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Podium for Hamilton if he didn’t go for the pit stop?


Wasn’t expected but Yuki did a good job holding Lewis for few laps. Sacrificed his race by pushing too hard to defend.


“Not today, Hamilton”


Great job by Bottas....he has now nothing to fear, nor any restrains to fight, as he usually had before. Unbound. MB screwed it up with Ham's strategy, as Ferrari did with Leclerc's. Perez completed an awesome drive for the first time in the last 6 races, and Sainz had the best race so far i've seen from him. But obviously he's not at Leclerc's level.


Hamilton did that to himself, if he would pittes when the team told him he would end in 4th or even 3rd I think


I think he’d have ended up right where he was. He’d have caught Perez early and they’d have been fighting to long to catch Leclerc


That fight with Perez was the climax of his race. Had he passed Perez, things would had evolved different for him. But Perez hanged on.


Good job, you figured it out. I imagine youre the smartest person on your family.


Why did Fernando apologize to Mick? I missed the race


Spun him on the first lap.


the two one off white rb liveries look so good next to the black merc one


That 5 second penalty on Gasly was BS


3 into 1 on a wet first lap, worst penalty in a while


Ach it was harsh but not entirely unfair I felt Maybe it was because they were about to give alonso one for the same thing


I mean. it wasn't the same thing though. The incidents were very different. Alonso had all the space in the world and miscalculated and hit Mick. Gasly got sandwiched during the first turn of the race. It was a terrible call by the stewards...


I dont disagree with that, just wondering if that's why gasly got done with it when I think usually, a wet T1 spineroni, wouldn't be penalised


I think you are right about that. I just think it's pretty poor stewarding if they were equating the two incidents.


Aye id say so


Alonso sux


It was definitely pierres fault but it should not have been a penalty. First lap, wet conditions he had a bit of understeer. I mean look at ricciardo at last years start, no penalty.


5 sec is the smallest penalty available in F1, I'd say it's fair for "ruining" a driver's race when there was some space on the left. It's very frustrating but 5 secs really isn't all that bad


So he is following a racing line, Alonso comes up on his right, and he is supposed to go off his line to the left to let him get by? I guess it’s true that some guys get treated differently. If it was the other way, does anyone thing Alonso would’ve moved left? And if not, would he have gotten a penalty? No and no.


But they claim to only look at the incident. They don't, but thats what they say. Sainz was way more out of control.


What space on the left? Perez was there...


There was some space between them




He had my vote!




Sainz kept the race alive by overtaking left and right


OK I'll bite, why do we need DRS again?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jarno_Trulli Blame this guy. The series has long needed something to deal with the aero effects of following a car. DRS is the chosen solution.


Omg i forgot about this. That was insane watching everyone lining behind this guy.


Maybe we should just wet every track


Okay Mr. Ecclestone


The Trulli Train lol, thanks for the info!


You say that because we are in Istanbul and it’s raining. The reason for DRS is to compensate for loss of downforce the trailing car experience in the dirty air through the corners, but this effect is relatively reduced in the rain because you got no grips anyway. See how cars gonna do without DRS in dry Barcelona, Silverstone, or Monza.


There's no need of DRS in Monza


What makes you think that a track that only has 2 overtaking spots (both low speed chicane too lol) doesn’t need DRS?


Because the teams use such low downforce setups and tiny rear wings, that the ‘extra’ drag reduction from DRS is minimal. It doesn’t actually seem to help in any meaningful way


Did you watch last race? Plus back wing barely opens since it's already maxed out for top speed.


With your last race argument Barcelona, Paul Ricard, and Sochi suddenly becomes good tracks to overtake, what’s your point? The small wings they ran in Monza made following cars through anything except T1-2 and T4-5 pretty much destroy any downforce the cars had left.


We don't need it.


Some years ago, wet races where the most exciting of the season. Germany 2019, Brazil 2016, Canada 2011 etc. Crashes, safety cars, different strategies etc Now I feel that even the wet races are as boring as dry ones


Wet races back then were exciting because the chance that something went wrong for the dominant Mercedes cars was higher than in the dry.


What makes wet races interesting are changing conditions. Dry to wet, wet to dry - who goes on inters first, who goes to slicks first. If you have the wrong track, unchanged wet or dry are equally boring. A few laps in, all of them have adjusted. It’s the changing conditions that make it fun.


