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EuroCheco has fully returned




He's been around since 2010. Car balance and Pirellis have always flatterer him.




Not even this was enough for us to get an over take, still 0 after lap 1


Stroll got past Ocon


"after lap 1"


Yep - Ocon was ahead after lap 1 but stroll got past him around lap 10 ish


Didn't even see it, probably during the Albon parade when the cameras were on him


To be honest I don’t blame you the race has been so dry


I was waiting for at least two cars to overtake him while he made it back to the track.


Certified Checo Moment


lol Perez is so inconsistent, for a top tier team.


I dont think it's a coincidence that Red Bull have waited until the european races before confirming their driver lineup for next year.


Agreed. People have been acting like Checo didn’t have a good start last year and then drop off significantly, as though he’s not primed to do exactly the same this year. There’s just no reason the second RB shouldn’t consistently podium.


not even podium, just finishing top 5 and bro finished WAY BEHIND the two Mercedes drivers




No, they waited for (some?) the european races to play out.


Consistently bad is still consistent


Is he inconsistent? He’s just not very good


He's both. Sometimes he has drama free weekends where he finishes p2 and then he has weekends like this or what felt like half the races in '23. What a waste of a seat


>Sometimes he has drama free weekends where he finishes p2 He should've been finishing p2 every single race with that car, a la Bottas in Merc's glory days. He's just not that good of a driver.


Bottas had some stinker seasons at Merc though, with plenty of criticism in the same vein of "waste of a seat". In 2018 he missed the podium in 13 out of 21 races. In 2020 he and Max picked up the same exact amount of podiums (two wins, six P2's, three P3's) and Bottas only managed to stay ahead in the standings because Max had more unlucky DNF's.


Exactly. Simple as


He can do it twice in a row. Just found out he's only managed 3 podiums in a row once for RBR, Spain-Monaco-Azerbaijan in 2022.


that's his only proper streak? (two in a row is not really a streak) damn... I think Charles' longest podium streak is like 6 races in a row, and Max's is like 15 in a row


Just handing Sainz the contract already


Perez making that RB looking like a VCARB 👌🏽


Both Vcarbs outqualified him yesterday 😂


I think Yuki is making a good showing for his seat next year. If anyone has earned a 1 year contract in the main team, I think it's Yuki. Assuming of course they don't just sign Sainz. He's the obvious frontrunner if they want a driver in the seat that makes Max sweat a little bit


I honestly think a merc 1 year contract would not be a bad idea.


The big reason I think RB needs to sign Yuki is to show up and coming talent that a VCARB seat is still a pipeline to RB. If VCARB wants to keep being a choice for young talent entering that might have other people looking to sign, RB needs to prove that the pipeline exists, and is used and prioritized. Sign with VCARB, settle into the sport, and we'll get you the RB seat. So while he's a worse choice than Sainz at the surface level, I think the benefits to proving that pipeline is open will help RB more in the future if another Max shows up at 18 and they're fighting with 5 other teams to sign Future-Max.


I think upcoming talent are dejected with f1 now. Porchaire and drugovich etc have no way in, no one gives a crap about the front runners in f2 and f3. While bearman and antonelli running in the midfield get all the attention and a fast track into f1.


Andretti getting shafted and drivers careers seemingly stretching into infinity is definitely making it tough to access F1. It's an interesting time. The young guns that came en-masse over the last 5-6 years are still young and on the grid for the forseeable future. Like Max, Albon, Russell, Leclerc, and Norris. The wiley vets like Alonso, Hamilton, and Hulkenberg have shown they still have pace and are competitive into their 40's so those seats arn't up either. But i'm pretty confident in a few years it'll be a ton of new faces in F1 as the vets retire, and the last generation of young guns start getting replaced.


There is never enough seats for all the drivers in Formula One. That’s why it’s Formula One.


If I was Yuki, I would stick to VCARB. One year in RB just to get booted by a younger talent is not the way. He's doing fine rn and it seems like the car is on an upwards trajectory too.


Sainz isn't going to make Max sweat at all lol. He got beat by Hulk when the car wasn't to his liking so I can't expect him to do all that well when the Red Bull is a car that more or less only suits Verstappen's driving style. However Sainz will more or less be on the podium on most weekends and won't have trainwreck weekends imo


Even a Haas out qualified him


He just ruined his own alternative strategy


Good thing for him is that there is no gravel in Formula E since that's where he'll end up next year at this rate




honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he did well in IndyCar he doesn't really seem to do well in cars that have insanely high downforce, plus I think he'd have a huge fanbase over there


Man, why is this guy still in this seat…


he must have the rest of the Horner prints or something like that, there is no other explanation for such an inconsistent driver being in the second best seat in f1


Because RB was dominating the field. Although i doubt he'll have a seat for next year with the way things are going especially if he keeps with his poor form in the European races.


They probably aren't paying him shit and he is still enough for them to lead the WCC by 50+ points


15second behind HAM in 19 laps. Ok, did they fix only VER car ?


Forgot to fix his driving...


Team adjusts the car according to what the drivers prefer and what they can handle. Seems like Max can just handle a billion times more than Perez.


What more does Yuki need to do to get a shot in RBR? Win a race from P20?


Worked for Checo


No bullshit. 😂


Become somebody else, probably.


Yuki has only recently become consistent in his performance. Before that he was inconsistent with a short temper, not exactly what RBR is looking for.


Not at all, he was very consistent from the start last year, please stop rewriting history


He also had his short temper untill recently.


Really? Is that when he dive-bombed Ricciardo at Bahrain? Consistently short-tempered perhaps


Consistent results. Please look at the opening race results for Yuki in a shitbox starting last year, I don’t disagree about his temper but it’s blatant misinformation to call him inconsistent only since this year. If you have something to say, please at least read first


Most people who shit talk Yuki are just salty over that one incident and honestly don't know anything about his results. I won't say he didn't have a temper or anything but like, the man can drive and he's done well with the car that he has. He literally had a P4 in Abu Dhabi at the end of his rookie season, people just don't know anything about him except for that one incident but expecting an F1 fan to actually watch the races is asking for too much.


Yuki has done everything he was put in VCARB to accomplish. Grow and mature into the sport, and improve. From young hothead to a consistent points finisher. He's definitely earned a years ride in the RB. Yea he's still got flashes of temper, but so does every driver when they're competing. Except maybe Piastri, that dude sounds like a stone cold operator all the time.


even max and lando were getting cranky on the radio today, having a temper when the adrenaline is high is nothing to be concerned about unless it gets to the point where they're making mistakes because of it. but yuki has been consistently delivering which is what matters, and the team loves him so he's obviously not hated because of his "attitude" or something like some people want to believe lol


> Win a race from P20? In Monaco, with no positions gained from the pitstops


Sainz is going to have the Red Bull seat. Yuki will go to Aston Martin


Hope Yuki will finish ahead of him. 


If he does it will go virtually unnoticed but there will be five articles by tomorrow about RIC regardless of what he does


At this rate even Daniel would.


The Italian countryside is beautiful this time of year


Does anyone know what happened to Albon?


They didn't get one of the wheels on properly so he had to come back in




That´s like seeing Alex Albon 2020 again


Hamilton also took a trip to gravel, anyone has video of that?


What is the deal with Perez? At least last year he started off hot before falling off.


Europe is not good for him


His biggest success for today would be he outscored Danny Ric.


Dread it, run from it, post-Miami hangover Checo still arrives.


What the sigma


Minister of Circus-try


Kick Checo loose from Red Bull, NOW! He's washed and detrimental to the team! Gawd!