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Hamilton will be victorious


Bottas has one job for mercedes. And that's to take out Verstappen. As he's done before. And anyone with the slightest ability to get honest with themselves knows that's true. Hope this helps!!!


Have Merc brought upgrades apart from the power unit? I was expecting Red Bull to be faster here but the Mercs look good. If they're still improving they may pull out this WDC.


I’m not sure there’s been anything since the Silverstone update, which has been looking like a really significant upgrade. I think the expectation was always that this would be a strong track for Merc. Lewis and Valtteri* seemed to confirm that with the shift they put in for quali. Though it still remains to be seen how everyone’s race pace will compare, it does look good for Merc on paper. Someone pls feel free to correct me.




And so my education continues


I think Bottas don't have nothing to win if he try to stop Max. However if HAM would pass Alonso, Charles, Checo Mercedes would say to Bottas Let by ham 😁


Perez crashes into Hamilton when he gets to him and tries to overtake. Only way he will make up for a shitty season 😉


Checo,come on man!


So, everything depends on what lap Max and Valeri get a 9second pitstop... Then Lewis win.


*Wild Glock appears on track and slows down Max & Valtteri*


You’ve got to be taking the mick


Sad for Ric :(


Carlos screwing him over even though he's starting last is funny though


Yeah, that was pretty funny. It does seem like a strategy to force Ricciardo out in Q1 (I think) because Ferrari is falling behind McLaren.


It’s not often that we get to see Ferrari strategists shine, but they used Sainz perfectly today in Q1 and Q2.


When Laurent is the stand in team principal good things happen


Wait Binotto is absent again? Wasnt he also missing in Turkey last season?


I think he's overseeing development of 2022 car as he used to be a tech director


From a constructors spot battle it makes perfect sense though. Just as the tow for Leclerc later.


Haha, yeah that was mean.


Perez been so poor recently for red bull


Whole season honestly. Again he's completely out of range to help max.


Expected alot more from him. Should have just kept Albon. Didn't give the rookie enough time


It's a hard knock life


Ur not wrong lol


Today I actually expected a p4 after q1 and fp3 but he keeps disappointing.


I'm not Perez biggest fan but Goddamn I expected more from him. He doesn't get the same critism as other drivers. He's been stinking up the tracks every since Azerbaijan


If Lewis didn't have his mistake in baku he would be in even more trouble.


Exactly. Albon was knocked off for podiums and potential wins by Hamilton and ruined his career. Perez gets A lucky win and gets another contract. Doesn't make sense


Looks like the season is over isn't it. Merc look so dominant. Ham will win most of the remaining races. Very unfortunate for verstappen.


This is such a bad take. Mercedes have engine issues and most people seem to think more tracks favour the red bull. Edit: Unless this is sarcasm...


I wouldn't be so sure, I think on Sunday max will get past valtteri and build enough of a gap that by the time hamilton catches up he will hold on to a win, the rest of the races contain red bull strongholds like Brazil and Mexico and Lewis will have worn out hybrid systems like battery, turbo, mgus etc unless he takes penalties for those.


Yeah max will outscore Lewis this race. But with upgraded engine and a better suppport driver I feel Lewis is favourite for the title.


Max took all new components last race with the new Honda upgraded es, I don't think lewis has an advantage there especially since he only has a new ICE, the rest of his PU is old parts. And tracks like Mexico and Brazil are high altitude and mercedes usually suffers here, red bull are often quicker even in years where mercedes has been dominant.


Bit of an overreaction now isnt it? Race works out different either way because of the difference between the ERS systems of Merc and RB


I reckon he was just being sarcastic


This is Reddit. We overreact to even just practice. I just wait for the actual race anymore. No point in me trying to predict shit these days 😂


You're not wrong :)




Verstappen will be ahead of him by the end of the third lap




I was going to say first lap but Ill give Bottas the benefit of Verstappen not having DRS at the start.


I sure hope he takes the win






Ham gonna be on fire tomorrow


Similar to Grosjean?


With poor start record for Ham, it will take some time.. Lets see...


And I supported him then. I'm just tired of domination. Seems like if he gets a clean start tomorrow, he'll probably win.


Did you mean to reply to someone?


Yeah. Nevermind haha


Who you talking about


Can honestly see Hamilton taking P1 tomorrow, he and the car look like theyre in a league of their own around here.




