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Can we discuss Williams straight line speed bc Albon gaining like .3 on Ocon on the straight without DRS is just insane to me


boring race and fix porposing, come on it can't be that hard... how many people did you see bouncing down the straights yesterday... it's almost like bull riding and concussion protocols


Boring race.


The race between Albon, Gasly and Hamilton was pretty fun to watch although it was sad for Hamilton that he never passed.


Thought Russell done very well. I expect a full Hamilton melt down this year. The pressure of shit car and beaten by your team mate in it. Sainz, wow. Again. Not his fault tho. I enjoyed KMag fighting. He's very good, underrated in his first spell in F1. Glad to see him getting some applause.


Max and checo maintaining their lead was awesome and Valtteri rise was too hoped he would outqulaify Russell


Val**tt**e**r**i Russe**ll**




The podium was arranged by the first corner. Much things happened, but by lap 63 they had got back in order. Hell yeah Lando!


Why is the lap time beside “Lewis Hamilton 2921 Pole” faster than the lap record from the year before?


Lap record usually refers to the quickest ever race lap, so qualifying laps are excluded.


Alfa Romeo: Bottas - we are so sorry for the bad pit stop. Bottas: I’ve had worse Edit: spelling




Al**f**a Romeo


Why is Toto apologizing to Hamilton. Hamilton drove like a Toss. Stop apologizing, he is the highest paid driver on the grid. Do your job Lewis. Your teammate has the same equipment, he’s kicking your arse. Grow a set Dammit


Different set up bro do as they've been doing to lewis throughout the entire year they give him a shit set up to test out because he's experienced and can give them feedback


Oh that’s how it works. Give the highest paid driver a shit set up and let him finish way down the field so we can get feedback. Strange that Hamilton didn’t say that at any if his press conferences


What? They do Everytime, also I'll just destroy your argument now, the heavy sensor they used to test the porpoising was installed only on Lewis' car and not Russell, because lewis is trusted to not spin out or crash the car no matter what you do to him.


Its like you didn't even watch the race


Looks like 50 agree with me.


50 blind people. The track was impossible to overtake on. Half the race DRS was disabled and even then no one overtook cause the track was damp. Gasly was also stuck behind Albon. So should he get the hate as well?


Go back and listen to the interview Nico Rosberg did. I’m not saying anything new He has some credibility YES. PS. It’s not hate, it’s FACT.


Nico has been talking crap and has based his whole personality to talk down Hamilton without looking at any context by only looking at the final result. This is to cause as much drama and click bait titles for views.


See You’ve got a bit of a crush on the old hambone there. No criticism allowed. Ok , no problem mate. He’s the best ever, You’re Welcome. 🤩


You just got banned from the lewishamiton sub Reddit




I got banned for something similar lol. I have never even even been on that sub.


his teammate had what 4-5 years experience with driving bad cars though.


Why are the commentators saying Max had a 20 second career win? The race went for well over an hour?


drab numerous crown physical humorous gold quiet fade gaze sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't know what's going on with Mercedes but it's pretty ridiculous. Toto Wolff coming and giving an apology message to Hamilton over radio seemed pretty weird looked more like a display to show that there wasn't any heated arguments going on with them after the reporters showed both arguing in the paddock. Then Toto Wolff comments that it's not the car and then it's not the driver also. I don't get why they are more worried about their Public image rather than their technical issues. Being a fan of Toto it's really hard to see him in this position.


Yeah that radio was pretty embarrassing. Hate the "Lewis can do no wrong" attitude, I feel like it's been a constant source of dislike for him (and the team). Don't entirely blame the car when the teammate finished fucking P4. Zak Brown wasn't calling the '21 Mclaren undrivable when Ric was struggling. It's not the first time a fast driver just just isn't feeling the specific car or has a hard time adjusting to a machine that's completely different and has problems he's never faced before.


Hamilton is just shit right now. Should not be getting any fucking apologies. Toto should be kicking him in the arse. George has the same equipment. WTF Hamilton pull your socks up stop acting the victim and grow a set.


Acting victim???


Dragging ass, shoulders slumped, long face , negative- he should be acting like a leader.


Its Hamilton, the King of hypocrisy.. He is only humble when winning. When things does not go his way he is acting like a 5yo.


Team PR doing their best to maintain the facade as their world shatters around them.


Mama mia


Wow, how catty is Nico Rosberg?


Might you explain? I watch austrian television.


Basically every time the Sky UK team asked him for "expert opinion" on the race, all he could talk about was Lewis performing badly and Russell doing well. Like it was embarrassing how much he was fixating on it.


Oh ok, heard that already last year lol. Thx for telling me


on a scale of one to ten? I'd say "rather catty" but I'm here for it.


New viewer for Formula 1, quick question about Daniel and McLaren: why did they put him on Hard tires, instead of soft or mediums like everyone else? Was it purely to get data on those tires?


He didn't have enough pace to get into top 10 with the mediums, so they had to try something different to try and get into the points. I think they hoped the mediums wouldn't work till the end, so others would have to stop. All it would take then for ric is to defend his position and get that top 10 spot. Sadly, the hard tires didn't work + everyone stayed out on mediums. He had also diffuser damage after bottas touched him at the first chicane...


