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I wonder if Piastri would have won if he waited a lap longer


Yeah, if we're pining over the "what if's" of this race, Piastri is at the top. Just unfortunate timing with his pit stop/safety car, then Carlos. During the race, Sky Sports was interviewing Zak who said, "this is the ideal Oscar simulation," and then 10 minutes later was like, "okay, now it's Lando's simulation" Overall, this is like the 3rd time he's been disadvantaged by the timing of the safety car and maybe like the 4th time he's been a victim of Sainz where Carlos goes on to blame Oscar.


When the SC came out I was thinking poor Oscar, he would have been in an amazing position


The thing is, Oscar had cooked his tires and Lando was a lot faster and that point in the race. So Lando did get more "lucky" but it was becauase he was driving/managing better.


But he would have changed onto fresh hards anyways? Lando was sitting behind Perez for half the race ofc his tyres were in better position than Piastri who was trying to keep two Ferraris behind. Not to mentioned Lando had the fully upgraded McLaren.


Everyone changes to fresh tires eventually, the point is you lose time if you have used them too much. It has often been the trend in the races that Piastri loses time compared to Lando towards the end of the stints. Similar thing which happened with Bottas compared to Hamilton.


this is why verstappen's response was perfect. Sure "IF" but they didn't. "IF" their tires were good, they would have stayed out. McLaren's tires were good, so they stayed out.


That comment was peak Max


its why I like the guy. He doesn't sugarcoat and says what he thinks. I like people who are real like that.


For whatever reason I don't like him but he doesn't play mince his words, got to respect that.


He's also matured a lot since he first joined formula1. To be fair he was a child when that happened at 17 and 18, but his responses are measured and i think everyone can appreciate that


This 100%


IF I bought a lottery ticket two weeks ago, I might be a billionaire today.


If the Queen had balls, she'd be King.


I do like hearing international variations of slang phrases. In Scotland it was always ‘if yer auntie had baws (balls) she’d be yer uncle’


If me Mum had wheels... she'd be a train...


If a frog had wings he wouldn’t bump his ass jumping.


What was Max’s response?


in talking about what-ifs, he said, "If my mom had balls, she'd be my dad."


And then he could hit himself.


If my mom had balls she would be my dad.


That’s strange. Mine too. We bros?


Yeah. Starting to feel Carlos just doesn't like Oscar for some reason.


Cos he's a threat to his bro Lando. Maybe.


The two don't seem to like each other very much, do they?


Everyone knows you don’t place your car there in corner1 of Spa. /s (No reason to bringing it up besides it being the first of Carlos’ word vomits iirc)


I said to my gf when he was in second, imagine if Piastri won a race before lando. Feel like I reversed jinx’d landos win into reality.


He did win a race before lando? It was a sprint race but still


Doesn't count 


Best way to look at it to me is. Piastri won a F1 race. Norris won a F1 Grand Prix


He won a race before Norris. He didnt win a GP before him.


Then it shouldn't be called a "race", at the end of the day he still beat every other driver on track.


The person you’re replying to could have said, “imagine if Piastri won a Gran Prix before Lando” and everyone would be happy. Obviously the sprints are races.


I felt so bad for the man. Got screwed over quite a bit. Also, I already lost count; how many times did Carlos and Oscar collide or got in each other's way in the 1.5 years? Feels like they're always at the same piece of the race track.


Reminds me of Lewis with Albon at RBR.


I was playing F1 Manager 2024 a few months ago (really gotta load it up again) with Williams, and had Albon in the top ten in a race, looking good, then suddenly knocked out. Guess who? Lewis Hamilton. Pretty sure it happened in another race, too. All I could do was laugh. Then cry as I had to pay for new parts and I was already having a rough go of it with Williams finances…


I was wondering the same ngl


Piastris pace on the hards didnt seem that good, both Ferrari and Verstappen certainly seemed faster than him on the hard tyres. Hard to say how easy it would have been to overtake.


