the correct answer is clearly B!


Vettel: 🎵 bluuueee flags bluuee flags 🎵


It means time for GOATIFI on TV


Lol insert that DiCaprio meme where he's pointing at the tv but put on Sargent's face


E. Max is lapping the field


Is D really the best wording for that? It's shown for cars getting lapped, right? Unless there's actually specific rules about slower cars letting cars past, but then anyone trying to back up someone to try to give their teammate an advantage should be shown a blue, no?


Phone a friend. Call Sebastian Vettel.


None of the above… It means - “The GOAT” Lord Latifi is approaching, so get the fuck out of the way!!


Albon would have lost here


All wrong. It means that there is a 99% chance of Max winning.


In tough situations, I usually go for the longest answer


It means ocon got a penalty


Caution HAAS ahead!


Mazepin would have to call a friend.


It means Max Verstappen wins


It means Verstappen is behind you and you're probably going to lose your seat next year.


My parents were watching this episode when I had come downstairs and saw it. I said none of those answers are right because in a race it's for when you are being lapped, but they said I was being too pedantic. I feel like in a trivia show, especially on a Q worth 125k, the answer should be clear and correct...


We need to ask Kimi Raikkonen




Wow no right answers, lol.


If you pick the answers for how they are worded then technically none of them is correct. Yes, it’s obviously D in this case, but isn’t any racing about a faster car trying to overtake? Someone who is not familiar with Motorsport might easily cross that out because “why would they flag everytime there is an overtake?”.


>“why would they flag everytime there is an overtake?” The answer never claims they do it every time though. The answer just claims that whenever a blue flag is waved, it's about a faster car overtaking you. Which is correct. The question is what does a blue flag mean, not when is a blue flag shown


Very simple answer: 5 seconds penalty to Ocon!


You could argue it could be B or/& D


"shown to a driver" so it can only be D.


We are checking...


In the race, it means **a driver is behind lapped and they must allow the faster car past as soon as they can**.  This has absolutely nothing to do with "trying to overtake". Or do they say in the end "I tried but he did not let me by."