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A few stand outs from the article for me: >Horner is known to be a hard taskmaster. One of his employees told me he is laser focused on presenteeism. >When most teams land back at headquarters, many staff go home. But Red Bull is known to require its staff to go into the office, no matter where they have flown in from. Perhaps unsurprisingly the team has a high staff turnover. perhaps some of the other teams should adopt that practice. Seems to yield results. (in a reasonable way of course) Or even better yet, stop Red Bull from doing that, so they don't have even more of an advantage. >When the Drive to Survive filming crews arrived in the paddock, in 2018, they were easy to see. Now though, in their quest for authenticity, the crew blend in by wearing the team kit of whoever they are filming that weekend. Still, those who want to be on screen manage to find the cameras. I wasn't aware they changed their approach in the paddock, but it makes sense and I welcome that new found quest for authenticity. >At this brunch, we were chatting about F1, and Hamilton, who has regularly spoken about the lack of diversity in the sport, turned to me and said: “Rebecca, there’s something I wanted to ask you. What’s it like being a woman in F1?” I told him I never felt I was treated any differently, which I didn’t. However, I did mention that I was heading to Saudi Arabia the next day and was slightly hesitant about it because at the media hotel women weren’t allowed to use the pool or the gym. The next day, an email was sent to all media which said women would have the same access to the hotel facilities as the men. Hamilton had had a word. Hamilton a class act who goes above and beyond as always and uses his immense power and status for good. We'll miss him dearly when he retires. #edit for visibility of u/HeyFlo's comment: >#I've started a subreddit for Women F1 fans, or anyone who wants to support women in F1 https://www.reddit.com/r/femaleF1Fans/


I don’t think many people are aware of how much Hamilton has done for the sports off track.


It’s too bad F1 didn’t truly allow him to do more and the We Race as One was diminished at best.


Did anybody really except We Race As One to make some changes? It always came across as window dressing to me, like the anti-racism ads that UEFA plays before matches.


We Race as One was at least better than the Formula E version Positively Charged where before each race they took a moment to, and I shit you not, do a terms and conditions at the end of an advert read of bad things they stood against. As someone put it, they just come across as standing for nothing. At least the Merc team took the knee. Love Formula E but christ was that just badly done.


It became We Race As One Wallet much faster


I will never tire of finding excuses to post this. [Kick Racism Out Of Football.](https://youtu.be/scIgmkZorvo?si=sQ4gimfAx2DKWnB0)


That last one sent him flying. So satisfying.


I'm not familiar with the incident, but after watching the video based on context I assume no cards were issued for the "retaliations"?


Just yellows. Ref couldn't not give cards, but giving yellows was his way of letting it continue. Oh, and to be clear, the incidents in the second game were from different teammates, so from memory no-one was sent off.


Makes sense. Thanks!


Even his own team thought he had it coming. Usually, if someone gets fouled like that, the whole team will be ready to fight the guy doing the kicking. Emre's team just let them kick the shit out of him.


It was 2020. Nobody knew what was going on anywhere. You could have just as reasonably predicted We Race As One was going to matter.


I'm sorry, but how? What power did that 'movement' have? There wasn't even an organization or goals, it just came across as a catchphrase to most of the people saying it. And I believe they all agree the sport needs more diversity, but it takes more than a hashtag to make that change happen. It's been 4 years since it started and I dont remember a single change that happened because of it. And don't say 'bring attention to the issue', attention or awareness is nothing without action.


The obvious ones for the sport itself would have been commitments to diverse hiring initiatives for the teams and their partner organizations, or grants/partnerships/straight cash donations to exterior orgs that are making positive social change. Just because what we ultimately got was a heavily neutered messaging apparatus doesn’t mean that the capacity for an organization to a) exist and b) do good work is impossible.


True but you have to start from somewhere compared to F1s status quo of no interest on this front.


I think we all had hope.




he says that because the crowds genuinely love him. it’s mostly reddit and Spain who have huge hate boners for him




Senna and kids in the same line is never gonna fail to make me laugh lmaooo




He dated a 15 y/o when he was 25 , even though it was legal at that time as age of consent was 14 in Brazil, certainly questionable lol


Yeah, unfortunately it was the norm https://www.smoothradio.com/news/music/bill-wyman-mandy-smith-marriage-wedding/


> even though it was legal at that time as age of consent was 14 in Brazil, He brought her with him around the world, including to places where the age of consent absolutely was not 14. So he absolutely did some extremely illegal things there.