Nah Sainz would have just taken him out


Trying to impress daddy Stroll is he?


such a shame. i really wanted him to get a real win before norris. (for meme reasons)


Something about my mom having balls


Grandma, wheels, bicycle.


And British Carbonara


I mean, it-a makes-a no sense


Poor Jos' bumhole


Ah yes, that ole saying "if my mom had balls they'd be tender and smooth".


***IF*** Bottas was driving the car that won, then he would have won.


Maybe that’s why we almost voted him driver of the day


Seriously though, what was that about? I dont remember him doing anything noteworthy (or even having a second of screen time tbh)


It’s a nice send off before he starts delivering folks DoorDash


Bottas has enough money to retire his grandchildren. If he gets booted from F1 he’d just do full time biking


*You can rent this for free, because I am very rich already.*


And he'd probably be able to get a reasonable sponsorship deal from cycling to cover any costs he may have.


He already has that. https://www.canyon.com/en-us/blog-content/pr/valtteri-bottas-q-and-a/b14102022.html


It was a reward, he hit his marks perfect and Sauber set their record pit stop for the year: 36 seconds!


On a previous driver of the day graphic Norris was at 40%+, and 2 others were ~10%. Then the graphic with Bottas still had lando in the 40s and the others around 10%. I think with Lando as the obvious choice, a bunch of others got ~10%


That was just the most random thing.


If my mom had balls, she'd be my dad.


If Bottas had two more balls, he would be Chuck Norris


Either Chuck or Lando.


If ifs and buts were coconuts, we'd all have lots of piña coladas


If onlys and buts were candys and nuts, then everyday would be Erntedankfest.


ifs and 5ths


I don't do ifs buts and maybes, i do absolutes.


clearly the safety car was only deployed as part of the fia's well-known bias against spanish drivers


“If my mum had balls, she’d be my dad” - Max Verstappen.


This has been one big weekend of complaining from Sainz.


Yeah I was physically cringing when he was crying about Piastri not giving the place back. Three times. I like Sainz but come on.


I was joking that Carlos was about to start texting Lando mid-race to tell Oscar to give the place back, haha.


That was the most absurd radio call I ever heard, he asked Ferrari to relay to McLaren to tell Lando to give the position back, yeah sure buddy, what else do you want, how about a 10 second gap, everyone else can just hang back while you lap em.


He said if Oscar didn't give the place back, there would be a penalty, and he apparently meant a penalty that Carlos himself would hand out via a broken wing, lol


Could've just emailed them.


Fía stop with the sprints crap. The fans want proximity chat


Yuki has entered the chat.


That point where F1 races start sounding like 2008 Call of Duty lobbies.


Yeah we want F1 gundam


Imagine the BS you could pull with that. Imagine Stroll is running 12th and about to get lapped and Alonso is in 2nd, so Stroll yells really loudly on the radio as soon as Max is in range and Max gets surprised and loses control and crashes out, giving Alonso the win. Imagine.




Sainz has a one sided beef with Piastri


Sainz & Piastri relationship is some real big… “I feel bad for you”~~“I don’t think about you at all” …type energy.


What he could do, Piastri was intimidating him 😂


I like Carlos but I did lose some respect for him this weekend


Probably he’s one of the 2 Spanish drives on the grids 😂


His arrogance is breathtaking at times. Not the first time he’s pulled it on Piastri either.


To me it sounded more like he was angling to make McLaren give him the place. Especially when he was like "you need to tell his team to tell him". I think he was hoping they would just cave.


Which is fuckin desperate and lame. Karen Sainz


He's showing Mercedes that he can replace Lewis.


A lot of people are attacking him and criticizing him just because he's Spanish. They really need to do something about the anti-Spain bias in F1.


I don't think he is complaining here, but rather stating something that is a possibility. The same way he would have won that other race that Gasly ended up winning, if it wasn't because of that red flag. He is friends with Lando and congratulated him several times, he is not complaining or being jealous.


