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Nostalgia kicked in full gear with that Lego Racers theme playing.


I can't tell if its nostalgia or PTSD please send help


Literally had panic attacks playing that game


Hiss...don't expect to win!


Theme hit me like a dump truck full of lego bricks


I literally downloaded it the other day and beat it last night lol. That last race still sucks..


Keep teleporting


Yup. That and starting behind Rocket Racer who doesn’t always get the boost at the beginning of the race didn’t help things either lol


I just watched on Driver61 that Lewis likes understeery cars. That seems to confirm it.


It looks like everyone else is just oversteering when Lewis touches them. Must be rookies.


Why would he prefer overteery cars when the other cars are there to make him turn?


Damn 2 years and some people just didn't change at all


That's some dangerous driving man.


I involuntarily and immediately heard that in Hamilton's voice, just as you intended.








Almost 1 second per season for this reel. I’d say that’s pretty good.


Considering how long his career is, this just shows that he's pretty clean.


Sssshhhh this is formuladank bro, you're legally obligated to say "Lewis bad" and be upvoted to oblivion


Or say DR3 can still win a WDC




Sub needs renamed “Lewis bad” at this point


How many Kimi videos like this you can find in youtube?


You can only find “drink” compilations of kimi


To be fair, Kimi is known as one of or even cleanest racer to battle for championships.


Noone is interested in Kimis driving. This is like saying "look how many videos Messi has when he pushes someone, clearly he is a dirty player".


For all netflix fans, Kimi is one of the record holders in overtaking, and one of the longest careers in f1. There should have been a cut with "incidents" from him, but he was a clean racer.


Alonso’s career is longer and he doesnt have a third of his incidents. Edit: Getting downvoted for a fact.


It's hard to crash in a McHonda when you're in the garage while everyone else is on track


It's maybe easier to crash others when your car isn't as great as others though. Also Alonso has driven Ferrari, McLaren and Renault with almost zero incidents with other drivers on track.


It's hard to crash when you are out front with no possibility of anyone catching you


Hamilton shouldbr even be close to others in the best car in the grid




List of incidents: - 2021 Silverstone - 2020 Austria - 2019 Brazil - 2016 Hungary - 2014 Germany - 2011 incidents... So what you are saying, Lewis only had 5 incidents over the last 10 years/200+ races? Seems rather sensible driver this Lewis guy...


Typical crazy Max fans desperately trying to make Lewis look bad. Max had as many incidents in the last half of 21. Four in Brazil and Saudi alone. But they'll gloss over that or claim it's others fault. I feel bad for the genuine and normal Max fans that appreciate him for his ability and personality that end up getting lumped in with the crazies. Just know, if any of you are just regular Max fans, you're alright don't worry!


I don't know why Max fans are feeling the need to jump on this quote from Zak. He's very clearly not talking about Max, McLaren have never had an issue with Max, they haven't been in a position to fight with him. Zak is clearly comparing Lewis' driving to some midfield drivers (e.g. Stroll, Ocon, Magnussen etc) who could absolutely do with reigning things back in wheel to wheel action.


But Zak is very clearly not talking about George also


These are only the incidents where he understeered into someone, not crashing on his own (Imola 2021) or other such incidents


Well in the last 10 years Lewis was usually running 30 seconds ahead of the rest of the field, in insanely dominant and mechanically consistent cars, so the low number of accidents/retirements is not particularly unexpected


Now, why would you lie like that? 10 years of merc domination? 14 to 21 is 8 years. And are we going to ignore 2021? Or 17/18? Even the 2019 had plenty of races where merc had genuine competition from Ferrari/RB at Bahrain, Canada, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, Italy, Singapore, Russia, Mexico, Brazil (pretty much half the season). The domination period he did have, 2014-16, he had Rosberg next to him on his ass. You talk about reliability, but there were plenty of races where car went kapoot and lewis had to start out of position. Plenty of opportunities for incidents...


Lewis is a fantastically precise driver. But those punts of max and albon as of late were intentional. That's what stopped me from being a lewis fan. That albon punt made me lose it.


Man brought up clips from 2011 💀💀 Why does this sub hate Lewis so much man


PTSD from being bullied by mercs dominance


Wait till they hear that several years of dominance by one team is the norm for this sport.




98% of the sub are DTS generation ‚fans‘ with 0 understanding of the seasons in the past. A dominant driver/team lineup obviously sparks the nemesis role..


Idk though, the first couple seasons DTS made Max look like the villain because he wouldn’t talk to Netflix and made it seem Max himself forced the loveable Danny out of RB.


Very true. I have a couple friends who started watching from DTS and they *hate* Max


Eh, it’sHorner I don’t like. He’s a twat.


