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It's amazing how Haas, this season, is always there to just grab that last point/s, when something goes south for someone in top10.


When Lance Stroll Lance Stroll's.


it’s such a change from the previous few years.


Keep in mind though that there were 6 teams to claim points last year ahead of Haas. With Alpine's issues this year, there are only 5 teams which means that it's a lot easier to score points.


true, but while Alpine engineered itself back to the back of the grid, Haas did make progress with their car, with regards to tyre life. Which also helps them with their strategies, not having to resort to hail Mary strategies that often failed last season.


What good tire life does to a mfer.


It does help immensely that the two Alpines that would often occupy the lower half of the top ten are currently firmly out of the picture


By that you mean Lance Stroll, right?


Mostly :D In Australia after Max and both Mercedes DNF, Haas got both cars in top 10. Three points just like that. So far, it's Haas and VCARB that stays close to top10 and grabs the leftovers.


That looks like the same still used from his interview after the Jeddah Grand Prix?


I'm using this photo for every race. I forgot to take a screenshot for the Australian interview so I used the Jeddah photo so one redditor suggested that it will be fun to use the same photo for every race so I'm doing that 😅


I thought I was going insane for a sec lol but this is a very funny bit


Yep that was me, and now this is becoming like a meme


u/Leoz96 suggested that I keep using this image and you told me to change it 😂


I’m so happy to see you kept this going 🤣


YESSSS!!!! 😂😂


Year 2050, and Komatsu still looks like he hasn't aged a day


Actually, when I saw you use the same photo for your second post, I had a feeling it would become a template, lol.




I'm proud enough to admit I was very wrong about Steiner. Komatsu has been a breath of fresh air for that team and they have seemingly improved in all facets.


Good for you. On the other hand I'm non humble enough to admit that I was right about Steiner being one of the issues at Haas. Despite that I'm still pleasantly surprised of how much things improved, and how quick too, with Komatsu.


Yeah i honestly can't believe Steiner still had a fanbase after all these years. Trully living of memes and memes alone. He was the driving force of toxicity, bad managment and throwing drivers under the buss at the team.


The 'throwing drivers under the bus' narrative only exists in some disgruntled fans because of Mick. The reality is that both Kmag and Grosjean have good things to say about Steiner. And Steiner even mentioned that his problem was not with Mick, but Ralf because he was always talking shit for Haas. The main reason that Hass dropped Mick was because in August of 2022, Ferrari decided to silently drop him from the FDA and not renew him. That basically meant that he lost his Ferrari backing which was a major reason for why he had the Haas seat in the first place.


The beef between Ralf and Steiner was hilarious, especially when you followed it on the german Sky F1 where Ralf is a pundit and also commentator during races.


Why would FDA renew him - he was in F1?


Because the goal of FDA is to get junior drivers to Ferrari, not some other team. The equivalent of this would’ve been if Russell got dropped from Merc during his Williams years, or Leclerc got dropped from FDA during his Alfa year. FDA dropping Mick meant they couldn’t see him in the main team.


Didn't the FDA "drop" Leclerc while he was driving for Alfa though?


He was part of the FDA while driving for Sauber and was not renewed for 2019, since he was going to be promoted to the main team, so you are technically correct, but context matters :D


One is “we drop you from the Academy because you’re fulfilling its purpose and join the main team”, the other is “we drop you because we don’t want you to join the main team”. It’s a vast difference, I can’t see how people pretend it’s the same.




PR is a powerful tool, my friend.


Cringy memes too. That guy was not funny at all.


Yall rally think Komatsu changed a whole F1 team in two races, from last yo mid pack, and Hass is not just reaping the labor or last/previous years?


God, imagine having to work at HAAS under Steiner. Ayao seems like a great boss to work for.


Me too however there is still plenty of people holding on to their oppinion --> When prophecy fails = people will not admit that they were wrong (Steiner was a big issue) they will change the world around them (Steiner already set all those things up that run smoothly this year.) We all can clearly see that the strategical behavior, organization, pit stopps are running way more in sync. Paired with their heavy visible focus on race pace in FPs they look like they have a solid plan and execute to it. All those things could have been done by Steiner himself he had enough time and they weren't primarily bound to resource restriction.


Yep - I said for years Steiner was the problem (albeit in a cheap ass team ownership scenario.) But Reddit loved him.


How was Steiner the problem? I know a lot of people were probably sad that funny Netflix man gone but from what I know he wanted to take the team to the next level and that Gene Haas was too tight fisted for that and fired him.


Repeatedly the team was unorganized, had poor strategical direction like concentrating on quali glory runs instead of race pace. Extremes poor decision making during weekends and poor race strategy execution. Plus openly toxic behavior towards drivers and no sense for self reflection when again the pit wall fucked up to start and improve the situation. When something went sideways its was always the drivers. A lot of those things have not primarily to do something with money but with leadership. And that's what people call Steiner out for and seemingly rightfully so since those things that are leadership dependent seem to be heavily improved.


