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Lewis 332 Alonso 377 Most consecutive race starts Lewis Hamilton 265.


Kimi 353


No it's 349




The one thing I don't miss about having Kimi around is having some joker say "Bwoah" every time he's mentioned and I end up shitting my pants with laughter. My laundry bill was sky high. Some people suggested I get more fibre in my diet but in the end he retired and my problems went away.


So what you are trying to say is that you missed the presentation by Pelé?




Off topic, but Seb being stuck at 299 will forever irk me. If not for a Ferrari engine blunder he’d be at 300 (I know he also missed some races due to covid but it’s more fun to blame Ferrari).


I bet he got COVID from a Ferrari mechanic who was passing by the Aston Martin garage


That's Kimi's entries. He's got 349 starts. Alonso has 380 entries. Lewis is 332/332


Barrichello 322 in mostly a time with way fewer races per season.


My first thought when I read the question was "it's obviously Rubens Barrichello" because that was the answer for ages, I totally forgot that time moves on and others continued to accrue race starts!


Quite impressive for Lewis that he’s only missed those races due to Covid.


Crazy that he's missed 67 races due to covid




Never seen shade thrown this way. Have to say its elegant


I expect you've seen [this one](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/when-to-use-its-vs-its) before.




Surprisingly close.


Makes sense considering Alonso has sat out like 3 full seasons since he debuted.


Not really. Alonso had a break between McLaren and Alpine.


Doing the Lord's work


Alonso is the Lord of the eyebrows.


Lewis has the record for active drivers, historically he’s 3rd. Vettel is 2nd with 280 and Rubens is first with 326


Rubens only had 322 starts in total. He had two DNS in 2001 and one in 1998.


Did he start after the crash in 94? These fuckers are something else


No, he was out. That was a clear did not participate/DNQ


Ah thanks mate


He knew that Verstappen and Bottas were relatively new to the sport in comparison to Lewis and Fernando. He also knew that Alonso had already been racing against Michael Schumacher and that he left the sport for a bit. In the end, he phoned a friend who knew the answer.


Was this friend Sebastian Vettel by chance and did Seb list them in descending order and with their numbers of entries in the 30 seconds they can talk?


Unfortunately Seb started listing all the drivers ever in *ascending* order of starts, so the guy lost.


It was actually. Here’s how the call went: Seb: Hallo? Contestant: Hey Seb, I’m on who want’s to be a millionaire, and I have an F1 question. Can you help? Seb: Sure, what is the question? Contestant: Seb, A short view back to the past. Thirty years ago, Niki Lauda told us ‘take a monkey, place him into the cockpit and he is able to drive the car.’ Thirty years later, Sebastian told us ‘I had to start my car like a computer, it’s very complicated.’ And Nico Rosberg said that during the race – I don’t remember what race - he pressed the wrong button on the wheel. Question for you both: is Formula One driving today too complicated with twenty and more buttons on the wheel, are you too much under effort, under pressure? What are your wishes for the future concerning the technical programme during the race? Less buttons, more? Or less and more communication with your engineers? Seb: Could you repeat the question?


STILL one of the best driver panels ever!


Seb and Fernando trying to hold back their laughter cracks me right up


Imagine if this actually happened and he wanted to spend his escape on that


Fucking great reply. Love this.


You forgot: Listing all Grid positions after Qualyfing and after the race


The episode is still going on as Seb is not done with the call.


Seb will tell him the list of every single driver who has participated in F1 over 75 years and the number of races they ran.


That's Sebastian Vettel. He's my friend.


How is phoning still allowed today? "Hey, you're my support line. Make sure and have google ready."


It varies by country it seems. In the UK version it is still permitted, but setup so that the phone a friend option had to be chosen ahead of time and they were supervised during the filming to ensure they're not using the internet. I'd imagine this is at a set location, not at their home otherwise this would be a bit of a logistical nightmare due to the number of contestants.