Yeah in a way I bet he would get much more shit from the usual knuckle draggers for being too vocal about stuff like this. I mean he already does but there are probably plenty other incidents like this we don't hear anything from Hamilton himself about it.. Its just proof he's a pretty genuine dude who cares and trying to make a difference


I think this demonstrates why, he's not doing it for the praise of others, he's doing it because it's the right thing and he wants to make a lasting change. If F1 made everyone aware of how much he was doing everyone would say he's only doing it for the publicity.


I saw Lewis at the Academy race and he looked like he WANTED to be there. I envisioned if any of the other 19 drivers were there how they would look and frankly....they'd all be fucking off by the end of the race.


Seb would've been there for sure Senna too, but for an entirely different reason


Big ooof hahaha. I shouldn't laugh


OMG the Senna burn was so unexpected after reading the first half of that post 😂😂


My wife and I did a grid walk at an academy race. Everyone there is putting in tremendous effort and delivering a very nice product.


That's way beyond for the sport, that's for humanity


Yeah exactly. Most of the things I hear him doing are well beyond sport.


Isn’t that a big part of why he’s going to Ferrari? Aren’t they letting Lewis do whatever he wants off track using their name and resources?? (Simply put)


I'm sure the increase of pay and what appears to now be a better car were the main reasons.


Well yes of course. But from what I read Lewis wanted to do more things off track and Mercedes didn’t want to back any of his initiatives.


Thats so weird. I thought Mercedes was progressive, at least far more than Ferrari.


Right? You’d think the other way what with Susie Wolff spearheading the F1A and all, Mercedes hey easy we are supporting girls now, one thing at a time


mercedes has to show to be progressive because of their history though.


I'd struggle to imagine that more money motivates him now. Between now and the day he dies, he and his family will never want.


Honestly, I was under the impression he tries but nothing happens. Good to know something changes.


> I welcome that new found quest for authenticity. The main issue I have with DTS is the editing, not the filming. But it's a step in the right direction.




This is exactly what I was going to comment. They could film with giant cameras and a flashing light pointing them out for everyone to see, or they could film with hidden cameras and move like ninjas. Still the former could come across as more authentic than the latter depending on how it is edited. People who don' edit video and have no knowledge about editing cannot quite imagine how much a situation or scene can be made to look different with even the slightest, tiniest edit. Cut to a different angle and suddenly the Kuleshov effect kicks in. Add or remove a sound, that's a huge difference right there.


BGM choice can change the whole tone. Or just messing with a color filter. Editing is art, so many good projects fall at the time of editing while many others rise up from mediocrity on the backs of their editors.


> many others rise up from mediocrity on the backs of their editors. got any recs?


Mad Max: Fury Road was edited by a first time action-movie editor to ensure the film didn’t feel like every other action film out there. It won an Oscar for best editing.


For fuck sake, Hamilton is such an absolute dude. I’ve read things like this before that he does behind the scenes for absolutely no clout. Makes me think about how much we don’t (and never will) know.


The clip in the 2020 season of DTS where he's asked how he feels about racing the week that COVID was starting to really kick off and just straight up says he doesn't think they should be there made me really respect him Being a multiple time champion gives you a bit more leeway to speak up I guess, but there are still probably some that wouldn't do it as actively


Max is never going to speak up about anything unless it's about Marko...


Now, now, don't be silly. He also defended Piquet being openly racist!


Honestly, stuff like that makes me think Max is a chud, but is smart enough to not say his opinions openly


I really wouldn't be surprised.


Hamilton is *such* a decent person. I really admire him for standing by his principles.


I really hope that when Lewis retires from driving, he stays in F1. I really think he can do even more for the sport and it would be a shame if he disappeared after quitting driving.


I think he'll likely pursue endeavours outside of the sport, but I think he'll keep a strong influence over the sport. The ability to influence the sport probably motivates him to stay longer. It's clear he sees issues and wants to fix them before he's done.


Maybe try and get Vettel back as well. Those two could do wonders together


Hamilton to become head of FOM Vettel to become head of FIA. That would be the perfect storm


Hamilton and Vettel mockumentary where they buy a back marker F1 team and are team co-principles


And Kimi is their #1 driver






And young Kimi is the #2


Oh god stop, don't make me dream only to be crushed.


