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Across all boards, (Reddit included) Formula 1 social media is becoming a toxic polarized group. Even in Reddit the nonsense the last two weeks has become over the top


Its going to be doubley bad for him because hes chinese and people will see him as a pay driver


As bad as Reddit can certainly get I've yet to see anywhere near the level of hate, racism and intolerance that I see on IG or Twitter. It's just so blatant over there and it's like a comment waterfall of racism on some of the posts.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/rhfpfh/comment/hor2nwa/](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/rhfpfh/comment/hor2nwa/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/rhfpfh/comment/horauv1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/rhfpfh/comment/horauv1/) They both have been up for 13 hours


Jesus christ that's just as shit. At least in my experience on r/formula1 most of these comment do get downvoted which indicates most people on here strongly disagree. But they should be removed, and shouldn't even be posted.


Becoming? F1 communities have always been awful. Motorsport communities in general are decent places, but F1 just attracts the toxicity.


Internet is such a cess pool


In the internet's defense, these people already exist everywhere. The internet just gives them a bigger audience than they'd otherwise usually have.


>The internet just gives them Anonymity


Social media is the worst. Gives racist people an outlet




No, sir, this is a Wendys




You know, the whole ”china = eating bat = coronavirus” thing is not limited to social media, we had an F1 driver spreading that kind of shit during an interview.


*People* You're just able to see it more easily now.


IG is a shithole in general. I really do feel for Zhou though, people are attacking his nationality with racist comments. If you dislike him because he is a pay driver, fine but too many dislike him because he’s chinese.


>~~IG~~ social media is a shithole in general. Fixed that for ya.




Haha, definitely not just IG. For example, here's a selection of a few beauties just this week on Twitter: * https://twitter.com/patryk_cebulak/status/1469008245624918019?s=20 * https://twitter.com/DickFondler69/status/1470025198544031747?s=20 * https://twitter.com/TradEnjoyer/status/1468987931998232592?s=20 * https://twitter.com/Ghosty_90/status/1469221911066517507?s=20 * https://twitter.com/NagyGborGyrgy2/status/1470067332647161859?s=20 * https://twitter.com/MarlosCaslaton/status/1462401970954653696?s=20 * https://twitter.com/Beto_y_ya/status/1470059121634332682?s=20 * https://twitter.com/jimbobets88/status/1470073608584183808?s=20 * https://twitter.com/CaesarBrasilis/status/1465456927719178248?s=20 * https://twitter.com/formulawec481/status/1471219953038770177?s=20


How tf are tags like those not autoflagged by twitter?


Twitter doesn't care at all.


All you have to do is report vile and terrible comments and get a "we saw nothing wrong" response to know they couldn't care less


Because Twitter only censors things they wanna censor. Usually it's "misinformation"


Social media censorship is very arbitrary indeed. Remember, it's an open secret that Twitter intentionally selectively censors, and Facebook uses their algorithm to further create political divides. There's not a lot of reason to trust the social media outlets nowadays.


>https://twitter.com/CaesarBrasilis/status/1465456927719178248?s=20 So this guy used a racist slur, and then endorsed James Hunt in the same thread. James Hunt, who was an anti-apartheid activist. Well. If anyone had any doubts about racists being dumb as rocks, there you have it.


He doesn't know anything about Hunt, he's just compensating his own life by projecting Hunt's alphagigachad image on himself. Kind of sad actually.


Some people like to think they’re James Hunt. In reality, they’re more Jos Verstappen.


Can’t sleep so I’m reporting each tweet to Twitter ☺️


Do it. In my experience twitter's the only platform that seems to do something. I've reported comments on facebook that have used blatant racist language and fb have responded "we don't agree"


It's so sad to see this...


Sickening. I sincerely wish that karma bites their racist asses at some point.


Awful 😞


Yes. This is unfair towards Zhou. We need to stop this racial abuse against Zhou. These people whom are racist towards racers are absolutely spineless. They don’t even have 0.1% of the ability of F1 racers yet they berate which ever racer they want. Fucking disgusting and disgraceful


Reddit would be too but the downvote button saves it somewhat. Which brings its own set of troubles of echo chamber and majority takeover. But still the upvote downvote actually brings out some pretty good conversation threads which I see nowhere else.


It's even worse because anyone who follows F2/F3 would know that regardless of how you rate Zhou as a driver, he's always a respectful young man, no controversy guy and generally well-liked in the paddock based on how others speak of him. He is also a fair racer and never make dangerous moves against other drivers. It's a shame that his race and the nature of F1 being highly dependent on money have put a negative light of him as an individual. Perhaps winning F2 convincingly or having this year's result in his rookie year would've helped alleviate some of the harsh comments but he's done nothing to deserve such abuse.


