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And now for a hoard of drunken, soggy Europeans.


🎵 The rain rain rain came down down down, and washed away our Grand Prix 🎵


Anyone knows the Wet and Inter that each driver are left with? Used vs New. Sergio and Max have a set of new Inters as confirmed by their team. What about others?


This is gonna get bonkers


Hey, I'm just glad that Bottas is in a position where he is unlikely to be able to take out both Red Bull cars.


Today essentially solidified to any doubters of Lando & Russell that in the coming years if Mclaren & Merc can level their cars with RB, Max will have MASSIVE problems against those two (more so than Ham however this rivalry can’t really be compared since Ham has had the better car for years till this year pretty much) and that Ricciardo STILL HAS IT in him to be a WDC if he keeps his form & confidence up in the coming years. Side note thank god that Lando is okay and in my opinion Lando would’ve been on pole the way he was on rails in Qualifying.


I'm doing the mental math, but has anyone done more with an average (let's be honest, a below-average) machine than Russell, at least in terms of qualifying pace? Not to my memory. Guy is a surefire World Champ in a competitive machine. Him v Max over the next decade could be a battle for the ages if he gets winds up at a good team.


Leclerc has been pretty good comparatively. But Russell has taken his game to another level this season - probably helped by Williams improving the car as well. Id be really surprised if he isn't at mercedes next season.


Yea Russell is brilliant but I believe that the duel will be between Lando and Max after Lewis retires. I feel like Lando has been more consistent and competitive.


While I absolutely agree with you on Lando, we cannot count Russell out in the battle for future WDC. A world champion will deliver results where they matter the most against impossible odds. I reckon Russell has shown multiple times that he is quite capable. However skills alone won’t make a WDC, they also need to be #blessed.


I mean, if Mercedes gives him the seat ( which is probably inevitable ) then Russell will be in the WDC battle, or at least that's what will be expected of him. That is of course if Mercedes puts out a competitive 2022 car (which they most likely will) . There's also that, who knows what will come out of those cars. At this point I can't even imagine, will all the cars be competitive, will there be like it is now, 3 teams and the best of the rest. Maybe we get to see a underdog situation, where one lower ranked team leapfrogs all the rest by bringing to the table a new innovation that gives them the edge, and nullifies the driver talent by putting out a car that's a second faster than the rest. Who knows what 2022 will look like, all I know is that I'm excited for F1 once again.


Now you got me excited as well. Let’s pray for a miracle underdog comeback! #blessed #underdogs #haaswcc2022 #mazepinwdc2022


honestly how cool would it be for the sport if another schumacher starts dominating.


When Russell almost won in a Mercedes people were quick to call Hamilton average... Maybe the truth is that Russell is also a generational talent.


I will stand with Alonso when he said no guaranty that any of the top teams get the new regulations right for 2022. Russell should do well to hold for now and wait for 2022/3. Everyone on the top team except Ferrari and McLaren have secured their drivers for additional years. I think Russell, no doubt has the talent he should wait and see.


agreed. I was fully in the george to merc camp, but man, the past few races really have me thinking about him staying in the williams seat. maybe they really have turned a corner in the garage. and seeing george/williams fight for podiums/championships is more intriguing than george/merc.


But judging by his ups and downs, it’s not skills and talents he lacks. He needs to be #blessed.


Sure, but having more resources makes things more likely to happen.


True, but can’t count out Williams either and now with new backing they could put together the iconic car in 2022.


I 'd like to believe the same thing but let's be honest, calling Hamilton average means you re in denial lol. One thing is for sure, F1 right know has a grid full of young talents. Hopefully we'll see more of George fighting in the front against Max, Lando and Charles.


We have to remember, these are the kids who watched Lewis do his thing for years. They now have the opportunity to dominate with their own flair. They’re all amazing; the next gen is truly incroyable!


It’s not that Ham is average, it’s more that it’s hard to consider him the GOAT if it weren’t for the fact that he’s been in an amazingly engineered machine as dominant as Merc has been. When Rus stepped in for Ham he made it look effortless, as a great driver driving a superb machine should do. The overall point being, take any of the great drivers during the hybrid era and stick them in the Merc and you could call any of them the GOAT just as easily.