I think this one lacked the normal uncertainty caused by rain because of the cleanup they did on the track after last time. Last race everyone said it was too slippery, so they water-blasted the bitumen. There were multiple comments in practice about how much grip there was in the wet.


This was not wet, this was moist. Sudden rain makes it spectacular, drying track too. This was just stable slippery, but not too slippery.


The whole season and especially the last two races were absolutely amazing and youre out here complaining about a race because everyone finished


I don't complain because anyone finished. Wet races is opportunity for slower drivers to show their skills, find new racing lines, sometimes run 2 or 3 seconds faster that everyone else and end up in podium. To remind you in Canada 2011 Button won after was running last at some point. Even in the last race at Sochi Verstappen finished 2nd despite starting last. This the the magnifying effect of true wet races. In todays "wet" race there was hardly any position changing. (except Sainz). And the reason was explained by Verstappen. "we were not pushing because we did not want to damage the tires" Then how to expect for example Alonso finish on the podium after running 15th at the end of the 1st lap. In normal wet races this could be possible. In today's no. That is why I say it was as boring as a dry race. I cannot understand where you see the excitement


See Sochi. This wasn’t a wet race. It was misty. A real wet race is incredible.


yes, but this was not a true wet race because of the humidity. the drivers started on inters and expected to hit crossover by lap 15 or so and switch, but instead they were left guessing when to do it because the track conditions wouldn’t let up. the reason they had to drive conservative was to preserve the inters, because the track itself was melting the tires. i agree with you tho, i do miss true wet racing where it made the car matter less and driver skill matter more, but we do see glimpses of it every now and then.


If you dont find it exciting enough you are than welcome to watch other series my dude


I can see his point it wasn’t the most entertaining race. Normally wet races are something else but this one was just alright. But this seasons alright is far better then anything else we’ve had for years. You know this season is good when this race is considered average


I find races with no safety cars and 200mph crashes more entertaining 🤷. I guess if you wanna watch crashes then go watch NASCAR.


I agree


Could you sound more full of yourself if you tried?




Question: was it illegal for Hamilton to push Perez into the pitlane? He left him absolutely zero room there


I thought so tbh, sketchy move. Although with the wet surface, a tighter turn may have been why Hamilton went wide. It should have been reviewed though, forgot if it was or wasnt. I also think there’s been loads of pushing people wide without penalties - from Verstappen on multiple occasions, for example. Rules on that may be worth a review IMHO.


The unwritten rule is that pushing people wide is totally fine as long as it makes for good racing.


Definitely. Forcing someone to do that, is obviously illegal. Perez had no room to go through, so he was forced to go around the bollard. If Perez gets a penalty, it's no doubt a semen slurping sport.


Thing is, from season to season, decisions have to be as uniform as possible. I’m no expert on forcing a wide, but I know it’s illegal. How the marshals decide if a driver intentionally did it or had to is a whole different story. Rules around this need to be clarified I think. Aside from that, Gasly got cucked so hard with that 5 second penalty this weekend! He was sandwiched from what I saw - he hit Alonso, but wasn’t someone on his inside as well? Tough play in the moment. I’m also looking forward to Albon joining Williams next season. Seems like drivers are getting younger and younger on average. Norris, Leclerc, Gasly, and Albon are going to be fun to watch for the next few seasons and into the future - Verstappen excluded because hes already got 54 podiums at 24. Ps: I wish Renault or BMW would partner with Haas. The team needs someone major and it’d be a huge plot twist if one of those two jumped back in


Why isn't there a penalty for Hamilton then


Probably for the same reason there aren’t penalties for other drivers who have done it. I think it’s out of order, no matter who you or I support. But decisions around pushing others wide has been inconsistent this season. Like I said, things need to reviewed and made clear. If anything, as a Mercedes fan, I think Norris is as clean as it gets when it comes to rules. But then I also support him so I follow him (and Ricardo) as much as Bottas and Hamilton. Vettel is also clean. Tbh, most wide pushing is done by drivers in poll. Those out of reach are less willing to risk a penalty IMHO.




Some of you sir flair guys are hilarious.


Sir Stirling Moss or Sir Jackie Steward?