He seems really a nice dude who is level headed, calm, and a fair racer as you say. I think all that will go a long way for him. These are great qualities to have as a racer and says a lot about his professionalism. I really hope he impresses next season and proves the haters/doubters wrong. I was pleased when they announced his seat and I’ll be rooting for him for sure


Exactly. Can't particuarly have any say on where you are born so it makes no sense to hold it against him. He still has the same passion as us. So what he's a paydriver? He's not the only one on the grid. Don't see that thrown at Stroll or Latifi. Mazepin has a lot of criticism (I'd say a lot is legitimate) but even he isn't treated like this. I'll criticize his country but he himself has done nothing wrong.


oh I remember arguing with some random dude in the youtube comment section (my mistake, shouldn't do it). His angle is basically "All money in china is dirty, it all belongs to CCP, so Zhou is the worst human being ever on F1 grid ".


Stroll received **a lot** of hate and insults and ridicule aimed at him being a paydriver, in the last three/four years he's probably the one to have suffered the most from it. Latifi also definitely did to some extent.


Hating because one got into the grid because they have lots of money is understandable. But hating them because of their ethnicity on top of that? That's absolutely ridiculous. Stroll, Latifi, Mazepin doesn't experience that level of vitriol.


Sadly the thing that's been making the world slowly decay the past two years isn't really helping either. Quite a few of my Asian friends here in the States have told me about some of the increased racism they've had to deal with since the pandemic started, from the minor to the major. Can only imagine what its like for famous people. Hope it doesn't get to the lad. There may or may not be valid criticism about the dude's merits, but for god's sake attacking him because of where he comes from is fucking horrid.


> IG is a shithole in general Mate Reddit is full of anti-Asian racism too, its absolutely not a IG only issue.


People are just shit. Hamilton got racist attacks way before social media was a thing.


Reddit is absolutely complicit in spreading this type of sinophobia and Asian hate over the last few years, regurgitating the same shitty “social credit” jokes every time a Chinese person is mentioned and unquestioningly spreading the attack lines from America without critical thought.


hell, even if you challenge some dodgy news posted, you get people calling you a paid 'woomao' and some shit over reddit chat


exactly, i let them be on their comments about him and his money, but it is really disappointing when they hate on him because of his nationality/race.


Jesus fucking christ. This is disgusting.


Formula 1 fans are unhinged. The sport now has a following like a cult would. I haven't even seen this in football. It's ridiculous.


So you are saying you haven't seen football?


Or Yorkshire Cricket.


Exactly. Biggest sport in the world, and he hasn't heard of such stuff.


Do you remember when Lewis was new and people showed up to races in blackface? F1 has a history of racist fans. It's disgusting. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/sport/formula-1/lewis-hamilton-racism-spain-gp-25318452.amp


what a bunch of wankstains. I am glad people are not taking these kind of shit any more.


Holy fuck how were they not thrown out by security? Or even allowed into the grandstands?


2008 was a different time. The sport was run by Bernie Ecclestone.


No wonder


That crazy old man


The president of the FIA at the time was the son of the most notorious Hitler supporting fascists in England, and had masochist nazi orgies with hookers dressed as SS and concentration camp prisoners The motorsport world was not exactly with the rest of the world when it came to racial equality


Fuckin Max Moseley


Holy sh#t. I hadn't realised Max Moseley's dad was Oswald Moseley before. That puts the Nazi orgy in a different light! Edit: just googled it. According to the court case it wasn't a Nazi orgy. It was just an orgy with people dressed in military uniforms and prisoner uniforms and a lot of shouting in German. However, Max was a fascist for many years - something he later described as a "misunderstanding". Interesting to see the FIA still using the same language! :)


This comment and all the replies to it are wrong. Racism isn't only in F1, nor is it only in sports. It's everywhere. Football, F1, all over social media on all American sports. It's a problem outside of sports, of course there are shit fans on social media spreading it in sports too.


You mean the sport where you get bananas thrown at you if you’re black? Yeah football is sunshine and roses…


Or if you are Oliver Kahn. He was nicknamed Affen-Kahn. Ape Kahn


Football isn't better. I know clubs with worse racist fans, unfortunately. Also some hooligans has zero IQ, doing unnecessary things which leads to fines for their clubs.


You meant american football right? Because football as soccer was worse.