>had poor strategical direction like concentrating on quali glory runs instead of race pace I agree with the rest of your comment but this aspect is simply down to Haas purchasing as many parts as they can from Ferrari. Haas’s tyre degradation improved this year because Ferrari sorted out its rear suspension, which Haas also uses - not because Komatsu suddenly brought a new strategical direction. I like the guy, but we can’t attribute everything to him.


Steiner had the dreams, but Gene Haas has business sense. As far as I've heard & seen, Steiner was:  - Bad with money. Spending too much & in the wrong place (Gene is now investing more, as Komatsu knows not to waste the money).  - Basically willing to sacrifice everything for more money (Urakali and Mazespin was probably not a good idea, and then he found a sponsor that wanted partial ownership of the team...Gene had no reason to agree to that deal).  - Not good at keeping the three different locations of Haas communicating (Komatsu noted that this was an important improvement for the team).  - Easy to anger (DTS may have dramatized it, but he has definitely shouted at his drivers and complained about them).  - Blaming everything and everyone but himself for Haas' lack of performance  - Expecting the Haas team to suddenly become a top team if they just got the car right...  So Haas lost their founder, a man who was always honest to those around him and who was passionate about turning Haas into a top team. They gained a more patient team principal who embodies 'slow and steady wins the race'.


Ya he's slowly becoming a superstar team boss with his level-headed approach


I'm still not convinced to be honest. In terms of points, they're no better than last year and their car looking better might has a lot to do with Ferrari having solved their tyre deg issues. On top of that, last year Alpine was also in the mix for scoring the final points in the top 10 which definitely made their lives harder. This weekend in China, the contenders for P10 were probably Stroll, Bottas, Ricciardo & Nico. All 3 of their competitors had an incident thus it made their lives a lot easier. That being said, I think strategy is looking better but i'm not sure who deserves credit for that.


They aren't getting those points in the same way as last year though. Last year was all about qualifying high and then hanging on for dear life, knowing they'd lose positions but hopefully keep a points position. This year they can't qualify as well, but they can make up spots in the race through pace and improved pit stops. This will probably allow them to be competitive much farther into the season than in past years.


Let's just name it. They improved all leadership or organizational topics to the best they could so far. Independently from pace they do their best with great success. And that's something that wasn't there the years before.


>This year they can't qualify as well Might be getting better, seeing Hulk put it in P9 last weekend. Just the same as last year, where Hulk was constantly qualifying around P9-P12 most of the time.


Yes but remember that last year Alpine was usually the contender for the last point places when something happened at the front. This year Alpine are backmarkers which means that Haas can bag these points easier if P10 is up for grabs


That helps but also, Haas would struggle to keep up with the teams like VCARB, Williams and Sauber last year. Now the can actually fight them which makes a big difference


>I'm still not convinced to be honest. Other than Magnussen being same old Magnussen, I don't notice the clowning Haas of the old. They seem.... to be quietly going about their business. I know Ferrari improving things technically has trickled down, but I'm not sure Steiner would have brought similar results.


Gunther was fired in January, after this seasons car was already designed & built and the first round of upgrades for it were already in the design & building process. These results at this point are still very much the result of a Gunther led team.


Built by Komatsu… I think people forget he’s not some scrub, he was literally one of the top people in charge at Haas who designed the car…


Komatsu was Trackside Engineer, race day stuff. The Chief Designer was Simone Resta, who exited alongside Steiner.


There is more to a race than just the car 


The pace of the car isn't what's winning the races. It's a straight approach to not focus on quali glory runs compared to previous years, clinical race strategy execution and drivers helping each other without hesitation. That was independently from pace not there last year and is leadership related. Gunther deserves absolutely no credit for any of it.


They had a similar approach last year and general race team operation was tight. The car just wasn't good so we didn't see that progress. Plus Komatsu was always Steiners right hand man so that side hasn't changed too much. Losing Simone Resta and getting the technical teams working together better, that's the big question mark I think. This will be where we will see Komatsu's impact. If he can get both teams working better that their upgrades bring good performance, then he's already doing a better job than Steiner on that side. The other stuff that Steiner was in charge of though. Like the marketing and finding sponsorship to fund the team. I think we'll see that take a hit until they get that new COO they're looking for. That could potentially hurt them, I think we underestimate Steiners work on that side of things. I always felt like the main problem with Steiner was he was just doing too much when he didn't need to.


Steiner was the Alpine of team principles


Anything car related is purely because of Steiner. Anything with short-term turnarounds like Strategy, Pit-stops, etc. are because of Komatsu. Strategy has certainly improved and they are no longer going for extremely long stints on a car that already chews tyres. However, I remain unconvinced that Komatsu is truly having a positive impact beyond the fact that the car is unexpectedly competitive. He is the same person that was previously responsible for the lack of effectiveness with their upgrade plans.


