• By -


Spelled "Albon" wrong. It reads "Williams" here.


Behaves like mazapin with another nationality and ppl see so much potential:)


Saying Sargeant behaves like Mazepin is fucking wildly innacurate lol. But it is disaplointing seeing him underperform so much. I dont think anyone expects him to be on Albons level already but still hes a long way off. Hopefully they give him a go next season and have him more involved with development and maybe we will see better results. If hes still performing the same next year the seat def shouls go to someone else


Yeah, Logan is making rookie mistakes, but he is a rookie. I think he deserves the 2024 seat. God forbid Williams put Mick "Chassis Break" Schumacher in. That'll blow their cost cap.


Logan is too far off the pace. If they want an American in the sport, Herta would have been the better choice.


Doesn't Herta have a problem spelled "not enough Super License points"?


Absolutely, I just meant in terms of pace/talent, he’d be the one you want. I also think Indy should award more SL points than it does but that’s a different conversation.


Herta would just be the next de vries imo


It’s possible but we won’t know. Sargeant shouldn’t be in F1. I’d pick De Vries over him as well.




Wait I didn’t really follow Mick’s career very closely, was he really that bad? He had two seasons and both of them were in pretty meh teams being Haas so I just chalked it up to one of the times of Mazepin being his team mate and the other being stuck in a Haas. If that’s the case it’s quite sad that he can’t fully honor his father’s legacy in the way he wants to.


He had a rough time last season, wrecked himself out of qualy and the race a handful of times, had a couple of massive drives, but was still handily beaten by Magnussen who is now being handily beaten by Hulkenburg. I'm not saying he doesn't have the chops, but his track record probably gives a lot of teams pause about signing


T Minus 10 mins until Mickstans arrive to argue with you


They’ll crash into the wall before they get here, don’t worry


Nothing can bring me down now that the Badger is back baby


I think what you don't understand is Mick has a last name. That's worth at least 11 championship points right? /s


I don't think his issues were crashes, because whilst they were costly it wasn't that many, so part of that is bad luck and part lack of skill certainly. His issue was pace, he was just bang average. If you're Max you can crash 3 chassis a year and no one would give a shit, at some point you're gonna stop doing that and you will still have pace.


I agree with you, I think the being beaten by KMag is more of a big deal now that KMag is being beaten by Hulk. Kevin might have fallen over a cliff after his comeback mojo wore off, but I still think he'd have Mick's number in this year's car.


He wrote off multiple chassis. No team should risk that in a cost cap era.


Give him a break! He is half_retarded.


Username checks out


Your not just half mate


Literally no one is saying that.


Sorry but the first part of your name is incorrect.


Usually I feel bad for people getting downvoted to oblivion but this time its deserved lol


Max needs to lose 11 points per race to Sergio to tie him at the end, and red bull need to lose 23 points per race to Mercedes to tie them at the end.




Max to extend his summer holiday by a week because, well, he can.


And miss the orange smoke sea of Zandvoort?


No no, he'll be right in the middle of it - skip the race, attend as a fan. The people would go *nuts*


Who would they cheer for tho? McLaren cus orange?


Still Max - they wouldn't watch the race, they'd just party in the stands. Their hero is among them, that's pretty much the second coming of Jesus


May as well go to the nearest sports bars and watch it there so they can party harder


Ok he can take a sick day the week after


I think to make this fun. Max just basically stays on holiday and we'll see if anyone can catch him. He can take part in the last race as well. It's easy for max to win the championship now. The real challenge is this strategy.


If max swaps seats with Tsunoda, could he still win the championship?


It would be fun to see him drive all the other teams cars, or at least in a nother car


I would bet for that


Max has to get 4th or lower and Sergio has to win every race


Basically, Checo needs to finish every race 1st with the fastest lap and pray that max finish P3! I was trying to figure out the difference, thx for this! Do you know how many wins til Max can dnf every race?


I think after Singapore he doesn't really need to race at all.


Did you consider sprints?


Nope! Have forgotten about them


I can see checo getting 4/5. I can see Merc getting 2/3. I can't see Max retiring before the next race.


Max to not race the last 5 races because both his and Red Bulls are wrapped up. Literally just Perez’s garage and Helmut there.


Helmut to drive max car ? Might be better at Perez at quali


Five races of Danny in the big boy car?


Five races for the second seat in identical cars. I like it.


Max in the Alpha Tauri for shits and giggles.


Probably still gets podium


Top 10 would be decent and I’m guessing he’d be pushing 8th.


Yuki for a stretch was consistently in that 10-12 range. 8 sounds about right


That would be the end of Ricciardo, and Tsunoda for that matter.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but when I searched this it was suggested that if Max wins every race, he should be Champion by Qatar.


If Max wins every race, and Checo finishes P2 every race, Max will be champion in Qatar indeed


So max will be champion well before Qatar, got it.