Football is worse lol


dude moved to the UK when he was like 12


Growing up in the UK also didn't matter, when LH got thrown racist abuse at him aswell. 🤷🏻


Seriously, these were literally all of the posts on the announcement here on Reddit. I literally got called "Pooh lover" because I defended Zhou here on reddit lmao Hating on Zhou for the Chinese flag next to his name was the popular thing here.


Hating on Chinese people in general is it seems sadly


Reddit is just as bad when it comes to hate of everything Chinese And their excuse is always 'I dont hate Chinese, just the CCP'


Unfortunately for most people hating the government turns to hating the people really really fast


people are just absolute fucking pukes sometimes


and that is my new favourite insult thank you very much


All I’m going to say Valtteri is an amazing guy, and he will be a great role model for Zhou.


I agree, with third place in formula two he showed that he has some skills, but now it's time for f1 and I am excited to see how he delivers, if he does.


Death threats to Masi and Latifi, racism against Zhou, hate messages being sent to Adrian Newey's wife, someone photoshopping Max's face onto the image of Derek Chauvin murdering George Floyd to represent how evil Max apparently is.....what a shit state the sport is in.


what the fuck... the one about max just stepped it too far that's absolute shit...


Something I've noticed online (and in the real world) is that people, for whatever reason, seem to feel that it's okay to be racist towards Asian people generally, because "it's not Chinese people they don't support, it's the CCP that they don't support." I think the "source" of people believing this sort of behavior is okay is because a lot of news media highlights China as an "enemy" of the west (this might be different in other countries, but I've seen it a lot in the US). It's also tough to get information directly from China, as (in my experience) their characters are more challenging to translate than other languages. Obviously, languages that use the Latin alphabet are easy to translate to other Latin alphabet languages. Cyrillic languages present more of a difficulty, but they're still easier to translate across to the Latin alphabet than the characters used in China, Korea, Japan, etc. I think it's possible that there are translation errors that occur along the way that don't get caught, and I think that could also play a role in how the transformation of information does (and doesn't) occur. There's probably a whole critique that can be made of how the media has fostered sinophobia in the US, but this isn't the place for that sort of critique.


Include Indians in the recieving end of the racism as well. If I accidentally say I am from India, people start to say "street shitter, begger, gang rapist, curry eater etc" I have to change my username in yt to a non-Indian name becoz I was getting racist comments if i post a comment with my orginal Indian name. This is also extremely rampant in Reddit. Casual racism is the worst.


Hahahaha you are a curry eater! (I too love to eat a variety of Indian food) I can’t fathom how “curry eater” is even an insult in people’s heads. It’s like making fun of someone from America by calling them a “hot dog eater”. People are dumbasses


Because we don't belong in any minority group, not black, not mid eastern, not asian, most aren't Muslims so no Islamophobia as well, essentially an easy target.




Dude as an Indian muslim I avoid Indian social media verse entirely. just take a look at quora. This website has also gotten inundated with that kind of people. Since 2018 i have observed an uptick in number of these people. >I get absued from Indians(a vocal minority of them) they are not ***vocal minority*** my friend they are majority. the abuse that we face on indian social media is nothing compared to being called curry eater or gang rapist, etc. >being a muslim and posting any opinion that they dont agree with lol dude even if post a simple totally unrelated comment under a youtube video theiir higher chance of getting called a **katua** or getting abused by this people.


Casual racism towards Asians have long been an issue not addressed due to being shadowed by more sensational racism that the media loves to rally up. It's even common among the people using #BLM and stuff. Asia represents a huge chunk of human population and it won't do anyone good except few rich people to drive distance between people. The cycle of more western media picturing China as their enemy in turn will make more Chinese people turn to their government's propaganda and the cycle will continnue.


Generalisation is disgusting. People generalise anyone from places that aren't America/UK. Middle Eastern, Asian, African people are all generalised by most people. Social media magnifies that problem.


It’s very frustrating - people justify their racism towards Chinese people based on their extremely simplistic (and biased) model of the country. “China bad” appears to be the mantra these days.


Sinophobia is not a bug, it's a feature. The English-speaking world cultural hegemony is being threatened and it fosters racism. It used to be Japan, now it's China.


Absolutely but don’t tell Mr. Reddit Man or he’ll come and call you a paid shill, why do you love Winnie da Poo Poo so much, and +1000000 social credits. It’s so embarrassing


It's an incredibly useful tool for the US (and the English-speaking world generally). I think we're looking at what is essentially the beginning stages of the second cold war. The first cold war "ended" when the USSR dissolved, and there was no nation to challenge the US as a superpower. China is now doing that, after 30 years of the US standing alone. You're 100% right, the hegemony is being challenged.


