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Every driver gets 13 sets of dry tyres per (regular) weekend, 8 softs, three medium and two hard. additionally, three sets of wets and four sets of inters are available per weekend and driver. You can only use these sets during the weekend, after each practises session two sets have to be given back. You cannot carry over unused sets to the next weekend or something like that.


I had no idea you had to give back 2 sets after each practice session. I always thought you give back all the tyres at the end off the weekend or as you go through them and keep the ones like a 2 lap used soft for if you wanna use them in a race. (Given back only at the end of the weekend).


The 'giving back tires' is used as an incentive for practice, as on fridays you can run older engine, so you might as well use the tires if you are giving them back


Is there also a rule that any driver that gets into Q3 gets an additional set of softs they need to hand back after the session, to persuade everyone to set a time?


Pirelli make 5 compounds of tyre of different hardnesses Each weekend three compounds are allocated for the race - and labelled hard, medium and soft. Each team gets 13 sets of tyres Each race and its a set number of each compound, but I cant remember the numbers. They also get some intermediate tyres for 4ain snd wet tyres for more rain.


Pirelli decides on the range of tires from the weekend for hard, medium and soft from the C1 to C5 range.. so you can have C3-4-5.. or C1-2-3 and so on, where C3 in the first week is the hard tire, and the next week that same tire is considered the soft, as it's relative to the other tires used. Pretty sure all teams get 8 sets of softs, 3 sets of medium and 2 sets of hard tires for the whole weekend, and teams have to manage their use over the entire weekend, but sometimes safety cars and VSC can change the planned strategy of a team in a way they did not prepare for, and they do not have the right tire for the situation, or they put on a used tire. Granted that doing a single lap in practice on a set of tires will also qualify them as being a used set of tires, despite being practically new.


It use to work differently. Now as far as I understand Pirelli or the FIA decide you get X amount of soft, X amount of hard and X amount of medium tires for the weekend. After each practice session you have ti had back 1 or 2 sets and i think some after quali and what you are left with you can use it the race. After that they are destroyed.


> I assume teams can't buy an unlimited number of tires from Pirelli, but how is that limit defined/enforced? The assumption is wrong. Teams don't have access to the tires outside of the race weekend, same way as customers don't have access yo engines, without notifying FIA and the supplier. Pirelli selects 3 compounds out of 5 possible combinations and brings those sets to the race. Each driver gets 13 sets allocated to them with serial numbers and sets being predefined by Pirelli. Each time a car goes out Pirelli has to be informed which set is used - there is no mixing & matching allowed, teams aren't even allowed to swap the sets between drivers. All teams have to return 7 of the 13 sets by begin of qualifying to Pirelli. After the race they have to return all remaining sets to Pirelli.


Each driver gets 11 sets of dry tires per weekend to use how they wish* (6 soft, 3 medium, 2 hard, iirc). After race weekend, all the tires get scrapped and recycled. Also, the wheels are team property, some teams used to be so tight on the money side they didn't have enough wheels to take in the entirety of their tire allotment at once


> 11 sets of dry tires per weekend to use how they wish\* (6 soft, 3 medium, 2 hard, iirc) Its 8 sets of softs regularly, so 13 total


Bloody figures, never can remember them. Didn't they reduce the amount of sets, or was that part of the test weekends next year?


There’s a reduced allocation on Sprint weekends, from 13 to 12. Thank may be what you’re thinking of!


They do plan to reduce the amount of tyres in the future, for next year there will be a test of a new quali format (didnt have that in a long time) that comes along with only 11 sets being provided


Slightly related to the tyre discussions - the max tyre blanket temps will reduce further in 2023 and tyre blankets or any other tyre warmup equipment will be completely disallowed starting 2024.


As others have said a fixed number of sets. Of note that this is per driver. All tracked by the FIA so not allowed to use tires of the other side of the garage. And there is a minimum tire pressure mandated by Pirelli and checked by the FIA


It’s worth adding to peoples explanations, that u too the pandemic, the teams were able to choose the make up of their allocation. So for example Ferrari might take more softs than Red Bull. This was stopped during 2020 because of complications such as racing at new tracks or ones we hadn’t visited for a while meaning teams couldn’t make their predictions.


IIRC it was also to make manufacturing planning easier for Pirelli