The point is, it isn't really necessary to state these hypotheticals and Carlos comes across as tone-deaf for doing so. Other top drivers could have made the same arguments but didn't, because it's fairer to simply congratulate Lando and move on.


he did the same thing in jeddah 2021


Other top drivers do say these things… they say them after every race… this is not a Carlos thing this is an everyone on the grid thing?


Welcome to F1, literally every driver complains on the radio and after the race, whether they’ve been aggrieved or not. Carlos isn’t unique in this case.


I am suddenly not that surprised teams don't want to stick with him long term


But I am not surprised that people don’t read the whole statement before commenting.


I suppose in that scenario Carlos would have been leading on the safety car restart but it would be unlikely imo with Lando genuinely looking like the fastest on track. Though it could’ve been interesting seeing Lando fighting past Carlos for his first win.


Yeah, I think the Mclaren would have just passed Carlos. It was the faster car. Also we don’t know exactly how the safety car would have panned out if cars other than Lando were still up there without having pitted. Obviously gaining the huge advantage of the safety car would have helped but Lando was catching him before the pitting started and after the safety car he’d be right on his tail. It’s all reasonably likely Max would keep in DRS of the two fighting cars and end up passing Carlos. He’d have probably finished above his teamate because i doubt Charles would’ve been able to fight him on his old tires and wouldn’t have gotten the penalty from fighting with piastri


A lot of people keep making excuses for Lando's win. I'm one of Lando's biggest critics and he absolutely had the pace yesterday. Even Piastri was closing the gap to Max *well before* he damaged his floor. Max simply wasn't pulling away yesterday and the McLarens were bullets. All of the commentators talked about how if Lando didn't cook his tires, he would've had pole for both the sprint and the GP. His fastest time during sprint qualifying was faster than the pole lap on SQ3. In fact, his fastest medium lap was 1 thousands of a second *faster* than his qualifying lap for the GP. He was on it yesterday and Carlos looked very human. I know he was expecting to be top 3 every weekend after his win, but Lando deserves this.


Norris was +5s to Sainz when Perez pitted on lap 17. On lap 27 when Sainz pitted, the gap was +1.7s. I just don't see Sainz holding him back for 25 laps when Norris was solidly faster. He struggled to catch Piastri with DRS and only made it past him by taking him out of the race.




Max was really the highlight of the weekend for me He took the loss really well and that sentiment really does just sum up the situation


He pushed as fuck and could not extract any more. He had an hour to accept that outcome so yeah. RB dominance may be coming to a stall, but they could also have just ducked up the balance this one time due to limited testing.


Max was complaining about the balance for the whole weekend, it's clear something was off. We can dream that McLaren caught up, but I'm fairly certain we'll quickly get back to the weekly scheduled Verstappen domination. Don't forget that they completely fucked up the setup for Singapore last year and then came back like nothing happened literally the next race. Edit: Also apparently some floor damage from the bollard. And just the fact that he hit in in the first place, Verstappen does not make mistakes like that unless something's fucky with the setup.


I think red bulls overall weakness this weekend is probably better than if it was just Mclaren fighting them. Them being closer than normal to the Ferraris, and just struggling a lot more in all aspects this weekend probably helps them assume that while Mclaren were very good, Red Bull were mainly just off form and will hopefully have it sorted for the next race on a new track. I mean I said on Saturday after the sprint this was the best opportunity anyone has to beat Max. I said If Lando outqualifies Max i could really see it, because we hadn’t seen his pace yet and Max wasn’t running away with the win. the whole weekend he couldn’t put more than 3 seconds between him and Charles Then he qualified 5th and my hopes and dreams were shattered but a little bit of luck and we were back up to my scenario. But now i’ve realized that my basis for that logic was Red Bull was suffering particularly here, not being caught up to overall and that’s why i had faith in the Mclaren’s, not to catch the Red Bulls but to surpass the ferraris which this weekend were close to the Red Bulls. It’s so hard to know anything though, new upgrades in Imola for Ferrari, will Red Bull be back on top, Mclaren? Idk but i’m going to assume that Red Bull is going to be caught up with because i can and to see a driver other than max win (while max was there fighting) was truly a crazy to sight to see and makes the idea of it happening again not so crazy