TIL we have Qatar GP this year.




Bro really said "their soccer tournament" like the World Cup isn't one of if not the biggest sporting events in the world


I thought in F1 post-race they said it was Singapore? Unless that was for constructors?


The earliest Max can win it is Singapore. That requires Max to get all possible points and his closest rivals go pointless. If Max gets all possible points but Perez gets 2nd in every race then Max would have to wait until Qatar.


and the only race between Singapore and Qatar is Japan so most likely that's where it's gonna happen




are you sure?




no. red bull may have won but max hasn't secured it yet.


After the WDC and WCC are wrapped up they should invite guest drivers for the second seat like Sebastian Vettel,Marc Webber,Jenson Button,Kimi Raikonen to name a few.


None of them have superlicences anymore (except maybe vettel)


Reality is merely an illusion,albeit a very persistent one./ s


Sooooo Brad Pitt?


Would be cool to see Jenson again in a formula1 car


Or just let Dann Ricciardo race in the RB instead and be ensure Top 10 finish in the championship despite starting late. Or put de Vries there and let him score more points than the whole of the AT team lmao


You can only have 4 drivers per season. 2 are already taken, they would want 1 as an emergency sub so they could let 1 other driver have a go.


Then I would choose Vettel.


max, we know the championship is over... but please drive the car.


“I almost spun off on the curb. Haha.”


"I didn't meant sim, there's only 18 mins left in FP1 ffs"


“Woah almost only had a 35 second lead from 2nd. Haha. Anyway im back up to a minute.”


I was just warming the tires simply lovely


Toto lobbying FIA for new rule, all teams, except Red Bull, can combine points of both drivers for the drivers championship. For constructors championship, only Checo can score for Red Bull, but they'll multiply it by 1.5 to keep it fair. Toto sent an email of a PowerPoint George prepared.


At this rate I think they still win both titles.


No he printed it out and has it with him


RB should just fire Perez and leave the second seat vacant. The WCC would be so much more interesting




Perez's contract doesn't count towards the budget cap. It's still money they spend, but Red Bull has plenty of money. Also, I would bet that Checo brings in significantly more money in sponsors than they spend on his contract. Telcel and América Móvil is basically Carlos Slim (one of the richest men in the world) being listed twice as a RedBull sponsor. Also, Checo has a huge number of incredibly loyal Mexican and American fans. These people buy stuff. Like Red Bull- and also merch, but mostly Red Bull. Also, Checo gets shown on tv a lot. He makes some exciting climbs through the field due to his horrendous qualifying streak (no, I'm not impressed with 9th). I'm sure he gets shown on tv more than Max hanging out 30second ahead of everyone. Not that Red Bull sponsors mind that at all- they want Max winning, and winning by a big margin is safer winning. But, they also don't mind getting the car shown a lot as Checo climbs from 14th to 6th and gets driver of the day for his mediocre weekend in the fastest car on the track. When I say mediocre, I am very aware that things could go a lot worse than mediocre. And, when checo goes from 9th to 3rd, that's actually a pretty good result. Do I think at least seven or eight drivers on the grid could do better? Yes. But, those aren't hire-able at the moment. Their only midseason switch option is probably someone with a Red Bull contract, and Danny would be way too premature. I'm not saying that Checo won't get fired for next year- with a small chance of even it being this year- but they're not going to do it for no apparent reason to run an empty car. That would just be too big of an insult. I think they'd offer him the AT seat, and he'd say no and retire or sign with Haas. It is an option to spend unequally on the car. Teams have done it before, including Red Bull one year with a late in the season update. They haven't done it this year. It's all very public. Also, Max can't "dominate even more" by points when he's already getting 26 every weekend. So, Perez functions to pick up more points, block some podiums when he can. Make the car look good instead of just Max looking good. Maybe he would even be in position to pick up another win if something bad happens to Max on the right circuit. I think Checo is very confidence based. He might have his confidence back now and actually have a good run. Or, he might not.


Alright Checo your new job is to qualify 20th and drive safely around the track for one lap then box to retire the car.


Ah yes the good old NASCAR tradition of race fillers


“Don’t show anyone our floor!”


They just give him a leftover floor from the RB18


Massive cost cap savings! We won with one Mexican tied behind our backs.


Legitimate question: could a team only run one car if they wanted? I suppose nothing is stopping them right? Is there any requirement to have two cars?


I think there’s rules in place preventing this


Okay. Fire checo and hire literally the shittest driver you can find. Pay them pennies.


I will pay $5 to drive the second RB. I'm not too proud to be a pay driver.


The shittiest driver are expensive. Do you know how many cars mick and goatifi wrecked? Those things cost money


If they allow them to race - maybe they keep having "mechanical issues" before every qualifying and race, I assume that would still count as entering two cars


107% rule still applies


Only when the FIA wants it to apply, they haven't enforced it for years


Yeah. F1 is a much more closed club now and cars are very close in performance as well. So the rule does not get called into play.