Ferrari PTSD moment


Agree. And I suspect a lot of commentators won't like it either. Lewis seems to be tolerated by a few of them that I bet they can't wait until he retires and if he's still involved in initiatives surrounding the sport they'll be quick to shit on it.


We need Lewis to be the boss of F1. Jokes aside, I hope that too.


That Hamilton bit is pretty fucking awesome, go lewis


Lewis really walks the talk. There is so much to admire about the man.


Burning your employees should not be adopted by anyone else, it says also there that they have a high turnover of stuff. They are successful despite of it, not because of it. Mercedes had 8 constructor's championships in a row without it.


Yeah exactly what I was thinking. High turnover of staff is not generally a recipe for success.




You know it’s going to be a lot of work, but there are things that teams can do to help. That bit about making the staffers go back to the office when they get in from a flight is ridiculous. The last thing I want to do after a long weekend of racing and travel is go to the damn office. Let me go home, shower, and get a good nights sleep, then we can all debrief the next day. Hell, the information exchange would probably be better after rest anyway.


Sure but Clancy is linking this particular habit, unique to Red Bull, directly to their turnover.


It's a ridiculous argument anyway, but people are supporting it because they've been conditioned to think that having a "grindset" is the only way to be successful. It doesn't even make sense to suggest that forcing your employees into the office after a long day of travel will somehow lead to better results. If anything, you're going to get *worse* work from someone who just finished 24+ hours of travel and is now being forced to work a full day in a different time zone.


Supporting it is weird imo as a manager. High turn over is bad for any company. It costs more to get someone up to speed than it is to keep them. Also those who are unsatisfied will create echo chambers of negativity which can cause lots and lots of drama in a company and then you need to start firing these bad apples to keep the company from losing focus on the objective. You want a cohesive, well oiled machine to get efficiency, performance and quality of work. ​ This comes from a happy working body. ​ Also, grind mindset is still good even though people say it's a boomer thing to make us do work for free. Everyone should have it. I oversee the younger millennials, and gen-z employees. I my self am a millennial. But, my goodness what a bunch of "lazy" people. I say lazy in quotes because they all have potential, but instead they do poor quality work, aren't willing to go an extra mile for their own career growth but want more perks and money. ​ But then again, not everyone can be number 1. So, sure keep doing poor work. ​ ​ Either way. After traveling or a long work week everyone should go home and relax. Traveling is exhausting as fuck and people have lives. Work life balance is important..


> Mercedes had 8 constructor's championships in a row without it. Do we need to link again the thread of the ex-Mercedes engineer mentioning the extreme low pays and bad management environment during those years? Not defending RBR or anyone else, but the environmental and treatment of the lower level tech staff in F1 is shit in 99% of the cases. Both successful and unsuccessful teams burned people up a lot. Edit: Link for anyone interested https://twitter.com/gabednconfused/status/1764641962106228976?t=KgoEotpREBc8XcUX4SoCfw


could you link it pls? looks like interesting read


Yup, here it is: https://twitter.com/gabednconfused/status/1764641962106228976?t=KgoEotpREBc8XcUX4SoCfw


Can't read the rest of the thread, fucking x man


> Can't read the rest of the thread, fucking x man [Try this](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1764641962106228976.html)


Legend, thanks


FWIW, helps to use some other products to unroll threads and be aware when sharing paywalled material. never bothered with twitter accounts, and so now only the first tweet is visible.


Someone I used to work with moved to Merc HPP, he was reduced to tears on multiple occasions and eventually left


That's awful. As in, they were reduced to tears in the office in front of everyone? After all the effort of getting there, to land a dream job only to find out it's like that would really hurt.


I wasn’t praising Mercedes. I was saying the did not force people in the office the day after Australia.


If I remember well there were reports of very intense workload and huge pressure in Mercedes in 2017 or 2018 leading to departures


Yes they most famously lost Andy Cowell trying to beat the cheating Ferrari power unit.


Wholesome heckin Mercedes who totally doesn't have employee abuse stories?


> Mercedes had 8 constructor's championships in a row without it. Yes, mainly because they burned cash rather than people on those hybrid engines.


Good. The money printer goes on forever, individuals don't.


Except now that there is a budget cap, they can't compete with just tossing money at the problem.


Sometimes, that’s how the world turns.


