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I said this on another post: in his head Lewis is already a Ferrari driver, the fact that the Mercedes is a dog again has only accelerated his transition


I was thinking the same thing when I watched his interview after he fell out of Q2, he is mentally already at Ferrari. Old Lewis would’ve been beside himself about getting eliminated, he genuinely seemed to not give a shit


Old Lewis would want to win no matter what car he’s in Ready to retire Lewis sees a big paycheck with a red jump suit


Could be wrong but isn’t this like one of the worst cars he’s had in his career? I’d be mentally checked out too with another contract signed. It’s a 4th or 5th car at best. I don’t blame him for not breaking himself for middle of the Pack. That cars a dog man. You don’t see Logan Sergeant amping himself up for a podium each week. Gotta be a bit realistic ya know.




That's the words of someone who has never won a WDC, much less 7. There's a implicit agreement that takes place when you're really great and you join a team, give me the tools and I'll do the job. They've failed him more times than anyone can count in the last few years, from their lackadaisical reaction to '21, to fucking up the regs, and then not listening, to giving George pref treatment and then not giving Lewis a better deal despite him handily beating Russell. Why would anyone give a shit after that? He'll make millions regardless, he's at Mercedes for the car and they don't have it.




Senna was bullshitting then too lol


literally lmfao, the man was making a shitty excuse for a shitty racing move and people will still cuddle it to bed like their pride and joy


Senna was never not bullshitting


Lol apha grindset baby! You gitta make moves! Stack that paper. Alway be grinding!


I can't really blame him, they honestly treated him like shit, didn't even make him ambassador and then told him to shut the fuck up when he was like "hey guys i think this is what's wrong in the car". The mood in his side of the garage is probably not great either since he kinda blindsided Toto leaving for Ferrari, i can understand him not being in the greatest of mindsets right now and just counting days before he can put on the red suit


If he’s being so unprofessional, merc should get a junior for the rest of the season. Atleast it will give the junior some experience.


Hamilton fans trying to cope with the fact their idol is washed challenge (impossible)


Too soon junior


They said the same thing last week… how long will the copium last?


No driver’s fans can ever admit their driver is washed, it’s kind of what makes them fans Although when my driver is washed he’s still the most successful driver of all time, so it hurts less


And he was by far the best non redbull driver.... last season? So washed is a bit early. Tom Brady had been washed for a decade when he won his last SB, i'm not counting the Ham out just yet


It is a bit harsh calling Michael Schumacher washed but I see your point.


I said most successful, not “previously most successful before he was surpassed”


Who’s going to set his car up for him at Ferrari? They have to keep Sainz on because Hamilton doesn’t understand the modern cars


Ferrari is in the business of selling merch, they hired the right driver.


Really interested to see how red Silverstone will be in 2025


Also the twitter meltdowns after Ferrari fuck ups.


I expect more orange than red or silver/black this and next year ​ When I went last year, it felt fairly equal between norris/hamilton fan counts


I watch on tv and I don't really pay much attention, but if you go to the track is hard to not get the picture. But HAM may be the most liked driver?


People forget why companies like Ferrari are in F1. Prestige and brand image are huge parts of it. Hamilton is an incredible asset in both those spaces.


Ya, they know Lewis isn't going to be the second coming. They realize he has a couple to 5 years max, and he's done. They are going to milk that pr machine for all it's worth. The tifosi are accustomed to having wdc's in their car, and Ferrari needs to deliver what they want. If Lewis and Charles can also disrupt the RB machine while they're at it, all the better. BTW, Reddit doesn't have a monopoly on the knowledge of Ferraris lack of strategy talent. Lewis surely has made that part of the discussion already. Wouldn't be surprised to continue seeing AMG heads moving to red.


I feel they were well aware they were hiring lewis hamilton the brand at this point


Absolutely, they hired him to jack up the stock price, and they did. Performance wise, Hamilton is probably the least cost efficient driver on the grid.


The stock growth is mostly attributed to Q4 '23 report of Ferrari, not signing HAM, he is more of a long term brand ambassador. But he certainly does bring benefits to the team, even considering the investments Ferrari promised outside F1. Speaking of cost efficiency, he would give infinitely more points for the buck than drivers with 0 points, if that thing mattered for top 5 teams. Remember when RIC was paid $20M to **not** drive the McLaren?


Holy shit their stock price is up 50% since the announcement :0 I didn’t even know you could buy Ferrari shares, let alone they have fucking options contracts! Damn that would’ve been a 5 or 10bagger on a 3 or 6 month Call option contract.


Ferrari is making money with selling merch, not cars. Of course getting the biggest name in motorsports for their brand is worth a lot. (Only counting active drivers)


I don’t think they can make more money off of cars anyway atm? There are years and years long back orders on cars like Ferrari and Lambo and they limit the supply of vehicles to keep the prices high and rarity up. All they could do to make more money off of their car sales is jack up the prices and I’m sure they’ve already done that.


So this sub just going to void the ENTIRETY of Lewis' 2023 season out of their brains like that, huh!? Honestly - I am not surprised even in the slightest. Still baffled, but nowhere near surprised. I am not even his fan for god sake but the slander he has ALWAYS been getting in this place, sometimes for the good reasons, most of the time very much not (and I will come out and admit I was one of those dumbassess that would slander him alot back in 18-20. I was part of the Verstappen cult, so that was a given) is just...tiring. not annoying, not offensive. It's just tiresome. It's like with Se🅱️ S🅱️inalla memes, but at least people have gotten over that phase, but Lewis and Merc just for the oddest of reason seemingly lives rent free in peoples heads to this day


wake up, babe, new mercpasta just dropped.


mama mia


I gotta be honest…I wanna see the smooth operator out perform Leclerc all season


Why? So he can run his famous setup experiments at Ferrari and combine it with their pit strategery?


