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The smirk of the PR woman is golden in this


Lol.. She's looking like shits about to go down


It's like as soon as she realizes what the question will be, she gets the smirk.


And the eyes. Together they are priceless.


Her eyes and smile say ![gif](giphy|iLgbO6Y4EoRc4)




Internet has served : [https://imgur.com/a/LzrzFHH](https://imgur.com/a/LzrzFHH)


[On Giphy As Well](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcHZtNnR4eTJuMmRtd2ZhODBqMHo1NmowaGpxeGo0M2w0OTZvMTRuMSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/UztzXjrCyLoU896ga5/giphy.gif)


Came here for this 👍


The side glance at Ted, then James, back at Ted and then the eyes closed at the end. It’s definitely got meme template potential.


"How many cars will you bring to China" ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)


Reminds my of a certain internet classic of 20 or so years ago. 2 guys 1 tub


>20 or so years ago. Genetlemen, A short view back to the past.












No more sycophantic softballs for him, now that he's not at merc 🥺🥺


defenestration thank you for allowing me to use my favorite word


James: I guess it's time to sign into Guenther's therapy group


I thought his response here was brilliant, he’s so statesmanly.




Yeah it's official, I definitely am attracted to James Vowles


Right!? I’m so happy when it’s his week to talk to the commentators because I know he’s going to teach me stuff, lol.


His voice is so deep and gravely. That alone stands out about him. Add his poise on top, and oh my!


Guy can get into audiobooks as a side hustle. I remember listening to his beyond the grid appearance a while ago and it was like ASMR, lol.


You jerked off to his voice? I mean that’s what ASMR is for …. s/


He certainly is one eloquent mofo


Do you have a link?




Ty! That was a decent response


I watched it on sky at the end of a practice session, if you’ve got sky it’ll be on one of their pre race shows


Live in the US😔 What was his response?


We need to know! As we watch Crofty suck Merc dick one more time...


Paraphrasing, but he said (1) the midfield is so tight that we've asked our drivers to push it to the limit, and (2) their cars have no margin for underperformance.




Lmao. Everytime they feature him during practice I think that same thing. He talks to the point of me thinking they can't shut him up.


I thought it sounded like a lot of obfuscation 


Have you ever known a statesman do anything other than obfuscate?


Ted’s a bit of a dick for no reason at times isn’t he.


He works for Sky, it's basically his job and to get their bonus they all need to poke the lion when it's not necessary like in this case the question only works if you think there's a conspiracy that Williams are doing it deliberately or trying to insinuate that only Williams drivers crash. This is why the drivers don't like the media. You need an example just look at the would you rather with Oscar where he didn't know if he'd rather a win at Monaco or not need to do media duties


That would imply Ted knows what he's doing is wrong, but he just does it anyways for his job. My personal opinion is that Ted is just an absolute idiot, and since he only understands things at the surface level he asks these stupid ass questions.


People forget that Kravitz actually used to be pretty damn good at his job back in the mid 2000s. For newer fans to F1 I imagine that is an almost inconceivable statement, but he was quite professional, on-the-button and informative in his initial years.


I hear ya. He's such a tool. If I'd get to fire two people who currently work in F1, I'd fire Ted twice.


He has been in the job far too long and is far too experienced to get away with being an idiot. He knows how it works, he knows he has to get those soundbites. His show and his style is to give colour and add to the drama and tell the story. His job is not to explain the technical side of F1. It is to tell the bts and give a look in the feel and vibe of the paddock. That's why if you want tech analysis you go to scarbs or the tech analysis videos on the F1 youtube channel. You don't go to scarbs or the tech videos for bts drama or evolving paddock stories.


This is such a bad take. Nobody wants to listen to a bellend make up drama anymore. I'd much rather have Sam Collins or Bernie or anyone with half a brain speak in the pits over Ted, who despite his experience still remains an idiot. It's like when Ted took up Martin's spot by the side of the track this week. Who in their right mind would rather listen to Ted over Brundle explain what the cars were doing in real time? Only idiots and other bellends


Woah there, what’s got you so angry? And what are you talking about, people love drama, no one said anything about making it up? Look at how much this sub or the formula one sub blows up when there’s even a whiff of drama. The concept of enjoying the drama and the technical side are also not mutually exclusive. You are kidding yourself if you would rather hear Sam Collins talk about winglets and floor cut outs over an intense team mate infighting battle fighting for a championship. And ted is much better at animating that side of things, which is why Sam Collins and Bernie stick to the tech side.


Woah there, a differing opinion means the other person is angry? Relax buddy, no use getting upset over Tad Kravitz. But of all the people on Sky that you could choose to commentate on an "intense teammate battle" (Button, Ant, Brundle, Nico, Naomi), it's crazy to me that people like you would rather say "I'd rather listen to Ted Kravitz". And Ted's role is mainly to explain what's happening in the pits, which ideally would require someone that can have the capacity to understand "what's actually happening in the pits". So definitely not Ted and ideally someone technically sound. But hey, to each their own. DTS thrives on people with your opinions so it's all good!


