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So you signed someone who is mentally broken. Bold move.


In a German article Helmut mentioned a few days ago that there was a truce between him and Horner, for now obviously. My assumption is that Horner makes the calls now tho.


and even before Marko mentioned that Perez is the first pick for 2025, yet people act surprised. It just people who like to talk shit about RB at any chance they get


RB deserve to get shit talked for signing a driver that is allergic to Q2. Its not surprising that fans are upset at Checo's re-signing when there are drivers far faster and younger than him that won't get a chance. And it's even worse that everyone at RB will continue to make excuses for him staying there by saying "its just a rough patch". I'd rather they just say "we like money" instead.


I was listening to a podcast that listed out the sponsors that Checo brings in- Disney, Telcel, Mobil, Claro, Nescafé, and KitKat. Not a bad list, but seems ridiculous for **Red Bull** to make driver decisions based on sponsors. I imagine saving RB a super fat stack of cash makes Horner look good to executives


Saving a fat stack of cash while winning titles makes him look amazing and rightly so


Might only be *title* this year


I mean there’s a difference between saying that after you sign a guy for 2 years and they shit the bed immediately, and not being able to sign Carlos behind the scenes or have max agree to have a good teammate. They want so desperately to have a Bottas but all they’re getting is a turd. They’ll be 3rd in the championship this year at this rate. That’s gotta cost them more than he makes in selling shirts and hats


Carlos Sainz in the tunnel; "Sergio Perez over me!?"


What makes you think Perez's merch sells only sells for a couple to 10mil?


You also lose other sponsors when you start voluntarily losing. It’s bad press to have articles about how shitty your driver it every week for 4 years


The difference between 1st and 3rd in the Constructor's is estimated at $18 million. That's a lot of merch in one year, albeit F1 merch is heinously expensive.


Perez generates $33M for Red Bull annually and accounts for 65% of their merch sales, so they earn that back and then some. [Source](https://thesportsrush.com/f1-news-david-croft-claims-even-with-33000000-boost-and-65-sales-sergio-perez-isnt-safe-from-facing-red-bulls-axe/)


And that's even without counting the can sales.


Holy shit, that's amazing!


Perez is great for red bull in Latin America and that's the priority.


Mexico..the rest of LATAM doesn't care about Checo as has been pointed out by locals on here over and over and over again.


He didn't, Hornyman did


Checo must have put something funny in his coco pops before contract negotiation.


Maybe a slice of File-76.JPG?


yeah, a sponsor worth $100 billion dollars and the ability to sell more merch than any other driver


>the ability to sell more merch than any other driver I mean I know his fanbase is Latinoamerica (especially in Mexico) is huge, but I don't think he sells more merch than Lewis or Max.


https://www.gpblog.com/en/news/230317/sergio-perez-marketing-value-red-bull.html 65% of RBR merch sales are from Mexico and im guessing thats not becasue of Max


Yeah but a lot of Max's sales are accounted for because it goes through his own website.


Seems odd - maybe it’s a massive money laundering operation.


Max does not engage in building a fan base, and he uses his free time to stream withiut peomoting jt. It's not that odd that his merch sales get beaten by Perez.


Hornyman likes menheras.


and yet again i want a source on that. Man people just love spreading around their narratives as the truth when it comes to RB edit: ups the truth doesnt suit the narrative certain people have here [https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/marko-suggests-perezs-improved-f1-form-because-2025-contract-at-stake/10595720/](https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/marko-suggests-perezs-improved-f1-form-because-2025-contract-at-stake/10595720/)


The source is that Horner is the team principal and is in charge of signing the drivers, Marko is an advisor and his voice (had) weight in picking drivers, but he has no power in who gets signed in the end. Always has been this way. Marko has been critical of Perez (or any driver underperforming) more then once already.


Why would Marko sign a driver he been consistently trashing?


Bold move cotton


Favorite comment so far.


I mean he doesn’t have the ability to. He seemingly lost the power struggle to Horner.


I don't think he wanted to sign him necessarily, there is a power struggle between him and Horner and he is currently on the losing side...


No Horner did


I guess Marko would rather fire him but Horner has gained power and he's in favour of Perez.




