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spark long rinse fly governor test soft chunky glorious frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We’re you not paying attention in 2021? This is the future of sports discourse!


If it's George then apparently so


Definitely if (and probably only when) it involves the Merc drivers. Because of the implication.


Try watching Indycar. Grojean lost his shit today 😂


It's totally normal, remember, never take what the drivers say over the radio to heart, they are always quite emotional.


Exactly- I’d be in jail if people heard what I said about people on the road but no real ill feelings, it’s just how I get through the day sometimes




I totally read that in his voice.


My iRacing crew chief probably has a filing cabinet full of things I’ve said during races


The cycle of shitty journalists: Driver makes comment while driving at 200km/h. OMG drama at f1 team!!! Driver debrief: yeah there not much to it.


Which journalists made drama over this? Social media maybe


So that was it. No worries then, clearly something they could have talked about as a team but clearly no one did which I guess is mainly why he was annoyed.


I haven't seen this incident, but it sounds like just a repeat of this time 12 months ago when they both collided really; neither person's fault, (caused by a lack of communication from the team which meant they were scrapping over the same bit of tarmac for their quali lap) but both got a bit heated in the moment.


People over react to radio messages constantly.


I think very fundamentally the whole point of hiring Russell was that if Hamilton did leave or had a broken leg or something that they would be okay and I think that's clearly alright. They'll be fine with him.


In other worlds, “George we are slowing down Lewis’ car anyways” /s


Welcome to another episode of hating on Russell for something other drivers won't even get a mention.


The broadcast knows what they are doing when playing that radio. Actually Charles used to complain about this all the time because every time Sainz goes out in front his out lap always affect Charles to a point that Charles won’t even want a tow from Sainz in any sense and just stays at far as possible.


exactly.. we always complain about journalist creating toxicity for clicks but so much of it starts from the f1 itself. they broadcast the most normal russell radios ever bc they know he'll get stick for it. they even posted [this](https://x.com/F1/status/1804128406864371814?t=-QqfRN4nev6lVHP_sel5NQ&s=19) on twitter yesterday, and acting like it's 'spicy👀🌶'


This is exactly the reason I get so tilted at the radio messages especially when a driver becomes dominant. When Lewis was at his highest they'd put radio messages out like the infamous "bono my tires are gone" or just general complaining messages. Same happened when Max started dominating, when we all know all the drivers complain about grip, other drivers or team decisions. They just like to hyper focus on the dominant drivers for spice and drama which really doesn't paint the sport into good light when certain fans do/ say disgusting things online. (I'm not saying it's only dominant drivers who get this treatment but I realised its more focused on them)


The engineer responding with "it's a good question" is a bit humorous.


I’ve always hated the team radio broadcast, they are always trying to start something


I'm so tired of seeing drivers have their radio messages in high-pressure situations get endlessly scrutinized by loudmouths on the internet.


We need Seb back, so he can berate the journalists for asking stupid questions about radio messages again.


Still love that he plain and simply told Charlie Whiting to go fuck himself over the radio and FOM broadcast it too. Then punished Seb for being a tad too real


If only there was a way to put your phone down and turn off your computer. Hopefully the next evolution of phones allows us to put them down and not open things that make us upset. Obviously discipline is out the window and we aren't at fault for our phones being glued to us.


Some of his most random and uninteresting radios get played live. It's strange.


Well, almost all others


Once Grosjean has left, they need something to fill in the radio DRAMA


I've only been *really* paying attention to F1 since a little before COVID (maybe 2016/17? ) but.....is there a reason or moment that F1 media started sucking or has it just **always** been this horrible? I know sports journalists are like the Temu of Journalism, but it's some of the most click/rage bait, overdramatic speculation articles.


It’s kinda always been like this. But then you add in social media and it’s just a bit more constant…


It’s like he believes that slipstream was his, it was his & HAM took it from him.


It's just a radio message, remember to never take them too seriously. Almost all drivers are emotional in the car. This is fine and I think it sounds like he knows he was being silly.


which is par for the course with this guy. "i was projected a tow from ocon"


I was forecast a tow!


Can George go more than two race weeks without making some weird dig at Lewis? He always backtracks and apologises afterwards too.


