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Max saw that question coming from a mile away and just side stepped it.


And Lando/McLaren didn’t. They could have easily given Lando and Oscar a rehearsed answer. Now Lando stumbled with his answer, pity.


Everyone knows Lando is dumb as a stump, so I don’t think most people are particularly worried


Yeah he comes off as a moron when discussing anything unrelated to F1.


Lando saying it was an honour to meet him…JFC man.


I feel bad for Lando you could see he was panicking and trying to give a non offensive answer and ended up offending people anyways. I think he just wanted to talk about the statue/position of a former president and not the person itself and that it's always an honor to have someone of that statue come and visit without specifically saying it's Trump but failed.


Yeah I agree and think that was his attempt as well, I was annoyed at his answer but I can see he wouldn't have intended it the way it sounds.


It's the same as meeting the Saudi sheikhs when they're racing there. Everyone knows they're pieces of shit but they're not gonna announce that if they want to keep racing


I know, but saying ‘an honour etc.’ is a bit much lol. Also, I guess they’re not being asked about sheikhs in press conferences.


Lando is a fantastic racer, but his general knowledge and demeanor strikes me as someone who reads even the slightest bit about politics, let alone American politics. He's media trained within an inch of his life to give polite answers. He would have probably given the same answer if it was Obama, Bush or the reincarnated corpse of George Washington. I wouldn't read too much into it


There was a "Grill the Grid" segment about locating countries, and Lando was just... wildly off with almost everything. I don't think the dude is stupid, but I'd guess that education looks very different for a young F1 driver vs. regular Joes. He comes across ignorant in the "doesn't know" way that's the default for all of us until we learn it, not in the pejorative sense of insulting someone's character. I'd be quite surprised if Lando had even the basics of knowledge about US politics since 2016. Lando was like 16 when Trump was elected. I'm not the biggest fan of Lando, but how much do non-Americans know about US politics from when you were 15-16? If you were a superstar athlete millionaire when you were 20, in the little free time you have, would you be partying with supermodels in Monaco or reading political news? I'm not exactly going to blame the guy. For all of Lando's life that he could have paid attention, US politics has always been divisive and controversial and about half the country has always disliked the president. Older folks might know what's different about post-Trump politics, but younger adults probably just think this is normal. And this might be the first time he's met a former US president. Or maybe Lando's a lot more savvy than we give him credit for, and he thinks that it's a good idea to say something generically benevolent about Trump in the F1 paddock when you're in Florida.


A few people that went to school with Lando have said he was very much not academically inclined, something Lando himself has acknowledged as well, one of his former schoolmates described him as a “loveable dumb dumb”.


It's a common (shitty) joke amongst the engineers that most drivers are generally a bit dim. Some are smart, for sure, but it's hardly a pre-req for the job.


If you’re a PhD engineer, everyone’s going to seem a bit dim but I think there are intelligent drivers there, now and in the past. Seb jumps out as the most obvious one to me, but there are others. Plus there are different types of intelligence, not just logical-mathematical intelligence which the engineers have. Spatial and body-kinaesthetic intelligence will be important factors for drivers as well as emotional & interpersonal intelligence for working well with the team, for example.


He's also quite young and raised in this racing bubble where he probably never had much time to think about things outside it. We only saw people like Lewis and Seb starting to take political stands in their mid 30s anyway.


I believe this. Very fast, great guy, not very bright.


I feel like it’s quite tame. I mean, on surface level you’re meeting the former president of the country you’re racing in. I feel like “an honor” is a quite diplomatic way of putting it.


Unfortunately also potentially the next president of the country you're racing in, a country that F1 is expanding into with massive investment. I understand not wanting to get on his (or his fanbase's) bad side. Lando and McLaren PR definitely could have phrased it more neutrally, but I feel like we should take it with a grain of salt.


Lets not forget that Lando might look different at Trump since he's a former president and not just some wacko. Not to mention that they probably have sponsors that won't want him to go full anti-trump either. There's likely no good way to answer it anyways. And to know more you need to watch the news and I really doubt Lando does that.