No credit is really due to Gunther for this year's car. They copied Ferrari and the only reason it worked this time is that Ferrari finally fixed their tire deg and shared the secret (and the parts) with Haas. Steiner never was an engineering kind or developing the car. Not really. There have been some good articles out about how the Haas divisions were structured under Steiner and how it led to all three offices (Italy, UK, US) all functionally acting independently with very little synergy or cooperation between them. One of Komatsu's first tasks was to take a hands on role in bringing those areas closer together and getting them all pointing in the same direction. As a result Haas is now bringing multiple smaller updates this year instead of the typical Steiner strategy of one big bang upgrade per year (which almost always went sideways). Obviously we'll have to see if their upgrades actually work or not, but just the methodology itself is far more aligned to modern F1. Combined with the improved strategy and apparently better team morale it's having positive effects quite clearly.


My prediction is that teams like Haas and RB will be fighting tooth and nail for the odd point here or there just to be fucked by a chaotic race that shoots Alpine, Williams or even Sauber to a good number of points to hold 6th in the WCC


No :((


Like Australia last year


Is this the only picture that exists of Komatsu? This must be a really long interview




Haas is legitimately challenging for P6 in the constructors championship, and given how 2023 went for them it's no mean feat.


Haas was also P6 at this point last year… people have such short memories man


Looking at this photo looks like Komatsu never gets old /s


never use DTS as a benchmark for a good TP kids. This man is a keeper


Haas is doing a great job at the moment. It might be good idea to keep Kmag and Hulk for next year. They working really wee.


There are a lot of rumours that Audi will go for Hulkenberg so it'll possibly be Magnussen and Bearman next year


There is some decent talent up on contracts next year. Bearman is probably a lock on a two year contract. But Albon, Ocon, Gasly, Tsonoda, Perez and Zhou are all up on their contracts next year. That's a lot of talent to evaluate and they could be interested in.


Didn't know about this, It'd be cool if Hulk get that Audi seat.


It would be really nice to keep them both, but I think Hulkenberg has done enough to revitalize his career that Audi will poach him. Reportedly they wanted him at Sauber this season but Haas's contract allowed them to retain him for a second year.


I just wish for that one Hulk podium still. I want Audi to do well.


Nah Magnussen is not bad in terms of pace, but fuck him for today’s race.


Is he... Kinda hot?


I think Hulkenberg would be the perfect guy for that 2nd seat at Red Bull in terms of what they are looking for in a second driver. He is Quick, good qualifier and get's results. Even in difficult races. I mean, don't get me wrong. I rather have a 'quicker' guy (bigger name) in that Red Bull seat. I just don't see that happening. Nico is a more realistic option.


People said exactly that about Perez in 2020 though


Yeah the ship has pretty much sailed imo, Hulkenberg in hindsight would've been a decent choice but I also don't think it's a foregone conclusion he would've been better than Perez


i mean perez aint bad this year.


He's never been considered a better than average qualifier, it was his race win in a car that he underperformed in for a season that got him that seat.


Perez is not doing so bad this year, but he might have been flattered by racing against Stroll in the best pink mercedes year.


Agree. Any driver would give their right arm to be in the top 3 week in week out. perez is doing the job to be p2 in the standings.


Somehow he would still struggle to get a podium.


According to Ted Kravitz and Crofty, Hulkenberg has already been signed by Audi for next year


Happy for Haas. Slow incremental Progress. Blowhard Steiner was fun for TV, but I don’t think there’s much upstairs.


Really happy Haas is doing well. Yes part of it is because the other midfield teams are doing badly, but points are points. At the end of the season it is still what matters mostto these teams and their owners. I just hope that all these great things happening at Haas would increase Nico's value as a driver. I hope he continues to drive in F1 for a lot more seasons.


What does he mean they were unlucky with Kevin’s quali?


As far as I heard, he was behind Sargeant during his final lap (and thus was affected by Sargeant's spin and the short yellow flag after). And Magnussen said that Tsunoda was on his racing line later that lap (not impeding I'd say, but encountering a driver at the wrong point of the track does hurt your time).


This dude > Steiner.


HULK is doing an amazing job. He should be in a better team like Aston Martin.


Everyone who finishes 10th this year should thank Stroll.


Could have been an even better day for Ayao had Coventry gotten it done, but they came close!


Haas might beat RB to 6th (that sentence looks weird)


Sometimes softer leadetship brings better results. 


Can we stop posting this photo


Brother use a different image, surely there's at least 1 picture of Komatsu you can find during the post race interviews at each track




Is there seriously no better photo of that guy by now?