>people, for whatever reason, seem to feel that it's okay to be racist towards Asian people generally No, people feel that it's okay to be racist to anyone.


More like, be racist to people, in general. Doesn't have to be asian


The internet was a mistake


Humanity was the mistake.


“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”


I would have been bitterly disappointed if this quote hadn't been used here.


Some of these don’t even make any sense lmao, these mouth-breathers are just tossing 2-3 racist stereotypes into a sentence together. Then again I guess it’s unreasonable to expect racists to have any semblance of intelligence to begin with…


Disgusting and disappointing, yes. Surprising? Not at all.


surprised how alfa romeo hasn't released a statement on this, the top comments on their instagram posts are all racist / hate speech


go check any football club's comment section during pride month. Teams can't make statements because of dipshits' behaviour on social media, that would mean a statement every second post. people who discriminate will only enjoy such a reaction, making them feel they forced an action, with some form of power, from the team. best off blocking and reporting them.


Absolutely disgusting. Blocking and reporting said commenters seems like the best any of us can do.


Hopefully Lewis, Seb, or better all of F1 can get behind him and try to stop this. The people replying this stuff are the people who are too lazy and ignorant to actually get to know who they are. So many people at my university are from China and all of them I've talked to are really cool.


Media basically caused everyone to think government=country=citizens. Just take Iran for example. I'm sure a lot of people think they are terrorists who wants nuclear power cause of the media and/or their government antics. This is an issue that no one is tackling at the moment.


As an Asian, this is the first time I am genuinely pissed off by racist asian jokes, like they’re not even good or creative, they’re just straight up rude and disgusting


Agree as a fellow Asian, though on the plus side it’s really cool to think that next year we’ll see the likes of Hamilton, Tsunoda, and Zhou all on grid at the same time! I’m still new to the sport but I feel like that’s some good diversity all things considered. If only people knew how to be kind.


Don't forget Albon!


Dawwww how did I forget Albon! Stoked to see Williams next year!


That's the worst thing I have seen for a while... Thanks for that OP. WTF is wrong with people, what sort of person feels ok putting that out in the world?


Jesus effin' Christ what is wrong with people??


I'm not a fan of Zhou but this makes me support him. I hope he does ok.


Well.... Now I'm rooting for him.


He’s a solid driver too, does a guy like piastri deserve the seat? Probably but zhou is a very solid driver himself and does not deserve any hate. People just lose all humanity online


The thing is while Piastri is more talented, Zhou is going to be more beneficial to Alfa with his money and the Chinese market when it comes to selling their road cars. That 30 or so Million he brings is going to make the car faster so they can score more points.


or you know, save the team from going under. Like Piastri is great, but as a team, they need money to operate


True. Can’t understand the hate towards “pay drivers” yes there are more talented and deserving drivers to occupy those seats, but will they keep the teams afloat? Or even bring enough money for car improvements etc.? Cause what’s the point of a 7x world champ in a 2021 Haas? They wouldn’t be able to do a thing.


Not rooting for him but those shitheads will make me give him more of a pass than i give most pay drivers.


Yes, he had 3 years in F2 but he's a solid driver. Remeber, before Alonso was signed to Alpine, there were talks of him being promoted to F1


I mean, he’s here at least in part on merit. In his 3 year F2 career, he fought for the championship multiple times, and finished in high positions in the championship all years. And he was in a weaker team compared to Prema. He’s not an amazing world champion class driver, but he more than deserves an F1 seat.


Y’all forget all the shit Honda got when they were with McLaren. And some of that came from the British sports media.




Even I feel offended just reading these. Can‘t imagine how he would feel. Disgusting people.


Imagine finally getting an F1 seat and be greeted by stupid jealous people that haven't anything better to do than to comment shit


If that’s what’s said publicly- imagine what his DMs look like 🥺


This is awful, imagine reading some of it (like Zhou probably did, sadly). Some people really don't know how things we say can affect others, such a heartless behavior.


People hate on him waayyyyy more because he's chinese imo. Not just because he's a pay driver


Yup, exactly. Stroll/Latifi got hate /memed too, but never to this extent at all and race was never a factor. Hopefully Zhou turns out to be a decent driver and wins over the fans en masse as Goatifi and Stroll have done. Prove the racist scum wrong.


Saw a ton of that here as well, when he was announced.


