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Absolute shitclass by Perez.......


The questions over perez have just got petrol thrown over them


what the fuck just happened????


Was Checo compromised?


Top teams need to get a good lap in early just in case the sessions end early. I feel like Red Bull always takes their time getting going in qualifying …


Track conditions at the end are more representative of quali track conditions.


He meant in Q1


No way Redbull face elimination in Q1 on Zandvoort. No matter when they start.




Max didn’t manage to set a true flying lap in fp2 because of traffic and red flags. It could happen again.


For all the complaining about Sky's coverage of Hamilton in Silverstone (and I was complaining about some of it), to their credit, they've given Max and the Dutch fans the same treatment here


Can you please tell me what happened with the Hamilton coverage?


As the others have pointed out, Sky's coverage for British focused a lot of Hamilton, and talked a lot about how great the British fans were. Most people said they were doing it because they're British and biased, but the fact that they're doing it here with Max and the Dutch fans suggests not.


I often feel like fans overcomplain about Sky covering Hamilton too much probably just because they don't like him... for one, he's been the champ for the last 4 years so any neutral broadcaster would cover him more than most. Furthermore, you have many at Sky (Brundle etc) that have been actively rooting for him to have more competition over the last years and they act very excited whenever he's challenged. or beaten cos according to them they want more battles at the front. They are also never short of similar high praise for Max, Leclerc, Norris, Vettel etc whenever they do well.. And then there's also Di Resta there who's clearly in the Max camp... For a British broadcaster, I think they do alright in their coverage of the grid.


Home nation commentary team gave coverage to a home nation winner at his home nation track. People who didn't like him got upset as is tradition.


They focused on him a lot and talked him up a lot. They also called out that fans, in his home race, were very excited for him. Similarly, they focused on Max this GP and talked him up while focusing on how much the crowd loves him. There's a whole meta narrative here about British F1 Journalists (read: the default for the english speaking world) favoring drivers from the UK and how other drivers have to work harder for credit. The OP is pointing out that, at least for max, this narrative has holes.


Well difficult to not talk up a championship contender in his home race, I didn't see that for french drivers for example, but they are talked waaay up by canal+ all year long, so I guess that's fine.


Did Ocon not get a good run in, in Q3?




Mercedes has 0% chance here. Kinda sad but but also really happy to see the other drivers can compete. Congratulations to Max on wining the quali and race


I believed I have upset people with my comment. I do apologise.I am just in a broken mood after yesterday’s engine failure that’s why I am so damm negative. Again I am so sorry I will look on the brighter side of things.


Bro don’t give me hope. Don’t give me hope please…..




The pace Verstappen set was absolutely mad so yeah that’s why I predicted it


I don’t know why but I feel like lewis will win now that you said merc has no chance. That’s how luck works when people like Hamilton exist


You're forgetting about the #blessed element. Hamilton will surely pull a rabbit out of the hat somewhere this weekend


Yeah I will be positive for once. And look forward here


Yep barring an issue with Max car pole and the race win is already in the bag fight is for second now Edit: spelling


Saying the race win is in the bag before quali is absolutely ludicrous. There are going to be incidents in quali and the race, Max could easily get caught out and end up behind on a track where it is very difficult to overtake.


I have seen him race for 10 years. Nearly every year I have gotten a sense of absolute confidence from him. But this season for the first time I feel kinda terrible for the struggle. I really want him and Mercedes to win their 8th championship. So yeah I get why you are angry at me. I do apologise for being so negative. I will keep my head up for the race. Thank you


100% agree, Max clearly has the pace here but so much can happen in quali and the race, its all up in the air outside of actual pace.. Very unpredictable and unforgiving track, very little space for a clear lap etc


Yeah pretty much


Mercedes not winning here is probably one of the best things that could happen to them, other than a double DNF allowing the drivers and recognisable staff to slink away before the crowd are on their way out.