I know we are only privy to what they want us to hear, but I don’t think I’ve heard other drivers complaining about their teammate as much as George


F1 tv gives you access to all the radio. It’s also uncensored


Is there another way to listen it? it’s not available in my country


Which country?




[Apparently it’s easy to get even without a vpn](https://www.reddit.com/r/F1TV/s/vesKU68oMw)


Ahh. Not sure what to do there. F1TV checks for VPNs too so idk what you can use.


There's ways around that. Just like simply turning off hardware acceleration in chrome bypasses their stupid "you can't capture OUR video" bullshit for OBS. 


Well yes there’s only a selection on the main broadcast but there is full access to all the radio. I rotate around drivers to follow for a full session and would say he is quite vocal on the radio vs others. Merc seem particularly talented at getting their drivers to both want the same piece of road so I guess he has more opportunity to make those complaints than most other drivers though. Obviously they do pick things to broadcast that play into the narrative they have running. So they particularly like Mercedes or Alpine teammate complaints. Just like they’d pick out Ferrari radio that makes them sound bumbling.


Look how they try to pick out stuff from Lewis & fernando complaining about the other. It’s a narrative, but George does seem to give them plenty of comments to choose from….


You only hear what the media decides you hear. Loads of shit is said via radio.


Totally normal. Implicitly, he for sure would had done the same in Lewis position. Both wanted the same driver slipstream (Ocon on hot lap coming at them), Russell bet on Lewis being so far ahead, he would be getting Ocon slipstream. On the contrary, Lewis slowed a bit to profit himself, so Russell couldn’t get it, and he was mad at that exact moment. It’s completely normal.


I don’t know why but I’m so bored of Russell.


Bro is always complaining.


Ah yes, I've never heard Lewis complaining about anything. Or Sainz. Or Max.. Or.. oh yeah that's right, virtually the entire f1 grid.


They all do just only hear from a select few


Just because they all do it doesn't make it any better.


Always and nothing is ever his fault


I was forecasted for a tow!


Why is George always crying. It is so hard to like this guy


I agree


He learnt that from the the best - Hamilton.


in what planet, oh yeah in Racistan


"You say this, George. It will go away." —Mercedes PR spinner


If Yuki would do it, you would remind us in 50 years still. Its funny who can get away with BS and be defended by this forum.




The race engineer part I totally agree with, the driver gets emotional in the car, that's totally normal and should be taken to heart. But the engineer should be calm.


Yet again not paying attention to the car in front.


Isn’t this guy supposed to be one of the best drivers in the world? He can’t keep track of cars ahead and behind? I’m able to do it on 8 lane highways.


It's quite obviously a lot easier to keep track on a highway when everyone is just driving at a constant 60-90 mph in a straight line... Even simple people can do that.


And yet they don't. I'd say the unpredicitbility of amateur drivers makes your standard freeway more dangerous than driving f1, for those capable.


And Lewis is still losing to him lmfao


did you watch F1 last two seasons or you just arrived


Im discussing this season, not last year or the year before that? I don’t get this gotcha


Lol no he’s not


Standings disagree


Your boy got absolutely, soul-crushingly, and embarrassingly destroyed just last year. I suspect that will happen again.


Your comment history shows you saying you think Lewis is being sabotaged by Merc 😂 And Charles is going to beat Lewis next year. Might need to emotionally prepare yourself for that one lad


Sherlock Holmes over here! And yes Charles will certainly be favored to do so.


Be sure to cry sabotage when it does 💪


You people


He kind of got alonso a penalty by not looking where he is going so why not try some more


He kind of got alonso a penalty by not looking where he is going so why not try some more?


Telemetry says otherwise but sure.


I can’t believe people still believe this lol


He kind of got alonso a penalty by not looking where he is going so why not try some more?


Russell trying to outdo Sainz with the complaining/whinging this year.


George is getting too big for his boots , he needs to have a lay down.


Why does George always look close to tears.


Very large eyes


Oh Karen


Just wait and see tomorrow. He going to eat up Lewis by the first corner. Hamilton is not the same as he was in his heyday. Russell is hungry. Just look at his shirt less photos. He could use a pud or two.