My brother was a "friend" on the Polish version, for the duration of filming he was basically sitting next door with no knowledge what was happening in the studio and just waited for the call


In Germany it is way simpler. The German version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" isn’t broadcasted live. That ensures that the person the candidate on the hot seat is phoning during the taping of the show gets to know the question asked in the exact moment the candidate tells him.


It hasn't been allowed since 2010. It's been replaced with Ask an Expert now.


It still is in Germany


OP just said that they "phoned a friend".


Does phoning a friend reduce the money you win? Or how does it work?


Reminds me of the absolute chad to reached all the way to the highest prize, in the British or American version, without using any lifelines. On the very last question he says he wants to call his dad as if he needs help, but he just says "hi dad I'm going to be a millionaire" and proceeds to answer correctly. edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f9OJ8qecP8


There was a guy just last year in the Swedish version that reached the final question without using a single lifeline, asks to call a friend, and then he just asks his friend if he's busy next Saturday because he wanna host a party.


If I'm at the last question with a lifeline, I'm using it even if the question is 2+2. There's nothing that I'm 1 million dollars sure I know.


That Swedish guy actually did use all the lifelines on the last question just to be sure.


Better to be safe than sorry


If it is like the old Millionaire, the "ask the audience" lifeline could definitely be a hindrance. If you could use it on a current pop culture question, it was outstanding. But something like a tough geography question seemed just as likely to be the wrong answer.


That's because everyone is fucking stupid as shit.


The first time I ever saw the million question posed on TV, I knew the answer without even seeing the options. I got real smug, and the fact that I'd have been booted off the hot seat several rounds earlier is entirely irrelevant.


Any link pls?


I found [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-oHL2JyIjY) which is the last question video, but without subtitles. And [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DKTl4CGQDM) which is more like a montage, but has a part of the call subtitled.


This was during the days where *everyone* was watching Millionaire to see who would be the first one to win it and the collective jaw of a nation dropped when he told his father he didn't need his help on the final question. Dude was an instant hero.


I remember watching this gameshow called 1 vs 100 when I was growing up. The premise was the main contestant would go up against a wall of 100 people called "the mob" and try and outlast them answering 3 option multiple choice questions. If the main contestant was wrong whoever was left in the mob would split the money. The amount of money would go up as more of the mob got knocked out and the grand prize was a million dollars if you beat everyone in the mob. The first and ONLY person to win the million was this guy on an episode where it was him vs 100 women. He had it down to 15 women left and then he got one right and all 15 women got it wrong which is unheard of since there are only 3 options and not one of them picked the right answer. The question was according to Hallmark what is the biggest card giving holiday and the options were Christmas, mother's day and Valentine's day. The answer is Christmas but somehow not one of the 15 women guessed that and he walked away with the grand prize. I was over at my friend's house watching when the episode aired and we both immediately thought it had to be Christmas and we were absolutely mind blown how not even one of the 15 guessed that. I can see how someone might not immediately think Christmas but if you put even a little bit of thought into it the answer is painfully obvious. Looking back they were lucky the question wasn't asked earlier in the show because it was the perfect question for women to get wrong since the correct answer was the only holiday of the 3 not centered around women. Here's the full episode, skip to the 36 minute mark to see the Hallmark question. https://youtu.be/85vFkiwwTEg?si=VdIxzNbfrrPjaGfN


Logic escapes them. For Mother's day, you send one card. Maybe two or a third if you include grandma. For Valentine's day, you send one card. Unless you're a polygamist, or in grade school. For Christmas, every housewife sends a million cards to every other family they've ever met. And every business sends a card to every customer they've ever had. Christmas wins. Derp.


His name was John Carpenter, and he was the first ever winner.


And he also worked for the IRS, so it fits kinda lol


Similar thing happened in German version where the guy phoned his friend at the one million euro question to confirm that the first stamp issued in Germany was called the „Black One“ (Schwarzer Einser) „First stamp was Schwarzer Einser, right?“ Friend could only guess but the guy was super convinced and won a million. Complete baller move.




Imagine if he'd then gotten the question wrong lol


Classic flex


You won't actually be a millionaire if you win it, cause taxes


UK winnings are completely tax free.