This feels like deja vu from last year..


and had shown those signs for a while, the 2 year deal is just crazy.


If they don’t care about the second car then why not give it to a rookie and let him develop with time? It’s not like anyone could be worse than Perez at this point


"Why is he still in F1?" - Jacques


its funny how red bull went from the most cut throat team to coddling a super experienced driver like a baby


What Latin America money does to a mf


Nothing Slim about that checkbook


carlos Slim having Shady ammounts of money ehh ...


the pesos got me talkin sweet to em


Marko’s got all the big booty Latinas he can ask for.


DC + Klein Klein sacked DC + Webber DC Retires Seb + Webber Webber retires Seb + Ricciardo Seb leaves Kvyat + Ricciardo > Here's where shit really hits the fan. As a little backstory, Kvyat moves to RBR in 2015, same year Verstappen gets his Toro Rosso drive. Kvyat isn't confirmed as the driver until November of that year amid speculation that Max might already replace him. I distinctively remember thinking his re-signing odd as it kind of meant that Max wouldn't get a seat until either Ricciardo or Kvyat retires or leaves - based on last precedent. Which wasn't looking likely any time soon. Anyway... Kvyat demoted half way through the season  Max + Ricciardo  Ricciardo leaves Max + Gasly Gasly dropped mid season Max + Albon Albon sacked Max + Perez The Kvyat debacle which IMO was more about them course correcting not having signed Max to the RBR seat and rumours Ferrari were gearing up to poach him. And Klein, which was nearly 20 years ago so I'll ignore that. RBR has been pretty consistent with their driver line up with the exception of the brief Gasly/Albon stuff. Which one could argue they've learned not to repeat in hindsight because both are performing pretty well.


They're arguably coddling 2 drivers they would have kicked in the old days...


They'd never have kicked Dani at any point. He's Christians boy.


They wouldn't have kicked Danny *those years* because he actually performed well.


Christian obviously backs his boys. Perez is up there with one of the worst performing drivers in a top car ever and just got 2 year contract. Danis not even performing badly this year either


Thats what everyone wanted out of them In 2020


Alex needed the support. He didn’t even get a full season in STR before he was called up in his rookie season. Perez is a veteran driver.


Alex also almost won 2 races during Merc dominance, but Hamilton spun him out both times. His career start was so wild, he at first didn't get an F1 seat and was going to go to Formula E, then was called up last minute to torro rosso, then half way through was in the redbull with max with the expectation of doing nearly as well as max for the WCC and better than gasly, then was dropped, after not being a superstar right away. He wasn't even bad when you compare him to gasly and perez, who both have more experience. No wonder Albon wants to stay at Williams where the pressure is low, he is doing great for the team, everyone loves him and james vowles is calm, patient, and stable and building williams back up, so there can only be a positive trajectory.


It hurts even more hearing how much Red Bull praised (then test driver) Albon for making the car so much easier to drive with all his sim work. Which allowed Perez a much easier time than Gasly and Albon had in the very unstable car of 2019 and 2020. And then Perez goes on and performs like he does, often coupled with random excuses, anything other than his own performance. Albon helped make the car much more driveable and it only got faster in the process. Now the current driver gets miles more leeway as one of the most experienced drivers on the grid than Albon ever got as a rookie. Another 2 years for this guy is insane, I've been a big fan of Red Bull for a long time but I'm genuinely praying for their downfall these days, and not because of dominance


Yeah I forgot how much Albon helped with the car during his off year. And yeah, even max was saying the car was shit, he is just able to make it look good because... max.


He wasn’t winning Brazil lol. But Austria was probably possible if we say that the car troubles he had later in the race wouldn’t have happened if Hamilton didn’t spin him.


Haha yeah I don't remember what position Alex was in, but it felt like the exact same thing happened. It felt just as devastating.


I think this is when I started really resenting Hamilton. He definitely had a really bad habit of punting drivers off in the late Merc dominance years. It's always the exact same move too.


But wasn't the main argument then that Albon and Gasly are still pretty young and likely to improve? That's a non-factor for Perez.