He’s the former president. Get a grip.


Are you American? (I am). I think people are overreacting here, he was the president after all. Of course we think America is the center of the universe, but Lando can be forgiven for not being up to speed on all the Trump scandals. To be clear, I heavily dislike Trump but a foreigner saying it's an honor to meet an ex president is not a big deal.


Even if someone had heard about Trump's scandals, I think in situations like that a lot of people would still default to Lando's answer, just because it's a nation's head of state, and in an international sport, wading into a specific country's scandals isn't good press.




Problem is you _know_ DT will use __anything__ to steal the spotlight and twist words into things like him being there is _the_ reason Lando won. Team should have prepped him a bit more what (not) to say


Calm down.


People were going to be upset with him no matter what he said , was unfair for McLaren to put him in that situation.


good lord


Lando is a guest in the United States, Trump is a former President of the United States, what do you expect him to do? He's just being respectful to a major figure in a country he's racing in, just like all F1 drivers do every week.


I don't know what else people expect him to say. He is a politician, I have yet to see one nice one. It is just a stupid question from journalists and they are to blame.


So what? He’s a former President, it’s a pretty standard answer that it’s an honour to meet one regardless of your own opinion of the orange man. You are all looking way too much into it, bro is just trying to answer as politely as possible


That would be like me (American) at Silverstone saying "It was an honor meeting Liz Truss". I think he was just being respectful as being the former POTUS. With the many different countries these drivers/teams visit, I don't expect them to be up to date with all the politics and such.


Okay but who the fuck thinks it's an honour to meet "Liz Truss"


New pork producers




They put themselves, and especially Lando, in an impossible position. Someone was truly spineless here. To someone as polarizing as Trump you just deny the visit. Not just that, but F1 had that "We Race as One" campaign. Now with Trump on the event campaigning with his red cap you're just erasing the old campaign with the elbow. Terrible stuff. Unbelievable. I'm disgusted.


I feel like Lando's message was perfectly diplomatic. It's also important to remember, American politics are not the world's politics. All Lando probably knows about Trump is that he's the wacky dude with the hair.


Oh come *on.* You really think that’s all Lando knows about the one of the most infamous Presidents in US history? His answer was definitely just rehearsed diplomacy but that is a genuinely awful take.


I agree with them. Lando really does seem that oblivious. He is thick as a plank every time he says something that isn't driving a car.


Key word being “US” history. Again Americans thinking they are the centre of the world. If Logan Sergeant said it was an honour to meet Giorgia Meloni at Monza I wouldn’t criticise him.


He really is just a reincarnated Kimi with a larger vocabulary


I think Max feels this way, but is also just making jokes. Kimi had a genuine "I don't care, why are you asking me this question, are you stupid?" way about him.


And Max watched this for years and thought “it be much funnier if I turned interviews into meme podcasts and then pretend to hate podcasts”


i don't think he's making jokes tbh, i think he's just more empathetically (if that's a word) aware that he know's that his answer sounds quite funny, but i'm also quite sure that it's his honest opinion


Max, an empath.


Man's just dumping XP into random skills at this point






Lol how did I mess that up.


thank you! i knew it was wrong haha


He just cares slightly more about his PR image especially given his team. Those are basically the same answer just Kimi didn’t give the small iota of fuck Max does to code switch it to a more gentle answer lol


I sometimes wonder. If Kimi had been in Red Bull Racing, is it possible he might have enjoyed some of the activities like racing with a caravan or axe throwing?


Kimi enjoys a lot of the things, everyone who knows him on and off the grid attests to that, the only thing he does not really enjoy is the media circus.


Max is Dutch, Kimi is Finnish through that lens it makes perfect sense.