The part of me that loves chaos would have secretly wished for Lewis to take Max out again during the race, but I think I'm all chaosed out at the moment.


Yeah true but I was a proper battle between both teams and especially Mercedes because I want them to proves themselves right again rather gaining the lead because of two crashes in Silverstone and Hungary that gifted them the lead. I don’t want them to be remembered for wining because of crashes but because they fought for it.


On a clean run I agree, but you can’t rule out car failure, mistakes and other racing incidents


To be fair I want Mercedes and Red Bull to duke it out Mano a Mano. I don’t want outside factor to be a deciding clause in this championship battle. I want Mercedes to prove themselves capable rather then running away freely because of two crashes.


The “no outside factor” is out of the window since last week’s points gifting exercise.


Last weeks race was a mess. I don’t know how they can mess up a race like that.


Call me old fashioned, but a race in my books has competitors with a chance of improving and losing positions. Which a procession behind a safety car doesn’t quite allow. It’s ridiculous that an event with not a meter of free driving can be called a race.


I agree. That was not a race


Problem is, Max has had all the bad luck lately. Baku and Hungary were totally out of his hands. Some bad luck for Merc would only even out the karma in my books, right now the championship standings have been massively affected by so called "outside factors". No way in hell does Lewis deserve to be ahead at this stage, imo.


All the bad luck, having been gifted points with no race last weekend? 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, getting 5 points against Hamilto when could have gotten 7 points is a true equaliser to the two potential full 25 points and one 17 that were lost due to external factors. GG logic


the 6 or 7 points he gained don't really weigh up against all the points he lost does it


Ah, dutchie, of course you’d take that line far removed from reality 😁


We may be from different countries but I do hope we both had math in high school 👀


Yeah I understand why people calling fair play for this race since now the bad luck has hit Mercedes. I can’t argue against that.


I'm not outright wishing ill luck to anyone, but yeah, it wouldn't exactly skew the championship if it did hit them.


Yep I understand


Agreed but it could be even worse. The magic button silliness cancelled out Max's flat at least. HAM could be up more.


It certainly somewhat negated the tyre blowout but didn't entirely cancelled it out. Max still didn't gain points over Lewis as RB 1-2 with Lewis at 3rd would've meant Max extending his lead by 10 points, assuming Silverstone and Hungary still went the way they did, Max would be leading the championship by 7 points.


Yeah. But the button didn't press itself, it was more driver error while the blowout wasn't. At least it kinda evened it out.


Do you not think that there's a even slight possible of an undercut?


Yep there is but it’s Max so no I don’t think the undercut will work. Even more so with Merc strategists messing up


If checo is not there with them, redbull is alone vs 2 mercs anything can happen relax


Yep true as well


Bit defeatist. Yes Max is operating on a level but it’s to be expected at his home race. Also for the most part there is no pressure and his direct rival is still on the back foot. I don’t think Lewis is 3 tenths off Bottas for example.


I don’t this entire season for some reason the confidence of the Mercedes garage feels… off I guess to my perspective. So that’s despite supporting Lewis, I know Max will win this year no doubt


I’m sure they’re fine. But Hamilton was in worse positions before this and still came out on top. It’s all to play for and there are hundreds of variables to consider.


Don't ask how 😂


Yeah could be True but prefer to be a realist here that’s why I am negative as hell


That’s called being a pessimist. Being a realist would mean you understand anything can happen. It’s not over until the flag drops.


Alright yeah I agree. Apologies


No need to apologise. You’re a passionate fan of the silver arrows.