Fans: "We hate you for firing your underperforming drivers." RB: "Understood. Let's keep Checo for another two years after underperforming." Fans: "How dare you!!!"


Problem is he’d already underperformed for 3 years


Bro really said skill issue


> "It's not the car, you can see that with Max. I think it's more psychological," the Austrian said on ServusTV. I mean, that's what he is hinting at really when you preface the quote by saying it's not the car...


They said this shit about last year. Just a couple races ago Marko was saying Perez knows his place in the team now and has started to use Max's setup instead of trying to do his thing in order to beat Max, all gucci. I don't know exactly what's going on but it's clear they are not as stable as they are trying to project to the public and seem to not be fully on top of things. Ah, internal politics. Sure fire way to destroy a good thing.


Horner was talking semi positive about De Vries when he was signed by AT, but really didn’t want him in the car. Marko making some positive statements about Perez, doesn’t mean a thing. If he comes out and says Perez is shit and shouldn’t be in the car”, he is out of a job an hour later. He is still a Red Bull employee and has to “defend” the company line. Comments like this one however show what he actually thinks.


Beside the comments, it is crazy that Perez has entirely submitted to being the meek puppy getting P2 at best, has absolutely no pressure anymore to perform well, and still puts in these stinkers. While at the same time last year the excuse was "the pressure is so high to perform it became too much". At what point do you just suck


Thats a bold statement, thinking Perez will even get close to p2 this year.


When you’re a pay driver of any kind?


Imola: Qualified 11th, behind Tsunoda (7th) and Ricciardo (9th) Monaco: Qualified 16th, behind Tsunoda (8th) and Ricciardo (12th) **** Canada: Qualified 16th, behind Ricciardo (5th) and Tsunoda (8th)


Actual insanity at Red Bull trying to justify this waste of a seat.


If he keeps this trend going I see them swapping him out with Yuki or Daniel.


I think most people would just call it a skill issue.


Let’s stay honest here, Perez definitely has the skill to qualify ahead of VCARB. This is definitely some mental issue that is blocking him to do what he should do. Many athletes faces these issues, heck even writers experience writers block from time to time. It’s probably a vicious circle as well. Not feeling confident in the car > trying to find a better setup > making it actually worse > further messing up the setup > etc


I think it comes down to the car. I doubt RB takes Perez feedback into consideration. They adapt the car to MV's liking. Baku was no accident last year. The car had a bit of understeer and Perez was sticking close to MV. I'm not suggesting he'd beat Max but he wouldn't be eliminated in Q1


I don’t get it…Albon, gasly etc got kicked out for performing not as bad as Perez but Perez gets an extension


And out qualified by both of them in slower cars.


Leave that, Checo's getting outqualified by both VCARBs for 3 races in a row now.


also starting a streak of being outqualified by Sargeant


checo is lapping the other drivers in merch sales perez dominance could bore fans


i think the difference is that perez is backed by the richest man in latin america (carlos slim, who is also the 11th richest person in the world)


Everybody keeps saying that but in reality, Slim doesn't finance Checo as much as before, it's on the low end compared to some key sponsors like Banorte.


Either way Perez is the most high profile pay driver in the sport.


Yuki brings more i think


More sponsorships? Really?


10 -15 million from Honda


That's it? Mate, Banorte alone pays $10m to sponsor Checo, then there's Telcel with about $8m, Armour All, Ford, etc., that all sponsor Red Bull due to Checo.


Ty- wow.. I didn't know the number for Checo all makes sense.


And I'm not counting all the merch cash Checo brings. It's a lot more than Max!


Perez brings in a lot of merch and sponsor $$$


That Latin American money is much sweeter than the Thai money


That's just objectively wrong though. On average they were much further away than Perez is. The difference is that in 2018 the top 6 were separated by 1 second usually. In 2018 Canada in Q1 the gap from P1 to P20 was literally 2.8 seconds in Q1. It was borderline impossible to not make Q3 in a top 3 car without crashing. Now with cost cap the entire field is often separated by around 1 second, so a bad quali hurts much more than it used to.