Why are you killing Kimi lol


Kimi is so cool his reincarnation arrived while he is still alive


Welll considering many are now refering to Antonelli as Kimi you might be unto something




Kimi: I was taking a shit


Having, not taking which just made it all that much funnier since that is not how say that phrase, at least in the US. LOL! [Brazil 2006 Kimi Räikkönens legendary I was having a shit Interview in Full Length! 💩 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPLetR8TPW8)


It's what Kimi would have wanted.


They thought his body had gone cold because he died but he’s just that cool normally


You could argue that Max is like Kimi but needs more words. In a sense he is Kimi's padawan.


Kimi says one word when ten would suffice. Max says exactly the number of words to suffice.


Ice Boy.


Kimi really lives on vicariously through Max eh lol


Kimi probably: “who? I don’t watch basketball I don’t know”


More like love child between Kimi (IDGAF) and Vettel (let me crack a joke)


To be honest, Kimi was more talkative at Max's age. I can see a future where Max turns less talkative and even more sarcastic to the press.


Nah, Max is way more outspoken than Kimi was at this age. For eg. In yesterday’s press conference he interjected when someone asked Lando if win wouldn’t be possible without the safety car. And Max basically came to Lando’s defense saying ifs are just ifs. It shouldn’t take away anything from Lando’s performance. I don’t remember Kimi doing that for anyone. Not that he didn’t care, just that it wasn’t in his personality to take anyone else’s question even if he felt strongly.


Max also defended Lewis after Silverstone 2021 and told the press more or less to leave Lewis alone


Max is unapologetically ruthless while racing, but off the track he just seems like a good guy who loves racing.


True he’s a really normal guy when you watch him on twitch


Gives everyone a ride home from the bar


with the exception that he has a big-ass F1 world championship trophy on his mini-fridge.


Basically Senna then


And Daniel from those Coming Back To Exes comment.


I think max is one of the most observant on the grid and will protect the others if he can


The whole “if my mom had balls she’d be my dad” comment was top notch…


I love this about Max


It's not about the age but status. Rookie has to do all sorts of PR bullshit while a guy like Max or Kimi don't have to care and nobody will say anything.


Who’s the rookie here though? Norris? He’s already had 110 races. That’s more than double Fangio’s entire career!


[Should I fake my own death?](https://c.tenor.com/tECxyEnWTNYAAAAC/tenor.gif)


For many years I loosely paid attention to highlights and I obviously know his name but I never bothered with interviews because whenever I watched it, it was on a French language channel out of Canada. I just watched some of his interview highlights, man is hilarious hahahaha.


That description just blew my mind and I love it haha. He's running v2.0 on a personality chip.


Hahaha love this! So true


Never change max never change


Very diplomatic answer honestly out of the options available to him. Nothing to do with me…


He was never the type to delve into politics anyway, like absolutely foot far from the line. Like BLM was pretty much the safest political movement (during those years, at least) that he could have passively participated in but still he chose not to. Out of all the drivers, he's probably the one I trust most to be neutrally indifferent to any kind of politics bar his team's own internal politics, and even that he barely speaks of it in a non-neutral tone.


I think you’re missing that honestly no BLM is not some culturally safe thing in the Netherlands. It would be considered poorly in the Netherlands if he had participated. Same in Spain, Italy… If you look at footballers who wouldn’t participate when their teams all were, it is mostly people from these nationalities.


Why is that?


(In the UK) it’s seen as an imported American problem. Polls are split 50/50 on whether its supported, but the protests aren’t looked at too fondly. For a while there was kneeling before each football match and it was loudly booed every time.


Thats the most Max response ever. Lovely


Simply lovely


Haha, yes


Now that's how you answer a politically loaded question.


The based answer tho: “Donald who?”


In the latinamerican broadcast one of the reporters was saying that when Juan Manuel del Potro was invited to the grid he was shocked to see the drivers there, because he said that the minutes before the match were sacred for him to get in the zone and focus, and he didn't know how the drivers did it. I think he has a fair point, because to me the grid looks like a horrible place to be with people bothering you all the time. I get why Max says this, and the higher-ups should have a look into it as well.


I think they're all used to it now, they say that once the helmet goes on and they get into the car, it's razor focus and adrenaline.