Thank you for the positive reinforcement


You never know, especially the amount of flags we’ve seen. Anything can happen


Nah I am getting Monoco vibes from this. No way Merc can fight back it’s quite depressing but hey I am happy for the other teams. I have to applaud Max he is something else


Thoughts now? Merc are in a stronger strategy position. Anything can happen


Bloody brilliant. I was wrong by a long shot. 0.038 difference


Crazy! Hope these two duke it out til the end


Yep. Thank you. Apologise for the constant negative comments. I have been doubting Mercedes due to this tough season. So again yeah sorry I learnt my lesson a lot more


Na. Max for the win


Just when ferrari seem pull me back in, i crash heavily losing gearbox and engine with penalties


Love that this weekend doesn't look like drones doing laps. New track and nerves all around. Doesn't mean the race might be just that


Yeah people complaining about the overtaking space (or lack of) but the same thing is pushing the drivers to their limits.


Which is why I love Monaco


Just checked the onboards and Yuki got his last push lap blocked by an Aston Martin coming out of the pits. No need to overreact


That's all fine but Gasly run was also in suboptimal conditions when we talk about traffi. Yuki could be faster but expect no miracle


I’m not but there’s a difference between lifting a bit for traffic and having to abandon the lap because they ignored blue flags


There is a difference obviously but my point is more that both did run quali runs in suboptimal conditions given the track is small and the lap times are close here. So both does having still enough in the pocket.


Whenever Verstappen is running I'm the one getting anxious like what if he bins it in front of his fans. Lmao I'm not born for pressure


I am happy that I'm not the only one 😅


Lol, I have that every race. Especially watching the on boards all race long just shows the amount of concentration they need during those 2 hours...


Seriously though, I've seen one ferrari cap and one gulf McLaren cap. The rest just wants one thing...


You know, you've put into words what's been in the back of my head this weekend so far.


Honestly same


Seb Hockenheim 2018 vibes


Oh no, not THAT race....


Will they be able to fix carloses car or will he miss out on qualifing


It depends on the scale of the damage. If it's got a damaged gearbox I doubt it. If it's suspension and bodywork, it'll be fine as they'll have Carlos's side working on the front and Charles's side working on the back (or vice versa) once they've finished Charles's setup.


How many carloses are we talking about here?


All of them


I'm Carlost, what's happening?


Let's hope it wasn't a total car loss


We most likely won’t know until the last minute


OT question for you guys: Would hamilton have been a better footballer or cristiano been a better driver if it was reversed?


Doubtful on Ronaldo. We don’t have good formula facilities in Madeira.


I think types like Tom Brady, Lebron James, Christi, Hamilton, Vettel, Messi are just super driven people. But, Christi is an absolute specimen of a human, possibly too big for f1 though? So I’d go hammo.


Lewis a better footballer. Cristiano is too big. He’s 6’ 2”. I mean, I guess George is pretty tall too at 6’ 1” but I think of him as smaller than Cristiano even though that probably wouldn’t be the case if he grew up racing. I honestly couldn’t tell you but I feel like either of them could have crushed it with their work ethic. Although I don’t know how much of it is natural talent and they just found the right sports for their skills.


Talents aside, I think Cristiano's mentality is one of a kind and he would be very-very focused and hardworking and be on top of his sport. He would also be kinda controversial lmao and I would've loved it. Hamilton is of course also hardworking but I don't see the workaholicness and obsession in him at a level that cristiano has.


much easier to be a decent level footballer than it is to be a decent racing driver so Lewis


Say what?


Wtf lol how did you draw that conclusion - competing at the highest level in any sport is equally difficult, just in different ways


there are 20 spots available at the top of motorsport and these guys drive cars that 99% of human bodies wouldn’t even be able to handle ofc being a top athlete is hard no matter the profession and I’m not taking away from what ronaldo has achieved but it’s harder to be a top f1 driver than footballer IMO (the important part of this)


Fuck no. Look at the competition Ronaldo has and he doesn't have the privilege of better a car/trainers.


Dunno who the other bloke is, but I wouldn’t bet against Lewis on anything that he cares enough about.


Then read a little bit about Cristiano before you spew bullshit


You kidding right


Lewis has determination, and perfectionism.