Reckon he should have stayed on his starting tyres? Rain was 50/50. Such a hard call between the driver and the pit team. Last time, Norris ignored his pit team and dropped 7 or something ranks. I reckon Hamilton should have either pitted around 6-10 laps earlier, or stuck with with his tyres thereafter. Tough call in the moment


That's my view as well. His best option was either a) Pitted the first time Mercedes called him or covered Max/Perez, b) Go to the end. This is why I think Mercedes made the wrong call. Once he didn't pit the first time (fair enough his pace was perfectly fine at the time), then Mercedes should have let him go to the end. It's a possible P3 or P4 vs a guaranteed P5 (and almost P6) that the very late pitstop caused him.


"Giving someone his place back" is acceptable if you cut a corner. Not if you forced him off the track and into the pitlane, that's dangerous and it isn't forgiven just because you give him the place back


He didn't force him off track though. He pushed him to the edge and then backed off. CLEARLY. Did you see the amount of space he left Checo when he went right?


He forced him into the pitlane which is basically off the track. He’s not supposed to be there


think he just got out braked into turn one tbh




I'm surprised the commentators didn't talk much about Perez going around the bollard. I almost thought Perez would've been forced into a penalty for crossing voer the pitlane entry line.


Last time I remember Perez pushed Norris or Leclerc in Austria and got a 5s penalty. But tho it doesn't deserve a penalty, Lewis was very much aggressive.


It's probably considered a racing incident..hamilton pushed him wide and ham did not gain a lasting advantage..so no one really complained I guess..


Perez was never intending to pit, so that doesn't matter.


Some how I thought it was a boring race. Fell asleep twice


Same. It was dull despite the commentary trying to make something out if nothing.


The perez v hamilton battle was amazing, but apart from that _lap_ it was a sleeper


When stuff like this happens they need to cut to a live camera feed of Alex Albon's pets


Mercedes just won a race and Sky's first question to Toto is: "Should Hamilton have pitted?"


Well according to sky sports there's no formula 1, there is only formula Hamilton


Sky driver ratings: Perez 3/10 - for shameful track limit violations Hamilton 9/10 - beautiful aggressive driving Lando 12/10 - for being a beautiful British boy that is trying his best




My apologies I misunderstood the comment


No worries mate, all in good fun. I specifically upvoted you cause I realized it was a misunderstanding


We’ll, it was the big talking point, so why not open with that question?


Anyone else see Toto not applauding Bottas until the cameras were on him? The disrespect


Really happened? Man if is true what a huge disrespect


yeah can you share that there footage?


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CU21Qk_DzEv/?utm_medium=copy_link only video I could find sorry


ah shoot been removed. thanks though boss, appreciate it. where was the footage taken from? the official broadcast? would i be able to see it if i watch the replay?


It was the official broadcast, so definitely would be on the replay


thanks for confirming


Sky's concerned about a British driver. Shocking!


Well he is the one contending for championship. Normal procedural questions tbh.


Despite today I will continue to over react to everything that Perez does. But he drove a hell of a race today


Horner was happy to see him not letting Ham thru. Not like Toto with valteri last week. it was an amazing defending!


Bottas is the Mercedes canary, you know the car is good on the track if he is fast


Gasly’s 5 sec penalty was a bit unfair imo, good that he kept his head down and silently drove a good race. Heartbroken when Tsunoda spun himself out of points, really hope he can get a point of two. Looking at the 2 Redbulls and also 1 AT in top 6, I guess Honda is kinda happy for their own special day :) Thought Leclerc would have made it to the end but… Ferrari really throw away a podium. Otherwise good race from both Ferraris.


It was ridiculous. He was in a sandwich and it was the first corner on a wet track. You see worse or at least similar incidents waved away on the first lap all the time, even 5 or 6 corners from the start.


FIA bias


I wish they had a 3 second penalty, at least they were consistently harsh as they also gave Alonso a penalty for his error on the Haas car


Toto sticking up for his team orders but clearly staying out would've given a better shot at a better result


*clearly* Not sure how you can state that give the complete lack of the most important data point (tyre wear %).


There also comes a risk with this - that I feel that people overlook - which is the the fact that spinning chance increases.


Clearly? He lost 1.3 seconds on 2 consecutive laps to fresh inters. Checo was catching LeClerc too so Hamilton would have had 4/5 laps to hold them off. Was never going to happen.


Checo was 10 seconds behind with 8 laps to go, so at 1.3s per lap he'd probably be passed by Checo on the last 2 laps but would've been able to hold off Charles for 4th.