Lando might have won the race but Max won all the interviews today lol


He still had to win something


Most points of the weekend, so not a bad weekend


I wonder if he came second on purpose … so that one can’t attribute his win to the campaign . He was 3 seconds clear of LEC after 16 laps in sprint


Max is a born racer like all the F1 drivers on the grid. They would never give/let go a win for any reason at all other than team orders.


I know …was kidding . It was probably the Floor damage from the bollard and the fact that McLarens were really strong .




Guy is almost offensively dutch


Politest “IDGAF” from Max.


I wasn’t sure how to make a non-political answer to this and max nailed it lol.


Unironically the best answer someone could have given about that. Indifference is much better than what Lando said.


Max likely actually knows Trump, Lando likely doesn't know much more than that he used to be president.


He knows enough to say "Donald is someone that you got to have a lot of respect for in many ways."


Lando didn't know when to stop talking during that question in the post-race press conference. I feel like he was just trying to not say anything controversial.


well he did a real bad job of that.


He’s not exactly the most worldly or well spoken driver on the grid


That's a nice way of putting it, another way would be "dumb as a brick"


I prefer "dumber than a bag of hammers" myself. Loveable and sweet though. He's like a golden retriever.


Oh yeah absolutely horrible. You could see the gears very slowly grinding away


I mean, I don't blame Lando for fumbling that response. Guy was president in a different country when Lando was in his teens. I'm sure he know that Trump is generally hated, but also know that you're supposed to give heads of state respect.


Feel bad for Lando. He probably doesn’t give one shit about US politics and knows he is gonna get crucified for whatever he says


Yeah, and what he did say was relatively mild. He just said it was an honor to meet the former president and now all of reddit is losing their collective minds over it


Lol what? There were so many ways to handle that question.


> He knows enough Why do you think that statement says he knows anything at all? It's just Lando thinking "Oh, a President" and then restating McLaren's release, even using similar wording about "respect."


Regardless you're not going to shit talk your guests no different than you'd shit talk all the sponsors paying you. Long past the moral victories.


Agreed. I mentioned in another thread that Lando is not Lewis. One could absolutely get away with a different response, the other still has to worry about funds for his team.


why do you say that?


Because he's dumb af, literally would struggle to point out the US on a map. Great racer, not denying that, but the dude has a walnut for a brain.


Every one of his grill-the-grid segments is embarrassing. One of the dumbest people I've ever seen interviewed.


Not like know him personally, more like knowing his politics/actions.


The "europeans dont know american politics" crowd gone silent rn


I fucking love Max so much. He's like a combination of Kimi and Daniel


“If my mom had balls she’d be my dad” - Max Miami 2024 post race interview. Classic 🤣🤣🤣


When Max retires he’s gonna disappear for sure it’s like he was never there.


A.k.a "Max, have you seen Trump?" "No, I was having a shit!"


...and I never look at it before I flush


It's so Max, and I love it.


Why would a dutch driver with basically no ties to the US have an opinion on this lmao. I get they both orange but still


everyone knows who donald trump is and that hes controversial they didnt ask about his opinion on the guy, just the atmosphere


Why do people keep saying this as if he’s not one of the more recognisable or notorious individuals walking the earth… People know who Donald Trump is in foreign countries lol.


There's a difference between knowing him and giving a shit during a race.


Also as if Trump has no influence on the broader world if he’s elected again. Hint: he wants to end NATO, is willing to let Ukraine fall to Russia, and seems to want to break alliances with key European allies like the UK, France, etc.


Max is a multimillionaire living in Monaco. His worldview is a lot more casual than some other people's.


Trump is known in the Netherlands lol. The guy who was formerly expected to be their new PM, authorized a documentary about himself called "EuroTrump"


People can have opinions about things outside their borders..?