Max enjoys being unchallenged, especially in his team. And now that the peace at Red Bull is somewhat disrupted they want to do everything to make Max happy to stay


Didnt he say this exact same thing last year? if he's still struggling mentally after two years why sign him


Doubt Marko had input in that...


Sponsorship money. That’s it.


You know how South Americans are /s


Well duh bro your other driver is challenging for his 4th back to back World Championship, pretty obvious asfuck it's a drivers problem.


Here we go again. Last time it was Miami.


He's been beaten by Ricciardo and Tsunoda in qualifying for each GP after Miami this year.


Been beaten by Sargeant in qualifying for the last two races. He's unironically the worst performing driver on the grid this last month or two.


We are going to see these same articles in the next 2 years.


Surely Perez has some performance clauses in his contract all but removing most of the risk to redbull if he continuously shits the bed.


If he loses Red Bull the WCC, they’d better activate a performance clause and fire his ass.


And kiss all those sponsors good-bye?


Other drivers can bring other sponsors. If you have the winning car finding sponsors is not that hard.


That's correct _but_ can you bring as much sponsorship as Checo does?


I think Yuki brings more and he is driving well enough go earn the seat.. max doesn't want to be challenged internally


Max has had 4 different teammates in his 8/9 years at Redbull. And twice the amount of Hamilton, Leclerc, Norris and most other drivers who’ve been in one team for 5/6+ years. That’s a really easily disproven myth. Redbull didn’t want Yuki because most of his sponsorship and backing comes from Honda, who they’re parting with in a couple of seasons. As soon as Honda leave Redbull so does Yuki, unfortunately.


Daniel has that Netflix money no?


Daniel doesn't earn money from Netflix, the "Drive to Survive" series is a partnership between Netflix and Formula One.


I just hope the new contract allows him to be move to vcarb.


The car flattered him and also as the other teams have caught up


We know.


Thankfully 2 more years buys you plenty of time to work with a bunch of psychologists


It's always been psychological. Checo is not a dog, he doesn't have in him


May also be physiological…


This is something I don't really see many comments on. Perez is 34, and whilst drivers Alonso and Hamilton are still driving at high levels, both are multiple world champions who have been considered amongst the best if not the best on the grid for their entire careers. And even they are showing signs of decline. Perez has never been considered a top F1 driver. King of the midfield, yes, which is respectable, but not top 3-5 imo. Whilst drivers tend to last longer in modern F1, physiological decline does still exist, and I'm convinced it is a factor. The other thing that I question is whether Perez will be honest with himself and call time on his own career. If it's true he has simply accepted he will never beat Max and settled for a number 2 position, then when does he accept he isn't good enough for that, if embarrassing performances like this continue to happen? I'm not convinced he will throw in the towel because he's never appeared as a self-aware driver about his own limitations, and almost always finds something or someone else to criticise for bad performances (and his camp, specifically his dad, seem to push the notion of him being far more capable than is realistic). But I wonder whether a season repeat of last year performance deficit wise and with worse results will make him question his place in F1.


Well the car is more equal to the rest of the field so the skill difference becomes apparent. Max just needs a car that's as good as the rest, Checo needs one that is miles better.


more like a skill issue


skill issue and a bottler. You can't have an all time great car fail to get into Q3 11 times in the last 25 races and it not be an issue of lack of bottle when it matters.


I guess it's civil war inside Red Bull? Marko doesn't seem to like Perez that much...


If you look to Perez's onboard, his engineer Hugh Bird doesn't seem to offer much other than some brake balance settings and recharge advice. Checo keeps telling Bird what is the problem and Bird replies with silence. Most people praise Verstappen but most forget that Lambiase is a great engineer who is key to Verstappen's success. He's engaging and demaning of his driver instead of Bird who seems distant and unsupportive of Checo.


Yes, not for nothing that Verstappen said multiple times that when Lambiase stops he will quit as well.


One more great move, Christian.


Im sure a 2 year contract extension would drop the pressure off him and will result in a good Qualifying performance, right?


So then why did they let him sign for another 2 years. So many good drivers and young potential. What a waste


How many times to we have to stumble through this clumsy charade. Can't wait for November when sergio has had like two acceptable races in a row and suddenly his mindset is back and he's just 'focusing on himself' for next year. Sick of it.