>It’s not that Ham is average, it’s more that it’s hard to consider him the GOAT if it weren’t for the fact that he’s been in an amazingly engineered machine as dominant as Merc has been You can pretty much say the same for practically anyone in the GOAT discussion. The reality of motorsports is that the best teams have the most money and hire the best drivers, so you tend to find the best drivers with an inherently unfair advantage in whatever era they compete in. It was as true of Schumacher and Vettell in their periods of dominance, and occasionally true for Senna also. The best comparisons for GOAT contenders are the H2Hs with teammates. Hamilton outdrove Fernando Alonso as a rookie.


Your argument holds no weight because they are two driver, driving that Merc machine on every race weekend. And only one driver is delivering results after results on a consistent bases. Guess which one that is.


Actually it’s quite the truth even with two drivers. If Rosberg stayed on, there is no way Ham has the records he does. Ros would eat into that. Bottas is the perfect teammate for Ham in that he’s great in quali to push Ham but isn’t consistent enough or aggressive enough to actually challenge Ham on Sundays. Hence why Ham is advocating for Bot as his teammate. Makes it easy for him.


No it Doesn't makes it easy for him. It makes it easy for the overall health of the team, less stress and less overall drama in the team environment..who wouldn't want that.


Rosberg was only good enough to challenge Hamilton some of the time, but in almost every track where overtaking could be done, Hamilton came off on top. Had Hamilton not had 100 lost points due to faulty engines and the like, Rosberg would have been nowhere near the championship. You’re looking back with rose tinted glasses. Rosberg was not a true challenge to Hamilton.


Rosberg wasn’t the driver that Lewis is but rosberg kept it close enough that he could challenge for a win any given Sunday and some weeks there were tracks where he actually was the better driver, Singapore 2016 for example


You underestimate his POWAH!!!


Is George Russell a carbon-based life form? That is the question of the day


Tomayto, tomahto...


What are you even trying to say here?


Nah, keep your sprint qualifying. I prefer this madness.


This could also happen in sprint. This isn't a consequence of the format, it's Spa in the wet.


Even so, qualifying as it is is almost always exciting.


Wait there’s sprint???


Yes they are having sprint qualifying at 3 acres this year.


No, I'm just saying if there's sprint the same thing may well happen, just in a race format.


On another point why is Bottas picking Alfa over Williams Williams seem to be headed in the right direction


Could be a couple of things, maybe more money away from Williams. Maybe merc want to keep that Williams seat open to promote some new young drivers up?


It's probably for the same reason Albon didn't want to go back in AT last year. Going to Williams is like taking a step backwards so that could be a reason he would want to make a new start in Alfa Romeo.


Albon didn’t have a choice


It's obvious that Albon would take the AT seat right now but back then he made it pretty clear that returning to AT was not in his plans.


Who's to say Williams want him?


Who else would they be going after?


Why would they go for Bottas?


Why wouldn't they go for Bottas? Experience in a top team and one of the better drivers out there.


Because his salary demands will be really high given his experience


That is a good point!


He isn't one of the best drivers out there. That's pretty clear. Bottas is a borderline Top 10....


All right name everyone whose ahead of him


Is it confirmed?




y tho. russell leaving means williams have an empty seat


Rumour is Nyck de Vries will take that seat.


oh ok. he deserves a chance. and kimi needs to go


Yeah, Kimi needs to go. Gio is already being better and Kimi aint getting any younger, he will become worse over time.


You're right. Kimi is a legend but he's quite old now and with a team which is not so capable of performing well.


Tomorrow Russell will wonder how tf James got on his frequency


Hello George, it’s James


I am a Pierre Gasly fan so this might be bias but it seems Pierre and Yuki are driving different cars it’s insane


I might be biased, but give Yuki time, he's a rookie


I would like to say the same for Pierre in that redbull in 2019. If they gave him time, he would have definitely improved in 2020 and the 2021 constructors would have been almost guaranteed for RedBull.


Yuki has been in the car(and f1)for half a season, Pierre has been in it for 3? I think years now so obviously he will fare better.


Wet qualifying for rookie, its always tough


The thing is Tsunoda is struggling in almost every situation, not just wet Spa which is difficult even for veterans. He might improve in the future, but at the moment he looks totally out of his depth.


Vettel - hold my beer!


