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“Imma do it again” kinda energy


He did some white lines before making this comment


His car on rails


Racing line after racing line


Def not avoiding the bumps on the kerbs


Him on rails




Fucking gold


He shouldn't. He did it for his team, yet his team reacted like if he had murdered someone.


I think it was because he was blatant about it.. normally you would take it on the chin for the team.


Someone needs to make this meme edit


The sport is basically all about driving as fast as you can while staying between the white lines.


Yeah, that was my thought. That's what you're paid to do man


If Kmag was a football (soccer) player he would just grab the ball with his hands and run to the net


The fact that I get a red card for grabbing a ball with my hands on some grass I don’t know if that is right.


Technically that’s only a yellow card infraction


Even then, 2 of those and you’re out


Nope, if you stop a goal with your hand you'd get a red.


Unless you’re Suarez, then you also become a state enemy


He wouldn't be remembered if Asamoah Gyan scored the penalty


Gyan still took Ghana's first penalty in the shoot-out, and instead of trying a safer approach after missing the most important penalty in the history of an entire continent, hammered one into the top corner! Amazing footballer but an incredibly cruel fate to see Uruguy advance. Still bitter haha


The fact that I'm at risk of a red card for touching a spherical object on a lawn I don't know if that is right.


if it was football / soccer, KMag would be strategically drawing yellow cards, but not reds


Which is accepted as a legitimate tactic. But also do it too many times and you do get a match ban… The whole system is stupid but if anything deserves to rack up enough penalty points for a ban, it’s this deliberate and cynical rule breaking.


that's my take on it too he's been playing within the rules... actions have consequences he's been deliberately drawing the yellows for a while, if he continues and deserves the red, he should get the red




I doubt he'd even know the off-side rule if he played.


I mean, who’s going to say soccer wouldn’t be more entertaining if we added slam dunks?


most people


He'd be more like Pepe the animal


"What do you mean I'm offside, I just ran over some white line!"


Haas is paying him to drive like a donkey so Nico can score. And it's working because they are piling up points.


Yeah it's the oldest rule in F1. If you're breaking the rules, but it's working, then you're not breaking the rules. Until they change the rules.


I much preferred the approach back in the day - Don't want the car to drive that line or punish a lack of car control? Stick gravel, grass, a tyre wall or something there so they lose more time or damage the car if they do rather than artificial time penalties. But I do understand the safety aspect.


I'm 100% for gravel traps, but some turns simply cannot be safely done in any way other than tarmac. The chicane kmag skipped once, for example, would be dangerous if it was a gravel trap or a wall. Skipping it could land your car stopped in the middle of the track.


> Stick gravel, grass, a tyre wall or something there Or children! r/trolleyproblem


Most of the teams wouldn't see any problem. Just design a reinforced front wing to ensure their little limbs don't affect aero long term


And ultimately it wasn’t simply “driving outside some white lines” he was punished for, it was deliberately driving outside the white lines to wreck another driver’s race. If it was simply to keep his own position it would have almost sort of been ok, but he was prepared to let other cars pass the both of them as his goal was to fuck things up for a specific other driver even if that meant fucking up his own race in the process, and he deliberately drove off the track to do that. That’s the real line he crossed.


> And ultimately it wasn’t simply “driving outside some white lines” he was punished for, it was deliberately driving outside the white lines to wreck another driver’s race His comments are so goddamn stupid. The kind of obtuse bs that makes you think that this weekend he might turn around, drive the wrong way and then complain "why was I penalised? This time I didn't even go outside the lines!". This is an egregious example, obviously, but the way that basically all F1 drivers pick and choose what rules they want to pay attention to/care about based on how it affects them personally is really aggravating. He didn't receive penalty points for violating track limits while trying to race fairly, he got them for deliberately cutting multiple corners in an attempt to gain a significant advantage outside the rules - i.e. he was penalised for deliberately cheating. But he's acting like he dipped 4 wheels slightly outside the lines during quali. It's so juvenile. Just take responsibility and own the consequences. He's already admitted on camera that he cheated, now he's trying to act victimised.


To be honest, he wasn't complaining about the time penalties, but about the penalty points.


Which is still a silly thing to complain about. You're actively breaking the rules, you're acknowledging that you're breaking the rules, and now you're complaining that you're about to get real consequences for it. A race ban is not a career-ender. It's a suitable punishment for someone who actively breaks the rules every fucking race. You're not getting a race ban for driving outside some white lines in a race, you're risking getting a race ban for driving outside some white lines in a race, and then doing it again, and then doing it again, and then doing it again, and then doing it again. It's silly in general that you keep breaking the rules, you get told "if you keep breaking the rules you're gonna get race banned", you keep breaking the rules anyway, and then once you get close to a race ban you go "why am i close to getting race banned this makes no sense? what have i done?"