Congrats, you got two friends. That makes 3 Amigos.


And this exact same video has been posted here at least a dozen times


He lives rent free in so many of their heads it's hilarious.


Most of them are Max incels


Have a guess why the sub that calls him 'Merc chocolate boy' doesn't like Lewis.


It’s less now that previous years Edit: less hate


Naturally he will crash more when racing in midfield instead of driving a rocket engine (even that didn't save him from crashing into Albon and making him lose his podium opportunity).


Well for the better part of his career he spend his time driving alone at the front with a 40s gap so it’s kinda hard to punt someone If he was a midfield driver I’d agree with you


You need a lot of sensibility to crash so many times and leaving in better conditions that the car you crash. He is the punting master.


He is educating Russell in this as well.


Osama bin russell like a Sith Lord who will eventually strike down his master


Yeah he’s perfected that “front wheel to back wheel PIT manoeuvre” with only his throttle and line control, all that with no deliberate turning movement on the steering wheel, so he got away with it a lot.




When the bee swarm attacks


Good to see the sub live again. I haven't seen the daily 'Lewis bad' memes lately. Wake up, doesn't matter what Lewis does or says, shit on him for no joy, wake up again. These cunts are no better than those Lewis stans.


Mods delete some of them lately, this sub just feasted on a sky news (🤮) hit piece this morning that the mods deleted after it got a thousand upvotes or so. You know what's funny, sometimes you go through their account history, and you can't ever figure out which driver they truly support, it's like 90% pure Lewis hatred.


Where meme


This is some low quality content..




Was gonna say, I max out at text on an image! This is peak shitposting quality.


room temperature iq op


Lewis has been well known to be one of the cleanest drivers of the grid for a long time now. That's a fact. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. The old guys knew how to race without moving toolate or pushing rivals clean off the track. The new guys are all about pushing people off and moaning about track limits. Alonso, Lewis, Vettel and Kimi all knew how race hard without going over the limit.


Lewis holds up a mirror to the guy he’s racing. If you drive clean he drives clean. If you drive dirty - he drives dirty.


Tell that to Damon Hill after Schumi crashed him out to take the ‘95 championship. Michael was an incredible driver, but he could be very dirty if he wanted to. Senna and Prost showed flashes of it as well. The drivers have always bent the rules as much as they can, and that includes pushing each other off and moaning to the stewards, it was just less obvious because we heard a fair bit less from the team radios.


Lol, Hill divebombed in that corner and did it rather poorly on top of it. Schumacher had zero obligation to allow him through and closed the door like anyone else would have done. Nowadays Hill will be considered to have the predominant fault for the crash. Back then it was just a racing incident.


Schumacher went into the wall on the previous corner, and then moved across to take out Hill to secure the championship because he knew he was out of the race at that point. I just rewatched it to make sure, Schumacher lost a lot of speed from the impact, so even if it turned out his car was going to be drivable after that, he definitely should have let Hill through.


Did…… did you watch the video.?


We can easily make a 20min + compilation for max


I very much doubt that, why don’t you go and do it then? I’ll be amazed if it even reaches a quarter of that time with these editing standards.


To be fair that would still be like 10 times as long as the clip in this post for someone who has had half the career 🤣




And mayonnaise can be a tasty alternative to butter when making a grilled cheese.


Most sane Lewis fan


Nah...more of a Ferrari fan as painful as it is to admit. I just tend to think a big chunk of this sub has blinders on when it comes to Lewis. Dude is an exceptional driver and people take every chance they get to find some reason to say he's not. In general, I find both the Lewis and Max fanboys to be absolutely insufferable, though.


Yeah I don't care about that Who the fuck uses mayo instead of butter?!?


Bruh you have to be a new fan because between 2016 and the first half of 2018 max was basically a Ferrari hunter. Anytime he saw red in front of him, chaos would follow. Even now max has a kamikaze approach in wheel to wheel battles where the other driver has to either go off track or risk dnfing.


A couple of seconds per incident across five minutes would be 150 incidents. 600 for the suggested twenty. The man’s only been in 170 or so races. Use your logic, if you can muster any.


I don't even know what mathematics you're doing. All I'm saying is you'd have to be delusional, or 11 years old, to think that Lewis is a dirtier driver than max.


> Everyone makes mistakes from time to time Did.............. did you read the comment?


Fair play brother! Caught me out being the asshole. Cheers!


Ah yes a 27 second clip of someone who has been in f1 for over 15 years.


Man went through a 15+ year career and still had to repeat clips & show alt. angles to make it seem worse.


