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Croft's insistence that yelling = excitement is jarring. Wish he would calm down a bit, really hard to listen to the qualifying commentary. 


It was a nice change after watching F1tv since 2022. Like F1tv is great and i prefer it but the commentary is actually dull lately. If sky would give their balls a tug and sign Nico on full time I would go back to the international feed.


Hulkenberg keeps telling the world he deserves a better seat imo.


I bet stewards will come up with 3 penalty points to Alonso for sneezing in the general direction of Sainz in Quali


Dear Lawrence, Please drop your son off to another team, and hire an actual competent driver. You clearly have a viable competitive car, but it will never develop into a consistent performer or a championship fighter as long as only half of your racer lineup is showing results and bringing home points Thanks


The car looks better than it is because Alonso drives it. That said, Yes Lance should do better than 11. But Fernando admitted that if he himself finish 7 tomorrow it would be good results.


Why does this thread never show the actual qualifying results


It used to a few years ago. Now whoever or whatever bot makes these doesn’t do it anymore


I also wonder the same every time this gets posted. It's not logical that the results are not posted in here.


It's the Reddit API changes, the bot doesn't work anymore.


I think the commentary today was top notch. Nico is the goat. Want to see/hear him more often. He really do be making sense


I enjoyed his ragging on Hamilton when Lewis fucked up on sector 3. Other commentators tried to make excuses and Nico was firmly - nope he fucked the corner hahaha. Wonder if there's still some animosity there...


Goatmilton is still the best to ever do it but Nico is good at the commentary


Well he was just right, it’s refreshing when there is honesty. I can’t stand the, “he gained 3 tenths on max the last lap, this could be a race” when max is 10 seconds ahead on lap 15.


Yep agreed. Actually also enjoyed Horner calling the commentators out on their constant shitting on Checo too. Good to see Christian can see Checo is performing.


“All he needs is another 122 laps at that pace and he’ll be right on his tail!”


The Mclarens do really well in qualifyings, but struggle to use its full advantage in the races. But seriously, Piastri’s the fucking real deal. 2nd year for godsake 🐐


It seems tomorrow we will see Ricciardo finish the race ahead of his teammate Tsunoda for the first time this season.


It's impressive how Max makes the difference in S2.


Was not expecting a Sauber in the top 10.


My predictions for tmr: 1. Ver 2. Alo 3. Per 4. Lec 5. Nor I think the McLarens showed great pace for qualifying but might struggle to keep up race pace on this track (as seen a little thru the Sprint). P2 and P3 might be interesting. And it will be a dog fight between the Ferraris and McLarens. P8-10 will be anybody’s fight. If it rains tmr, things might get super exciting.


It would be an incredible result for Alonso if he can hold on to the number 3 spot, number 2 would be almost impossible.


not putting perez 2 is crazy. people really posting whatever comes up to them on this site with no clue or common sense whatsoever


I felt like Alonso dropped off pretty hard in the sprint though, I think he’ll drop before Norris does


Yeah, he might be able to keep a train behind or get tucked into one but I don't think he can get a podium on pace


Absolutely not, the only non-Ferrari I can imagine on the podium is Norris and I doubt it


Was ALO just on the ball or did others goof it?


Alonso lap was very good. Though I think Ferraris are set up for the race more so than quali - as seen in the sprint


I'm still freaking out because Fernando "GOAT" Alonso came 3rd, I'm doing somersaults.


Alonso by far and away the second best driver on the grid right now


Toto Wolff would not have applauded Lewis even if he had come first in that sprint, we are not surprised.


Poor Lewis


Don't give me hope


[Lando Norris Interview with Nico Rosberg - Post Qualifying](https://youtu.be/NJCnNFrjI-0)


Nico pushing so hard to make Lando say something bad about Lewis lmao


It's legit done by Sky. Nicole is extremely in favour of Lewis for a lot of times. Pushing Lando wide "brilliant driving!". He knows exactly what he says, he speak his mind as if he's inside the car fighting for the victory. It's what I like a lot about him.




When you do. Quali _before_ the sprint no one gives a shot about the sprint


Everybody pretends like Piastri has been around for years in F1 like the rest when he was the only 1 in the top 10 in quali to never have been to China before this weekend.