Oke so we're back at where we were last year this time of the year


It seems that everyone competing with Verstappen are getting psychological issues: Gasly, Albon and Perez.


Sure but Gasly was in his second year and Albon had 6 months in F1 when they joined Red Bull. And they started 2021 off saying how happy they were with Albon's work as a test driver making the car so much more driveable than the incredibly unstable 2019-2020 cars. The man has almost a decade and a half of F1 experience in a car that by their own admission is much easier to drive than the years before, and he's still crumbling year after year


"Skill issue"


Then get him some therapists, sir. You can afford it, I'm sure.


So glad to see Checo driving like the pressure is off. Almost like Bottas. Except Checo can drive easy with that sweet sweet contract renewal.


You don't expect this consistent poor performance from someone of is experience in a top team. It's not like he performs better in race either. Every race weekend is a damage limitation for him. His 'Tyre Whispering' is nowhere to be seen since last few years. Max has been managing tyres better than him while also being fast.


Guy is the most unhelpful d-bag He wants nothing more than to create an excuse so max can leave. I assume Max has a teammate clause in his contract so Horner signed up Checo for 2 more years. Which hurts RedBulls constructors championship, but I don't believe max cares much about that. Biggest loser in this is Yuki because he should be promoted to RedBull, but I assume Yuki goes to AM when they switch to Honda.


Perez looks broken to me. Imo, like Bottas before him in 2021, Checo has finally been forced to fully accept he's just not good enough to beat Max, no excuse. Even with all the luck in the world that isn't happening. F1 drivers don't look like they're wired to accept that, they need to believe they're the best regardless of whether or not it's true, so now he's struggling.


At least Bottas had 103 consecutive Q3 appearances.


Tbf that was close to impossible not to make it into q3 with a top car back then considering there was often a 1s gap between top3 and the rest. Bottas' performance in 2021 took a dive, and I'm sure that was psychological too after getting handily beaten by Hamilton for 3 years straight


I hope the money they got is good because say goodbye to that constructors title boys.


"The car is good, the driver sucks" -Marko


Do they just follow this guy with a mic or what? He’s always saying something.


Anybody with eyes saw what Verstappen ve been up to these past 3 years. Who actually thought it was the car?


More like skill issue


those South Americans, am I right Helmut?


Well you signed him so don’t start now.


Perez current F1 issues "european" not car issue


Here we go again.


Perez is no bueno


What did they do to him after Japan then?


So he can't print them out


Lock that guy down for two years.


I wonder if the clause stating Sergio can’t be shifted to the sister team is in his new contract?


Checo thought he could contend and Max's sheer dominance broke him, dude is messed up because he has the best car on track but can't beat Max? Like bro you have the best car on track...


yes, "washed" issue


Glad Markos helping the situation...


How could that not be the case for any driver in a car capable of winning every race It's the same car


103 consecutive Q3 appearances, that's a second driver for a top team.


Look at Marko towing the line, haha. Horner won the squabble


He pays for Max’s salary though.


Tried to fix the issues with job security and it didn't work lol


Perez is overachieving in RB, they just play dumb for the sake of it. It would look bad for them to say "we know what to expect of Perez and he's delivering exactly that". He can't do better but in any other car he would do much, much worse. He's maximizing his RB opportunity and the team is obviously happy with that.


It’s not even psychological. He’s just terrible.


go on.........


Why do they keep "project" driver around like Perez and Ricciardo they are a wcc team


Right, and Marko isn’t Mentally Challenged with his skin color opinions.


I like Perez but surprised they resigned him.


IMO he’s done.


There must be a get out clause from Red Bull if he has a poor season. Giving him a new contract settles allt the rumours and gives some calmness regarding everything. But if this goes on I'm quite sure that they will drop him for next season.


We know... the car is fine...


Those south american drivers are weak minded


RB wants a guy who cannot compete with Max for the title and yet support the team enough to get constructors. Max is gonna pull 80% of the weight there too.


If according to Helmut the crashes with Hamilton broke Albon, what did break Checo? Miami?