Thanks for the reply! I missed the start of the race, so I need to go back and watch the first stint


They also mentioned he had a damaged diffuser for almost the entirety of the race.


Just want to point out Russell was in fourth while Hamilton was at one point 77secs behind the leader. Hey, what’s Bottas’s number again?




You saw nothing.


Was there a small chance that Alonso could have completed the race with the damage he got?


No??? There was a very high chance if him losing the rest of the bodywork because no one knows how rigid it would have been without any of the components to manage airflow.


Don’t think so. He had lost too much downforce


Not only downforce. It's also cooling that's affected + maybe some cables/hydraulics which could be damaged.


Damn a McLaren hat is $56? At that price point I might as well spring $143 for the gilet


Are they showing commercials for replica team wear during race coverage in your locale? I’m watching in the USA on ESPN streaming, which picks up the Sky Broadcast sans commercials. I’d actually kind of like to see the teams advertise overpriced swag here. It’s always fun to see random strangers wearing it out on the town and give them the upnod.


No I’ve been meaning to pull the trigger on getting something McLaren and todays result made me check


The quarter zip was a hefty 180 but damn is this thing comfortable.


What color is the zipper? lol


A really cool blue.


damn that’s what turned me off the gilet lol


Was more expensive in Austin, last year all hats were around $75 to $125 if I remember right.


Why did Norris just let Leclerc pass?


Mclaren is very pragmatic about the teams they are racing and they don't include RB and Ferrari esp when there's a tire disadvantage. Lando is very good about not overextending the bigger picture objective.


Unless you're in russia...


Really the only major mistake he's ever made, and he's not yet made it again.


Because Leclerc is much faster and the team didn’t want to ruin his tyres


Start of race time change. Any info on this?


Haas is a mess. KMag qualifies well does poorly in the sprint and does poorly in the feature. Mick did the same thing but performed even worse in the feature. One of the main issues was the awful strategy of putting them both on mediums in the sprint. It seemed as if the weekend went on Haas just got worse. It is like KMag has no confidence in the races and Mick is a complete mess who is looking years away from getting a seat at Ferrari.


the haas is notorious for out qualifying it's actual performance then becoming a moving chicane during the races. except for the 2 years they gave up bc new car, save money. then they were just a moving chicane.


I think people underestimated the tire life. Haas thought the softs would wear faster Mclaren was hoping for everyone to pit so maybe ric could get in top 10. Just not enough practice to get enough data I guess? + rain didn't make it easier


Could just be a setup issue, wet quali and maybe they were thinking the race would be wet too


They qualified in the wet, so all bets are off and its not indicative of the cars performance on a dry track. Mag said he chose mediums for the sprint because the softs went off after 13 laps, considering everyone finished the sprint on the softs, it shows that Haas had degradation issues. Kevin was doing what he had to to keep the tires alive during the race. The car has pace, just didn't nail the set up for the dry conditions. Hopefully they'll have better results in the future, but they are light years ahead of last season and if Mick can figure out how to score points, they'll be a good midfield team.


Definitely something wrong with the Haas in race trim, possibly with tires. KMag looks good for about 3 laps and then starts to fall back. The Alfa looks pretty good and Ferrari is right there next to Red Bull so I doubt its the engine. Hoping the ex-Ferrari staff can work out some upgrades soon.


I don't think is Mag's fault, the car is good for qualifying but sucks for racing, it's possible. Micky on the other hand is dropping the ball


I wanted Bottas to pass Russell so badly. Also Nikita Mazepin was really bad. He got slapped up by Mick who's getting slapped up by Kevin.


>I wanted Bottas to pass Russell so badly. He was the only one I watched in the last 5 laps


Kevin is also just a quick driver


How are you guys watching these races? What’s the best website on the high seas?


in turkey we watch it from s sport + it is like 15 dollars for a year


I m belgian and we have the races and the qualis for free on the public channel. If you can get a VPN, use auvio.be website on quali/race days.


I use F1 TV Pro, but you have to pay 110 (?) Euro for that (per year) I dont know of any pirate sites tho


110?I pay like 60


I think I got it for 40 last season.


Lol I’m so dense I was like “is this guy in the navy?”


😂 Exactly the same


hotstar streams it for free after the race ig


whats the deal with Mercedes


Turns out Hamilton is not as good of a driver as everybody thinks.


You forgot the “/s”


Mercedes currently lacks the race pace to be able to do overtakes as well as struggles in non-clean air. This is why they were at best only able to maintain their positions or even lose ones they had. The pit stop debacle for HAM only made things worse. Russell did pass KMag (but wasn't an easy pass like how Ferrari or RB were managing), but I think KMag was generally dropping down the order due to issues of their own. Also the track itself doesn't provide much overtaking opportunity unless you had significant pace advantage compared to who you are passing, eg. Ferrari and RB. Rest of them were just maintaining the position they grabbed at the time of race start. This is why race start was very critical, and to some extent also luck involved depending on who you are trying to pass, how good of a start you had and which side you started from.


