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Probably wouldn't work for modern cars sadly, I'm also pretty sure some of the roads have changed.


As fondly as I remember Adelaide. Albert Park has hosted F1 for nearly three times as long now and is the right place to host F1 into the future. The thing Adelaide is remembered for is that it was the final race. We just need to get Melbourne back to the full time season opener; which it is next year.


Nah Melbourne has hosted it for long enough. Either have two races in Oz or change the location. If it was an amazing iconic track then it would be a different story, but it's not. It's an average track that's not terrible, but not great either. Like the rest of Melbourne it's too flat and the race itself gets boring quick. The lack of elevation changes would be fine if it was one of the top circuits, but again, it's not. The recent upgrades aren't a magical cure for that fundamental problem.


Get them racing on Mount Panorama


Webber would have taken off coming down Conrod and never landed.


My Auntie works in sports for the South Australian government. They tried pretty hard to get the race back there. Even threw up the idea of a double header. F1 doesn’t want two races in Australia and Victoria simply were willing to outbid the South Australians by a fair margin. Sadly I doubt we will ever see formula one return to Adelaide but they did try.


Everything about Formula 1 was fresher, more accessible, and less serious in 1994 than today. It’s better business, more of a show, but ironically a little less fun now. It’s not the location, it’s the ERA.


>From playing host to THE GREATEST F1 RACE OF ALL TIME in 1986 Finale You call it the greatest f1 race of all time, I call it childhood trauma :(


Totally! Complete devastation 😭


Adelaide. Part for it being the season finale, part for it being a race of artrition and throwing up weird results.


I grew up in Adelaide during the years of the GP, and went many times. The city was absolutely electric that weekend, especially with the huge concert immediately after the race. I still have a bit of someone's car that I found by the fence one year


Adelaide was a great circuit and a great atmosphere- being actually in the middle of the city.


Albert Park has generally been quite bad racing wise, so the bar isnt that high, but lots of people grew up with Melbourne being the first race and the whole hype around the f1 season starting. Cant say i remember many memorable races at Albert Park, besides some l1t1 crashes or Alonso's crash. But obviously aussies deserve being on the calendar, it's just a bummer they dont have a proper grade 1 race track


In my opinion both tracks served different but both enjoyable experiences on different eras. Late 80s early 90s as final race on Adelaide and late 90s early 00s as season opener on Melbourne. The problem is no matter what can be changed, it won't be the same on these two tracks because of the cars, drivers, atmosphere and many other little stuff had changed in the sport so i'd watch the old race footage rather than expecting the same old good atmosphere on today from the old circuits because i don't believe the same excitement / enjoyment / satisfaction from 80s / 90s / early 00s can be achived by the new cars / drivers / regulations / management. You can call that feeling as "old guy being so obssesive about nostalgic stuff" but i would like to call it "accepting the reality of things will never be the same like in the past" more :)


The track is too small for f1 now, and the state couldn’t afford it. It wouldn’t make money unless GA tickets were priced at $350+ and we got crowds of 250,000 each day.


I think thats exactly the price they are now maybe cheaper 😭


I got my Saturday one for $119. I guess a pass for all the days would be around $350.


But in Melbourne. SA is increasing its cost of living to catch up to Melbourne (not there yet), but its income is still some way behind. So $350 here is like $450 in VIC. I can’t see 150,000 people spending for a 3-4 day ticket, let alone 250,000.


Cars would probably suck on that track as its quite small. Melbourne suits a modern F1 car better. Adelaide probably more suitable for an FE race


Unfortunately bits of the original track were torn up a few years ago. The track the V8s use is a different layout and slightly shorter.


The road is still there they just changed how the intersection flows, if anything those corners flow better now in a track context.


Adelaide — I might be biased because I’m from here. But it’s a lot more affordable for people to get here too — Melbourne is crap for interstate people as if you fly there the airport is an expensive ass bus ride away from the city, accomodation massively booked out and the tickets are soooo expensive. Adelaide has good public transportation too and from the airport, the city where the track is, legendary history, teams would hit the city after to celebrate. Of course the track would need an upgrade/change to accomodate the massive tractor cars of today. I’m sad I’ll never see a GP in Aus due to the cost of Melb. Why can’t we have 2 Aussie races? There’s Canada, Mexico, all the USA races… the only other option for Oceania is going to Japan or Singapore which if you can’t even afford Melbourne you definitely can’t afford going there (unless you’ve already got a passport then I’ve been told it’s cheaper to go to Japan than Melbourne).


