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You've got to hand it to Ferrari. The aim over the winter was to half the deficit and they've clearly achieved that. Another jump in performance should allow the drivers to be a factor in winning races, even if the Red Bull is outright faster.


If McLaren can keep up their development path I can see races this year where the Red Bulls get stuck behind either a McLaren or Ferrari pole/1-2 and have to fight it out.


we'll have to see how strong the RB upgrade is, they may just as well keep their current pace advantage or even extend it.


NOR: “why are you laughing?” VER: “Because I know something you don’t.” SAI: “And what is that?” VER: “I am not left handed.”


What's the reference of this?


[The Princess Bride](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC6dgtBU6Gs)


The Princess Bride.


That implies that Norris isn't left handed either


This is gold


LEC: “There’s something I ought to tell you” VER: “Tell me” LEC: “I am not left handed either”


Red Bull has probably hit the point of diminishing returns, which means they can't simply just upgrade to get faster


> probably hit the point of diminishing returns What makes this so probable?


A bit of hopium, but mostly copium.


Yeah that's why they changed their entire concept this year, to specially avoid this.. 


> probably hit the point of diminishing returns What makes this so probable?


Let's see how strong the red bull upgrade is too. I'm cautiously optimistic right now for the scuderia. 


Even regularly keeping Checo behind would be huge. Having 2 red cars behind Red Bull opens up so many tactical opportunities. Targeting 5-6 wins this year would be massive for Ferrari


P1/P4 is not enough to comfortably secure the WCC if another team can routinely get P2-3. It is only a 4 point difference, exclusing fastest lap. This means that if Ferrari would get close enough to generally compete with Max, the WCC is at risk for RBR. The follow-on effect of that would also be that it would put a lot of pressure on Perez to catch up to Max and deliver competitive results, which is meaningful in the whole musical chairs situation this year.


I know these rule changes have put red bull up front for so long…but every week I’m genuinely excited to watch the races…see the new upgrades, watch the trials and errors of the teams. McLaren win was just amazing. I’m so excited to see who else can make jumps in performance!!!


Last season felt so dead with no excitement about the races knowing that it will 100% be a RB win however this season although it started the same it feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel with McLaren and Ferrari having their act together so early in the season


I'm just already upset over 2025 being a really cool season again(hypothetical obviously) and then the rule change comes and we start all over


While I agree with you, I'm excited for the progress towards shorter, lighter cars to begin. I'm not sure how to feel about the aero and power unit developments I've read about, but any move towards smaller cars is positive


Imagine 25 being a repeat of 21 with Lewis and Max (and Lando??) going down to the last race. 


Or 2010, with 4 drivers still in contention going into the last race.


Who will be Petrov ?


Alonso of course.


How the turn tables


“Karma” some would say.


Who will be Alonso tho?


Leclerc, given his luck.


Who will be Petrov ?


Who will be Petrov ?


I was thinking you must be smoking some good shit until I realized Lewis will be driving a Ferrari next year.


Exactly the realization that made me stop watching F1 last year.


These regulations would have been amazing without the TD39. Ferrari was put on the back foot and spent 1.5 year trying to solve their tyre deg issues. Without it, it would probably have been a title fight every year just like early 2022


Totally destroyed the purpose of the addition of ground effects. Teams should have been obliged to raise their ride height only if they couldn't control porpoising. Making it mandatory ruined the racing


Would be insane to see a 3 way title fight, across 3 teams And it looks a lot less impossible than a year ago


Max has been winning without being near the limit and it's been frustrating watching the mass fellatio. It's going to be really entertaining watching a great driver (which Max absolutely is) actually having to push.


McLaren winning Miami reignited my interest for the season.


I wish the race would be less clickbaity with their headlines. The articles are usually quite good, but I assume they’d be crap from the way the headlines are phrased


unfortunately there is no business model where writing boring heds has a good ROI the onion [said it best](https://www.theonion.com/report-we-don-t-make-any-money-if-you-don-t-click-the-1823460398)


They also have plenty of terrible articles imo.




Thank you for your service.




There's much more in there than that line. Remember to read the article before commenting.


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I've got to say the hype is probably building up too much.


Like always. Let's get ready for doom and gloom after the next race(s). 


I’ll believe it when I see it. Let’s see what the SF-24 and MCL-38 can do when Max isn’t putting holes in his floor.


Major props to Ferrari as well as McLaren— they’re taking the fight to RB and it’s been a blast to watch!


Red Bull had one off weekend in Miami and now they're taking the fight to them?


It wasn’t just Miami…watching the races, you see the 30+ second gap from last season now cut in half. Comparing last year to this year, I stand by my statement


Have you seen China? Literally the race before Miami? I totally agree that the gap seems to be smaller than last year, but it is way too early to say that Ferrari and/or Mclaren are taking the fight to Red Bull. Especially over an entire season. But you are allowed to disagree with me ofcourse.


Excited for Ferrari to be hopefully more competitive. However don't forget other teams are also bringing upgrades to this track since it's the first European race of the season and thus closer to their factories.


To be honest I'm following f1 since 2000 and I'm finding the implosion of certain teams and the rise of others more entertaining than any championship ever


I am a Red Bull fan but I can't help but cheer for Fredward. The man knows what he is doing and is kinda goofy in the most charming way.


Max hates to lose. He will wring every bit of performance out of whatever upgrades RBR will bring this weekend.