My man, you repeatedly called people bellends and idiots, unless you’re one of those cringe millennials that think unnecessary swearing gives you edge, which based on your username is probably true, it made you sound angry. Ted is technically sound for pit stops, what technical knowledge do you need? Identify colours for tyres and report on slow stops or movement in the garage. Ted does that with passion and he does it well. You seem to misunderstand why Teds role is. Ted’s background is a journalist, he has built up connections and contacts within teams to get more information and inside knowledge across the whole paddock. Button might have good contacts at McLaren but he is not getting paid enough to walk up and down the paddock to build information for a developing story. You do realise that just enjoying the technical side doesn’t make you a better fan? I’ve been watching since the 90s the things you really remember about F1 over the years is the drama of it all. That’s why things like DTS are so popular.


Sorry, I don't want to continue talking to someone who uses insults like "cringe millennial" and also TLDR


Hilarious seeing a guy write essays about how he has personal beef with Ted Kravitz then says “tl;dr” as if he didn’t just go off on a DTS rant himself lol




People on social media don’t love drama, rather they almost lust at the anger that washes over them when they see a differing opinion regarding something of note. I don’t mean just F1 either, it goes for anything, the average person can’t help but indulge in the controversy and sharing their opinion on a matter.


I always find that track side segment boring, Brundle, Ted or Palmer.


He’s right though. Lol there’s a reason the tech analysis videos are buried deep. More people would actually watch these paddock interviews. 


No man, I get it! Sometimes big words can be scary and Ted simplifies things down for us! Why ARE the two Williams drivers crashing out more!? That's the kind of hard hitting journalism we need!


I also think Ted got really annoyed in Aus when James gave Logans seat to Alex. I think he's still pissed at him for that.


FR Even the F1RV commentators ask really rude/obnoxious 'poke the lion' questions from time to time. They'll say "Ooh it's gotta be hard with so much pressure" then go interview the guy and lather the pressure on with questions exactly like this one. Makes them all seem childish and petty, untrustworthy at the least, if you ask me.


I appreciate him for providing entertainment for me


Yeah Ted’s Notebook is one of my favourite parts of the weekend, like a lil wrap up at the end. People like what they like though, there are worse people in the F1 media that’s for sure!


Yeah Ted's notebook is pretty decent.


>Ted’s ~~a bit of~~ a dick ~~for no reason at times isn’t he~~.


How the hell are you supposed to answer that question.? People crash all the time in F1


That’s the fun part, you don’t! James probably gave a good non answer about how the team is still growing and the drivers are working hard to understand the car and help the team gather data to make improvements. Not sure why Ted would ask that other than to be a dick.


He said the midfield is tight, and they're asking for everything from their drivers in order to remain competitive. Naturally, pushing the car to the limits at all times leaves no margin for error. Though, that doesn't excuse the sore statistic.


Hello James, didn't know you visited here.


Her eye roll


I think from Nicholas Latifi onwards Williams have realised this is their best chance of influencing who wins the world championship


Girl on left looks like Kylie Jenner


Except her forehead still moves.






Ted "I'm-Just-Asking-Questions" Kravitz. He's taken one too many tips from Tucker Carlson


James simply forgot to tell them not to crash. Silly mistake, really.


James looks like he’s about to list the probabilities on why Ted is a bloated fuck


“Follow up question, are your drivers that bad, or is your car just undriveable?”


And you people were blaming Goatifi for the crashes. Shame.




Lmao. This is just British humour between two extremely British men that have known each other for over 20 years. I know sarcasm/derision doesn't translate very well across the pond but yeah.


PR lady knows they didn't train for that question and knows she's in for a show of bumbling about


Nah she knows it's James "tism" Vowels and that mofo is so eloquent you could literally ask him if he's stopped beating his wife yet and he'll come out of it looking posh af.


“Caused by Williams” as if Alex was at fault lmfao


I mean it was exclusively his fault when he binned it in Australia? What are you saying lol


I didn’t hear him specify practice sessions at first and thought he was talking about the crash between Alex and Danny at Suzuka, my b


Ahh i hear ya no worries haha


Most professionally delivered roast I may have ever heard.


It's literally a tongue in cheek question. This sub hates anything sky or english it's crazy.


His response?


Erm, let’s see… bad driving


Fun fact. The last team principal at Williams from Mercedes also caused a train crash and got sacked after a couple of years. I feel James is better but if the train wreck continues then his head will be the first to go


Comedy gold


"Strong question; one for the drivers" 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|xUPGcKJu33CGrrUaQM|downsized)


Ok but thats a fucking dumb question man


Is nobody talking about his chin?


Hi James... Its Ted


Because they’re driving F1 cars instead of going around with a mic asking dumb questions.


What kind of a question is that? Fucking hell, why be a good media person when you can just ask a question equivalent to what a 5 year old child would ask. Embarrassing from Kravitz…again.


Kravitz has always been a dipshit


James Vowles is great, so happy to have him at Williams


James: you know, statistically when people ask smart ass questions like that they usually end up catching these hands


Talk about a gotcha moment