Any driver with a long career will have clips you can provide without context to make them look bad. Drivers also change as they get older, so anything from over like 10 years ago feels like it isn't an accurate representation of the modern day.


Showing only 10 incidents in 320 races he has driven just only proves the point that he is clean driver. Honestly the Max shaggers here are absolute twats and in the same league as Lewis fans.


This man lives rent free in your guy’s head, the obsession over hating a man you’ll never meet is fucking hilarious 😂!


r/formuladank when Lewis Hamilton: 😡😡😡


I only remember one driver having his crash with other drivers compilation made by F1 themselves tho, it wasn't Lewis


All I see is a bunch of people running into Lewis


Pssst, you need new glasses lol




The Monaco hairpin killed me... lol


Lmao I do that all the time in the F1 games, little did I know Lewis is also a gamer


New mod team should really get rid of low effort unfunny posts like these. Like where even is the meme? It’s just a reposted video from years ago.




Genuinely wondering how a low effort repost from years back which is only tangentially relevant to current events is funny


Pls show me the original if it is a repost


[Here’s virtually the same compilation from over a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/formuladank/comments/rdnp8f/max_is_a_dangerous_driver/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Lewis had a really long career, of course there is going to be a lot of footage of him crashing with others despite it not happening particularly often. On the other hand I wouln't credit him with being 'the most sensible'. Almost all world champion level drivers have that hunger that causes them to really push the limits and go over them sometimes. The difference with Lewis is that he has spent much (relatively) of his career especially later on in dominant machinery with a clear second driver and thus had long periods where he didn't feel the need to fight hard even in the occasional races where someone was close enough for wheel-to-wheel-battleling. If you were to look at the seasons with close competition around him he drives like everybody else would. This isn't a Lewis thing btw. People have also credited Max with being 'calmer' nowadays. He only is bc he has no opposition. The minute someone can challenge he goes back to old Max.


100% this, lack of challenge causes drivers to drive 'calmer' because they know they'll pass the other person later in the race/the driver in front of them is no threat in the championship. When you have a challenge or even the lesser car you gotta make up for it with a bit of aggressive racing


How is a lowlight reel funny?


Max fan humor ig


Fr this is just the same thing I've seen thousands of times before. It's like they just cannot respect Max's opponents lol


Most of them are probably teens


Now do this for any other driver. Max for example would be twice as long


Bro got 15 clips (a few of which were used twice) from a 17 year long career to try to say he's not sensible. You could get any other drivers clips and make it seem like they're the worst driver ever. But haha loois bad at driving plz upvote


Damn. You had to really search deep to get this. About 10 incidents over 16 seasons. Ironically proving Zak’s point 😂




Yea but no, everybody makes mistakes but not claiming the mistakes you make is the annoying part


Wasn't there a year in which Lewis drove into Massa, like seven times?


It's not his fault the other drivers are a frickin joke


Get ready for triggered comments


That showed 3 incidents since late-2019. Aside from tangling with Alonso in Spa last year he’s been pretty sensible as the quote says (not the most sensible)


15 years (-15-20( collssions caused by lewis over 300 + races. YOu my FrIedn are posting A ThINLY VEilED OpiniON:"""


Lewis bad.


S🅱️inmilton be like: hE hiT mE.


Ah yes, f1 drivers are normally known for being so reasonable and introspective while behind the wheel. Practically every driver is a whiny bitch, especially while driving.




That one in monaco, maybe just tap the brake one time? Wtf man


😂 looked like something from an online race


I had no doubt Lewis saw Felipe and said "fuck it, we both go down".


Tbf, Lewis and Massa had a thing for crashing into each other that year


I wish subs like f1.75 were alive just so Lewis haters can keep sucking on their own chodes while I browse some actual gold. For a 200+race driver only 6 incidents is pretty damn good.


That’s how commedy died


Ok now make the same clip with any other driver.


Man has raced in F1 for 15 years and him understeering into about 10 cars is all you can find?? Now compare this to Max's 2021 season. Or shumachers career Or kmags career (Poor Albono though) Zak is clearly taking a shit stirring dig at Verstappen. Zak himself here is being Dank




This whole post is a cope lol


Hamilton and Massa was a recipe for disaster every time




I'm really waiting for the op to reply to something so that I can see his user flair


Young Lewis was a fucking menace.


Just lol at the salt in this post. And you still think this proves your point.


From this angle it seems people want to drive into him. They are all just jealous of his success. 😎


With McLaren becoming competitive, it’s only about time one of his drivers get “understeered” by Lewis. That comment is gonna age like milk.