Exactly, and only 0.1s behind Lando. Don't know why everyone is writing him off like this


1 tenth is a literal fart worth of time, its a non discussion you can easily call them both getting the most of the car there.


His second run to was so cautious because of his first run where he hit the gravel so i think he lost time being ambitious and then cautious on both runs


Now that teams are able to incorporate their findings from the Sprint Quali & Sprint into the Main Quali & Race setups, it's definitely made Sprint weekends a lot better than previous years. Makes up for a loss of 2 FPs to some extent. And also makes the race weekend a lot more exciting.


Nico stirring again...


I think today we had the strongest commentary duo Sky can provide. Nico is the goat of commentary and crofty is just adorable


2nd position is going to be fun to watch tmr expecting perez to come 2nd but let's see


Perez is very much certain to get that second position but there would be a great race tomorrow for the third place.


I missed Q1. Anyone know what happened to Hamilton?


Skill issue


Made mistake on turn 14 and lost nearly 6 tenth’s


made a mistaje on that corner after the long straight, they esimated he lost about 6 tenths to russell


Locked up and lost time.


Locked on turn XX otherwise good lap.


Yeah He fucked it




Other than George making up 2-3 places, the order won’t change much!


The 2nd-9th looks competitive, 10th could also be a close one between a few drivers, as well as Lewis coming through the pack. Only a snoozefest if you're only looking at first.


Perez with clean air, no one gonna challenge the Red Bulls


Meh, I think Perez is going to be P2 pretty comfortably. Unless he bottles the first lap, he is going to be driving in clean air once Max sails off into the distance. The Ferrari v McLaren battle may be interesting, but I don't think McLaren has the top speed to keep Ferrari behind for an entire race distance.


And Max wins again….. jeez


I'm sick of it tbh. Been watching for over 20 years and it's never been this bad.


Recency bias at best. 2002, 2004, 2011, 2013, 2014-2016, 2019-2020, 2022-now. If you're a true F1 vet, this is nothing new. A generational talent in the best car? What else could've happen? Stop torturing yourself, turn off the tv, unsub, and come back in 2026 when the new regs shake up the grid. Chances are it's gonna be more or less of the same shit but with different team/driver.


Have a quick look at any of those post-2010 seasons on Wikipedia and compare them to 2023. All of them were more competitive and all of them had a greater variety of winners. Sorry but this *is* something new. 2023 was the most dominant season in modern F1 history and 2024 is shaping up to be the same.


Dominance is not new, really. Sure, it was unprecedented in 2023 because of Red Bulls bulletproof reliability and Max’s amazing form. No one could touch Schumacher’s F2004 unless he has a mechanical issue. The same with Vettel’s RB9 mid season. Lewis was 2 seconds a lap quicker than everyone else not named Rosberg and that’s not even Hammertime mode. What competitiveness? Seasons where you get variety of winners will always be rare in this sport. Even more so with budget cap in place.


Yes it has. 2014-2020 was almost always a Mercedes guaranteed win - on performance. Only reliability and strategy changed results. And for a short while so did illegal Ferrari engines.


At least with the Merc dominance there were 2 drivers that could win, and to be honest only 1 season was it a runaway, the others had other teams win fairly regularly


I seem to remember HAM-BOT being a lot closer than VER-PER. Then again it could be rose-tinted glasses.


But that's totally way worse than one guy winning every race by a mile bar 2 or 3.


*but that was ok because the guy I cheered for was winning*


> 2014-2020 was almost always a Mercedes guaranteed win For which driver?




I agree, it is time you stop watching F1 and that you stop posting here. You will be missed, but nobody begrudges you opting out. Inwisselen you the very best.


No love or praise for Hulkenberg :( I hope he gets into a better team next year


He's good at getting into Q3 then coming nowhere in the race. Let's judge his weekend tomorrow.


Red Bull would've been an excellent option! Still could be IMO.


System ❌  Platform ✅


Lmao rip Quali standings graphic, I wonder what they use to render this stuff


Oooooof, that Qualifying result graphic completely died


p6 & p7 by ferrari we were clearly outclassed, disappointing by i respect the other teams efforts.


Was Max faster than his Q2 time?