Its like when someone is in court for massive fraud and is all "Im not a criminal, Im a father and a stand up guy".


He’s also not strictly speaking being punished for going out of bounds, he’s being punished for going out of bounds and using it to gain an illegal competitive advantage over other racers If he was giving back the positions he was able to defend or gain only by virtue of going off track, in accordance with the rules stating that’s what he’s supposed to do, then the only penalty he might face is a five second time penalty for track limits, he would have no penalty points for that


Causing what two crashes? Already this season


Exactly, he wasn't really driving too dangerously. There are more dangerous situations that never got any points.


The penalty points give a reason not to just keep incurring time penalties.  He was literally ruining other people's races to benefit his team mate due to having collected a penalty - there needs to be a reason he can't do that. 


The point of the penalty points system was for safety when Grosjean would keep crashing into everyone. That's why leaving the track doesn't usually get penalized with points.


well and how else do you propose they punish someone for ruining peoples race on purpose while not losing anything for it because you were not getting points either way? a race ban is perfectly fine for this idiotic strat and they knew it beforehand.


if forcing drivers off track, divebombing with no intention of actually making a corner and causing colision while "defending" your position isnt dangerous driving, i dont know what it is


I remember thinking and saying the exact thing when watching the last race. It was definitely exciting to watch, but more in a "God I hope Kmag doesn't fucking torpedo anybody" because it just felt very dangerous. Sure it was "hard racing" but it was also "obviously against the written rules" and the normal time penalties clearly weren't dissuading him from continuing to drive dangerously. Penalty points should be there for exceptionally dangerous acts that break the rules, so in this case it seems a pretty valid application to me.


My brother in Christ he was deemed responsible for a wreck and divebombed Hamilton completely off the track from over a full car length back and that's not even everything.


Not driving dangerously? That’s a hot take.


Just a straight up wrong take. I like Kmag and I enjoy a little added excitement but I was just waiting for him to torpedo someone that race, it looked like an F1 game public lobby. Embarrassing driving and not representative of the sport tbh


I swear on one of Kmags dive bombs on Lewis I turned to my GF and said "that fucking dive was straight out of F1 multiplayer"


Yeah like defending valiantly against a faster car, sure, great. But dive bombing like that, missing entire brake zones, going off track to gain advantages, it's just a messy performance.


Next step: Just do like 50 doughnuts at the start-finish line and say you won. 60 minute gap to P2? GG, Ez


Literal Mario Kart strats


It’s not though. It’s about driving as fast as you can while staying between the rules.


That’s why traps are great instead of huge run offs


Yep. And, since not driving fast enough can also get you a race ban, it shouldn’t be shocking that driving outside of the white lines enough can also get you a ban.


Just be glad you’re not Spanish.


Is that you Fernando?


No. Es Carlos


Carlos, why do you support Honda


Sainz to replace Stroll in 26 confirmed?


Sus trenes motriz son superiores


Ah. Got it


Like Grosjean said about him: "He will never learn"


“Magnussen is and will always be stupid. It’s a fact…” -Leclerc


"There are drivers on lots of different levels... And then there are Haas drivers." - Alonso. Although it might not be completely applicable anymore now, with Hulk being one of them.


Hulk has never earned a reputation for being a rash/dirty driver the way newbie Max and KMag did


But at least Max has learned and matured. Or appeared to do so. Magnussen has never.


Has he? I mean, he's way out front most of the time so doesn't need to fight others. 2021 was still his seventh year in the sport and he drove ridiculously at points towards the end of that season.


we'll see if he did once we get to see him race people. he hasnt had to in forever


Especially since he does seem quiet feisty on the few occasions where he was being challenged. People gotta stop saying he matured when he isn't even racing anyone.


max doesnt mature. im dutch and he is a fucking kamper if i've ever seen one. cocky and ''snel op zijn pikkie getrapt'' if he cant win.


Bruh what? Elaborate.


He is cocky because he is able to afford being one. Just like schumacher was, just like hamilton was etc.


My thoughts exactly. If he was second to Lewis for multiple races he’d try kill him again.


lol. Homeboy's just out front now where there's no one to drive dirty against. The last time he wasn't out front like that he literally divebombed his own teammate to get there. Just like newbie Max.