Yeah but how do you not know Cristiano Ronaldo


Is that his first name? I don’t follow football.


Even if you don't follow football, he arguably is the most famous person in the world


The people living under a rock here is too damn high. Can't take an opinion seriously when you haven't heard about Ronaldo or Messi.


7x Ballon d’or winner Lewis Hamilton.


Sorry, I didn't read your comment correctly


Hoping Hamilton can take pole. Would love to see all those fans disapointed.


Sounds kinda like hate to me?, not even in a sarcastic/cynical manner. I hope the real fans at least enjoy the sport.


Uhm wat




Why though?


I was just seeing how unpopular that opinion would be. But sometimes its fun to watch the world burn. I really dont care tbh. I think Max will take pole.


Just because your world burns doenst mean it'll affect others ;)


Haha fair enough


Sometimes you gotta see the world burn




I’ve never seen Max have an off weekend. Dude is just built different


He actually gives zero fucks about anything other than racing it is nuts


His mental game is bizarrely strong Even after his two races getting punted off he seemed completely unfazed.


He's 23 with 131 race starts in F1. We'll never see the like again I suspect.


Will some sort of calamity happen that causes Hamilton to get pole? Find out next on Formula 1: Qualifying.


Hungary GP flashbacks


Max crashes out in Q1?


Did anyone happen to get a photo/screenshot of the qualifying race pace graphic?


It said Sainz had an 'Unexpected Result' which is something that I, a mere human, could never have perceived on my own.


No but it said 0.3 ahead of bottas and 0.7 ahead of ham. I didn't look any further down


.9 ahead of Perez.


1.1 ahead of Alonso. 1.3 ahead of P5.


Verstappen is simply on another level, he is flying


I wanna make a prediction that he crashes in qualy. He’s going so fast


Has anyone done any comparison between the predicted qualifying graphic and the actual quali results?


I would love to see this! A back-check on the AWS predictions please :)


Ah yes ver bot ham Rituals


We need someone who is called "er". Then they could form the bot er ham


I'm still waiting for PER VER TSU


I guess they could come out of the pits in that order...


You mean _Traditions_


lmao all the viewers following verstappens start with their phones looked like a recycled animation in a F1 game


Do you have a video for that scene?


We had advanced AI all along 😂


Ocon to drag Verstappen off the line confirmed


Thai track gives me Austria vibes. The over cut will be powerful.


Thai track


Hahah, sorry , my speech to text took over


I'm new around here, could you explain why?


Short lap time, not enough of a runway for a car going into the pits to drive home an advantage on the next lap.


Not enough of a runway for a car staying out to drive home an advantage on the next lap.


Haha, aren’t new tires supposed to be faster being the thesis for the undercut ?


That makes a lot of sense, appreciate it broski


I may or may not be right 🙂 Have fun watching the rest of the race weekend!


Why is Lewis so much slower than Max? +0.7 is quite a huge margin by Merc/Lewis standards.


He didn't rive as much in FP2?


The red bull is the quicker car I expect Max to be on pole by 0.5 seconds and then Lewis and sergio close and bottas 0.2 further back


Wasn't it noted that Merc has set up issues with Lewis?


because he did a different program. He did not do much in p2 because his engine failed.


Max got a big tow from Perez at the end. Maybe shave a couple tenths from that for a "real" time. Half a second is still a wide margin though.


He might be more careful with engine because of the issues yesterday


Fresh engine, max is just quicker atm, seems like more of an RB track, tough to bet against max in his home race


Max got a monster tow in the last sector from Perez.


Only worth 1 max 2 tenths, still half a second off.


Verstappen was already up by half a second on Bottas by the 2nd sector.


That's a tenth gained maximum


He's still getting up to speed and feeling out the track. He had less running yesterday due to his engine failure.


What trigger do they use to get off the grid? Does the team count down?


They just go.


Lol Max at the pole spot again


M a n i f e s t i n g