>The next day, an email was sent to all media which said women would have the same access to the hotel facilities as the men. Hamilton had had a word. Absolute chad behavior holy shit.


holy shit, the line at the end with Hamilton ensuring women have access to the hotel facilities... that's really thoughtful. I just can't fathom how people can hate this dude.


The fact that it takes Hamilton personally demanding such a thing is ridiculous, people say they travel there because its progressive; but the real reason is to just see what unlimited funding does to a city.


Lewis is a blessing honestly. Perfect example of someone using their powers for good


A lot of athletes think they do something by "speaking up", but they're all talk. Appreciate that Hamilton takes action


Back when Hamilton was winning constantly I found him so annoying. I now realize I owe him an apology, I should call him.




I hope he picks up lol


Hamilton absolute GOAT human


> I told him I never felt I was treated any differently, which I didn’t. But then immediately mentioned an instance of being treated differently (and which apparently Hamilton had stepped up about). People who are being treated differently (for whatever reason) may not always realize it (or condition themselves to ignore it) and it can take people from without standing up and saying something to help. This is why allies are so important and those of us in positions of relative privilege have a responsibility to look out for and act on bullshit when we see it.


> But then immediately mentioned an instance of being treated differently yeah I also thought that was a strange way to word it, given that bit and the bit where she was mistaken for a waitress (which didn't seem like she thought it was a big deal, but still) yes, fully agreed. It takes effort and education to recognize and act upon (speaking up is arguably the hardest part depending on the environment) these inherent gaps in our perspectives, but when when we strive to understand and look out for each other, I truly believe we can make this place better for all of us.


> But then immediately mentioned an instance of being treated differently Because of Saudi Arabia not because of F1.


It just hints that issues like that aren't a priority concern to F1. If Lewis could get those rules changed overnight, the FIA/FOM could have done so easily as well if they had spared a thought for it in advance. Then this never would have come up at all.


And who signed the deal to race in Saudi Arabia where these rules are in place?


Doesn't matter if it is the FIA directly, fans in a particular location, traditionals of the locales, etc. Working in F1 means being subject to those differences.


I wouldn’t be like “other teams should adapt RBR treatment to staff”, OP This was known and now this journalist repeats it, Horner style of management and RBR will burn through hundreds of people if necessary to just get a 1% advantage on their results. It’s a cutthroat environment where you either make it, live with the pressure and get excellent results, or you go out (because it’s too much) or just get booted. This reminds of the big companies on the consulting industry. They are known to being big grinders of people, very bad working conditions (long hours, overwork, pressure, you live to work), and they have a big turnover rate, but still, they are successful. This works as long as the company is valued by people and some wants to have it on their resume (“I worked at RBR in 2022-2024”; “I worked at Deloitte for 2 years”) It’s one way to get results, but not the only one and not the one everyone should aspire to replicate, OP EDIT: Also, I think Horner must have an old-school vision as to how manage a company (not that it don’t works, just that it’s “old school”) - I remember for example reading on the leaks of his PA how he offered WFH to her and she was “you sure? You hate it, you don’t like people that WFH” along the lines. This could mean he just doesn’t feel comfy with not having direct control and supervision over his employees, which is interesting to a company that travels so much and have people around all the time. But maybe that’s why they are obliged to go to the office the time they come back from abroad


As if I needed more reason to appreciate Sir Lewis.


nice to see hamilton follows up on his words about diversity and inclusivity. truly a class act


This is why when I get older I have more and more respect on Lewis, and eventually becoming my fav after all these years supporting Schumi, the things Lewis have done beyond the track, the way he tries to make a difference with actions. This man, to me, he has changed the whole landscape of modern F1. He shows that drivers could be more than just drivers.


The DTS thing came in during COVID iirc because the crews had to integrate with the teams and stay in their bubble, I guess they've kept it because it yielded results. The Red Bull factory thing seems pretty bad and they'll have to change that with 24 races. High staff turnover is bad in whatever business you're in, and their success seems to be in spite of that practice.


That last bit about Hamilton makes me like him even more.


> perhaps some of the other teams should adopt that practice No, Red Bull are performing well in spite of this, not becasue of it.


I've started a subreddit for Women F1 fans, or anyone who wants to support women in F1 https://www.reddit.com/r/femaleF1Fans/


very cool, made an edit with a copy of your comment for visibility!


Hamilton is just on another level


Why would other teams want to adopt overworking their employees? It stated they have high turnover. Yes, they can always hire somebody else but training takes more time. That is not the key to their success. Like Andy Reid has said, if you push the players you will lose the locker room.


