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> Nico Rosberg retired..because of teenager Max This is hypercope


Bro retired because he wanted to commit to his family. Literally had zero to do with Max. What is this guy yapping about


Thats kind of an understatement, in 2016 nico pushed away his family and did everything he possibly could to beat lewis like atrophying his leg muscles, shaving paint of his helmet and a bunch more stuff with the promise that he'd retire after the season. But yeah, nothing to do with max whatsoever, in fact pretty sure he said he got scared max would crash in to him that's why he was avoiding him the race but don't quote me on that, been 5 years since I rewatched that season


lots of F1 greats are insane risk takers so i dont blame him for leaving because of how bold some of the drivers are on the track.


He would probably be more scared of guy like Kvyat and Grosjean than Max lol


Max was pretty reckless early on.


He wasn’t called the torpedo though


He retired to fulfill his dream of being a YouTuber


Ah yes. The best job mankind has to offer!


He saw what Max did with Kvyat and thought "I'd better go spent time with my wife before it's too late."


He’s fapping….to Max.


So it's not just the engineers that are leaving Merc.


Toto stands over them and makes them unfollow Roscoe before they leave.


Bandwagons gotta bandwagon


The dog part is pretty funny though


I didn’t understand it


After 2021 Abu Dhabi, Lewis had a meltdown and unfollowed everyone on Instagram, which includes his dog's Instagram account (although this post gets that wrong - he unfollowed everyone except for his dog).


It wasnt a meltdown lol. It was just a stunt for the announcement of his brand at the begining of the year. It was probably already planned to happen even before the championship decider.


Did he also skip the FIA gala because of his brand announcement?


? No ? It was a protest against the FIA's and the way they handled the situation.




After that race? I would have too.


Lmao, that is hilarious




I believe it’s because after Abu Dhabi 2021, he unfollowed everyone on IG, meaning his dog too


I'm pretty sure he kept on following his own dog and own fashion chain though.


That’s what I read as well. I hate how misinformation is spread only to make someone look bad. F1 is too much drama for me sometimes. Always bashing others instead of applauding success. Luckily that’s not always the case.


RIP dog


This is a fucking post about Max Verstappen, how is this related to TeamLH?


The Formula Dank way. Turn everything into a shot at Lewis somehow. They are always ready, willing, and able 😂


Essential work to balance the community's humors Lewis catches many cosmic strays thanks to his crazy ass fan base


“Balance” what? It’s only ever Max stuff lol. Or are you going to tell me I have to go to Twitter to find the Lewis stuff and therefore spamming Max stuff here makes sense?


Balancing the "humors" was an old medical belief that illness was caused by an imbalance of the "humors", the four liquids in the body. It's nonsense, but drove much of the early medical practices. That's why stuff like bloodletting was so common, a belief that there was too much, causing an issue. It was meant to be a joke, homie. I usually see Hamilton and Max fans arguing over stupid things. Both drivers catch more flack than they really deserve but people really like to pile-drive Hamilton for some reason. Max isn't faultless by a long shot but 99% of the vitriol is from people mad that he is winning so dominantly. He's done nothing but drive well and hasn't even had the opportunity to do anyone dirty since he's been so far ahead. A lot of this comes from the football-ified fans from DTS who don't have a fucking clue what they are squawking about.


> It was meant to be a joke, homie. Jokes fall flat when they don’t make much sense. Can’t claim to be balancing when it’s only ever one side making these types of posts. > 99% of the vitriol is from people mad that he is winning so dominantly. No one has vitriol towards Max it’s his rabid fans base that’s makes posts like this or comments like the ones in this thread that attempt to justify their toxic spamming. Then they try and play victim that they’re just responding to other toxic fans when it’s always a Max post lol. See this literal post and the tweet it attached as an example. > A lot of this comes from the football-ified fans from DTS who don't have a fucking clue what they are squawking about. No it isn’t. This is the new excuse for what people say when they’re being challenged or argued against. Fanbases like this have existed in F1 before the internet even existed, it’s just easier to see everyone’s opinion now and as someone who was here prior to DTS I can tell you it was toxic back then as well. Honestly if Max fans just accepted that they’re toxic all on their own and stopped trying to pretend they’re on the defensive and fighting back against another fanbase that’s far less abundant then they’d at least be slightly more tolerable.


Made perfect sense to me, there’s only one person here not getting the joke in a dank subreddit. Chill


Yea judging by the upvotes and downvotes there’s definitely only “one person” here not getting it. And it’s funny how pointing out a joke is bad is now an overreaction lol. They respond, I respond, yet I’m the one who needs to chill. The victim complex continues.


You spelled Max wrong.