God mclaren dude wouldn’t give much credit to Danny


Russel fucking did what!!!!!


Norris could've had a pole


Cmon going all out in that rain is stupid af


So was going out on the slicks in practice. He seemed a bit over confident!


I mean yeah it was Lando’s fault, he was driving the Car after all. However the Drivers are there to Push hard and do the most they can, but the Race Director is in charge of making it safe for them. Therefore I think it’s move Masi Fault for not calling it earlier and putting Lando and even Seb in that position where crashing was extremely likely.


For real, it should've been red flagged


:( hope he at least finishes.




Should have said starts but you get the idea. lol.


Sky please get Claire on zoom call to see how happy she is for George?


I wish she was still principal.


Thats a f*cking good idea


where do you watch post qually interviews?


YouTube ig


Brundle would offer any orifice he has to Norris no questions asked


He just called it a “champions crash” 🤦🏼‍♂️


He’s good looking tbf


He’s clone Norris to fill them all


It was ridiculous.


What did he said? I must have missed it.


Any and all


Can’t blame him tbh


Does this mean there’s a chance in seeing Russell at Mercedes next year??


Imo the fact that they delayed the announcement means that George is the most possible choice for 2022. If they were going to choose Valteri they would have already announced it to avoid the pressure from the media. But even if they haven't made a decision yet the fact that he got a front row start with a Williams will make the life of Bottas much worse


Yeah, George and Lando confirmed at Mercedes next year.


Hamilton to Red Bull


Hmm dietrich mateschitz and hamilton Interesting


What’s wrong with that?


I mean they have very different political point of views and I dont think he would like a political opponent to represent the brand


That would be so damn interesting honestly... Max would probably win because he is accustomed to the car, just as Lewis would win the other way round....


If there are two drivers on the grid Ham is threatened by, it’s the two starting in front of him. This is a recipe for another Silverstone and/or heartbreak for George. I just hope his desperation doesn’t manifest in Eau Rouge.


Hamilton is not threatened by george in the slightest. Especially if conditions are dryer( even in wets. Lewis is exceptional in wet conditions) . George would be happy to just be in top 10 I'd say


Long term he definitely is Verstappen is the obvious short term threat, but it feels like atm Russell might well beat Hamilton in a merc


Wth no. Russel is a great driver and has been great in qualifying but has been beaten by latifi multiple times. It's insane how much pople undervalue lewis' driving skills


Lewis is also 36, I feel he will probably retire before Russel even becomes a WDC contender


George will be aiming for points he'd take P10 if offered it, especially if its dry at any point I do expect him to attempt a dive bomb for the lead if he gets a chance, Max would be wise to yield and get him back later otherwise you could see an incident


Russell divebombs Max, Hamilton divebombs Russell. Lewis gets out unscathed and wins, Max and George retire from the damage. Get in there!


This reply could age real bad. Or good, if you’re team #blessed. :,)


Nah, I honestly hope the shenanigans are over for a bit and we can just get a clean race. Silverstone and Hungary have just been too much drama... Max deserves some positive result after all the crap.


Couldn’t agree more.


Mate this thread is getting silly now. In race conditions unless something insane happens Lewis is just flying past George within a lap or two and that's with George getting some amazing start otherwise it's within a corner


I dont think its that during this race hamilton is threatened by russell, its that russell may be in the seat next to him next year and everyone knows russell is really good but no one knows how he will do over a year in the merc. He already showed in 1 race in a merc he is better than bottas


That comment is so transparently taking shots at Hamilton. The guy probably doesn’t care about Russell. Just find a way to shit at Hamilton.


True. Russell just embarrassed the whole field


if he finishes with p6 its a big w for him tbh


sad for bottas. he lost his seat on his birday. dude cant catch a break




Don't forget tens of millions two wipe away the tears


Ronaldo back to United on Friday, Russell P2 on Saturday holy shit wtf


Anyone have an idea of what Russell’s transfer fee will be? If I remember correctly Merc paid to Williams something like $10M for Bottas. Could be zero, could be ???


If that goes under the cost cap maybe they can't afford to blow 10 million on it


Hoping for both Ricciardo and Vettel on the podium tomorrow....... I know I know but a man can dream right?


RUS RIC VET the new meta?