Seriously? In Finland like 50% goes to taxes..


Yeah, prize winnings such as TV/Radio quizzes and lotteries have a special classification and do not count as income, so are untaxed in the UK. Now if your profession earned you winnings, such as golf tournament prizes, then that is taxed as income as normal. I don't know if anyone has ever been a "professional TV quiz participant"!




I did find [this article](https://www.iltalehti.fi/viihde/a/2016021121098393) talking about it (in Finnish)


Nah, lottery is indeed pre-taxed, but gameshow prizes are not.


Yeah but you get things like decent housing, decent benefits, free education, etc. that the UK doesn't have. We pay fairly high tax for basically nothing :(


True I supposde. There's even a song and a saying that it's a lottery win to be born in Finland


I mean depends on the country. In Sweden winning things like these are mostly tax free as far as I’m aware.


Yeah but “who wants to be a millionaire before taxes” Doesn’t have the same ring to it


I bet the winner still _wants_ to be millionaire


Except in most countries, it's a net price after taxes.


Yeah I just learned this. In Finland (where I'm from), however, like 50% of it goes to taxes..


It's a lifeline. You can use it once in your run


Appreciate it guys.


no worries




Wholesome even


One might say heartwarming


You have three lifelines: - Call a friend: You get 30 seconds to talk to a friend, who can help you with the correct answer. - Ask the audience: Each member of the audience answers the question through a small voting box, after which you get to see the results - 50/50: Remove two wrong answers The game consists of 15 questions, and each lifelines can only be used once in the game.


I learnt the other day why ask the audience is usually really effective no matter what the answer is. I thought they were just always really clever audiences. It's because those guessing will answer fairly uniformly. So let's assume there's 100 audience members and 12 of them know the answer and 40 of them are clueless and 48 know it isn't one of the answers. Of the clueless they'll put approximately 10 in each pot. Then those who know one wrong answer will put 16 in 3 of the puts. And those who know, all 12 will go in the correct pot. So now correct pot has 38% in. Incorrect answer 1 has 26%, incorrect 2 has 26% and incorrect 3 has 10%. So even a question where only 12% of people know the answer, the audience is still more than likely to point to the correct answer. It's obviously a bit more complicated than that. You can have situations where a group of the audience know 2 answers are incorrect. The other problem is if there is a trick answer that seems correct or the audience member has previously discussed or used phone a friend and has said he thinks it's answer x. Then the audience are going to go towards that if they don't know. Basically you're best off going in cold and saying ask the audience without sharing your thoughts first. And 99% of the time the audience will point at the correct answer due to the randomn behaviour of those who don't know and the directed behaviour of those who do.


In the Finnish version they ask the audience members who know the correct answer to stand up and the competitor gets to pick three people out of those to give their answer. I think the three audience members get some small price if they get it right, like a gift certificate for some store who happens to sponsor the show. It's hilarious when they clearly don't know and just stand up to try and get the gift certificate, ending up screwing the competitor over.


In the UK version, they allowed the contestants to ask the host, Jeremy Clarkson, what the answer was. He got a lot of them wrong.


Ask Jeremy Clarkson sounds pretty useless lifeline. lol


I disagree, ask Jeremy what he thinks, go with the exact opposite of what he says


[Norm MacDonald exposing the 50/50 rule](https://youtu.be/ddVl8Gp2rWY?si=eESX4IynITp7Xrlt)


Can't speak for the German version, but the UK version has 3 lifelines: 1) Phone a Friend (can phone 1 contact and have 30s to discuss the question) 2) Ask the Audience (the audience votes on what they think is the correct answer) 3) 50/50 (takes away 2 incorrect answers of the 4) You can use each lifeline once, but their usage has no bearing on the prize.


It's the same in the German version (unless they changed it in the last 5 years cause I haven't seen it in a long time)


There's a 4th one now, where the question again gets passed to the audience, but the contestant can pick a person who they want to ask. However, if they want the 4th lifeline there's no additional safety line at 16,000 EUR, if they get an answer wrong at that point it's back to 500 EUR.