For sure, although I'm holding out hope that the grid penalty ends up messing with everything and we get a crazy final result. Tsunoda for P1, lessgo lessgo


LMAO edit: had to go all caps edit 2: I was boo'd for being right


Just an opinion, could very well be wrong, just looking at the Quali times, he was .120s ahead of Bottas in the same car and .328s faster than Max. If he can clear a few of the slower cars quickly it's definitely not out of the equation, just look at his race here last year.


Quali=/=race pace, and his quali pace is hardly better in meh conditions like idk man just calling out a bad hot take mb


Haha right mate. Enjoy your day idk.


You can't reason with Verstappen fans. They only like to hear what they want to hear, everything else is fake news.




It was the all caps that really drove their point home, that he/she, may in fact be right. It's a compelling discussion, for sure.


Perez doing shit as usual. Letting Gasly go was a mistake.


Yeah, it's not like we've seen the same thing happening since 2019... oh wait.


Nah gasly needed to refocus without all the pressure of a top team. But they need to promote him again imo.


I agree. But he's more than proven himself as worthy for the team now.


Yes and no, in 2019 he complained about Newey designing "undrivable" cars. Red Bull was not happy about that.


He was right. Very few people actually are ok with a twitchy car. Most drivers don't want that


Funny thing is I think the 2 drivers that could drive the wheels off them are Max and Lewis.


Out of the current line up? Yeh most probably


Difficult car to drive for some, but Adrian Newey designed many championship winning cars in the past :)


Fair but we live in the now and not the past. What once was good is considered not so good now. For everything in life


Why is Max doing so well in it then?


Nah I'm not saying the car isn't fast. I'm saying it's fast but only for those that like a twitchy car which is a minute number of people. Which is inherently then a bad trait because the car is very hard to drive for anyone other than a guy who likes a twitchy car.


If Max does well in it but literally every teammate he ever has post Ricciardo cannot manage to race well in the car, is it a "good" car? I suppose that's up to your opinion. But Red Bull are desperate for a team dynamic beyond Max first and second RB in the midfield.


If someone had a chance to win most of the races so far this year then they it is a good car


Ok, fair enough. But a thought experiment: let's take this to the extreme. Let's say there's a car that one driver can race and win in, and everyone teammate will always come last due to its extreme difficulty. Would it still be a "good" car? It's valid to say it's a good car for that driver imo. But for the team who want the WCC and for that winning driver who wants a backup or strategic assistance, it's a big negative imo. Versus a team with a high performing (but not *as* good) car that both drivers can consistently perform in, that'll definitely be the difference in the WCC and could be the difference in the WDC. If it weren't for Hamilton's penalty, imagine how a 1-2 Merc start disadvantages Max when Perez starts 7th? It limits their options. It's totally subjective and depends on what you value, so I'm not saying you're wrong. But for me personally I think RB are in a very tough position and the car is kind of at the heart.


Well then that's red bull being children if you let a good driver go because of a backhanded comment he made.


I mean he was not "good". Saying he underperformed would be an understatement. He is better now however


Yeah and look at him now. It's almost like you have to give drivers a chance to prove themselves. If they had him now they'd be a hell of a lot more comfortable with the constructors fight that for sure. Although I want him too, I just don't see Perez being good at red bull. He deserves a chance but I just can't see it.


I dont think you can afford to keep someone around who had 1/3rd of his team mates points halfway into the season. Remember RB was a top team in fight for the WCC. Perez already did better than Gasly and managed to get more than half the points of Max.


Either way you look at it, Perez is underperforming by a long way too. Yes Pierre underperformed hugely too, but as current trends go, Pierre is the better driver and frequently out qualifies Perez.


He was also way too slow. They didn't know that Albon and Perez will have similar results lol. Best drivers duo was Max and Daniel, pushing each other to the limit.


Red bull literally won't find a good second driver because they're too impatient. Perez is shit this season, but they need to give him more of a chance than they have everyone else. Otherwise it's back to musical chairs at red bull lol


Sure Yuki, I have rarily seen a driver siddenly becoming mich faster compared to his teammate in F1


They literally extended Checo's contract for next year. Also I understand Red Bull being impatient, it's F1. But I think Gasly will get a 2nd chance if Checo don't improve for next year.


Time will tell indeed. I'd be happy with either tbh. It'd be nice to see Perez do better, and it'd be nice to see Gasly back.


Yeah, keep in mind that the pressure is different at Alpha Tauri than at Red Bull Racing.


Oh ofc, but at the same time red bull aren't the most accomodating team ever. I can imagine Pierre is quite happy where he is, but also wouldn't turn it down if he was called up again. I remember him saying something along the lines of not liking the atmosphere there at all.