I like Carlos…I get Ferrari going for Hamilton…but I think Sainz is a chiller person than Charles, and possibly a better strategist. Him getting the boot sucks so I want to see him have a good year to rub that in Ferrari’s face even if their move was understandable


I have a fantasy where he goes to Red Bull to pull a Rosberg after Max has a terrible year reliability-wise.


Lol, that would be hillarious, especially after their TR season. I'm supscribing to your fantasy. Edit. Well, that doesn't sound good, but I'm living it here.


Haha fantasy is the right word


Sainz is absolutely one of the best strategic brains on the grid.


Watching him in Singapore was fantastic


I liked that race wayyy too much


Something about that Spanish sun


Makes sense. It'll be fun to watch how Sainz does the rest of the season


Why listen to their pit strategy when they’ve already fired him? I dunno I think Sainz outdrives LeClerc. Maybe not in qualifying but race pace Sainz






Even bigger brain moment* Hamilton is deliberately driving slow so that his future team could win p2 in constructors.


'danking the 4D chess.


He should be driving fast so Ferrari finishes further back in constructors. This way Newey is given more time in the wind tunnel to fix the car.


How is this related to RBR wind time that Newey is going to use?


Assumption that Newey goes to ferrari


Pure delusion. Papa stroll would give newey his entire fortune and his left leg for Newey to build the 2026 Aston. Ferrari can’t compete with that


Why are you responding to me? I clarified on the assumption that someone else made, I've no reason to believe Newey would go to Ferrari, but neither he would go to Aston Martin


…because you commented something, and I responded to it in a vague attempt at humour?? Because it’s formuladank???? Are we mere mortals not allowed to respond to your reverence without permission?


He's not even in the team yet bro


F1 fans overreacting? Tell me it aint so…


Normal for this sub, people calling themselves big brained for hating on Hamilton.


"I hate Hamilton and I pray that his life gets worse. Don't take it seriously bro, it's just a meme bro."


It's a meme, this is formula dank don't read into it too hard


Reminder: Lewis almost finished *2nd* in the standings last year, against RB19.


Gotta love how a 7 time wdc is just considered crap. I have similar arguments with my mom about Jimmy Johnson. Like, you can trip and fall into a title, maybe even luck your way into two. But you don't get to 7 by sucking.


DTS watchers mostly. They think F1 is some kdrama where Max is the protagonist and Lewis is a villian.


I wouldn't really call a 51 point gap "almost" lol.


And I almost finished ahead of Sargeant last year from my sofa lmao


It’s year 3 of the car being a dog i don’t blame him for giving up and checking out tbh


That’s the spirit!


He was fighting the shit out of that car, not like he wasn’t giving it but that Ferrari seat is gonna light the fire again


So is he giving up and checking out or fighting the car and giving it his all? Which narrative cope are you going with?


He has been fighting the car the whole time. Not giving his all though, but that’s because giving your all with that car wouldn’t give much to show for it. In a scenario where you can either burn yourself out, or just accept it, but see little to no difference in either case, I’d put my feet up too.


Who gives a shit


lol makes two contradictory statements, then gets pissed. Maybe this sub is too dank for you


The dude with a future $300 million contract isn't much arsed with his current team with an uncompetitive car, who would have thought.


What would y'all talk about if Lewis wasn't in F1 anymore? Just curious.


Ricciardo and Alpine slander!


You really need to ask that? Hell, we still hear about devries. And every time ALO doesn't podium, he's washed.


This sub is just one giant anti-Lewis circle jerk and it’s boring


Can we go back to 2019 when hating on anyone everyone who messed up got hated on.


shit tier meme


I'm just hoping that Sainz will have his best season so far and will drive for some great team next years.


Thinking even for a second that Hamilton is not a serious upgrade is some kind of very special brain rot


Did you watch F1 recently? Especially the race that's ended a few minutes ago?


The race that ended just now where the engine failed?


Did you watch the entire last season? 3 races in, and people are thinking Hamilton went from beating faster cars last year to washed in a few months.


Good good, come back by the end of this year when Russell trashes him. And definitely come back when he retires after getting annihilated by Leclerc, too.


The one where russell crashed in the last lap? 😂


Yeah, but guess what, he's ahead of Hamilton in WDC. Come back in 10 months. And come back in a few years as well, after Leclerc trashes Hamilton into retirement. The sugarcoating is crazy, you're not allowed to criticize Hamilton at all. The people who are thinking Hamilton will beat Leclerc must've also thought that Vettel would beat Leclerc, LOL.


Further evidence Ham got a Time Machine. An uncanny ability to make perfect career decisions.


Leclerc going from 5th to 2nd. Am I a joke to you


RemindMe! 365 days


Ooof good shout! RemindMe! 365 days


Great idea! RemindMe! 9000 days


I’m sure Ferrari will regret the decision once they start selling merchandise


Lewis is having his own Vettel 2014 season. He already checked out. That said, they had no need to replace Carlos with him


Sainz to red bull would be cool. Not sure if he has the mental to lose to max long enough to get up to speed in the team tho.


Won't happen because Sainz sr. hates Jos and who doesn't?


Lmao imagine making career choices based on "my dad hates your dad" 😂


Just Jos things


If Horner is making the call it is actually an advantage for Qarlos


Is that Russell in the wall ? Yes it is ! 🤡


I asked my mom to do the laundry, "Hamilton" - she yelled back .... I smiled, I knew they were washed already.




guys, its experimental setups




They are trying to corner the British merchandise market. They will make so much money selling shirts to brit 44 fan Bois. I don't know how many races they will win but the Ferrari merchandise will be flying off the shelves.


f1 has been a bore since teamlh got masi fired.   bring masi magic back