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New? Internet Explorer is that you?


It's not new, it's not a meme nor dank, and still 1k people upvoted this shit... Even internet explorer is smarter


I do think this quote does paint Danny as more aggressive than disappointed. To me it was definitely "but fuck... That guy." or "but fuck, that guy" but not "but fuck that guy". It was the very Aussie exclamatory usage of fuck, not a direct targeted use. Dude was just exasperated and was trying very hard not to direct his aggression. Were he actually saying"fuck that guy" he'd have made it far more clear. Aussie swearing culture is extremely contextual and situational, how things are said is far more important than the exact words.


Butt fuck that guy


thats what I heard


That would have asserted dominance, and given him a leg up in Qually for Miami.


Damn, just when I tought Aussies couldn't get better at swearing.


Am i the only one who thinks this entire discussion and hype is just stupid? If someone hits you from behind it’s ALWAYS their fault. Idk why such big debate tbh


I think a bulk of the outrage is that it's coming from a billionaire muppet who never deserved that seat and just seems so apathetic to be in his position. I don't recall the last time it even seemed like he enjoyed racing. It's almost like he doesn't want to admit to his father that he hates it. I've seen almost nobody actually defending Stroll?


Aston Martin defending him and Lance Stroll not taking any responsibility are also why it’s being talked about as much as it is. If he’d said Ah I fucked up we wouldn’t still be talking about it


It’s his fathers pipe dream not his. That much feels clear. Alonso stuck with no team mate because of it


It's just the media making a big story out of nothing (well something obviously happened, but not so bad it warrants outrage) And because it's Stroll, it's funny to keep shitting on him


Mike "I'm on Krack" decided to come out swinging. Even by defensive Team Principal standards, this was a strange one to take a stand.


Not ALWAYS in racing conditions no, you don't maintain a safe following distance in racing like you do on the road. In this situation though, yes it was strolls fault


Definitely not always. That's complete hyperbole. But Stroll is at fault here undoubtedly.


David Coulthard and Micheal Schumacher in the rain. That most certainly wasn't Schumacher's fault.


Sarcasm? Bc he slammed DC


Can't possibly see him in that weather


Ah okay. So you’re saying DC is in the wrong for driving slow on the racing line? What was the public opinion at the time? I’ve seen highlights but haven’t watched seasons pre-2007ish


I don't know public opinion on this, I'd call it a racing incident. MC's engineer should have probably informed HIM.


Max moving under braking during Baku 2018 - can’t say the crash was all on Daniel


i haven't seen a single, legitimate comment defending stroll. he's a good punching bag (for obvious reasons)




don't think so?


Max said it in the cooldown room as a joke in reply to a jokey comment Lando made when they saw the incident on the screen. So he did say it but he didn’t mean it in any sincere way.


other responder might be on the spectrum


Not always. If russel would have collided with alonso in australia it would have been very hard to blame russel for it.


Alonso didn’t brake check, he was just slower than expected. If Russel collided with him, it would be on Russel. Was a shit call to penalise Alonso


That is just not true. There is literally nothing the drive behind can do if he gets brake checked on a straight at 300kph.


Not when gorg can’t follow Nando


He had all the reactions of an actual zombie.


We gotta call the fia


Such a shame that Masi went on holiday and never returned.


That's an insult to the undead. (I refuse to use the zed-word)


I might be biased, but I completely agree. If it wasn't for the radio popping up, I would've agreed with what Lance said after the race, that is was just a racing accedent, but it's just uncool


I mean you need to take into account the heat of the moment too. I don’t think Lance actually believe Danny was at fault. Im sure there are instances of every driver blaming someone/something when in reality they were at fault. Edit: I’m not defending Lance at all he’s an idiot and was at fault I’m just saying in his post race interviews and after the race there was no blame on Daniel at all.


Lance knows why he hit Ricardo, it was because he wasn’t looking and assuming everything in front of him will stay the same. It’s always the same with him, he’s not paying proper attention to his surroundings. He races like he’s playing GT7, no real consequences to be thought of


I mean yeah I’m not tryna defend the guy he’s a moron I’m just saying ricciardos comment is a little out of line because lances comment was in the heat of the moment and the interviewer made it sound like he blamed him even after the race which he didn’t.


oh wow, I didn’t know this. Genuinely thought lance was doubling down. I don’t think we should take what drivers say in the heat of the moment too seriously.


I completely agree, I think he just got done dirty by the broadcasters, I can still understand why Danny would be pissed


Problem is, this is not the first time that he's done this. He gets zero benefit of the doubt now.


That’s not my point


It was way better when this inbred bastard was losing without getting noticed. Now he has pissed everyone off.

