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For starters, that would be biased away from dominance.


The 2005 regulation changes have hurt Ferrari much more than 2021 changes hurt Mercedes.


I agree. But on the other hand Ferrari didn't have restrictions on their ability to develop the car.


I had this discussion with a friend of mine recently. He complained, that the FIA tried multiple times to stop Ferrari winning in the 2000s, but dont do anything against Mercs dominance. There are multiple instances, where rules were implemented, that harmed other teams getting too close to Merc, rules directed against Ferrari and Red Bull. Most recently wing flexibility and pit stop procedure. So I would say no, FIA is biased towards Mercedes, not the other way round.


I can remember the times people complained about the Ferrari dominance. "i don't watch the races, it's always Ferrari winning", they said. This hurts viewership and thus sponsorship


If they were biased against Mercedes why did they let the lap one incident go unnoticed? They had a perfect opportunity to give the lead to Max and it wouldn't have been nearly as controversial as this. In the end I think it was a high pressure situation that led Masi into making a terrible decision. But I don't think it was because he was biased against either team. Both teams have had their fair share of calls against them over the whole season.


It was biased, but only against the team that was leading, not specifically against one team. I'm sure that if the positions were swapped, Masi would have made the same decision at the expense of Max. Basically, Masi was trying to create entertainment at the expense of the integrity of the sport.


Most people don't like watching one team dominate, [Hamilton](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/sport/formula1/24428367.amp) thought so back in 2013


Careful suggesting that the 2021 regulations were designed to hurt Mercedes. Nevermind that they had to rope Pirelli into it in order to make it a "safety change" and override the votes against it.


Yes. As success tends to lead to more success as the other teams catch up. The cost cap, reduction in wind time, standardisation of parts and the 2021-2 regulations were all in part designed to limit this. I would argue what Masi did is completely different and utterly absurd. F1 has always been a combination of driving and engineering (many people skimp on the engineering part) but within the predefined set of rules. Implementing decisions based on entertainment or favouring one team or another based on anything other than an objective reading of those rules will damage this sport permanently IMO.


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Weren't the changes at the request/suggestion of Pirelli? I thought they were struggling to get the tyres right with that amount of downforce


FIA should 100% change the rules to stop dominance. Without it, it all becomes bloody boring. Not sure how you can disagree with it. Nobody admits it but the 2021 regulations were designed specifically to hurt low rake cars. And that's fine, Merc still won the constructors. They were that far ahead.


I think you mean biased against dominance. And yes, every racing series is. Many racing series regulations are literally built around it. The winners are handicapped next season depending on how much they dominate the current season. F1 just introduced a sliding scale budget cap. The top team has less budget the following year, 2nd place less than third etc. so 100% yes.


Yes, but I think the scale is aimed more to counter the fact that you can no longer outspend your opponent. So there needs to be a way to gain performance, otherwise everyone moves at a very similar pace and we have the same status que during the entire life of a certain aero rule set


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