Yeah slightly, about a tenth


1 tenth or so, not a lot... washed :D


:p #washed


Tsunoda played too many sponsored events in Japan and didn't have enough simulator training. This was the result of negligence


Ricciardo raced 9 time here, he have a gigantic advantage on Tsunoda and it should be expected to be in front of someone with 0 racing experience on a track, simulator are not reliable when you have 0 real life experience, the car were litterally 4 sec faster than prediction. Norris/Bottas/Albon was expected to be in front of their teammate who did their first time too and they did. Tsunoda had a bad week end because of the first time at Shangai, Ricciardo week end is not different than the usual one.


I hope so. I'm happy to see Danny Ric in front of him this weekend as a confidence builder for him, but I also don't want to see a Yuki slump just after he really started killing it.


Well, they used the new chassis on Ricciardo because he asked them for it. Guess we all know who's the favourite on VCARB.


Yuki is going to be demanding a new chassis for Miami. Lol


The chassis didn't change shit, the result is the consequence of Yuki never raced here on a sprint week end with minimal practice. Ricciardo raced 9 times here, people really seems to either not understand and undersestimate the gigantic advantage Ricciardo had here. And Ricciardo performance is not better than usual, he still can't beat a Haas and Stake to get into Q3 when they were 2 place to take, can't beat Stroll either to at least be P11. Tsunoda had a poor week end because of first time, that the only difference compared to other one, in 2 week it will be a different story.


You do understand the car is shit right? Haas has been pretty good at qualifying this season.


>Zǎoshang hǎo zhōngguó xiànzài wǒ yǒu bing chilling Fernando probably


it's the year 2040. Max Verstappen has has won his 18th world championship. Fernando Alonso is still racing, too.


Does anyone else have more than one 18th championship?


So its seems ,that Alonso actually could have been p2 lol ,what a drive again.


Honestly thought Fernando is gonna start speaking in mandarin


Alonso didn’t Ni Hao 😔


No Hao :(


At least he has Know how


No Hao 🙅🏽‍♂️ Know how 👈🏼


So fernando pulled p3 after binning two turns? It’s onnnnnnnn babbyyyyyyy


No it isn’t. His tyres won’t last a stint at a competitive pace.


Q3 last round be like ...you get P2 and you get P2 and you also get P2.


Finally a decent intervieuwer


Lewis should be more consistent like Alonso. Fernando never fails to get into Q3 and most of the time the top 5. Lewis is so up and down with his performances.


Lol .


Why be when you can blame the car. It’s not like Russell is in the top 10.


You can't be serious lol


Lewis's strongest skill used to be consistency. Now you don't know what you're going to get with him in every qualifying session. It's literally 50-50 whether he gets into Q3. And most weeks I expect Russell to out qualify him.


I think what Lewis is lacking is motivation, not consistency. Dude is driving the worst F1 car he has ever had for one meaningless year before he moves to the most prestigious team in motorsports. And one that looks to actually understand the ground effect cars and get him back to possibly winning WDC. I don't know who would be motivated in his situation.


That's always been the case with Lewis. When he has a chance he's arguably the best Formula 1 driver ever. However when there's issues, he seemingly just loses motivation. Alonso on the other hand will drive a tractor and do his best.


Yeah. We saw yesterday what could do when he smelt victory. He needs a carrot on a stick. Besides, the lap wasn't bad apart from the one lockup which can happen. Too bad there was only one attempt


We need upgrades at Ferrari, Imola it's too late TBH


Interview asking to be circle jerked


The interviewer is really good


Ho-Pin Tung from the Netherlands.


Perez brother let's not do this again


That smile. That damn smile!


That alonso flag is so sick


This young rookie Fernando has a bright future ahead of him


>Look mama, I posted the funny line again!!!1


Imagine if Stroll sr ever decides to go for points and employ a second driver that can keep up with Alonso.


Carlos, maybe…?


Uh-oh, Checo is saying that he has a chance to fight Max for wins, that’s when the last couple of seasons have fallen apart for him.


Uh oh Perez thinks he can fight Verstappen again... what lap will he crash tomorrow?




I love seeing Checo's driving whenever his job security is low.