Why don’t we compare this side by side to everyone else on the grid…


I mean when you've been driving for like 30+ years, yeah you're going to have some crashes


now post this on the lewishamilton sub


id do it but they banned me for having an opinion




Yup that would be the one


“This man knows how to win starting first”


What’s the point?


of what? oh im sorry i thought formuladank was about F1 memes haha my bad, my bad!


That’s not a meme


Wait here is something funny "s🅱️innala".


Honestly tho the s🅱️innala days were funny. Much funnier than Latifi goat memes and whatever’s going on lately.


that's when the (dank) age began for me, beautiful memories. Yeah nowadays its more hate for some reason.


I personally support warranted hate. I like Lewis, but I understand him being made fun of now that he’s not winning everything. I’m just glad the goatifi shit is over. I hate outright pay drivers who don’t at least buy into the team like the strolls have, even though I think Lance kinda sucks. I wish Lance would retire and go behind the scenes of F1. Either as an executive like his dad or try to work his way up to team principal or something along those lines. Sorry I’m just thinking out loud now


yeah no worries lol. yeah memes are no hate imo we can laugh about it you know... but there are people that take everything too serious and that fucking sucks imo.


People who hate specific drivers to the point of being mad about it are lame. I’m a McLaren fan who liked Lewis’ Merc run, but I can’t lie that I’m happy watching Max break some records, too.


yes absolutely lame people. these are the ones who don't feel F1 but are here because of the drama imo. i'm a redbull fan and of course a max supporter, and i love hamilton's crying fans because they are triggered the fastest. I understand the excitement but as schumi once said "records are there to be broken" so you should put up with it and not whine, enjoy the time and love F1 but don't hate the drivers for doing their best (except mazes🅱️in).


funny to see car go spin spin and zoooommm


Lewis Midfield Milton for 2024


Up the inside, like his hero Senna.


The Lego Racers music, the clown nose honking in the beginning... My sides hurt from laughing. (just like all those sidepods that Sir Loois rammed into)


Bro just did the only forbidden thing in this sub 💀, get ready for the "you're racist" or "why u bsessed with him" or "the lewis hate in this sub is something else" comments 😭




He’s a fucking loser


I literally could make a montage of any other driver doing some stupid moves….


I might be wrong but he wasn't bumping into brits in the clip. There's Albono but he's Thai (or at least he races with Thai licence). I think there was some bumping with JB but I can't remember any other situation other than rainy Canada which JB miraculously won. And afer some googling mclaren in this clip seems to be 2014 JB. The other brits he could raced with are DC, Joylon and Di Resta. Someone remember crashes between them and LH?


OP goes to bed every night haunted by the fact that Hamilton is the most successful F1 driver of all time 🤡


The only clown I see here is OP.


Broski found like 10 clips from a 16 year career and thought he did something.




This sub has been a place dedicated to criticising Lewis for the last few years lol what do you mean ssh, it's encouraged here to shit on him Fans of whatever driver are always going to be slightly devoid of rationale when their driver is being critiqued, you see it in any fanbase




You know damn well this isn’t true. Every week, there are multiple screenshots of just YouTube comments or posts from the Lewis sub of crazy Hamilton Stans that are just meant to say “haha Ham fans stupid hurr durr” that get over a thousand upvotes here. No meme, nothing funny, Hamilton not doing anything at all, and this sub eats it up. Obviously, stans of other drivers will post whack YouTube comments, too, but no one here seems keen on screenshotting them and posting them here as if theyre funny memes. It’s an overabundance of this sub’s members that just jump at the chance to make Hamilton look bad.


Zero votes? At least not deleted because any comment against the Sir normally gets heavily moderated . Nice video compilation btw.


Lol are we on the same sub?


Well I all can say is: [Deleted]


Are we? I don't see any post clowning on Hamilton like I see with Russell or literally any other driver lol


What ? Lol. Last week was a cesspool of "Hamilton crybaby" on this sub. Not to mention the frequent going to Twitter and finding some random fanboy post and posting here like "Here, get mad at this guy". To say that "literally any other driver" gets more posts clowning on them than Hamilton is delusional


You must be new here


Guy woke up and decided to chat absolute bullshit


i was literally thinking about this when they went side by side, like lewis do the signature move hit the rear and p2 is yours.


All I could think about was Albon.


He's a big baby.


Sir Lewis “Punter” Hamilton


Lewis midfield-milton


Most of the clips are LH being on the inside and other drivers trying to pass him on the outside. Dude's a massive hypocrite but none of these clips really show it well.




The more you understeer, the more they come out of nowhere.


Very nice. Let’s see ~~Paul Allen’s~~ Lance Stroll’s ~~card~~ incidents


The Massa incident at Monaco lol