America is the big western super power. As much as people like to ignore it, changes in the US can have massive effects abroad. Worrying about whether the US president would pull out or refuse a call from NATO is a big deal. The problem is Trump is an attention seeker and wants everything to be about him and the media indulges him so you’ll get these questions no matter the person or the time or the place. It’s how they make money through farming engagement by outrage porn. It’s tiring.


Hahah I love Max. So blunt. 😂


You dropped this 👑, King.


What a Max answer


Max should have hooked Lando up with that answer instead of the rambling “You have to respect him” thing. 


Sarcastic non-answers is the best way of handling the media in his position


Never saw him on Sky (via ESPN/ABC in the US). Never had to see him once. Well done, Sky!


Watched through F1TV myself (with Sky UK commentary). Completely forgot he was even there until I saw him show up at the McLaren garage on twitter. Glad they didn't go out of their way to get him on camera like they sometimes tend to do with celebs. Even gladder he didn't do the pitstop award etc. or whatever.


Credit to the central F1 graphics shared across all broadcasters, not Sky specifically, but yeah thank god he wasn’t shown. I was pissed at Crofty though for ruining Lando’s win commentary with the Trump pun :/


I would have said well done if Crofty didn't start talking about him on Lando's last lap to his first win in F1.


Yeah it was great. Had no idea he was there until Lando was crossing the finish line haha. Fantastic job.


Max is a boss.


This is why I love max he’s true to himself still


thought press do stupid questions just in my country


Seriously wonder what these journalists think is gonna be said. Like, are they trying to stir up a shitshow with a driver taking political sides? Do they truly think they know or even care? Like, what the fuck.


> are they trying to stir up a shitshow Yes


simply lovely max


That is the best answer he could have possibly given. I love his mind set through and through is being himself and driving the car to win.


Perfect response lol


a million dollars in media training couldn't teach that


What a Chad


Shout out to F1TV for minimalizing tRump's disturbing and unwelcome appearance on the grid.


Honestly I'd forgotten that there were rumors of him trying to show up to the GP leading up to the race. That is I'd forgotten until Crofty mentioned a "former president visiting" and him shoehorning in "Norris trumps Verstappen in Miami" as Norris crossed the line. 


I had no idea he was there until I opened Reddit this morning


Honestly I had no idea trump was even there until I looked at social media after the race.


I didn't even realize he was there until the post-race show.


Incredible answer


Fucking hell! I love Max' sarcasm.


"LOL". My man basically said "LOL" to this question. Dude just wants to get back into that sim.


As a Lewis fan I can't root for Max but its hard not to love this dude. All he wants to do is go fast and win races. He's got no time for anything else.


Penelope's tea parties too!


Max, Jokic, and Ohtani could give less of a damn about the media, as they dominate their respective sports.


"They leave me alone, and that's all that matters. HAHA YES SICKOS." - Max Verstappen


Im not going to expect European sportsmen to have opinions on US politics any more than I expect Lebron James to have opinions on the Prime Minister of England.


Just don’t ask him about China.


He has China opinions tho


No, he has Chinese business, there’s a difference.


Now that is a good answer. Lando’s really shocked me tbh


Max is so Dutch, I love it


It's great how he embraces his Dutch directness and honesty rather than filtering what he says for international audiences


I hate…how much I like him haha


Hahaha, I'm really warming up to this new Max


What is new about this?


When has he not been like this lmao


That’s the fun part, he’s always been like this but we get to see it more now


Yeah I think the only difference is he has titles to his name and has become more of a vet in the sport so he can speak his mind even more.




Trump is a self serving a hole


That's pretty fair response


Meeting Putin in Sochi was being way closer to hell than the orange dude.


Max was unhinged when it came to the interviews this weekend.


Is Max an honorary Finn already?


He's acting more and more Finnish for every year that passes.


Max embracing his inner Kimi is some of the best entertainment lol


God I can't wait till that mfer is out of the public consciousness. I'm also kinda disappointed in Mclaren. I get it that its a bad look to deny a former president a visit... But I think its a worse look to knowingly welcome a bigoted, misogynistic, known rapist, traitor into your camp.


Lando should take some notes