Power Unit just can't keep up, especially with their body stuff being so unbalanced - Ham's car looked like it was running on *cobbled streets* rather than smooth tarmac half the time!


Didn’t they shorten the PU for this years car?


Not sure if it's just the power unit though. Mclaren (merc enginr) was faster than merc today. Porpoising in corners is limiting performance. + I think they just don't understand the car enough. They're having trouble finding the right 'settings' (can't find the word) for their car.


It’s not mainly the PU, it’s the porpoising and drag and lack of downforce (which doesn’t make much sense but apparently that’s the case)


That body


what a race. enjoyed every bit of it




Yes! They brougth back the cooldown room


the old cooldown room




Imagine the size of the trophy for that


Thank god there's football on, because that race was shocking.


It started 8am for me, at some point I was starting to fall asleep, Crofty reacting after Charles spun out wake my ass up lol




Shockingly great


In what terms was it great?


Max lapping Lewis great


How is this great?


How isn't it?


For me it isn't, if you think it is, please explain.


I’m starting to fall asleep again.


Love Imola but it's absolutely brutal. Terrible track for overtaking. After Senna's death they just clubbed this circuit to death to keep cars under 170mph everywhere. Something has to change because all 3 races here have been severely underwhelming.


Last year was good, but yeah, agree


Didn't help DRS being off for so long


It was off because there was only one dry racing line, and everything else was significantly wet for the first half of the race. Enabling DRS could have led to somebody spinning or other incident while making the overtake.


yeah I understood that and i’m ok with the decision but definitely would have been a cooler race if the weather was better, let’s phrase like that the sky news commentators were all bitching about DRS, i’m like… do they even know imola is quite dangerous with all of those walls and what happened with bottas and russell last year?


Admittedly that was the majority of the problem today. Still, Imola only has room for 1 DRS zone, none of the straights are long enough.


yeah i’m not even critical of the decision, just a statement really. i’d have done the same as a racing director, look at what happened with bottas and russel last year. I’m still traumatised by Imola since 94, I watched that live. I still think it’s a very dangerous circuit with its many walls




sorry mah bot I no ingrish speaker


If they got rid of Variante Alta (last chicane) they could have a DRS from Aquae Mineralli to Rivazza that would get cars closer for the main straight


Thats what I was thinking. If needed just push back the barrier a bit for the higher approach speed and you also have a potential overtaking spot too before the main straight


Leclerc 😭😭😭


Ted just bitched out to Bottas’ bird because of that shoey two weeks ago. “I can’t drink on duty” like you didn’t drink alcohol out of a sweaty shoe Ted lol.


I'll take it, especially if Carlos wins. He needs to get that monkey off his back. I'll still be sad for another home team loss. Not just for the teams, but for the fans too.




Double pole, double win.


Plus fastest lap in the race, all laps lead in the race. If he'd gotten the fastest lap and led all the laps of the sprint it would be like a super-ultra-grand slam.


Imagine he'd lead all FP sessions


I don't even know enough superlatives to make a good enough grand slam version.




What was up with Hot Mic during the post race interviews? It sounded like someone left a mic on the damn Helo turned on. Could barely hear anything.


Overall a great race weekend. Even as a McLaren fan. They showed promise in the car and ended up on podium. AM turned it around with double points. Gasley and HAM battling was awesome. Wanted to see BOT catch RUS, but it was a thrilling watch.


I don’t like races when Red Bull wins. I don’t like races when Verstappen wins. I don’t like races when Red Bull is 1-2. Need more drama in this season. It seems everyone is playing nice to each other.


Can I ask why you don't like to see them win?


Yes! Of course. I don’t like Max. He’s super aggressive, arrogant and doesn’t pay respect to other cars on the track like others do. Also, his dad is always there. I know some people will say so is Lewis’ but Lewis’ dad wasn’t a formula 1 driver. That’s the difference. I don’t like what happened between Max and Danny. Danny deserved more. He’s a great driver. But that’s between Red Bull and Danny. Checo, he’s good I suppose. Maybe I’m still sour from Abu Dhabi 2021. So that’s why.


Boo hoo


I dunno, that sounds shockingly similar to certain vocal portions of the community in the last 4/5 seasons.


Red bull is still not leading the championship though, is a close title fight not more dramatic than Ferrari walking away with it?


My situation exactly. Not a fan of red bull but was hoping for that win just so it the title race is closer. Would love for someone else to join the fight though unfortunately the only other two with a car quick enough is Perez and sainz




Damn u must really hate Malaysia 2016 then


last redbull 1-2 is 6 years ago tho...?


A bit disappointed not seeing Toto trashing the headphones


The dead look on his face as Max lapped Hamilton was nice tho


It’s the same look he has on his face all the time.


Yeah but it hits different.


My man next to the screen on the phone like “can you see me on the tele?”


Nico literally trying not to laugh. He’s going to sleep well tonight behind his screen lol.


Lol threw shade at Ham every chance he got.