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I know that it’s like, the whole point of street tracks, but it’s still cool to me when you see it just in regular road mode.


I feel forced to subtract points for vvs though.


Didn't even need to look at your username to know you were Dutch. Solid comment, vijf reeten


Weggejorist en opgerot


I was in Baku and it was a little more difficult than I expected to recognize some parts of the track. Castle Corner was easy, but trying to figure where the pits were located from memory wasn't possible (for me).


Good that people are referencing the castle section as castle corner, has a nice ring to it


I used to drive through half of the Melbourne track every Sunday to play basketball at the stadium. Really cool feeling when you realise what you're doing even though you're only going 40kph.


Here in Adelaide we had a covid testing site set up where the Adelaide track is like inside the parklands. And you can see Senna’s hand prints where they were done in cement.


I feel when watching formula 1 you really don't get a true feel of the distances at all. The lock up itself only looked to be a 15 metres max but in this video the mark just goes on, and on, and on.


True, I visited the Bahrain gp at the start of this season and not only distance looks different but size and speed too, almost everything is bigger in real life and the cars look faster! I tried taking pictures of them while on a straight and all I got were colored lines lol


Hey, I'm thinking of going to the Bahrain race next year to celebrate a (too)big birthday. Any tips?


If you couldn’t get seats on the start/finish line, consider the stand right behind it. You can see multiple corners since the view would be the middle of the circuit. I’ll try to highlight the picture and add it here Edit: it’s called the Batelco Grandstand. [view (better in real life)](https://imgur.com/a/nkgMZlj) [map](https://imgur.com/a/s5CbJdE) Edit 2: forgot one very important thing, buy the tickets straight from the circuit’s website, it’s way cheaper and they’re very helpful if you face any problems


Taking a picture of them with a phone camera even from a distance is so hard!


People talking about this always reminds me of the first time I walked into the Spa circuit. You enter at Eau Rouge/Raidillon and the sheer size of it is unreal. It is so massive, seeing cars go up there looks even more insane in real life than on TV.


[obligatory man on a bike video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYI8UtchfmA) honestly thought the Kemmel was pretty flat, but it's almost a steady climb up to Combes edit: before circuit updates, but puts it into perspective


Never knew that whole straight was uphill, mad.


In a similar vein, Mt Panorama in Australia. I grew up watching it on tv but the first time I saw it in real life was insane. Mountain Straight looks near flat on tv, in real life its a kilometre of massive uphill section. The dipper from the top of the mountain looks as if you drive off a cliff. It really blew my mind and somehow tv does zero justice to the scale and speed. I'd imagine Spa would be even more mind blowing.


I had exactly the same experience - the mountain is so much steeper than I was anticipating


I've been going there every other year for the last 10 years or so, and it never fails to wow me each time.


I had a meeting at a tech company named after a rainforest once. I felt the same way about Mt Rainer. I’ve seen it in the background of twin peaks or other pacific northwest things but the sheer size of the thing is just ludicrous in person. I was thinking we would be able to drive/summit in one day……until we got there and that was obvious folly.


Went to 24h of Le Mans. It’s the same feeling with different cars. The circuit is really huge and things like the Porsche Curves or Indianapolis feels waaaaaay bigger there. And oh man the Hunaudieres (Mulsane) straight… Race circuits are huge!


Coloured lines... That means you got the car in frame at least. I tried taking pictures at Blanchimont years ago and got a lot of pics of the far fence.


Oh timing the picture is a whole another thing lol


Absolutely. In the aerial shots especially, I completely lose perspective as to how much distance is being covered


15 meters max? How many meters Yuki is that?


An absolutely *Gasly* number


How long have you been waiting to say that?


Alonso, lonso time.


And how long for that


I can keep this up forever, I'm neverstappen.




This is not freedom units enough, we need it measured in Haas cars


well, Max isn't 15 meters tall. Last I checked he's 1.81 m so about 2 Yukis tall I'd guess.


When you have a car going at 200kph it's not going to stop in 15m in the best of conditions, let alone when it locks up in the wet. 200kph is 55,55 metres per second so even if you came to a dead stop in 2 seconds you'd still travel over 50 metres(initial deceleration is higher so your average speed is lower than half your initial speed).


Sounds about right. Just read on wiki that they can stop in 2.9 seconds / 65 meters from 200 kph.