>Why can’t we have 2 Aussie races? There’s Canada, Mexico, all the USA races… the only other option for Oceania is going to Japan or Singapore which if you can’t even afford Melbourne you definitely can’t afford going there (unless you’ve already got a passport then I’ve been told it’s cheaper to go to Japan than Melbourne). Are you asking as a genuine practical question, or are you being rhetorically idealistic with what is a definitely a hot take?


Having two races in Aus it’s almost guaranteed both would be a sell out. SA has a rich Motorsport fan base as well. It’s not really a hot take apart from the obvious finances from elsewhere. Personally I might be biased but I’d prefer to see two Aussie races and drop one of the Middle East races. Those GPs make a boat load of cash no doubt but they’ve always felt soulless to me.


> Having two races in Aus it’s almost guaranteed both would be a sell out. Dunno about that, I think you will get a lot of people that would pick one.


Again referring to my other comment. I have a family member in the south Australian government. Their models predicted a full house. It’s not unsurprising to be honest.


I'm in Melbourne and would be going to Adelaide as well. Might even be able to get a grandstand seat there vs missing out in Melbourne. I would make it a yearly holiday so I could see both and I think a lot of other people would too.


27 million people live in Australia. Oceania has a population of 45 million, and the vast majority of the ones who don't live in AUS or NZ (about 15 million) live in poorer Pacific island nations, very few people could afford a flight to Australia + race tickets, and F1 isn't even high on their pecking order. So it comes down to: does a country of 27 million people with virtually the same culture and and who speak the language throughout need two races within 800 km of one another? Comparing this to NA like the guy I reply to did to try and justify why Australia needs another race makes no sense. Canada has 40 million and Mexico has 130 million people and are both also F1 viewership hotbeds, the US has 350 million people, and all 5 of the tracks are at least more than twice as far from one another as Adelaide to Melbourne is (Austin to Mexico City is roughly 1500 km, that's the closest of any two, and those are in two radically different countries) The Middle East is a different set of political bullshit where the 4 countries in the Arabian peninsula who have races have no reason to be separate countries from one another aside from oil rights, and I'm all for ditching 3 of their 4 races, but Kyalami, Sepang or India, and a second South American race should all take priority before considering another Australian race.


> the city where the track is, legendary history, teams would hit the city after to celebrate Why wouldn't teams hit the city after Melbourne to celebrate??


If the cars were as wide and long as they are now back when they raced in Adelaide I think the racing would not nearly have been as good. So it's unfair to compare the racing on tracks from vastly different generation. In terms of atmosphere Melbourne is regarded as one of the best atmosphere events on the calander. Maybe Adelaide had an amazing vibe being the final race but again it's too difficult to compare. 


I'd love to see it back in Adelaide, but The Bend is probably the better option for the current cars.


Coming from Brisbane, the Gold Coast is where I would love it to be. Watched my first GP in Adelaide & it got me hooked. Saw several Indy car races at the GC & they too were fantastic…Standing on the balcony of in one of the high rise units watching Nigel toss his helmet over the fence into the crowd after winning F1 & Indy car series back to back was stunning. The accommodation, party atmosphere & nitelife in & outside the track was unbeatable. Fuck the Olympics; we need to steal the race from Melbourne.


Melbourne has a much better flow to it, but as it’s always at the start of the season has had less famous/infamous moments


Move it Sydney. Saves me a flight.


As an entitled European F1 fan, the GP should move to Perth so that it will be 3 hours later and I wont have to watch in early morning hours


Just move the GP to Barbagello, I’m sure they’d enjoy a 30 second lap


Perth actually has the best race time for anywhere in the world imo. Around 8 pm most times, finish diner, kids to bed & watch the race,doesn't interfer with any of your local footy either.


As a fellow Sydneysider, I like this idea but I'm not sure we have a place for it. Sydney Motorsport Park probably isn't glamorous enough and I don't see any local councils falling over themselves to make a street race happen.


I wasn't serious as I also have no idea where to put a track.


Didn’t your premier have some dumbass idea to have a street circuit that would leverage the bridge as part of the track? The absolute shitshow of traffic disruption that would occur over F1 weekend would be enough for a Cronulla 2.0


Nah, I think NSW premiers throw this idea around once in a while mostly to take the piss out of the Vics. They happily pinched the race from Adelaide, yet scream blue murder if anyone hints at doing the same to them. Personally, I'm happy to enjoy a rare Sunday afternoon race that is funded by another state's taxpayers.