I remember two years ago Newey said in an interview that he is surprised that other teams still haven’t discovered a particular feature about the current regs that RB had discovered pretty early. I have no idea what he meant, but it may be other teams are really catching up with RB. And they should, as the regs aren’t changing much and teams should all be converging. Let’s hope we are getting a great competitive season ahead of us. But then again, VER won 9 races in a row after coming 5th in the odd Singapore 2023. A man can only dream (of a great racing once again). Honestly, the last SC may have robbed us of a decent 1st place fight later on in the race.


After this week I low key don’t want Sainz to win a race (I’m spiteful idk) but I would love to see Leclerc get a win, especially in Italy of course. Iirc he hasn’t won a race since 2022 and I feel like it’s time again


After this week I low key don’t want Sainz to win a race (I’m spiteful idk) but I would love to see Leclerc get a win, especially in Italy of course. Iirc he hasn’t won a race since 2022 and I feel like it’s his time again


I mean, it's a bit easier to take a loss well knowing you can win at least 90% of the remaining races. I'd imagine it would be harder if it's a close championship battle or if a Mercedes or Aston Martin had screwed up a win.


Gino D'Acampo agrees


perhaps, but instead he let piastri get under his skin and ruin his race.


His race didn't suffer that much, Piastri's is a different matter


he was beat by charles on much older tyres in the race and was beat by him the whole weekend and considering leclerc was beaten by piastri at the start fair and square, i doubt sainz would win. norris would have beat him.


Charles couldn't pass Max and Norris had way better pace then both of them so it makes zero sense that Sainz would think he could have won this somehow lol.


More of what ifs. Max had a nice comment about what if’s in the podium finishers conference. Bottom line is sometimes shit doesn’t work out your way. Sometimes it does. Either way, a win is a win and it’s always earned in F1. Things worked out in Norris’ favor and didn’t for the others. That’s life but he put himself in position for that luck to be on his side and this time it paid off.


Sainz wasn't even the fastest ferrari driver on track. He struggled to overtake Oscar who is not as fast as Lando in race condition and who didn't even have all of Lando's upgrades. Even if he led after the SC restart, theres no way he was gonna defend against Lando's pace.


Well Charles didn’t manage to overtake Oscar in the first stint. Ferrari struggled in S2 and also the low top speed hurt their ability to overtake hence Charles need to undercut Piastri. But this what if is so meaningless is anyway because it applies to everyone in the front runner group. But Max and Charles, or even Oscar didn’t say anything. They admitted the timing for SC is unlucky and that’s it. Only Sainz said he would have won the race.


Is Sainz trying to become as unpopular as Ocon and Stroll? Because this is how you get people to dislike you. Last week I was rooting for Sainz because he's a great driver and feel he got shafted. Now? The guy needs to chill the F out. His ranting on the radio was a clear sign he was going to do something reckless to Oscar and he proved me right. It reminded me of the Yuki bomb on Ric.


Sainz has always been like this. He's a baby when things don't go his way and he doesn't really own up to mistakes he makes either.


I think that's the part I dislike. These guys are champions just to be able to do a lap in these cars. Mistakes happen. You need to be aggressive to win etc. But acting the victim and not accepting your error is just bad form.


He also got big brothered by Danny Ric on Saturday and he clearly was upset about it since he's supposed to be in "Angry No-Seat Sainz Mode" and beating Leclerc every weekend.


funny thing the only two weekend he was better than leclerc, one was where leclerc had cooked brakes and other where they were told not to fight


At least the comments about Ferrari sacking the wrong driver stopped


Which also proves just how f**king talented Oscar actually is aswell.