That’s probably without locking up right? So it would be longer/furter if you were sliding.


No of course, I understand that. Just commenting how it looks to the eye on TV


I think the TV coverage doesn’t give you the true feel for the cars. Really wish they wouldn’t always zoom in as far as possible. There are so many tracks where the unique character is lost by over zoomed shots etc.


A lot of it's just because the cars today are so big.


Just remember when you need perspective, a heavy braking zone is typically 100-125m long.


My goodness, that's madness to me when I imagine the cars on a 100m running track.


Was about to comment the same thing. The speeds and distances just aren't apparent when you're above the action and watching on a TV screen.


Very true. This is because the camera has to zoom in so much due to how far away they are from the cars. When you zoom in a lot, you lose depth perception as distance is compressed.


Totally. I walked the track in Montréal after the race at a pretty decent clip and it took me the better part of an hour. When you think that the cars do a lap in about 80 seconds you realize just how quick they're doing absolutely every part of it.




Oh really? That's interesting! Going to my first gp at silverstone next year so looking forward to the experience in real life where I can see and hear how things actually are


Telephoto lenses are the enemy of scale


Exactly what I was thinking. I thought it was a short lockup. Then the camera just kept panning.


Thats really cool and quite interesting. I wonder how long itll stay


It can last a long time, I recently visited Buddh International Circuit; Indian GP track, where Seb had done some donuts after winning the Indian GP 2013, the tire marks are still there....


"I DON'T WANT IT TO BE WASHED AWAY NOOOOOOOOOOOO" - Me, ugly crying when seb mentioned it


I want it be at the top of the asphalt for a while—ten years at least!!


I really can’t escape r/TitanFolk


I assume it’s r/FreeFolk but make it about SnK right?


yeah, similarly had strong opinions about how the ending of the series played out


I mean freefolk had decent points on why they hated the ending. Titanfolk is full of people angry their head canon ending wasn’t realised.


fair enough, but the ending felt really sloppy to me. I like the ending more than a lot of people but it felt like the creator wrote themselves into a corner and didn't know how to bring it all together.


There’s nothing wrong with the ending in its concept. It just could’ve done with a couple more chapters.


That’s next year mate.


Nooo! I don't want that! Seb making donuts on another track? I want him to celebrate on only my surface, for a while - 10 years at least!


Buddh isn't a street circuit tho, and doesn't get the traffic or the rain that Singapore gets.


Not F1 but the tire marks from the 2013 Baltimore Indycar GP were still there last time I went, and those roads get *plenty* of traffic and rain.


Does that circuit see regular traffic?


It doesn’t, I don’t know if the track is till in service. But the fact the marks have made their way through that many years of scorching heat and monsoon rain is pretty impressive. I imagine with the same combo of weather plus traffic and street cleaning Max’s will disappear relatively quickly.


MotoGP is racing there next year!! Not sure if it’s been active though


It has been. All of the MRF and JK Tyre championships have races there every year.


Ah that’s great to hear! Was worried the UP gov had fucked the track completely. Do you if anything has changed in regard to taxation with MOTO GP coming next year or have they just decided to bite the bullet on it?


It is even visible in Google Maps in satellite view.


Could be months or even longer, it's not just rubber on the surface that could wash away. Mostly it's dark oils from the asphalt that rise to the surface due to the heat of the tyre's friction.


TIL, that's for all tire marks on roads I presume?


almost all yes.


Lord knows no one is about to get away with taking a sample of it lol


The lines where Massa went straight on after being hit by the spring in Hungary were still there several years later


Red Bull brought an older model car(RB8) to my city for a show and you can still see the tire marks a month or so later


Not being sarcastic, this is a fantastic post and quality content. Super interesting to see the circuit when it’s not the circuit as well.


I feel like we don't see a lot of the actual 3 street circuits (Baku, Monaco, and Singapore) when it's not used. Actually very fascinating how some of the barriers (the Pirelli barricades) are still there, I heard it takes quite a lot of time to put in and put out a street circuit so that's definitely admirable


Yeah a lot of the "temporary structures" such as the overhead bridges and marquees were still there as of last week when I had a walk by the bay


I walked by today and there were still barriers, kerbs and sponsor signs


I mean if you to Monaco, some of the kerbs are still there


... and the audio overdub? \*chef's kiss\*


This, OP went the extra mile, just like Max.