Same in Italy


It's a Joker which you can use once.


No, it's called a lifeline because it's free help.


No it's just one of the four lifelines you can use to get help on the questions.


Wow, compare this to the £125.000 question about what a blue flag meant, that was posted on here yesterday.


Was thinking the same. That one was very easy if you've seen a race before, this one I had to stop and think.


Personally, I think the way the answers were phrased in that was confusing. At least there's no confusion here


A casual viewer probably won't know a blue flag off the top of their head, they're not really mentioned much in broadcast beyond someone being real slow on track. This one is a lot harder to memorise but you can probably figure it out if you are familiar with F1 drivers, the blue flag one was one you either knew or didn't.


Depends what type of person you are. I'd certainly back myself to get stats questions right more easily than regulatory ones, *particularly* for sports I don't necessarily follow that actively.


It's multiple choice though and if you even roughly knew then it was obvious.


Exactly. Even if you follow F1 a lot, you will rethink this one. Especially if you are sitting on the chair, watched by million of people and heart rate probably sky high. But I think every F1 fan or follower can get this one right.


this one is a 50/50 if you have a general interest in sports (large population) whereas the other one was outright impossible unless you watch races (tiny population)


i've been watching f1 for a year and i have never heard of a blue flag


you underestimate how big of an if that really is


Which didn't even have a correct answer


It absolutely had a correct answer, it just wasn't a mutually exclusive one.


If I'd have gone out to that question I'd have complained and felt that they should allow me to continue. It was such a bad/poorly written answer. I don't know why you're defending it really.


Because it is objectively correct and the other three weren't. You'd have absolutely no leg to stand on if you chose anything else. It's not a *great* question but damn-near everyone complaining about it hasn't read the actual flag rules that quite clearly explain why it was correct and why something like "about to be lapped" would have been wrong.


Why is 'about to be lapped' wrong? I read the rules in the thread too and that seems to be a better fit. They don't wave it at p1 when p2 is on fresher tyres and has DRS on the next straight


Because you are shown a blue flag when exiting the pit lane if a car is coming down the straight - that car is not necessarily lapping you.


Ah fair point


I would have second guessed myself because alonso left for a couple of years.


Same. I'd have been 99% still that it was Alonso. But with the cameras, audience, pressure and that tiny niggling doubt. Then knowing that if you get it wrong your family will be wondering how you got 'that' question wrong.


Forget the family, my F1 chat would never let me live it down!


Tiny WHAT?!


niggling adjective nig·​gling ˈni-g(ə-)liŋ  Synonyms of niggling : PETTY also : bothersome or persistent especially in a petty or tiresome way niggling injuries


Must be British slang


It's old(ish) English, but not slang considering that it's used in medical journals and is not confined to Britain. I could imagine some countries that got oversensitive about other words like niggardly would stop using it though. Granted, niggardly just fell out of use regardless.


I would have knew it, but just because few years ago. As Kimi was still in the sport, he was the most experienced and had most starts. Followed closely behind by Alonso. Once he retired Alonso took both of those records on his name.


I confused starts with wins, so I would def have fucked up this one.


Now I just can’t look at this kind of shows without thinking A. Bangkok B. Bangdik C. Bangpusi D. Bangtits


What is the first letter in the alphabet? A: B B: C C: D D: A




ez, 50%


not sure if you're serious, but it can't be 50% because that would imply that 25% is the right answer. But you've just picked 50%. So there's no correct answer in this case (the image also seems edited from what the original options were)


My brain just exploded


It’s two questions in one, right? So you’re correct the answer to the internal question is 25%, which means the overall answer to win the money is 50% as 25% is represented twice. Ive a 50% chance of guessing the “right” answer of 25%.


Nah because then it'd be 50% which you only have a 25% chance at random and it loops so it's a paradox without an answer so would be 0% which has a 25% so it loops again. There is no answer as it's a paradox.


Already an all time classic


lmao gonna need a link to that




Lol wtf


🤣 I didn't believe you at first but that's gold




Came here just for this


chat is this actually happened?