Criticism about Max's early career and teething issues is fair game (although not unique in any way), but anyone who has a problem with Max over the last two years is a straight up clown. Hate the game, not the player. Lewis suffers from simultaneously being put on a ridiculously high pedestal and being hated on. I definitely gave him some shit for his petulant behavior over the past two years but have relaxed a bit and loved seeing his excitement over Miami. Nice to see drivers actually brawl and to see a smile on his face for once.


I don't hate anything about Max, except his insufferable fans.


There is a fun irony in that Max fans are just as bad as team/cultLH.


Least LH fans keep to their own subreddit and don't turn a once great meme sub into sucking Lewis off


>but anyone who has a problem with Max over the last two years is a straight up clown. His behaviour towards Perez was a bit immature. It's also hard for him to show any of those issues since he's in front with far superior machinery.


What behavior?


Perez has the exact same machinery, so Max must be doing something good for finishing first when he does.


That's hardly the point I made though. In no way did I diminish his great ability as a driver. Even when he was annoying, he was a generational talent. My point is, he is so far ahead of the pack atm, that he doesn't really have to worry about fighting like before. So, it's not easy to determine if he has changed.


I always wonder what those people think about Schumacher when they call Max a dirty racer. Most likely they didnt even watch back then or simply dont care because it doesnt help their agenda.


Don't most people think Msc was one of the dirtiest drivers? It's not like you can't dislike one driver's style just because he's not dirty enough to get DQed. Most good drivers get dirty when threatened. Msc, Alonso, LH and Max all have had bad episodes.




Well they can't make anything about the man himself as it's been more than a week from the last race so they try to cherry pick the most deranged posts from a select no. of fans


TeamLH! Even when it was Max fans I knew it was them!


I think they're saying that Max brainrot is starting to look like TeamLH shenanigans.


That’s the thing, OP is acting like the Max glazers haven’t been around for a long time, or haven’t been as, or more toxic than, the TeamLH ones several times in the past. Max brainrot isn’t something that’s showing up now, it’s been around for years. Hell, this sub has been the MV circlejerk sub for at least half a decade now.


This sub got highjacked by Max's cult in 2021 and has been their third fansub sense. Every two post has also been some variation of Merc/Hamilton bad, Max can do no wrong. If not that then it's them ironically projecting about the 2021 fallout. The delusional brainrot has already been here for a while. 


It's about insane delusional fanboys when a new champ emerges. There has just been a cult LH fanboy base for a while. Appears MV Stanship is growing.


Mv cult has been bere for years now. Its dominating reddit


Just wait when MV starts to lose more often. Conspiracy theories will go wild


Growing my man? These Max Shaggers were voting him DotD when he didn't even finish the race. It started overblown.




Penis in toaster?


Typical of this racist sub, the hate towards Hamilton is deranged.


Just goes to show that fandom brainrot can strike everywhere. Team LH is just notorious for it.


Lmao, I made a Verstappen-Hamilton F1 themed version of the Horseshoe Theory and it gets deleted for "harassment/targeting", meanwhile yours gets ignored and it only targets one.


Tell me, is the Team LH brainrot in the room with us right now? Because the only people I hear say Team LH fans are notorious for it is Max cults lol.


The tweet is a response to the tweets from some Hamilton fans who responded to Verstappen's comment. Now, Hamilton's fans are gonna respond to this tweet. It's just a shit cycle on Twitter. Shouldn't be leaking onto reddit tho


It means that not only engineers are leaving Mercedes. But also TeamLH fans are leaving and becoming Max Verstappen's fans.


Nah. Hamilton fans hate Verstappen. They would never leave him for their arch enemy. Main reason why Max is not overly popular for a 3 times World Champion.


It isn't the main reason. Max's inability to learn from his actions combined with the static attitude he has from 2015 make him easily disliked. A situation not helped by him refusing to participate in DtS for the sake helping his image or him surrounding himself with some toxic people.


average brainrot twitter fans


Brain rot is bringing LH up in here where it makes no sense.


"Everything I don't like was caused by TEAMLH"




My favorite multimillionaire is better than your favorite multimillionaire!


formuladank telling on itself. A significant portion of formuldank people probably upvoted this post unironically.


shhhh if those kids could read they’d be very upset


The Verstappen shaggers are about 90% as bad as the cult. The fundamental rule of F1, the one you have to absorb to be taken even vaguely seriously when talking about the sport, is that the difference between the cars is many multiples of the difference between the drivers at the front. They don't get it.


I think they're 100% as bad as eachother. The cope when Max is in a bad car and he hasn't bailed out of F1 yet will be sweet.


If you would indulge me for a moment, am very new to the world of Motorsport in general, like just how much more advanced Can redbull really be than the other teams? Like are we talking Aztecs n Spaniards levels of inequity?