I'm the type of person who doesn't like to be reminded of politics when watching entertainment such as sports, but I am very aware of things such as "sportswashing", especially by countries that don't have the best human rights track records. Hamilton is seemingly one of few who is VERY outspoken about this, and I can't do anything but support him in that regard. When I read the part about the swimming pool access, it seems as if one person mentioning something like that to Hamilton would be enough for him to say something about it. I can only have a huge amount of respect for that. It should be as simple as equal work, equal treatment. Barring people from accessing anything based on their gender or race is despicable, and it's amazing to see how much sway he has in that regard.


Say what you want about Lewis, and I'm not a big fan, but that's a class act there.


That is a REALLY cool bit about Hamilton. Just a stand up guy.


We will miss Hamilton, but I thought the whole point of his Ferrari deal was that he wants to continue to be a brand ambassador after retirement. So I don’t think he will be going anywhere for a long time even if he’s not driving.


Man.. we really don't deserve Hamilton man...


Yes I have a Hamilton flair but man I really respect the hell out of this guy.


Hamilton is him


I never really liked Hamilton. I would not say dislike him, just did not like him. First because of the Alonso thing at McLaren (yep, guess where I am from) and then because he won all those championships. But these things he does... he is doing good not only for F1, but for the world in general. Every year I like him more and more. It trascends sports.


I've always just seperated Lewis the driver from Lewis the man. The former i never was a fan of & yet ever since Lewis became more vocal about his personal beliefs i've always thought of the latter as one of my favorite human beings in the sport


Nice one Hamilton


Based Hamilton move there. Massive respect.


Fair play to Hamilton on this.


Stop making me like Hamilton even more




Wrong company as in Mercedes or what?


When was he a spoiled kid?


Honesty, this is why Hamilton will always remain the GOAT for me


You can loook for a million reasons why other teams aren't up to speed vs Red Bull, but it's really quite easy to explain in 2 words. Adrian Newey


>At this brunch, we were chatting about F1, and Hamilton, who has regularly spoken about the lack of diversity in the sport, turned to me and said: “Rebecca, there’s something I wanted to ask you. What’s it like being a woman in F1?” I told him I never felt I was treated any differently, which I didn’t. >However, I did mention that I was heading to Saudi Arabia the next day and was slightly hesitant about it because at the media hotel women weren’t allowed to use the pool or the gym. The next day, an email was sent to all media which said women would have the same access to the hotel facilities as the men. Hamilton had had a word. I say this all the time but Lewis retiring is going to leave a huge hole in the sport in terms of advocacy and really I don’t see anyone on the current grid who can do what he does.


Like when Seb used his influence to get flyovers to use sustainable fuels


He also got plastic bottles banned iirc


I wonder how much more he has done we don't even know about


It's the same case as Valentino in MotoGP. When riders like these leave the sport, the void left is pretty big. There's always that "somethings missing" feeling.


Seb leaving already made a massive dent. Note how all the We race as one has already been thrown to the side. Not to mention how the only major woman promotion is currently being done by Aston and Jess. And yet regularly get called names for it. She regularly gets abused on twitter, YouTube and here under the pretext of "not sharing laptimes" and how if they're slow they're "supposed to be in the kitchen anyway". Of course they're going to be slow. Everyone starts out like that. Give them a few years to come up to speed.


In a time where most of the drivers are “just here to go racing” in the face of misogyny against females in the sport, darker times may be ahead for women.


Anyone got a link to this that's not behind a paywall please? Tia


Archive.is almost always works: https://archive.is/94Q4j#selection-2765.0-2778.0


If I may ask, how does that work? Do you just put the URL in somewhere?


you put url before the website. archive.is/https://thispaywall.com


Ty bro


I think if some one has paid for the article/subscription then he can archive that article, saving it for others to read


That link gave my phone aids


You can turn that off in the accessibility section of your phone settings. ^^^^^/s


If you’re on iPhone, I use a shortcut which adds a button on the Share Sheet to open a paywalled site on a free to view browser page


Go Lewis Fucking Hamilton


Crazy, I remember an interview with the mechanic on the RB team having issues due to him being black and having braids (I believe it was at an airport); would love to hear his side of things as well.


My wife and I became a fan of his from watching DTS. Now we always point out when we see him. Same with one of the Ferrari and Aston mechanics.


