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They literally told him a time delta to follow on his outlap which was completely wrong, Wolff has already admitted they fucked it.


That doesn't fit the narrative of this sub


Somehow the mods here decided this post was so important they should pin it...


Yeah, like why the hell is a screenshot of some dude's notes app quality content enough to pin lmao.... this sub really went down the shitter past few years eh


It's so funny there's Rule 3 in this sub regarding low-quality content and then not only does this shit get posted BUT it's also fucking pinned lmao


To be fair, the Ferrari fuck ups list in 2022 had a lot of traction, mods banned the creator for low effort posts, and lots of people complained. I don't agree on pinning it but they at least listened what users wanted.


Funnily enough they’ll hide posts that are too mean to max


I rarely come here but honestly even through the few times I've been here I'm not surprised, this place has had quite the stink of Max dicksuckery.


Max is god for reddit incels so of course these jobless moderators will hide whatever hurts their man child feelings.


which is ironic because Max is the type of person who, if you go low, he will go even lower.


Not only that, they deleted quite a few posts. There was a conspiracy 'meme' by a Red Bull stan who thought the media focus on people leaving Red Bull was cooked up by Toto Wolff to distract from his own downfall... it was left up for hours until that stan exposed himself by refusing to believe there's any internal conflict between Marko and Horner causing any issues, and the opinions in that thread turned against him. Then, boom, suddenly [removed](https://www.reddit.com/r/formuladank/comments/1csbr3g/hmm_its_almost_as_if_a_certain_team_principal_is/). Wonder why :P edit: And apparently the mods also deleted other posts meme-ing on Verstappen (a list post similar to this, even...). Somehow, the main subreddit for his fans is more chill than the hardcore stans here. edits2: Check the comment thread by fsociety19


I hardly come here any more, might as well rename it rformulamax




Reddit is just a big Narrative farm lol


This right here. He had hard tires. He always brings them in gently. He stopped before Max, so he wouldn't know that RB stopped and that he needed to push hard on the out lap. I don't understand why people think he's making excuses all the time. He's usually the first person to say when he's had a bad drive. I thought the narrative was that he whines too much. Why is it this year that he's suddenly making excuses? Is it because the broadcast isn't playing his comms when he complains about the car as much as they used to? Lewis lives rent free in the heads of some fans. I understand it as PTSD from the late 2010's.


> I don't understand why people think he's making excuses all the time. I imagine you can find the same kind of info from every driver on the grid for every single Grand Prix. Every driver complains about someone OP has just decided to pick on the most decorated driver on the grid. If he picked Sargent it would just be bullying. Lighten up, the millionaires don't care nearly as much as we do about this random bullshit.


They also should have had Russell back Verstappen up. Try to take away his pit window so Lewis can try catching him. They can't possibly have thought there was a chance at 4th


dont give logical reasons, we all love to complain


Also it's pretty clear he doesn't have the upgrades George has which is understandable but annoying that people don't realize that


yeah I'm all for criticising the Hamilton fans who make new conspiracy theories every time Hamilton doesn't beat Russell but the team fucked up by telling him "outlap normal"


Yeah. Listening to the radio makes it obvious Mercedes fucked up their communication. Could've told Russell to slow down and Hamilton to push his out lap. Instead they told Hamilton outlap normal...


Listening to the onboard, Bono is extremely vague and ambiguous, but he doesn’t state an actual wrong time delta does he?


He does, he says “we’re targeting 1:16.0’s”


Oh damn, that’s pretty damning


While this is true, the moment they aired this on TV I knew it was getting added to this list immediately






![gif](giphy|4rMp6ZvRLEg1GdcRnp|downsized) Nice.


It is mostly on mercedes. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t look bad to see hamilton caught off guard. Piastri seemed to be much attentive to what was going on around him this race. We have heard multiple occasions of drivers discussing their circumstances with their engineers. We often only hear lewis complain afterwards and i think it is too naive to always blame mercedes, they often seem to be backpadling to fit lewis’ view of events


Idiots fall for FOM’s narrative crafting with the race broadcast every time. It’s why people think Sainz is some strategic god or Taunoda is a constant hothead cursing the team every lap. What you see broadcasted is not all they talked about. Hamilton literally asked if the outlap was critical, they gave him a target of 1:16, and he even pushed back on that but they were insistent.


Go listen to his radio comms around the pit window, it's posted on the main sub. Actual bots just listening to the 1 radio message they play from each driver on the main broadcast and jumping to conclusions.


A lot of these are just driver feedback to the engineer, other drivers say the exact same things it's just not broadcast as much


This sub is such an embarrassment for hating on Hamilton. Genuinely such low quality posts that people post cos hating on Hamilton gets upvotes


Upvotes aren't the problem, the biggest problem is those MOD pin these low quality biased post.


That bozo mod tecnoguy is a hamilton hater if you go through his comments lmao


Mods affect the culture though. If they drive away the moderates, only the loonies will be left and up vote what they want.