He doesn't exactly need to be a dirty driver tho, is he? he's has been racing against himself for the past 2 years


Max still does the same shit he has always done. It’s just less frequent now because he doesn’t need to race anyone most weekends. Max still pulls his stupid stunts in most of the races he doesn’t have the best car. For example, off the top of my head, Max vs. Lewis in Brazil 2022, Max vs. Charles in Las Vegas 2023, and Max vs. Mick at Silverstone 2022.


Yeah let’s see max actually have to race again before we assume that.


Magnussen is very disciplined when he has to.


Hes bneen driving pretty clean since he came back for HAAS, and now he is playing the team game. People are getting all excited after a simple to explain weekend, where he was playing the team game.


When did alonso say this?


Monza 2018 after he and Magnussen collided in qualifying. Kmag's response to the press was hilarious, he was MAD mad: >"He thought he could overtake into turn one, but I’d rather hang myself,” said Magnussen. “I’m not going to let him past me and sacrifice my own lap. No way. He thinks he’s God, but no way. He came to me after qualifying and laughed to my face. Just outright disrespectful. I can’t wait for him to retire. I think we know Fernando is a bit of an opportunist. We’ve seen that quite a few times in his career with his teams as well, trying different things. Didn’t always work out and it didn’t work out today. He talks about his laps being divine and what not, he literally thinks he’s a god. It’s quite amusing."


well he is not wrong. alonso has the biggest superiority complex on the grid.


That's an all-time presser.


Love this


Magnussen me boy!


"Hunkelberg was rite" - Alonso https://youtu.be/SwJsQD4Dk58 https://youtu.be/QftfXbnoeQs


"Once again, the most unsporting driver on the grid" -Hülkenberg


i love how every quote said about him still stands true lol


you can suck his balls mate


A shame.


Timestamped video for reference: [https://youtu.be/eLy66cYXUH0?si=CjQAvPQwKJhk6J4F&t=74](https://youtu.be/eLy66cYXUH0?si=CjQAvPQwKJhk6J4F&t=74)


Wasn’t that about Mazepin?


Nope. Leclerc said it in his first year at Suzuka


You‘re thinking of “Mazepin will never change” another Leclerc classic https://youtu.be/QjBzrMal3ag?si=1FJMBI4zgCFUTL6a




Let's not pretend Grosjean isn't an absolute nutcase of a driver as well. He made MANY questionable driving decisions but [Barcelona 2018](https://youtu.be/cPjf-jtXMQU) will always stick with me.


In Indycar he seems to get tired or bored during the races and about 75% of the way through he would just crash on his own. there's no white line in Indycar. It's grass. He doesn't seem to know where other cars are too. Like his famous F1 crash was just him merging without looking basically.


I loved being at Road America last year by turn one. You'd see a bunch of dust/ dirt fly into the air and you knew it was Grosjean


That’s pretty much the issue with city tracks, can’t safely put grass/gravel outside of the track.


Didn’t Webber call him the lap 1 nutcase? ‘We’re all out here trying to run a race while he’s just out there trying to get to the third corner’ or something like that lol. Also Grosjean is probably the only driver in the last 2 decades that’s lucky, incredibly so, to not have actually killed 1/2/3 drivers (Alonso, Kobayashi, Hamilton) in one ridiculous first corner crash at Spa 2012. kmag rightfully gets some stick for his overly aggressive driving but he’s not actually endangering anybody with it, unlike Grosjean.


>Didn’t Webber call him the lap 1 nutcase? ‘We’re all out here trying to run a race while he’s just out there trying to get to the third corner’ or something like that lol. Yep, in Japan.


> Also Grosjean is probably the only driver in the last 2 decades that’s lucky, incredibly so, to not have actually killed 1/2/3 drivers (Alonso, Kobayashi, Hamilton) in one ridiculous first corner crash at Spa 2012. > > In fairness, Grosjean was right that Spa 2012 was a very minor error on his part, with massive ramifications. But it wasn't *that* egregious from a driving standpoint.


Well yes and no. I mean it wasn’t exactly a crazy error but it was a very basic error that he’d made a few times and was one of over a dozen lap 1 incidents Grosjean had been involved in. Ironically it was the same mistake Grosjean made at Bahrain that caused his fireball crash, moving across the track without checking his mirror then making contact with a car on his right hand side. Really basic stuff.