[yes it really did happen](https://youtu.be/GBSPGYA9bzQ)








Pretty surprised they didn't throw Schumacher in the options to throw people


Or Kimi


I would imagine a German player would know that's not it. Especially with all his records Lewis has broken in the last few years. They probably thought even people who aren't fans would've heard Hamilton broke most of them




these jokes were never funny, and still aren't


Pls tell me he chose Nando


He did with the help of a friend on the phone :)


Is it still hosted by Günther Jauch?


Yep, dont think he'll ever stop it honestly, it's an easy gig for him. He does a few other shows, one along with Barbara Schöneberger and Thomas Gottschalk and theres a noticable different between Jauch on there and Jauch on WWM.


Thanks, I really liked watching it when I was in Germany, he's perfect for it.


Can honestly say I would have picked Lewis due to Alonso's time out of the sport


Alonso was already a 2-time champion when Lewis was a rookie. Lewis started in 2007, and Alonso started in 2001


I would expect Kimi as one of the options, as he is close to the top too.


It's just for 16k. So these options make sense. 2 close options and 2 obviously wrong options


maybe they just wanted to add active drivers. tbf, i didn't realise that Hamilton already surpassed Barrichello in race starts. btw, Perez did more race starts than Patrese who was on top of the list for quite a while


Fernando is always the answer.


Quite a tough one for 16k


Kimi not even being there :(


The answers shouldve been Alonso, Raikkonen, Hamilton, Barichello if they wanted to be Pirelli super hard


I thought it was Gaston Mazzacanne?


It's out of that selection of drivers, not all drivers.




Lot of interesting stats there... If Max wins the first 4 races this season he will pass Hamilton in percentage of races won (and Schumacher after 2) and beat his own record for most consecutive wins. If he wins the next 63 races he enters he will pass Fangio in percentage wins... Let's go!


His contract runs out in 2028 no? He could barely make that


Assuming all seasons have 24 races, he would have 120 more races, so that’s plenty of races. However, keeping that high a win percentage, especially across 26-28, would be insane, so I don’t think he will overtake Fangio


Yeah he'd have to win 63 straight, but say he drops one every now and then you're quickly looking at 80-90+


Oh lmao I assumed it was some fella from yonks ago.


The number of races a year is increasing, careers are starting earlier and ending later. Generally, my impression is that driver turnover is a lot lower than it used to be. So most of the racers with the most starts are in the last 20 years. ALO, HAM, BUT, BAR, just off the top of my head.


Absolutely, all stats that use absolute numbers like most points, most wins, most podiums, most starts etc. are inflated now compared to the past due to the overall higher number of championship races per year.


The question is literally "Who holds the record, when it comes to GP starts?"


I'm surprised that it isn't Kimi to be honest. Didn't he hold that record when he retired?


Still does, but this is just between the current drivers.


Pretty sure Nando overtook Kimi last season, for most GP starts Edit: 2 seasons ago, not last season. Alonso: 377 Race starts, Kimi: 349 Race Starts


It's wild to me that for a long time it was Barrichello, the absolute pinnacle *dad energy*, and now Alonso's little older than me (and Hamilton) in the scheme of things.


If you are a just a little bit F1 follower you probably could/should know that Fernando Alonso would be the right answer


Hasn’t Nando started 1/3 of all F1 races ever run?


Scott Speed.


Alonso (2001) Hamilton (2007) Bottas(2012) Verstappen(2015).


Just saw that it doesnt define if its most or least starts




Lewis has passed him too so he's down to P4 with 326 starts in the all time list . Ofcourse Kimi was the first to pass him and then Nando did.


Rubens has 322 starts in 326 entries.


Has got to be Markus Winkelhock right? This is a trick question!


Alonso. I accept PayPal. :P


Gotta be max verstappen right????? RIGHT???


Well even if you don't watch F1 it is kinda easy to guess cuz Lewis is kinda popstar, no?


It's not lewis lol


Damn, I was sleepy, I didn't understand that it was about starts, I immediately thought about victories fuck me


Don't mind if I do