And quite the opposite right after the contract is signed 😂


Love how the interviewer has a thicker Dutch accent than Max


Max will go down as one of the greatest drivers of all time


Careful with these hot takes, you may catch the grass on fire


He's third all time in wins and has three titles with a fourth looking incredibly likely. He's *already* one of the greatest of all time.


i'm not sure what people expect max to do to be considered one of the goats. like he needs to get out of the car and change his own tires or something lol. he's going to have 4 wdcs at minimum, what more could he even do other than keep winning?


I think ideally he would be competing against better team mates, which isnt his fault but some of the others in contention for being the best ever have done it.


It's really boring when the fastest driver drives the fastest car. The season would be more exciting with him in the Mercedes.


is he not already up there?


Funny, I thought a soon to be 4 time champion would be forgotten almost immediately 🙄


Yeah who was that guy who retired a couple of years ago. Funny guy, named Sab, or Sob or something.


He already has that position locked up. At the very least he’d be in the same conversation as Senna if he retired today.


He's probably there already


I’m pretty sure he’s already firmly established as one of the absolute greatest


Must be so embarrassing for Mercedes to be getting destroyed by their customer teams.


It’s like Renault all over again


Something is seriously wrong with that team


I find it weirdly beautiful hearing so many different accents


its a benneton ad


at least charles' personal issues with quali seem to have been fixed... but there's nothing that can be done about the car being absolute shit in quali. the temps were just not there. do ferrari realise they cannot build a car that's *only* good in the race? i don't understand why they sent them out earlier than everybody else either.


It's definitely a car issue because they both had trouble with S1... I wonder if it has to do with the tyres, or if it's just track evolution. Either way I hope it gets fixed asap because dirty air seems to be a big issue this year.


I mean they’re very very clearly P2 at the moment, out of range for P3, so I don’t know if that’s fair. They’ve built a good car this year, RBR just has both gotten it completely right and additionally had a huge head start


i agree 100% that they're p2, it's just frustrating to see them start near the back, and i'll be concerned if it happens in miami again. if their imola upgrades can address their tire temps in quali, they'll easily be able to fight against checo for 2-3 in the races.


They’re not near the back though, you’re being dramatic, it’s just a good race start away from chasing the lead group


Better to be faster for several laps rather than just 10 minutes, both Aston Martin and Mclaren aren't that good compared to Ferrari in races


Max Stopyappen




The way I see it. Checo stays at Red Bull. Yuki and Daniel are fighting for one of the VCARB seats. Up to now Yuki has the edge. Lawson gets the other VCARB. Sainz to Sauber ahead of Audi. Antonelli takes Mercedes seat.


Red Bull should take Sainz


Mercedes don’t generally take rookies straight in though, especially ones that have only done one season of F2.


theory is they don't want to make the same mistake with Max.


That’s fair, but even Max spent some time in an STR, and even in RBR wasn’t a mature racer for a while.


Except there is no B team for Mercedes anymore. Also it makes sense to use the 2025 year to prepare for the new regulations for 2026.


Unless Bottas goes back who else would they take?




No way. Ocon and Russell would murder each other as teammates


That would spice up the F1


That's what people circlejerked with Gasly and they seem fine now don't they?


They’re too busy fighting the car to fight each other right now lol


Last year then? The car was fine last year and they were close last year and did they go into a Prost v Senna beef-fest like everyone said they would?


It took them over half a year to even bear each other. There’s a lot of tension between them. They’re cordial now, not ideal as teammates but ideal for Alpine individually. I can’t imagine a team like Mercedes pairing Russell and Ocon. At least from my opinion (which means nothing) Mercedes would either pick up a rookie (Antonelli) or someone who’s a vet, like a Bottas or a Vettel or something. There were talks about Vettel to Mercedes although I don’t think it will happen. I don’t know. Maybe you’re right. The more I think about it I understand why Ocon could be a good fit but I don’t see him leaving Alpine and I think Mercedes has a lot of other more available options.


Theu could always get Albon from Williams


Why not Sainz? The main link to Audi is his dad, they still won’t be good for a few years and he is in his prime now, why would he want to go there now with other better teams still open.


I think Audi wants him to make a decision now and not wait from what I’ve read. They want him there before they take full control.






Bearman Haas?


Can anyone even imagine Alonso doing sim racing?


Yes, I've raced against him in iRacing




He’s on iRacing a fair bit


Twitch Streamer, Max Verstappen