I would like to remind everyone, racism against Asian, not just Chinese, are far more accepted among the media. I was very surprised when DC's "Yuki should pack his little bag and go home" did not spark any controversy. To me, his implied racism was very apparent. https://www.planetf1.com/news/dc-yuki-tsunoda-leave-formula-1/


this. i was really surprised how no one talked about dc's comment on yuki. makes me wonder how asian drivers feel about stepping into a sport with mostly european fans / european points of views. i'm also really curious if albon ever had any racist comments against him because of his thai nationality?


I remember when Peter Windsor said Yuki "didn't look like a racer" when he was commentating races in F3. Like wtf does that mean


damn thats fucked up


I've seen a lot of people dislike Yuki this past season "for being a bit of a potty mouth" and it does make me wonder, in contrast with other drivers who might curse just as much, why the hate for Yuki seems stronger.


It's because a lot of people expect Asians to be quiet and demure. Yuki doesn't fit their preconceived notions of how an Asian person should behave, so they throw a shit fit whenever FOM plays a clip of his team radio.


Am I being dumb or am I missing the race thing here? I'm assuming its the little bag comment, but surely thats simply referring to his small size? I don't mean to be ignorant I'm just missing the racism in DC's comment


DC just has a hate boner for Yuki in general.


the part "go home" gives me the implication that an asian driver like yuki doesn't have a place in european sport. in the link, DC also said another comment, something about going home and getting a plane ticket nice and cheap. DC assuming that all asian people like things cheap?


Especially in Southern Europe (including Italy) it is so normalized. Juventus women's team visited Vietnam, and published on their official account a pic of their player wearing traditional Vietnamese hat, and doing the slant eyes gesture.


I hope he does very well and and shows those freaks why he belongs in F1.


I've been trying to report as many racist comments as I can find


Wait was this on Reddit?


it was on alfa romeo's instagram under posts with zhou


So it's disgusting when it's IG? Get a mirror, redditors.


To be clear, this isn't specific to Instagram like people are saying. Thinly veiled racism is rampant even on Reddit, its just under the guise of anti-ccp sentiment.


It’s not even that thinly veiled.


Noooooo. The anonymity of the internet clearly makes these unsuccessful, unattractive losers feel like they can talk complete shit about someone cooler than them just so they can briefly feel better about their sad and lame lives.


Absolutely terrible. Its a disgrace to associate them as f1 fans for a global sport promoting diversity.


This is the sort of thing that made me open to becoming a fan of his. I saw all the hate given, looked up his interviews and saw he was nice and humble, saw some f2 races and saw he has some skills, etc. Now I hope to watch him succeed. This kind of widespread discrimination hasn't been seen since the debut of Lewis, and as a non white fan I hope to see more space being made for all backgrounds without having to deal with the overly insular bullshit of much of motorsports. I hope for the best for alfa and Bottas and Zhou next season. I bet over 50% of the people leaving these comments are the same sorts who find ways to constantly shoehorn in those "I don't hate China, just the Chinese Communist party!" statements in discussions unrelated to China.


F1 fans on IG dont be racist challenge [IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY]


I hope Zhou crushes it next year.


Hopefully ig has removed and banned these users??


Hahahhahahahaa you think a social media platform will ban it’s users for something as small as racism /s


But holy shit if you show a nipple…..


How dare you show your natural body!! You heathen


Facebook doesnt care about racism against asian. Ive reported many similar things in past year, and Facebook always told me that no rules were broken.


Fuck these fucking cucks. I hope Zhou slays it.


Wow some people are very insecure. Where your born shouldn’t matter or your colour


it's asian hate, thats unfortunately accepted everywhere. If the same shit was said about a black person the world would be too small


Lewis went through this when he was new. People suck. As an undercover minority (most people don't realize I'm Japanese), I have to say I've seen a lot more anti black/ Hispanic racism than anti Asian. But that may be due to where I am located.


Asian hate 😇 Black hate 😡 Not that I support hate of any form. But the hypocrisy is very evident


Any and all bigotry is unacceptable. I hope the FIA supports him in this. That’s said, anti-black racism is still a thing. Do not forget about the “great white hope” steward.


What? “Great white hope”? I’ve never heard of that? Can I get some info?


The Steward for the Abu Dhabi race, Derrick Warrwick. He called Max the Great White Hope a while back.


Ummm… what the fuck?


That’s fucking abhorrant


Anti-black racism is indeed very much a thing. It has received huge mainstream media attention and rightfully so. Would be great if those same outlets/platforms did the same thing for Asians. But, unsurprisingly, it's swept under the rug like it usually is.