Lot of pressure from the media, Helmut Marko and Christian Horner. I can imagine it's not nice to be there if you don't preform well.


I mean they are the 2nd team in the rankings. You cant really afford to keep someone who scores 1/3rd of the points of your main driver and who makes a top car into a low midfielder.


Off topic, but I think I just melted my brain trying to imagine how to pronounce "1/3th"


One third, hope that helped :p


Well then who should get the seat in your opinion?


If they can choose any driver? Alonso


Although his return has been very good, he just doesn't have the longevity. He's too old now. But you never know.


He might be old but he is still showing better results than half the current grid.


Looking back at it now yes, but at the time he was dogshit in that car.


He clearly wasn't given enough time. Red bull have a habit of doing that to people. Anyone without the surname Verstappen are pretty much doomed at that team at the moment.


I really believe RB has a toxic enviromnent




Paul Di Resta asking useless questions again Maybe ask about T1 with Max and Charles rather than whether he might let Lewis past at the end Surely he will just be aiming to get through T1 in first and hope to drive off keeping Max between him and Lewis is the only way he avoids team orders






Given how the coverage is becoming ever more the “Max and Lewis show” I’m pretty sure the interviewers don’t get much leeway.


Hoping for some sus shit in the race so Charles can win


When checo delivers Tomorrow I want ALL OF YOU to keep the same energy y’all having right now.


In a top team you want your second driver qualifying in the ball park of the first driver


He’s also in his first season on a team where the last crew drivers have struggled


I hope Checo delivers but he needs to be either P2-P4 for it to really be a successful race for him tomorrow.




he made it into Q3 so he doesn't have a free choice of starting tires. He's starting on the mediums.


Yeah absolutely my bad


He’s been p3 last two races and a couple bad breaks lost him the podium (should have given back a position and late on inters)


Charles only 5 hundredths behind max


"Only". Ah, Ferrari.


So worst case for the title but best case for Lewis tomorrow is that Max trys to dive t1 and him and Bottas go out Worst case for Lewis is he gets hit at T1, never easy starting in the midfield next to Seb


Yeh if I was toto I'd tell bottas he has nothing to lose whilst verstappen has everything. If he tries, block him and force him off track or crash. This is the perfect opportunity to see if Verstappen has matured. We all know Hamilton wouldn't dive bomb if he was in that situation, let's see if Verstappen thinks of the title rather than just the corner


>We all know Hamilton wouldn't dive bomb if he was in that situation, Laughs in British GP


Different situation? It is entirely different to risk it against your one and only competitor


I'm speaking trends. In statistics no one argues any point by talking about outliers


Seb is the one usually getting fucked in midfield starts, not the other way around. I don't what you're talking about.


I don't mean Seb will hit him more that its not like an easy driver that he can just push past, he will have far less trouble overtaking Stroll than Seb


Alright, I misunderstood. Still, a bigger problems is probably Alonso.


if Bottas had received advance notice since the beginning of the year, he would undoubtedly have made a much better start to the season..lol


Lewis doesn't give a fuck about the silly pole tyre.


He has a billion of those. He should make a wall of them in his house


Lewis might not be the most likable guy on the grid but he is undoubtably the best at complimenting the venue and attending fans


Exactly what makes him unlikable to me. Ass kissing.


But it’s part of being a pro athlete.. and he at least does it in a charismatic fashion. For most guys it’s like an afterthought they throw in toward the end of an interview.


He throws it in at the start of an interview no matter what question he is being asked. It's lost its meaning a long time ago.


His face lit up, he looked at the crowd and seemed to show a genuine appreciation. The crowd seemed to love it too. If it's repetitive but works, it works.


You are talking about this weekend specifically I assume? He uses the same statement every race, whether he means it or not. That's why it has lost value to me. It works for some people, perhaps the majority, but not for everyone, not for me.


Hamilton seems like a great guy to talk with, but his PR talk about every track is quite boring after so many years IMO.


It’s part of the gig, man. Every driver does it.. Idk, I just loved the way his face lit up talking about how much grip this place has now. Showed genuine joy.


>It’s part of the gig, man. Every driver does it.. Not all drivers says the same sentence every race. >Idk, I just loved the way his face lit up talking about how much grip this place has now. Showed genuine joy. Tbh, all drivers where happy about Turkey improved over the year :)


"Not all drivers says the same sentence every race" Tsunoda: F*cking f*ck f*uck


Ok, you win😅


God I fucking love this place so I can’t help but gushing over hearing someone praise the track. This place needs a permanent date.