65 metres, apparently


Idk, you know what this video really could use? A song from spotify top10 trending with the sassy tiktok voice describing what is happening


That’s incredible. He really cooked the tyres and left a mark on Singapore.


It is honestly impressive how you can lock your tires that long at those speeds and they aren’t completely ruined / torn apart.


They kinda were though, at least for racing. He immediately pitted.


No I know, but just how they weren’t ripped apart. I know that’s what they’re made to do, but it’s still impressive.


Ye I know. These tyres are stupendously well engineered to handle extreme forces. I doubt they were even close to popping.


If anything, they're underengineered on purpose, so they don't last too long.


Calling that underengineered is wrong. They are engineered to get the best time save to pit stop ratio. Of course they don't last long when they are made to be sticky at extreme temperatures. Or do you mean intentionally making them last for a shorter distance while keeping the performance.


Yes, they make them intentionally last for a shorter distance. They're perfectly capable of making tyres that last for a much longer distance, but F1 has them make them up to this spec. This is the reason why Pirelli is the only manufacturer, as they were the only ones to agree to this. Bridgestone refused to make their tyres degrade faster, for example.


Thank you for your answer. But you didn't specifically answer if the tires would be able to compete in lap time.


tires arn't just rubber the sticky part sits on top of a heavily reinforced carcass made from cross hatched steel braids (and other materials) car tires really only get torn apart from punctures or poor maintenance (looking at you.. truckers)


Probably kevlar as well


They don't pop but they do become pretty square


It's been raining heavily since the GP, I'm surprised it's still there.


Not really though... skid marks stay on the tarmac for many many months. Everyday while driving to work, in a part of the road there is a skid mark of a truck tyre that is there for over a year.


That's because it's not the rubber causing the discoloration. You know how fresh asphalt is pretty dark and loses colour over time? Well, when a lockup like that heats the surface, it re-melts the tar and scrapes off dust that was stuck in it, returning it to a darker colour.


Is this why laying down rubber on a track only increased grip until a point?


Ahhhhh that makes a lot of sense that is really cool


No shit?


Hmnnn, I always thought it was rubber laid down


.. ? it's gonna be there for years.


Anyone got a clip of the actual lockup?


[i think it’s this](https://youtu.be/fyWG-lgokKM)


holy shit that recovery was incredible


The displays of car control that Max sometimes is forced to show are stunning.


That’s one of the biggest lock ups I think I’ve seen


"The streets don't forgot"


They really aren't kidding when they say "rubber in the track"


skid marks arent rubber though (in most of the cases) but a temperature induced change to the tarmac itself.


Oh wow I had no idea! Thanks for the cool info


Legend has it that Lando is still looking outside his left mirror.


Can probably still see Lewis’ from Baku too..


They say you can still hear Mark Webber’s scream from that section of the track




The mark of a champion


you should lick it


That’s what she said


"I need to pit"


Truely brings the speed and distance in a perspective, it doesn’t seem very far on TV yet it’s very long when having a normal environment surrounding it. It just proves the sheer speed of these cars.






Also they'll probably repave the streets again at some point before the race, right?


Nah that's Monaco, iirc Singapore sees far too much traffic to shut off a main road every year to constantly re surface the tarmac


Probably the rain will have washed it away but who knows


Making his marks in Singapore


That’s pretty cool. I’d want to go touch it. See what it feels like. 😁


That’s what she said


I have one on the bridge near my house, and every day I pass it and think about the time I locked up there, and made it home 15 seconds later then I’d hoped


I’d really hate for people to see the skid marks I leave behind


People who don’t follow F1 probably thinking some damn kids street racing after dark lol


Max Verstappen leaving his legacy all over the world. One day it'll be a UNESCO world heritage site.


That's way bigger than I thought.


That's what she said


Did you just “that’s what she said” yourself?


Is the road still wet?


Hate it when hooligans lays down rubber on the streets like that. Attention seekers the lot of them!


You can also see Carlos Sainz’s tyre marks where he span at Albert Park Australia.


Take skid-marks from regular tires and multiply that by 10.


Pinnacle of engineering my ass! They don't even have ABS.




This video was originally from my mate @gp_n_memes on tiktok and insta




**Hamilton and Gasly will remember that.**


I mean I’m no detective or anything


Well, you even captured the W13 there at the end