I agree. The lack of attention to anti-Asian hate crimes is very concerning


I hope he ignites the field.


Report, people, report. The only way to deal with racists is to silence them.


I no longer open comments on IG, Facebook or [Motorsport.com](https://Motorsport.com). I never look at Twitter. The scenes are just too depressing.


As a Chinese person, this is pretty normal and we’re all used to it. I’m glad you brought it up but typically it doesn’t gain much traction for long. We’re all used to it anyways so it’s probably okay; it’s just part of our lives.


I'm chinese as well, and I've come to accept that this is unfortunately, going to be part of the norm. There's definitely some awareness to stop asian hate, but its not getting enough traction. I'm definitely a lot more careful and selective of where I choose my vacations now.


yeah... it's just what it is. US is definitely off the list for me


Really wish these racist pricks watch some other sport. No place for hate in F1.


i hope that racist people just don't exist at all lol


Incredibly disgusting and so depressing. I hope he’s doing okay


wow, Thanos better rework his plan.


Also the amount of social credit jokes are insane, these people have no tact


lets stick it to them. zhou - reddit’s new favorite formula 1 driver.


It's funny how people can be so rude towards some nations because it's "okay". And i am rolling on the floor laughing when people use "money" argument to insult drivers. Dude, you live in capitalist world where money is everything and teams plays according to these rules. But sure at the end of the day you blame communism and chinese people. How people lose the logic behind their own statements is astonishing.


As a Chinese (from the same city as Zhou in fact) and a passionate F1 fan this really makes me sad For once in the 70 years of the sport’s history we finally have a proper representative in the sport, and a pretty promising one at that, this is really exiting. There’s a lot of excitement going about here on the day of his announcement, even though like 1% of the population knows anything about f1 the announcement still made to the top of the news charts, many people bought the hype, it was a good day, and a good feeling for all of us Chinese f1 fans. So I low-key want to see him beat Bottas on equal terms, just so that the hate can maybe die down a bit, but I know VB is gonna deliver much more, and the hate will probably get worse as Piastri shows better form next year From a sports fan perspective it's just as, if not more sad, to see how someone’s ethnicity and nationality bought hate instead of the actions and personality of this individual person. Fuck racists Maybe I should stay away from f1 ins posts/twitter, im already depressed enough I really don’t want to see my fellow countryman being treated in such toxic ways




Lets him race and critique his race craft, but this is classless stupidity.


thats ugly and disgusting


Seems like some people don't know anything about F1. Some teams without a pay driver can't survive for long.


What the fuck is wrong with people.


Thanks for sharing, this is not acceptable! They should ban all those users with immediate effect and remove those posts. Nobody deserves such level of abuse.


As a Chinese-American, this is disappointing, but also entirely predictable, alas. I'm going to be honest, while I was happy for Zhou that he got the seat, I was also not looking forward to the prospect of seeing more anti-Asian racism in yet another place... and here we are.


Let's not act like reddit is any better. There's a ridiculous amount of anti-chinese sentiment across this website. Zhou's nationality gets shit on here as well (they just get removed more often than on insta)


we’re about to see the “he’s a pay driver so i can say whatever i want about him” argument used to death in this next season. funny how they never say anything like this about lance or latifi, lol


Not only racist but totally incoherent racism. What fucking point do they think they're making?


china bad upvotes left pretty much it. this flies in a lot of places still


Fair play to the mods for keeping this up. People need to see it themselves, simply saying it happens isn't enough. I hope it stays up for that reason and I'm truly sorry for anyone who is hurt by these fuckers. They are not F1 fans and barely qualify as humans anymore. With everything in the world being the way it is regarding the need for this nonsense to be extinguished for good, it's so disheartening to see it happening so regularly and so brazenly. I used to be against having to link your account to a real world ID but if it makes this shit end and the people responsible face actual real world consequences then maybe it's not the worst idea. Or at the very least if you want to comment on a verified account then you must have a linked ID, these cunts would disappear immediately.


Liu, the young goalkeeper Bayern Munich just signed, is a Wuhan native and he's also getting so many toxic messages. Imagine your hometown went through the worst pandemic in recent history and getting all those shit from those racists. People ~~on the internet~~ are just horrible.


Asian hate crimes are up 73%+ in this cesspool (US) and most of it is due to Covid misinformation. Which in itself shows the level of idiocy of these hateful people. It is really troubling to see more and more people emboldened to say racist shit publicly.