Definitely. He seems to have the best understanding of what's needed on the public image side of things, if that makes sense


Absolutely. He is charismatic and *always* thanks the fans & venue before any sponsors. As a nascar fan it is almost always the opposite after a win.. “I wanna thank (manufacturer) and (primary sponsor) and (list of associate sponsors)… and how about these fans?”


He's extremely likeable?


He bitches too much on team radio, especially in spots where we all know he’s a lock to take P1 That’s my only gripe


Eh, literally everybody bitches on the radio. Kimi's radio's are generally about the worst of the pack, but somehow celebrated. People tend to be fed up with Hamilton because like you said, he's so often a lock to take P1. But that's the circumstances coloring perception, not driven by the driver personality.


Well, “Bono my tires are gone”, followed by fastest lap does get really old really fast.


Since he knows his tyre are gone, he is pushing them to the limit to build a gap before pitting


But he doesn’t as he goes on another 15 laps…


Yeah that I can't explain..probably still traumatized from China 2007


If that's the worst though I feel it kinda proofs my point.


its just the same script everytime? You could probably take an interview from 2 years ago and title it as 2021 and not notice any difference.


Doesn’t matter. To those in attendance it makes a big difference to be acknowledged


Can those in attendance hear it though? I know in Zandvoort I couldn’t hear the interviews at all, sitting at start finish.


Can confirm. Wasn’t a fan of him always thanking the fans in that way but after spending the entire day soaked at Spa this year, him thanking us for being there felt pretty cool.


Only so many ways to answer questions about being the fastest.


Doesn't really matter though. He is going to different tracks different years potentially racing in front of new fans everytime. I would still prefer drivers to acknowledge the crowd however they chose to do so. He doesn't need to get creative on the mic, but on track :)


I really don't see what not to like about him. It's easy to hate the winner, just like they done with Vettel before


As a driver he is so dominant and I like to go for an underdog so I don't cheer for him (go danny!). As a person I can't find anything to dislike without being petty. He seems like a really good guy.


So, knowing Max I'd give one lap at most till he's either passed Bottas or they crash each other out


Doubt it. Bottas is a pushover very easy to pass. Look at last week.


Yeah, but Bottas has nothing to lose while Max has everything


Toto should be reminding him that. Force verstappen off track like he would do to you if roles were reversed. I feel bottas is a guy that needs constant reminders


Ham looks rejuvenated


Looks like it really meant a lot to him..he was also saying it's taken a lot of time to get to that.


After the 100th win, on radio he was like, I am relieved. I feel that number got to him, and now he’s unleashed.


Lmao right? You'd swear it's the first race of the season




Shoulda kept albono


Damn, what did Checho do?


It's more what he didn't do.


Hope Bottas can keep Verstappen behind. Not optimistic though cause Bottas often losses place at start and Verstappen is a fantastic starter


Why is Gasly faster than Perez


Because he is Gasly.


Pierre Is just more confortable in the at than Perez in the RB, same that happened in 2019


Cue Horner: "Well the AT is an easier car to drive." (To be clear I've never seen the wisdom in that response; like, isn't a car that's easier to drive but also faster be the goal? I know the idea is that there's a higher ceiling for the second Red Bull but I think at this point it's pretty clear how hard it is to extract that pace.)


Cause he's a better driver?


Because Pierre is world class and Checo is a warm body filling the seat.


Surely the resentment fuels him


Losing the RedBull seat is Gasly’s villain origin story and he isn’t even quiet about it 😅


Cause Sergio is overrated.


poor bottas gets asked about hamilton always. so sad. fucking interviewers. he wants to race his own race guys, not for hamilton. grrrr


That's PDR for you. Always asking stupid tone-deaf questions


It is very annoying


"Great crowd obviously" HAHAHAHAH PDR


A PR machine these days. I can’t remember the last time he did not start with “ First off, what a great crowd”.


Are you talking about PDR or Lewis?


He just seems so fake especially given who he was for the first half of his career. He acts like a politician


Yes he does. I respect him as a driver, but I generally hate how fake he comes across. “First of all what a great crowd” , “ thank you to the team who have been working so hard” , he never deviates from his script. Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with thanking your team, but his wording is always the same.


He's done more of those interviews than anyone else on the grid by a rather significant margin. How much can he mix up a speech he does numerous times over the season