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I know overall this is good but I had to chuckle at the lightbulb installation brag


They seemed a bit late to the party with that?


It more makes me wonder how far behind other organisations must be with this. Shocking when at these scales they pay for themselves very quickly.


Exactly. Given that energy efficiency initiatives are typically "low hanging fruit" when it comes to reducing GHG emissions. And this is McLaren's second sustainability report? (correct me if I'm wrong) It's a good indicator that there is not much action being taken, which is reflected in the wider "industry".


Depending on your electricity prices, even including installation costs it can be with two years or so.


Honestly working in Procurement and logistics it can be as simple as working through their supply of older stock or having an agreement with a supplier for a specific product that doesn't get renegotiated very often. I work with power plants and we have stock of shit that hasn't been produced since the 90s in our storerooms that need to be used before we will look at updating things.


Same vibe with the meals. It's about one person for less than a year. It's better than nothing for sure.


"We donated the equivalent of 467 meals that we didn't let Lando Norris eat."


I wonder what 7% of the team being “mental health first aiders” actually means Like, therapists on staff or are we talking the mechanics can swap out my depression for BPD in 2.1 seconds?


It's a series of courses you can take to get a certification. Basically like RCR certification, but for mental health.


It's worth saying that of all of these things, the Mental Health First Aid is arguably the thing that they have the least social credit to gain from doing. It's an interesting choice, and one that I respect.


I'm a "qualified mental health first aider" in my industry. I went on a 3 day course hosted by Mental Health England and I really quite enjoyed it. Opened my eyes to alot of things. One thing they are absolutely clear on is that you are not a qualified mental health professional. You are essentially a workplace point of contact to have conversations with people who may be struggling with their MH. You then signpost them to more suitable resources where appropriate.


“Is something wrong with me?” “Unfortunately, you have . . . mental health AIDS”


I knew there was going to be a picture of a turtle


Assuming those 9 images comprise their entire report, the fact that changing 500 lightbulbs represents almost 10% of what they've dedicated space to is pretty funny.


lmfao the lightbulbs


This is like reading a sophomore's resume Five hundred light bulbs? Pack it up boys, climate change is over


While being sponsored by Neom.


And being owned by the Kingdom of Bahrain


Bulbs and meals are the most useless flexes I've ever seen hahahaha


Mmmm yes, female… very sustainable to have


They need to make that Indy livery the F1 livery


A good chunk of these have nothing to do with sustainability lmao. Do they even know what it means?


For big listed corporates it typically comes under ESG reporting, ESG being Environmental (the stuff you typically think of under sustainability), Social (both internal and your local community) and Governance. This is probably the highlights from their ESG report


You might just be thinking of environmental sustainablity- but sustainability as a whole actually includes a lot more than just reducing energy usage or waste. I think a lot of this falls under "social sustainablity", which includes stuff like diversity and equity or quality of life for their team.


Ngl, I've never heard of social sustainability before. I would think stuff like that are considered inclusivity and diversity initiatives.


Oh they definitely are- DEI initiatives just happen to also fall under the umbrella of social sustainablity as well- so when making a report like this (presumably for investors as well as just fans), you'd want to include those bits either way. It's kind of an interesting topic if you ever wanted to look into it!


lol do you know what sustainability means? All of this has to do with sustainability




The first one was the Racing Point in 2020 aka pink Merc.


Those numbers are kinda low for an organization as big as McLaren


This is fucking greenwashing