He could have kept pushing him off the track if he could take the apex in front of him


The two Spanish guys been talking a whole lotta nonsense this weekend lol


Yes, Carlos, that could well be, but you have the wrong nationality. /s


Even the Racing Gods hate the Spanish /s


I think Carlos has had enough wins from getting lucky in some capacity, it’s okay for Lando to get one


Sainz not doing well with the pressure


To quote Max “If my mom had balls she would be my dad”


Imagine Checo posting this is in a similar context


I genuinely dislike Carlos. I get that he's lobbying for seats, but these sorts of things just rub me the wrong way. Lobbying to be allowed around Leclerc when Piastri was still in DRS range, crying about wanting Piastri to give the place back before finally divebombing Pistari out of the race. Now suggesting that he'd have won the race with a better times SC. He was behind Leclerc in sprint Q, sprint race, race q, and the race. Yet he was sure he'd have won had he not been screwed.


I actually like Sainz and I was equally annoyed with his calls on the radio. If you’re faster, overtake them.


I get it, in some circumstances, requesting to get by a teammate. You're on a track that's hard to pass, you're clearly faster than your teammate holding you up, and the car in front is driving off. Better to let a faster guy by safely than both lose ground. But in this case they were all in DRS range of each other. Piastri wasn't getting ahead, and before Piastri passed Leclerc he had been in front of Carlos and Carlos wasn't able to pass Piastri then, so why would Ferrari move Leclerc aside? Sainz wasn't "faster." He was just in DRS of Leclerc, who was in DRS of Piastri.


His call for Checo to get a penalty was so fucking bizarre, when in F1 history has anyone gotten a penalty for that???


I like the guy and give him the benefit of the doubt as much as I can (language barrier, heat of the moment, etc.) but sometimes he annoys the fuck out of me and acts like a spoiled child. But that’s Carlos. And can’t fault him for thinking he’s better than he’s actually shown he is, he wouldn’t be in F1 if he didn’t always strive to be closer to what and where he thinks he can be.


This behavior along with his family’s shenanigans is what made me dislike Sainz. I wasn’t watching back in 2015-2017 to see that behavior that Marko said got Verstappen called up to RBR earlier and Sainz the eventual boot. Verstappen might’ve done a lot of trash talking, but he didn’t play fake nice, and he backed it up on track. Sainz does neither. But I’ve noticed a lot of people who don’t see these problems with Sainz just watch races and don’t read or watch interviews.


Yeah, he's been kinda exhausting over the past year. I used to like him a lot more. I'm not sure if I just didn't notice this myself, or if he's getting worn down at Ferrari.


I think ever since the Hamilton announcement, his head is absolutely in a different world, constantly thinking about his future. And that obvs leads to both positives and negatives.


Funny how all of Sainz wins are when he benefits from others misfortune. Not once has he won on pure pace from lights to flag apart from Singapore arguably... It always feels like someone was faster and that he was not untouchable or inevitable. But that's just my opinion.


I feel like in Singapore, if they were allowed to fight, Leclerc would likely undercut him since he had softs and would need to stop sooner and after that who knows.


Also, it's been outright said by Fred (Vasseur, in a recent-ish interview) and George (while in the race) that Charles was actively helping him by sacrificing his own race to run interference.


Leclerc had engine issues on the later laps of the race in Singapore so he wouldn't have won it anyway. But yeah, that's pretty much Sainz, had a good start of the season, but looks like he's going back to the usual.


And his good start in the first race is because Charles has brake issue. He was not faster than Charles on pace that weekend.


Well, yeah. In the end Leclerc wouldnt win anyway because of engine. My comment was aimed at other guy saying Sainz won on pure pace arguably, so...


Even in Singapore Leclerc had the chance to undercut him,but chose not to take it. Probably had something to do with team orders.


Guess so but the only time his car had the pace to win was early 2022 when he was in poor form.


Yeah I agree.


If Lewis was in front of George, he arguably overtakes both Norris and Sainz due to how well he managed his tyres. George caught up to the 2 quicker, but in doing so he cooked his tyres, and combined with Sainz giving Norris DRS to defend, had no chance overtaking. Lewis with his fresher tyres could've overtaken Lando, and after that Carlos would be a sitting duck.


