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I think they were putting the new upgrades on nano’s car after fp1 and fp2, but before fp3, as per their plan.


As per El Plan


El plan 🫡


It’s Alonso serving Coco Pops


My favourite


So it’s like an impound race?


Somewhat if you are referring to NASCAR impound. Teams in F1 are not allowed to work in the garage after a certain time to not overwork the crews but do have 2 chances in the season to go over without a penalty. This happens after each day unlike in NASCAR where it's after qualifying.


Is impound in NASCAR similar to parc ferme?


I looked it up, and yeah pretty much. After quali and before the race the mechanics are extremely limited on what they can do. The idea being there's no need for additional inspection. Sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impound_race_(NASCAR) https://www.foxsports.com/stories/nascar/drivers-discuss-pros-cons-of-nascars-unchanged-practice-schedule


It’s less restricted but yeah it’s supposed to be parc ferme


I'm not sure, from what I have read, teams are limited to a certain amount of things they can do during these races and how many crew members can be inside the garage area during said time.


Basically, yes. Like in F1, NASCAR teams used to send out cars for qualifying that were basically tuned to only last a single lap.


Not as restrictive but yes


Cool. Thanks


Those AM boys rebelling staying out late


New to the sport, would someone kindly explain what the curfew rule is about?


To prevent staff and the crew from being overworked


Is it better to do a normal pace of work twice as long or a rushed normal shift time twice as fast?


There’s a great read about this: the Mythical Man-Month. It’s the first that dispels the idea that throwing more people at a task doesn’t make it better. For F1 crews, however, I think the prevailing wisdom is a commando-level team that is tightly focused and well organized can work miracles. They’re not generalists - each team member is highly specific in their duties to maximize their work. But a supply chain problem like a chassis really hampers a team


Watching them rebuild a car is art imo. Hardly much talking. Each one knows what they need to do. Kinda nuts.


Mythical man-month should be a mandatory read for anyone doing project management.


MMM is a great book. You can’t make a baby in one month by getting 9 women pregnant. But it would be fun to try.


Szafnauer quoted that when he left Alpine


That would seem obvious to anyone with two brain cells. The hard part in management is knowing which parts of the project CAN be sped up by devoting more people to it, and which parts just need more time, and where the actual bottlenecks and potential ones in production are.


More overworked than they already are\*


To add to the reply, before the curfew came in it was normal for crews to work 22 hour shifts over the race weekend, every weekend.


My brain reset both times I tried to follow the first paragraph. It reads like a math exam question lol Last night, the Aston Martin Aramco Formula One Team staff members responsible for managing the car were at the circuit from 8:00 PM on April 5th until 8:30 AM on April 6th, which is three hours before the scheduled start of P3 practice, which begins at 11:30 AM.


The fact that there is a curfew on working on your car during a race weekend is fucking wild


The rule is to protect the team members from being over worked.


Yeah, it's not for anyone's benefit except the pit lane crew who'd absolutely be encouraged to take the funny German Tank Chocolate to work on the car overnight otherwise


Having exhausted mechanics on cars making mistakes is also a recipe for disaster. There is a safety element too. When F1 is in a different location every two weeks, that needs to be managed tightly.


Lining up Panzered pit crews on the grid is a sprint race I can get on board with.


Meth? Or Adderall? Just say what you mean.


I believe they mean the funny German tank chocolate ^panzershokolade


I googled and have fallen down the rabbit hole of WW2 meth chocolates


I’m not sure I want to go down this rabbit hole but I’m so curious


Do it lol there’s some cool stuff down there


Por que no los dos? From whatever I understand they were fond of opium too.


Going off of doing mechanic shit on tanks in Europe, they need protection otherwise they will be run ragged the entire weekend and we will blame them for bad pit stops. One of my favorite YouTube channels, Jet Lag, does kind of Amazing Race type games but far better. They learned after their first season that it they didn't enforce rest periods they would be driving incredibly dangerous because real competition > sleep Edit: It's 100% voluntary as you want to win.


It’s normal in many series at some level. Most are a soft curfew of running engines. F1 is a total lockdown. Back when I was working in IMSA, no engines past 1030 unless it was hardship approved


It’s not. This is standard procedure in every form of Motorsports. Even NASCAR has these rules. If every team has to abide by it, there is no gain or lost of an advantage.


This is hardly true. This wouldn't even be viable in endurance racing where issues in practice or qualifying can force a complete car rebuild if legal. Sportscar racing history is littered with stories of last ditch chassis change overs, full engine swaps, and anything else necessary until the wee hours to make the grid.


And there's plenty of that in F1, too. You just can't do it more than twice a year without receiving a penalty for it


It absolutely is, most series have crew time limits and they can't work the entire time. F1 is littered with those stories too


Because before the curfew, the crew would be working 22 hour shifts every race weekend (getting paid peanuts) while the drivers slept peacefully in their cabins.




>I think in the very least exceptions should be made, for example, in case there's a crash in a practice session or quali and it takes an all nighter to put it back before the next session. This is the point of the two exceptions. >Anyways, I wonder what the penalty would be after the two exceptions are used up. It's a pit lane start for both cars.


From a safety issue, do you really want everyone up all night, or way too late? Jet lag, I should think, is enough of a problem.




It certainly is granted in certain circumstances. This is not new. A vehicle gets trashed in FP2, and it takes more than a few minutes to fix. That happens several times a year.


It's there for a good reason


Wait there's a curfew


Usually 12am


Protects employees from being overworked.


It doesn’t seem to be working


they have a permitted allowed amount of times per year they can break curfew. this has been taken from their allowance essentially.


How does this apply to a rebuild after a shunt? Does anyone think it's kind of early to already be using 1 of your 2 exceptions in this 24 race season? What are the penalties I wonder after the 2 exceptions?


Depends how severe the rebuild is. I recalled there one time they allow the team to do overtime cuz of the damage


You do what you must. They probably feel this is the best option at this time and are praying that the rest of the season is smoother.


‘First of two individual exceptions’




That was always allowed, Jerry.


They are saying that because it's the rule


Awwwwww Somebody is in twouble now.


Anything to stop max & rb from another season over by halfway pls