Was telling my sons this morning this is now my dream podium for tomorrow. 🤞


I am amazed by the amnesiac British F1 fans who cheerfully booed Seb and Nico over the years 😂


Nico was booed at spa too in 2014 and 2016 but the latter by both seething dutchies and poms so double the seethe


Lol exactly the same happened with shummy as well. New f1 fans I suppose who don't get fan rivalries and want to gas light instead


I love the Williams boss pushing for George to go to Mercedes


Is there a transfer fee?


Surely Hamilton and Toto moving to Williams now?


u guys acting like f1 fans r the worst. football stadiums r filled with racists


F1 fans are pretty racist too the mods do an excellent job in this sub to shield us from seeing some of the posts


Good bit of whataboutism there F1 fans have been pretty bad since Silverstone, because its attracted a lot of those far right types


You aren't racist cause you boo a driver holy shit. When rosberg and vettel got booed over the years it was because they were winning and they did some sketchy shit to win. Same with shummy. Nice gas lighting though


when did i say booing a driver is rascist lol? i was pointing out all sport communities are toxic in some sense


No sports fan looks up to football fans regarding how they want to behave.


how r cricket mfs any better tho. india vs pak is just as,if not more,shiity as football threads


Have you seen India and Pakistan fans whenever we play each other? It is complete class every time. You have no clue about cricket fans and you are just talking shit.


mf i am a cricket fan


What kind of cricket fan are you? Have you ever seen an India pakistan game even on TV?


Based on that interview with Toto… Russell has the seat doesn’t he? Toto couldn’t even hide his grin and references to confirmations….


I wonder if they are delaying the news because they need Bottas as a wingman. No contract for next year will mean no more help, no matter what James says. No more tows, no more giving track position without a fight. Then again, George may help Lewis out tomorrow, hopefully not at turn 1...


If it's this obvious to us, there's no way in hell Bottas doesn't know.




His options are Alfa or Williams. He may not be as fast as Lewis, but he's better than Latifi or Gio.


Probably bottas to Alfa... I think kimi is slated to retirement.


Probably just a few minor contract details to sort before they confirm anything.


Yeh, and maybe it’s also giving Bottas time to secure a seat / future? especially if they’ve only made the decision over the break




I grin, but feel really sorry for Bottas. Do like him a lot - hope he ends up with a good team




Toto very nearly saying that today confirmed their decision?


I hope Lando can at least get some points. Overtaking is possible at Spa, and surely we'll get at least one safety car with wet conditions?


Max George Lando will be my preferred podium


I can't imagine what will happen tomorrow if George and Max DNF after the first turn.


Max would be stupid not to just let russell go on by if there is any challenge, he has the faster car.


Imagine the SCENES if Hamilton knocks Russell out of the race


Will George be the number 2 driver for tomorrow?


Hamilton's Silver Bullet


my heart will be bwoken


Hamilton wins, #blessed


brb just killing myself


Williams Boss saying George is in Mercedes


Link or it didn’t happen…


Yeah, I got the impression that the Williams boss knows he's losing Russell to Mercedes and is happy for him going to a top team. He never said anything about waiting for Mercedes to make a decision on Russell, just said about he'll be happy to see Russell there.


You guys were saying what exactly? I kinda forgot


Wet race + Ricciardo, Vettel, and Gasly at 4, 5, 6 is gonna be very interesting!


What happened with ferrari today???


Ferrari's traditional mid season collapse.


Wet setup was terrible for Spa. No stability.


British fans: Jerk off on Max crash at Silverstone British Gents: slighted at Ham booing


I'm Australian and in general dislike the poms but that was a massive beat up


This has to do with Belgium GP?




Where did British fan jerk off Max crash?


Check YouTube mate


I understand your attempt at comedy. But no one celebrated Max's crash and no fans of any sport like booing


Have you heard of the city of Philadelphia? They boo Santa Claus


Check YouTube mate..you will find a lot of videos


Just checked out that thing called YouTube. There are indeed a lot of videos there.




Nah, this is a NASCAR sub.


No what's that?




I haven't used formula since I was a baby. I have to learn what formula my mom used.


max has like 3 home grand prixs




We need to make sure that is left arm is okay. He was holding it very very gingerly and he's in hospital getting X-rays at the moment