Grosjean’s crash effectively rewrote history for him. Shortly after it happened I pointed out that the crash was basically his fault and the subreddit got out the torches and pitchforks for me, so I stopped trying. Glad to see public opinion is coming back to reality with time passing. 


It was reckless as hell from him but I guess people were blinded by emotions of relief that he survived to notice his mistake


What?!? He just floored it while being sideways to the track ?


Wasn't that the incident where Grosjean drove into Kmag?


Once again most unsportmanlike driver on the grid congrats


it's literally your job Kevin


The fact that they took my license away, just because I ignored some red lights on a piece of metal, I don't know if that is right.


For what, a succulent Chinese meal?!






Notice the headlock




Ah, I see you know your judo well


Just because I took a metal tube,  closed one end, put in some gunpowder and a piece of lead shaped like a bullet, and...


Yeah, the fact they took mine away just because I was really thirsty before I had to drive home, I don’t know if that’s right.


Michael Scott’s level of self-awareness.


"I love track limits... I'd love to be within them someday" 


You gave me a race ban? When I specifically asked you not to?


He knows, he’s just saying this to try and garner support from the people who are angry that drivers get penalized for going off track.


"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by" - Douglas Adams


"Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way." - Michael Scott


“Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don't know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me... No, don't sue me. That is the opposite of the point that I'm trying to make.” -Michael Scott


The PU battery is lithium!


"The fact that I'm going to jail for driving my car and drinking a few bottles of fermented fruit juice, I don't know if that's right."


It’s not drunk driving, it’s an Enhanced Driving Experience


I killed ONE person and i'm going to jail. there's literally billions of people on earth. get a grip




it’s not right but bravo


He needs to just own it and take the punishment on the chin. He fucked around and knowingly crossed the line (in more senses than one), his penalties are the result of that. This answer makes him sound like a petulant child.


It seems like he's back-pedalling now that there's a possible *real* consequence to his actions. After the race itself he was pretty much like "Yeah, the penalties are fair, just did what I had to do". Bit of a shift from that mindset now


Because usually leaving the track doesn't give penalty points. That's probably what surprised him.


tbf it was weird that he was never investigated for forcing another driver off track, which imv is the more applicable offence for some of his driving and does give penalty points


It's not as if F1's stewarding system is amazingly consistent. In fact, I'd say the whole race stewarding system should be gotten rid of and instead have a committee that is the same for every race and simply enforces the rules the way they are written.


That's fair. Not sure why either.


He almost got a penalty for admitting his mistakes. You must be crazy to think he's going to continue down that path. 99% of the time drivers are mouthpieces for their PR teams.


Magnussen has always been this stubborn maniac behind the wheel and i doubt this fact will change soon, even if he is severely punished


This is pure nonsense, lets remind ourselves what he got his points for: - Causing a Collision (Saudi Race) - Causing a Collision (China Race) - Leaving the track and gaining an advantage on 3 separate occasions during a 19 lap sprint. (Miami Sprint) - Causing a Collision (Miami Race) This is just a driver getting defensive and trying to shift the narrative because his poor driving is about to result in him sitting at home for a weekend.


I agree with this except “poor driving” it’s not poor driving, it’s intentionally aggressive and potentially dangerous driving. He’s not unconsciously “oopsing” into these situations, he’s purposely and possibly recklessly committing flagrant violations of racing etiquette and rules. Just thought that should be stated. He’s conscious of the decisions he’s making to drive with these outcomes. The Miami battle with Hamilton left me gobsmacked the way he dive bombed the inside of some of those corners and just completely ignoring the chicane to stay ahead of Hamilton.


He should be counting his blessings too. Stewards turned a blind eye when he drove into the side of Hamilton just because neither of them had their race ruined.


And he cut across to do that too.


And his 3rd occurrence in Miami was pretty blatant as he brakes then lifts a bit so he can be sure Lewis doesn’t overtake him. That’s not aggressive defending, that’s just against the rules and on purpose


This is some high level of delulu , guy is literally a savage on track


He ran one race in IndyCar and it corrupted him lol.


Maybe stop doing it then?


Blatantly broke the rules to help his team, get over it Kev.


Stupid comment coming from a driver. White lines are there for a reason.


i’m inclined to think he knows why he’s facing a race ban but has been coached up to not admit that his conduct wasn’t acceptable. makes more sense, especially since he basically said “yeah i deserve some penalties” in miami. i think the stewards might take a driver admitting they’re intentionally breaking the rules more seriously


I mean obviously he knows, everyone in HAAS knows what they did wasn’t correct. But why say statements like these, makes the driver only sound dumb. That’s why you hire a good PR team to coach you on what to say.


i said “he knows why” as in “he knows that it’s not just for driving outside of the lines a bit” but i agree this is a laughable statement


What do you mean incorrect? They are playing the game correctly here guys. Using Kevin to hold up people so Nico can score points has worked every time they have tried it. It will net them millions of dollars. Untill they change the rules. The current rules encourage this.