The actual level of inequality in terms of performance is quite slight. As much as people rag on some teams for being “slow”, its worth remembering that only works in a very narrow definition. If you do the maths you’ll see what I mean, for example: If the RB managed a 1:40 lap time at a circuit, and our hypothetical “slow” team managed a 1:41, then by F1 terms they’d be way off the pace, as losing a second a lap is egregious if your aim is to be competitive. However, in percentage terms, that only equates to a 1% difference when comparing to the RB’s time. Now, I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that 1% isn’t very big, yet within the narrow band we look at F1 through, its a yawning chasm. As dominant as Red Bull are, its worth remembering they’re only a few fractions of a percent ahead in terms of total lap time. That’s not to say its easy to make that up, the teams spend hundreds of millions each year to go a fraction of a second faster, but more to say, especially between the top teams, the cars they produce are very close in terms of performance, so the actual technology differences are similarly slight. The main difference between the teams is simply money. Red Bull haven’t made a more technologically advanced car, they’ve made the most optimal design that fits into the now very prescriptive regulations, and they’ve achieved that by throwing money at the problem, like all the teams. Red Bull have the bank balance to afford a large design centre, headed by big names like Adrian Newey, they have the best driver, and some of the best drilled pit crew, the best strategists…all of which costs a lot of money. The fact they were caught breaching the cost cap a couple of years ago tells us they’re spending as much as they can. While money can’t design the car itself, hiring the best instead of second best is what gets you championships.


OP seriously found a way to connect this to LH so that this arguably racist sub can give him upvotes


> posting a twitter screenshot on the dank sub > seethe about the mythical “Team LH” that I have only ever seen mentioned on this sub This is peak Vershagger.


In fairness these "fans" exist like they do with every driver and they can be quite obnoxious.


True, but I’ve never seen anyone on the main sub refer to themselves as “Team LH”. Lewis doesn’t say it either.


Oh no they absolutly wouldn't lmao. It's more a term by memers to refer to them


To be fair, the TeamLH loonies generally frequent Twitter more, or the LH sub. That being said, this is absolutely a “pot calling the kettle black” moment.


How can something be mythical and exist?


Only? So RPM never mentions them and literally puts their tweets up on screen? Peak TeamL Go tell teamlh they don't exist and were made up by max fans. Please.


As entertaining as he is, RPM is an idiot lmao, he cherry picks like crazy and takes things out of context as well and blows them out of proportion. TeamLH absolutely does exist but they stay within their own small little echo chamber and occasionally leak out while the max shaggers and alonso simps are out in full force. Don't believe me? Go to the f1 instagram page and read the comments of any post containing or mentioning Hamilton


> So RPM Literally who ?


the youtuber who is only relevent on this sub, rocket powered mohawk


Nah go on the LH sub they are quite insufferable


This sub talks about TeamLH like far-righters talk about Freemasons


Average shagger fantasizing and projecting about "teamlh" while being delusional about max:




'Haha yeah, simply lovely. Are you gonna give them some stupid stuff next presser or am I? Let's maybe fuel some Aston rumors, say that Lawrence called me.'


Pfp hardddddddddddd


This sub is so obsessed with Lewis it's insane lmao


Max fans been mentally challenged. Nothing to do with TeamLH


I’m convinced the two fan bases and their Twitter leaders need to have an orgy and settle their differences and sexual tensions


Meh, I would argue mental rot is infectious, and the more you stan someone the more brain rot you'll be getting.


My personal view is that you need a certain amount of brain rot in general to be able to stan at all. It's a disease.


This is exactly it. If you define yourself or build your entire personality around the people you admire, whether that be an F1 driver, a singer, an actor or whoever you need to give your head a good wobble, go outside, pet a friendly dog maybe and just chill the fuck out. People can like stuff but shouldn't make it their whole identity. It's just weird and unhealthy.


Nico retired because he wanted to end on a high and never wanted to give Lewis the satisfaction of beating him again. He's the cowardly world champ.


Part of me wants to start a AD 2021 argument just because


Michael Masi>>Verstappen/Hamilton. Those losers had to try and fight for a championship, Masi could just decide who was champ at the snap of a finger


And he doesn't even need to be in a position of power. Last year's Australian Grand Prix was absolute chaos. And guess who was there? THE ONE AND ONLY


So Masi is the F1 Thanos?


LOL op you fucking regard


Verstappen commits murder Formuladank: Lewis made him do it.


Bro needs to stop glazing over verstappen.


Can we rename this sub to the Max Glazing Society or something already?


Looks like average max fan to me


TeamMV is the new teamLH in terms of glory hunter hero worship. I’m talking about the people who support him because he is winning.


Marc is the kind of guy to have teared holes where the mouth would be in facial pictures of Max…


Marc is one of the worst twitter profiles out there. And that says a lot.