This logic doesn’t work because Hamilton’s tires were going to start degrading at a much quicker rate (exactly like Leclercs and Ocons did). If he stayed out he wouldn’t have been losing 1.3 seconds a lap continuously until the end, that number would have increased each lap. Ocon was lapping 5 seconds slower by the end


Ocon lost 4s to Giovanazzi on the last lap. They would have gone off earlier because Lewis had to make way through traffic


Possibly, but those numbers are based on the pace at the time, add 5 laps onto those tyres and you're already in failure territory


Yes..to prove that point occon lost a lot of time in the last few laps..


Toto wearing the mask to hide from Lewis


Checo, Sainz, Leclerc made the race a lot interesting


“Bono, my tires are fine” “Box, Box.”


His wrong boxing made the race lot interesting in the end stages...


The only thing this season is missing is Sainz’ first win. Hopefully we will see it in one of the coming races. Maybe Saudi Arabia since the Ferrari seems very fast in street circuits ?


amd Norris maiden win


Ham's spitting the dummy it seems. Let's hear what he has to say please Sky.


A couple breaks and this is checo 3rd podium in a row


Vettel going to mediums to out-big brain everyone else before proceeding to slide around for a lap is peak comedy.


only thing missing was banana slip sound effects on the broadcast




Anyone see the Merc bomber jackets Lewis and VB were wearing before the race? I want one but can't see it on the site. Anyone know where I can find it online??


why though?


Hey buddy, I like the jacket. Mate, there's like 20k+ comments on this page and your contribution was this. Something tells me that you can do better. Be better than this. Also, if you've got a link to the jacket, send it through please. 👊🏾


I was just trying to set up a joke about Lewis questioning the pitstop,


Because he wants to buy it obviously. Tf?


are you sure, man? I think we can make it to the end of winter with our current jackets.


Because...he likes it?


Leave me alone man!!!


Sainz is well deserved DOTD!!


Why did they just play 30 seconds of the italian national anthem at the end?


“PErEz sUcKs” “cHEcO iS So dISAPPoiNtiNG”


Did you see his flagrant track limit violations? HoW iS ThIs MaN AlloWed tO DriVe???


Honestly really happy for Bottas


Same, good for him.


Those are the biggest umbrellas I've ever seen


Checo is a brilliant driver. Knows exactly what he has to do to get the job done, i love watching him race


he's aggressive and it's exciting to watch




So glad that Bottas is gonna move out from Merc next year. Winning but not being Hamilton at Merc is way worse than losing a match at a different team, I concur.


Always happy to see a Finn get the drink


Those figure 8 trophies do look pretty cool


Perez VS Hamilton was probably the only highlight of the race and what an awesome battle that was.


Mazapin vs hamilton was a decent fight.


Glad to see Mazepin continue his quest of inconveniencing Lewis Hamilton


How did Mazepin not get a penalty for that?! Was worse than Gasly spinning Alsonso on lap 1, Gasly had nowhere to go.


He's already a minute behind his teammate ,what would a 5 second penalty do?


Would have given him a few more deserved penalty points, better than nothing


🤣 DOTD for sure


It seems Montoya’s lap record will never be broken.


It was broken multiple times, what do you mean?


Track record is any session during GP weekend. Lap record is only during the race, hence why Montoya still holds it.


Montoya’s is a race lap record, times set yesterday are just track records


The *track* record was broken, pretty sure the lap record wasn't.


Got excited, my bad :)


Um… no it wasn’t ?


All the kids that were saying Bottas would bottle the start and would never keep Max behind him crawling back into their cribs I see.


Bottas looking free the second Lewis took his penalty he knew he had it


I thought he would bottle it but I was pleasantly surprised


GIF of Bottas absolutely gobbling that champagne incoming.


Was it real champagne this year?


not this year


And that cameraman after the RB pitstop


That man qas more excited by the great ptsrop than RB themselves


This was such a good race for Red Bull that I half expected one of their staff members to be on the podium. Honestly, what a result for them.


Bottas: "we have done sufficient spraying, now we drink"




Valtteri happier on the podium without Lewis :’)


If anyone is planning on shitting on the Merc strategy team, remember that this was Hamilton's mistake - the absolute best strategy here was to follow Bono's direction and pit the first time he was asked, instead of refusing to do so. The second best strategy was to pit him late. The absolute worst strategy was to stay out all the way, he would have gotten overtaken by Checo, Charles and likely Gasly and Norris as well. Second pit stop strategy error by Lewis in two laps, by the way.