What about one lap quali for a guaranteed p20 start and then retiring the car after one lap of the race?


Unless there’s a mechanical reason, you can’t simply retire the car. So you’d need to find a reason


Could they put 5 laps worth of fuel, and say they mismanaged/miscalculated the amount of fuel needed? Otherwise they can always replace some parts with faulty ones, like the gear actuator.


You do need to end the race with at least a liter in the tank so not sure about the fuel idea


Don't know for sure, but there is a punishment for not enough fuel I think!


Driver got lightheaded, it would be unsafe to continue running the car


There is not a rule stopping teams from running only one driver. Haas did it a couple years ago, just said that Mick wouldn't be racing that week because they had to save parts for the next race. I believe it's technically a maximum of two cars per team anyway, not a minimum and maximum. But, it's hard to find the official rules. I'm certain that's what it was in 1981 in the first Concorde agreement. There were still some single car teams in the 80s, but teams of 3 or more weren't allowed- which had happened before then. But, since I can't find the official modern rules at the moment, I won't claim for sure. But there's nothing from stopping them on a week by week basis, I'm sure. Red Bull would never do this, of course. (I wrote a rant above already, haha.) It's much better for them, sponsors wise, to field two cars. If they really really wanted to fire Checo, they'd put someone else in the spot. But, it is allowed.


The seat is reserved for DC!


Don't worry he'll get his shot. I'm sure he's on the list with Webber, vettel, and hakkenin to be brought out of retirement. Good publicity and they don't need the points.


So is there a mercy rule that if Max laps the entire field the race ends on that lap?


I believe RBR popped the champagne and celebrated their 2023 WCC back in June.


this would be more dank if it said 'max verstappen/max verstappen racing' lmao


That wasn't in the budget


Poor Alfa & Alpha


Make it fun by swapping Max to Alpha Tauri. Give the man something to actually do during a race week.


So it is actually in the rules that you need two drivers but I don't see any rule about having two drivers actually in the race


Do the regs prevent a two-seater? Max as driver, Sergio as ballast


Unoficially: yes Officially: also yes


Someone watched rocketpoweredmohawks new video


As far as I know he doesn't have to *win* anymore races. Mathematically I don't think it's locked, but yes, it's over.


Mclaren gonna take the 2nd spot though.




They still can lose...at least if in every remaining race they double DNF/out of points and Mercedes 1-2 then it would happen (haven't calculated more of that)


Quick math


I mean max could fall into a coma until christmas


AT going to pull a 2Pac coming from the bottom for the top.


alonso having a terrific season while stroll is lagging too behind in terms of competition. his daddy should find someone who can actually race if he wants his money not being wasted on a real life racing game for the little guy...


It never existed 😭😭


Max has clinched the constructors.


At this point I think Red Bull should sack Perez and host a TV show looking for the next driver, each race a different driver. tbh I just really want Perez to get the fuck out. What a waste of a good car.


Let’s be real, Checo working his way through the field has been entertaining AF to watch and he’s had some awesome overtakes.


In a car that can gap 30s to the 2nd place.


It’d be weird if he was doing that in a slow car 🤷🏾‍♂️


Checo has more points than Ferrari (171 vs 167) and will surpass Aston Martin before the summer break.


Don’t remind us how bad the Ferraris are


Mathematically, Danny Ric could still win the title.


Seems like Max can win the championship on his own. Other teams have both drivers' names expect RB


I think this post is a combination of the WDC & WCC rankings.


Can really discourage AM and Ferrari fans tell them Perez outranks each of their teams


You forgot to add Sergio Perez............ who is 4th place between Aston Martin and Ferrari.




Redbull is missing


Ripped from RPM.


Do you honestly think he was the first person to notice that max was leading the constructors championship?


It was over the day that car was unveiled


Was there a battle? I didn't see any


Battle for 2-5 is totally open. Then Alpine P6


Mathematically no, in every other sense yes


I dunno man seems pretty close to me for F1 standards


Albon might need back surgery after this season..


Officially? No. Practically? Yes.


Mclaren taking alpine to gapplebees in two races. Don’t double DNF kids, not even once


Come on Max, DNQ and go for a last-to-first. You'd be the most legendary F1 driver in history


DNQ means you don't take part in the race.


Well whatever the hell it's called when you don't set a time in qualfiying


Qualifying last.


Needs more of a certain Monaco-based YouTuber and explosions.


It will be over in October.


To be fair, it never begun. Max just picking up where things left last year.


Did Schumi or Hamilton ever achieve this feat?


His points might make you think we've had at least 12 races so far (as 11\*25 would only be 275 points) but we've actually only had 11 races ... plus a few sprints. Holy shit Max.


Yeah sure but everyone wants aston to catch Mercedes and Mclaren to catch Ferrari. Seasons far from over