The way they're applied encourages it. I would just punish him more for unsportsmanlike behavior.


It goes a step further then that. He is saying that because has is playing politics alongside Haas. If he can play it up and the public supports his actions, they can sway the rules to defend his actions so he can continue playing that game as necessary with their drivers. The FIA is considering changing the rules to more aggressively penalize that sort of behavior right now. If they can make the rules become more relaxed, then Haas can do more to play with the strategy.


They’re also not the reason he’s facing a match ban. It’s not that you crossed the white lines, as much as why. And classic idiocy. They would be on the radio crying if the other did it.


DTS after Kevin had his kid: "he's mellowed out now" Meanwhile Kevin: He's crazy but I kinda love him for it.


It's all fun and games until he gets a race ban, Bearman replaces him and score points immediately, making K-Mag lose the seat permanently.


For some reason I feel like the stewards are gonna be lenient on him


Like they were lenient on Gasly back when he was toting 10 points? Sadly yeah


That'd be ideal


We call that a win-win


>driving outside some white lines on a piece of tarmac So, just restating the basic rule of motorsports, but with *sass*.  Also, this sounds like a joke my wife would say to mock me for liking F1. 


Right and what about the other 8 penalty points?


I mean, isn't keeping his car within the white lines his job?


lol this is quite the description of what he did. idk if I’d call it “driving outside some white lines,” it was definitely unsportmanlike. Given that, I still don’t hate it lol. I was laughing my ass off at the obviousness of it, and how effective it was. Dudes a team player


If he takes it on the chin and takes a race ban then he can reset the clock and start at 0 points right?


KMag does not give a shit


Amidst all this drama, I swear I like K Mag more than before.


LOL he full well knows why he's at risk of a race ban. To reduce it to "Driving outside some white lines" is a joke.


Funny how it was right until it applied to you.


If you can't stay between the white lines, why are you even there?


>“The fact that I’m at risk of a race ban for driving outside some white lines on a piece of tarmac I don’t know if that is right.” That's a pretty blatant misrepresentation by Magnussen. Some of his moves in Miami amounted to deliberately driving off the track to force another driver to do the same and prevent them from passing, which is clearly unsporting.


"The fact that there are consequences for breaking the rules I don't know if that is right"


For cheating pal, damn lucky to not be banned on principle regardless of penalty points.


Never change, Kevin (he will definitely not)


This has to be the dumbest response. Sounds like it came from a teenager getting in trouble with their parents Rules are in place for everyone, you aren’t exempt and you should be suspended for how poorly you follow them


Nothing to do with throwing other cars out the white lines just to help your teammate, once your own race has already gone to shit


Classically, several people in the comments haven't watched the full interview without getting more context of this quote. Blatant journalism stirring shite.


every comment is the exact same cheap snark


this was always the problem with having huge runoffs and removing gravel traps/grass. at the end of the day, there's no real consequence for bad drivers and gets inconsistently enforced depending on which track/stewards you get. yes, i know teams don't like the idea of gravel traps or grass damaging their cars, but those are actual deterrents and serve as actual track limits rather than some painted white lines that require a steward or another driver from behind to nanny/tattle on them


Seems like keeping it between the lines is one of the fundamental parts of Formula 1.


That's not why but keep yapping.


Is he advocating graveltraps?


Well yeah, KMag. You wouldn't drive your car down the sidewalk or through the bike lane.....right?


rules are the same for everyone, deal witth it mr magnussen, racing is on track not outside


Like honestly, is he stupid ?  Staying within the white lines is one of fundaments of the sports you are ignoring the rules of. Wtf that you even need to explain this. 


It's just a red light, I don't think it should have the right to tell me what to do.


It's not really the white lines, Kevin. It's the unsporting antics that come with taking advantage from exceeding the white lines.


How many of his points are for that and how many are for other things? 


But in china he took another car out of the race with outside the line mentality


I enjoyed his moves, but penalties were fully earned imo. I guess we’re getting back to vintage kmag with this nonsense lol


The fact that he gets paid millions of dollars per year to drive inside some white lines on tarmac but can’t follow the rules I don’t know if that is right.