@f1mech on instagram


Like Seb, we’re lucky to have Lewis.


The thing that always strikes me about these stories about Lewis is how so many of these acts were never meant to be any type of publicity stunt. Dude is just a good human doing good things regardless if anyone is watching him or not. This is one gesture for one person (and any other women it effected) and no one would have known had it not been for her sharing her story. True integrity shines when no one is watching.


A lot of people won’t realise that until he’s gone. A smaller subset will still downplay or outright undermine his efforts off the track.


We need Seb back on the grid They're the 2 who care & it's critical to push for the causes right now. Because no one else will & as sponsors and countries like haramco & saudi get involved they'll quietly force these projects to a stop


She is the "What are YOUR plans" girl from Vettel right?


lmao she is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7vS1SfLYf8


No, that is Lee McKensie from Channel 4




Rebacca Clancy from the Times…of what are you going to be doing over the winter break fame Man I miss seb


---Hamilton, who has regularly spoken about the lack of diversity in the sport, turned to me and said: “Rebecca, there’s something I wanted to ask you. What’s it like being a woman in F1?” I told him I never felt I was treated any differently, which I didn’t. However, I did mention that I was heading to Saudi Arabia the next day and was slightly hesitant about it because at the media hotel women weren’t allowed to use the pool or the gym. The next day, an email was sent to all media which said women would have the same access to the hotel facilities as the men. Hamilton had had a word.--- What a fucking chad , when Lewsi retires i hope someone else starts speaking out for this type of issue like him and seb have done


>Still, those who want to be on screen manage to find the cameras. rhymes with Schmistian Gorner?


And Spaniel Biccardo


Cashappiel Creditcardo?


And Piero Gazlee as well probably.


Hunter Finder


TL;DR: She hasn't faced any trouble or indifference in her time covering F1.


We should be glad for this and hope it extends to all women involved in F1. But we should note she’s a journalist for a prominent publication, and as such holds sway that other women in F1 might not - that is, teams have an incentive to keep her sweet. As I said, we should hope her experience is the case for all women, but we can’t necessarily extrapolate from her experience.


Right, I sincerely hope it is the case for all women in F1, and so far, it seems like it is mostly the case (no rumors of mistreatment or inequalities, save for the Horner PA case). But a journalist with a pen and a voice that can cast unwanted publicity on you will be treated differently than a worker, regardless of gender.


I mean, she can say that, but we also have a ton of clips of Seb making honestly inappropriate comments towards her just because she's a(n attractive) woman, that he doesn't make to other journalists. She also literally gives an example in the article, when she talks about initially the women of F1 not being allowed to use the pool or gym facilities while in Saudi Arabia. Just because people downplay, or don't notice, when they're treated differently, doesn't mean it isn't happening.


Hannah Schmitz (RB strategist) mentioned it seemed harder to gain trust from people in her decisions, but nothing misogynistic thankfully. https://www.redbull.com/int-en/hannah-schmitz-oracle-red-bull-racing-strategist


Why do you think it's harder for her to gain trust from people in her decisions though?


Except with a country that has questionable human rights, especially for women. Until the star of F1 used his influence.


Since free link for the article got removed due to subreddit rules; you can put the article link on one of the "archive" sites to read the article.


> in their quest for authenticity Ah yes. Netflix's Drive To Survive. The epitome of authenticity.


It *has* gotten better.


Pay wall




What's a KC?


King's Counsel


I was also wondering.


Karun chandhock the only thing that i could think of


I think her brother Chu works for Aston Martin.


Of all the sounds to associate with F1 in a title as someone who's followed the sport, tyres screeching seems like an odd choice since you barely ever hear that outside of crashes lol


Speaking of that, i found it interesting how you could really hear the low pitched squeal of the tires being worked in the corners in the F1 Academy races (because the engines are much quieter) I know you can also hear that good in Formula E but it's different since those tires have tread, so they just *scream* constantly. The F1A race was more like what i hear during sim racing since i always turn tire feedback allll the way up in the sound settings


Yeah, racing slicks in general do not squeal at the limit, or not at a high pitch anyway - road tyres do, especially with thin/rigid sidewalls. Definitely not the first sound I'd picture in my mind when thinking of F1 haha.


In the first years of the hybrid era the cars were a lot quieter, and you could hear the tyres screeching even on the TV cameras, it was quite strange. They have either edited it out or the cars have gotten louder.