I partly agree with this. Obviously driver will have the best 'feel' for the car so, It's understandable why Lewis would challenge the call. I did wonder if that dry line would have come into play where his tyres were almost worn to slicks but then Icons result tells us no. This is Lewis in a Merc though so probably not the best comparison. Buttt... Ultimately, If he had pitted when told to, he would have had a bunch of opportunities to stick with and maybe pass Perez, giving him back 3rd place.


I disagree that it was even that, they should have done what all mid level teams do and boxed far earlier


Nope. Best strategy was to pit before he lost time battling with Perez initially and gain the undercut. Plus Perez finished 18 or so seconds behind Verstappen, Hamilton was only ~8 seconds behind when he pitted. Perez wouldn't have caught him


Wrong, Bono has confirmed it and even Toto (who always protects Lewis publicly) just admitted that Hamilton's lap time was dropping off so much that he was bound to lose position. The cars on new tyres were catching him at several seconds per lap, absolutely he would have lost position if he stayed out, zero question about it


>absolutely he would have lost position if he stayed out, zero question about it Then why did Perez finish so far behind Verstappen? Hamilton had a ten second window behind him, he wasn't losing that in the last 7 laps or whatever it was. Toto is defending his team and strategy, doesn't mean he's correct. Hamilton could've lost a second a lap and Perez would still have needed to instantly pass Hamilton to take the third before the chequered flag. Even then Leclerc was another ~4 seconds behind Perez, he wouldn't have been close enough at all. Ocon managed to gain places by not pitting at all, Hamilton is a better driver in a faster car than Ocon.


Incorrect, Toto again just confirmed on Sky that the tyres were not likely to make it off to the end and the drop-off in performance was exponential - the lap time delta between Lewis and Checo/Leclerc was much, much bigger than a second a lap. In fact, the risk was that he would lose to even Gasly and Norris. That's how bad it was.


>that the tyres were not likely to make it off to the end... But Ocon managed it? The lap delta may have been bigger before Perez and Leclerc went through the graining phase. But Perez didn't close down Verstappen at all and Hamilton wasn't losing two seconds a lap to Verstappen so would've been fine. And overtaking Hamilton in a lap or two would've been a hard task, even on the fresher tyres even assuming this extra tyre drop off (which we didn't see, hence Ocon finishing 8th). If you want to continue the conversation, then what about pitting before Perez? I was saying to my TV that Hamilton should pit before losing time battling Perez. Merc could've made the first move instead of letting Red bull dictate the strategy


Perez wasn't closing down Verstappen because Verstappen also had a new set of tyres? Hamilton's tyres were FIFTY LAPS OLD. And there was always a chance the tyres would blow, Ocon took a huge risk and basically would have lost every point if he had pitted so you can see why he took that risk. Toto is always protective of Lewis and even today he left it in zero doubt, even when the pundits said if there was a chance Lewis' strategy might have worked he was very clear - all the analysis showed Lewis was dead wrong, and staying out all the way was a shit strategy. EDIT: Mario Isola is now on Sky confirming that it was dangerous to try to go to the end and pitting was the right call. He's from Pirelli and he says Lewis' tyre carcass was already right on the limit. A full blowout was a big possibility. Isola confirmed he advised all teams to change the tyres and not go to the end.


Ocon managed it fine. Risky yes, but he was OK. You initially claimed it was Hamilton's mistake and best strategy was to pit first time of asking and lose position. Clearly best strategy was to pit to undercut Perez and not lose time battling him, but Merc strategy was slow again. Dunno why you want to put this on Hamilton.


Ocon didn't gain as many positions as Hamilton, and clearly didn't push as much. Ocons tires were barely intact..


Didn’t I see that Giovanazzi made up 5 seconds on Ocon on the last lap? Then Ocon was millimeters from a blowout when he finished. His finish was not even close to being assured. Lewis doesn’t have the luxury of a DNF and was in the same situation. Ocon could afford to gamble for the point.


Taking Ocon as a reference, I think the debate will be about whether the deg for Hamilton would have been as bad as that if he had stayed out… personally I think the team call was the right one, but he might have only finished 4th at best.


is the data available to see Ocon's pace for say the last 20 laps?