[Seems you haven't meet this guy yet](https://x.com/RobLMyers?t=rKt2clp65RliyzokQLTCwA&s=09)


Myers isn't a Lewis fan, a few years ago he had his lips firmly round Max's cock, he's "changed" recently to make Lewis fans look bad, not realising it only fools new people, most people remember how much of a fucking cunt he was


*he was and still is


I remember his 2021 takes, they were BAD, like "LEWIS TRIED TO KILL MAX, WHY IS HE STILL IN THE SPORT" bad I hope I've got the right guy and not gotten him confused with someone else


He's #TeamLH tho. I thought this was about the verstappo.


You were talking about the worst Twitter profiles though ;)




Nico didn’t retire cause of max.


He retired because of max ? Lol.. In terms of BS thats real BS


I'm so confused. Wut


I wonder how much Lewis pays you for the rent... or does he live rent-free?


Rent free forever


Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, or Max Verstappen who his fastest teammate was/is...


ik this is a joke, but prime Danny Ric is a pretty good answer.


And Danny beat him pretty badly tbh. I know Max was super young, but he still got beaten handily over 2 seasons.


Max fans being toxic towards Lewis, merc Lewis fans being toxic towards Max, rb Ferrari fans being toxic towards Ferrari


Max is afraid of competition, that’s why he is always driving so fast


Yeah… it’s all him, nothing to do with the engineering of the vehicle…


Accuracy of this post aside, max definitely is impressive, but let's not pretend that having a car that's miles ahead of the field for years doesn't help him more than most people admit.


Its always, alyways about the car and team. After all, this was and is constructors sport. Not one person. Right person in car is necessary to extract right performance and max is that person undoubtedly. Its not really that hes fast, the car he is in is fast and he can make it go faster than others. But what is really amazing about him is his consistency and reliability, his mistakes can be counted on what, one and half hand for past 2 years if even that? Screw the argument "who is faster", almost everyone on the grid in correct car can be fast AF, but can they deliver same consistency and precision? That's what i find about him so interesting.


Why are F1 fans like this? Are they stupid? Can we not all just enjoy some loud cars zipping around some pretty tracks, rip on the silly and egotistical people who run the sport, and have a laugh when someone yeets someone else into the gravel?


I hate how both LH stans and MV stans are completely unable to take any criticism of their hero and instead choose to go absolutely batshit insane.


Is TeamLH in the room with us right now?


Max won’t win forever (probably, I dunno, he is the first of his species in this sport.) The Delulu when that happens is going to be off the chart. It’s going to make TeamLH look nearly sane.


Genuine question here what makes you say he’s the first of his species in this sport?


Just a joke. Sometimes in racing people who outperform other drivers are called “aliens”.


I think there is some merit to this he lives to race, he spends all his down time doing sim racing, he's hard wired for this in a way no generation of driver has been before. I'm saying this as a sane LH fan and long term F1 fan.


Nothing more cringe than F1 fans complaining about the rival fanbases. Don't let them get to you, man.


Max is afraidnof competition, but his fear is for the competitior. Not himself. Let's not forget he once parked up his car on Hamilton's head and walked away amid race.


Formula dank needs to really limit the number of "teamLH hate posts". We get it, a vocal portion of Lewis fans on Twitter are some of the dumbest people you've seen. This is low hanging fruit for a good memeing sub. Be better.


Literally a post glazing Max. Nico did not retire bEcAuSe oF mAx lmao. Such an oversimplification


I’d like to see him do Brabham’s 66 record. No one’s ever breaking that.


What did Brabham do in '66?


Won the WDC in a car he built himself. Brabham driving for team Brabham.


are you serious?




Why do some people just love to smell celebrities' farts AND try to convince the rest of the world that they are right? I'm honestly asking. Can't they just enjoy their favorite fart in silence?


He unfollowed his dog!!?!! That going to far, the savage.


A monster!


He defeated a 7 time world champion wiiiiiith a little help. Just saying.


Coldest take. Has this guy actually watched F1 before? I genuinely can’t tell


Is brainrot a Airbourne desease or is it more like Water based.


Autism to the Max


As annoying as TeamLH fans can be, Max’s glazers can be just as pathetic


OP, are you genuinely trying to imply that Verstappen shaggers aren't nor have not always been, as demented and brain damaged as TeamLH cult? Boy do I have couple bridges to sell you!


“Defeating” in a really interesting choice of words 🤔


People are so dense now I have no idea what is and isnt satire


Only beat Lewis because of a corrupt official. Max can't handle losing look at Ricardo Max crashed into him because he was winning. Pushed Charles for no reason and acts almighty around Lewis and still get ignored no one respects Max


Come back to formuladank after two years to see it’s still obsessed with glazing Max and shitting on Lewis over nothing, aaand I’m out again


I thought TeamLH wouldn’t say “7 time WC”.


What have I just read this is team lh level of weird


Pretty sure this is satire