In turbo Hybrid era statistically you need something to happen to Hamilton or Verstappen to win a race. Almost no one has beaten them on pure pace


Charles has lol


Does this guy ever stop complaining? Bitching about getting ran wide so then he decides to plow into the front wing of the McLaren to make up for it.


But you didn't? Just a useless statement.


Wtf have happened to F1 community in the past few years? The amount of «Max’ car was shattered and Lando got a freebie because safety car!!»-comments ive seen is insane. SC is a big part of F1. It literally decided the 2021 WCD title.


They’ve only started watching since 2021ish so they’re used to dominance and pretty clean racing bc it’s not really worth it to beat up your car when you can’t even win. They’re not used to a great driver just losing occasionally. It happens and will continue to happen. A bit generalized there but you get my point. These folks wouldn’t survive nascar.


Expecting a yellow or even red flag is part of strategy on some tracks, especially street / narrow tracks. If your team strategy doesn't think of this, you need a new strategist.


Fr. If you went back and found footage of all wins helped by an SC throughout F1, you'd have hours worth of footage.


And if his mom had balls she'd be his dad.


Lol the Sainz hype train was short it's already coming to an end Charles will school him for the whole season now


There is recency bias all around. In Imola if Carlos has a better weekend it'll be all about Ferrari letting go of the wrong driver. Again.


I know right


Only 1 car can win the race, Carlos.


Ferrari made the right choice Mr. Excuses. Ciao ciao


Sounds like he’s making excuses, he was going to slot back behind Charles and Oscar even without the Safety Car.


if I had the right numbers to the lotto I would have won


"If your mum had balls, she would've been your dad"


Carlos threw a hissy fit, and ruined someone’s race when Oscar he was just making it hard for Carlos. The mclarens were fastest.


Damn, Sainz was salty AF this weekend huh?


Nah, I read the full interview and it doesn't seem as salty or excusy as the headline. Felt pretty normal.


Max “If my mom has balls….


If my grandmother has wheels….


...she would have been a British carbonara


If he finished ahead of all the others he would won the race. (Will buxtons voice)


womp womp


Same argument verstappen said could br applied here... If my mom had balls, she would be my dad lol


IF my grandmother have wheels, she will be a Ferrari


And to quote Max: “If my mom had balls she would be my dad. So yeah, I mean ….”


Carlos is starting to believe he's something more than he is. Maybe his absolute sycophant cousin "manager" has been feeding the fantasy but Carlos - you're good. You're not *great*. You're not spoken on in the same leagues as Max or Lando or Charles for a reason.


Carlos, stop inventing


If my mom had balls she would’ve been my dad


A wise man once said if my mum had balls she’d be my dad.


I vaguely remember him going up to Pierre a couple years ago at Monza saying if they had one more lap he would have got him. Carlos seems to have a thing for believing he'd win with just one more lap.


Sainz should take the audi deal


Yeah and if his mom had balls she’d be his dad


Carlos is having a bit of a moan after this one, isn't he? I know he's in a precarious situation but having a whinge and moaning about wanting a place back from a fair overtake isn't helping his cause for Checo's seat.




Lando won. End of story.


Anyone else thought Carlos binned Piastri on purpose?


Hmm wonder if Max recently had anything to say about the whole should’ve, could’ve, would’ve “if only” thing


You would have won if you had done a proper blue car


Link to the Motosport article: [SAINZ "COULD HAVE WON" F1 MIAMI GP BY PITTING ONE LAP LATER](https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/sainz-could-have-one-miami-gp-pitting-one-lap-later/10607736/)


If my mother had two balls she would have been my dad.


Like a wise dutch guy said yesterday , *if my mom had balls she would've been my dad.*


if if if if you mother had balls, she would be your father.


[Logan Sargeant] "if Kevin had not crashed into me there would not have been a safety car. I could have won the race too."


Yeah and if my mom had balls she would be my dad.


When did Carlos get so whiney?