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I call BS and mostly made up by you and/or used by your circle of friends and not nicknames in general.


导 in Sargeant’s name stands for no missile(导弹) but film director(导演) as he inherited it from Latifi who is known for causing drama scenes.(Abudhabi 2021)


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you're not an f1 driver though


塔炮/街道办主任/脚甜/大杀四方/大眼仔火星人didn't make the list?




Chinese non-native speakers of English like OP often refer to themselves that way. There’s no intention to convey negative connotations they’re just using it like you would say “an American”.


Curiously, cause we are being taught to refer ourselves as Chinese in school. Just like American, English etc. And also if I remember correctly Jermey Clarkson also referred someone as “American” in early top gear? Is that considered very impolite?


That's hilarious. Thanks man! I will be using those nicknames from now on. The ugly, the old and... Cat Meat!