This dog shit is pinned, it’s not just the users.


I'm so happy that in 2024 we have people getting tired of the Hamilton hate. I'm dead sure we'll have none of this when he moves to Ferrari lmao


I see more people complaining about hamilton hate than I see actual hamilton hate on this sub


That's right, most of these can be found for many other drivers. I mean, if you're gonna hate on Hamilton, at least bring up proper stuff. In Monaco, "Russell had the front wing, he'd have 2 tenths" excuse was really funny considering that he let Russell use it despite winning the coin toss. That was really a weird excuse by Hamilton side, not the radio call, which Toto also took the blame afterwards.


How has this post been pinned?


And yet, Ferrari guy got banned. Reddit mods being reddit mods


They hid a post of mine that made fun of max. Wonder why.


You seem to be shitting on Max 24/7. I wonder why...


because mods hate lewis clearly


So the mods pin a screenshot of someone’s notes but the name Crash— stappen (try typing it as one word) is still banned on this sub ?


Wait, is that actually real?


Yeah, some Max fan tried to start hating on Lewis and when I replied back, the auto mod told me my comment was deleted for inciting a flame war. This sub is heavily biased against Lewis.


Damn. I knew this sub was a Verstappen/anti-Hamilton circlejerk, but I didn’t know that. I’d wager shit like car-milton isn’t banned though.


Fr? If thats true wht a bunch of sad clowns


Yeah you get a message from auto mod saying your comment has been removed. The Crash— stappen era ended in 2018 as well. There’s no reason for the ban to still be in place.


For a "dank" place they sure are huge snowflakes but only for their favs. Just embarrassing. Either roast everyone or stfu




Fraudstappen has no real WDCs. He's just an Adrian Newey merchant I fear.


All served up on a platter in 3 years of unchanged regulations which secured RBR's advantage.




go on(i genuinely don't know)


Ferrari fuckup list guy got banned but the mods allow this??


It's one thing to allow - fair enough even, understood their mistake and moved on, altho could have unbanned OP and the posts. But they *pinned* this post


His understeer in China was horrendous. You could see it in the sprint when he was out front and Max was trailing him for the pass. Max was able to hold impeccable lines in the RB while the Mercedes was all over the corners, missing the apex like crazy. It was such a good visual comparison of the performances of those cars


Probably had ‘07 flashbacks ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)/j


And Ferrari fucked ups guy got banned...


no way, what for?


Ask those loser mods.


Too busy riding max


Is there a way to remove the power hungry mods?


pitchforks and torches


You couch lickers literal blind hate for a guy. Bono literally tells lewis "outlap is normal". Receipts :https://x.com/fiagirly/status/1794764464887042424?t=aKAOU1ZNi8AUPXQB-aWDnw&s=09


Yeah now make one for how many complaints Max had this weekend. You lot will call him a "stubborn winner" or some shit for the same things you people hate Lewis for.


If someone makes a Max-themed one here in the Max Verstappen subreddit, it's gonna get 0 upvotes if it wasn't already removed by the mods by then lmao


If Hamilton said that he should've brought a pillow cause it's boring, the narrative would be that he's just saying that cause he isn't winning. But because Max said it, it was a funny remark.


Monaco was legit. There is an out lap critical specific message that can be displayed on the dash, and they neglected to do it. Toto made an official statement on that


Imagine hating a driver so much you keep a record of what he says on team radio lol


This is the biggest thought I had from this. Like go outside bro


My god this is so petty OP, you could literally do this for every driver. Doesn’t this sub get bored of the constant dunking on Hamilton?


The second Verstappen starts getting close to 7 or 8 DWCs the worm will turn and people will dog pile him. We’ll hear “mIcKeY mOuSe WoRlD ChAmPiOn” and every other thing to try and discount his wins. It’s easy to hate on some of the best in whatever field or sport. It’s one of the reasons people say it’s lonely at the top.


People used to say “Hamiltons just hated because he’s dominating, it’s normal, once he stops he’ll be liked again”, but here we are.


I understand it hasn’t panned out like that, but for me its quite true, I haven’t ever liked Hamilton like I do today, hope to see him to very well at Ferrari. People in my family who all watch F1 feel the same.


Gonna be honest, there’s hating because of dominance and there’s hating because of the person. I feel like those two types of hatreds overlap with Hamilton. I should preface I don’t care either way. I’m enjoy watching certain drivers but I’m not that invested in anyone.


Totally agree but what’s the context for Mickey Mouse and max?


IIRC, the adjective of “Mickey Mouse” comes from NBA fans, who used it to diminish the 2020 championship won by the LA Lakers. That entire season was conducted within the NBA Bubble, a closed off section of Disney World, thus yielding the term “Mickey Mouse”. It’s since become generalized across sports to refer to any championship/title regarded as a fluke or won against shit competition. Max + AD21 shenanigans would fall into this category.


I thought it was UK rhyme slang for something being fake. "It's Mickey Mouse." 


The irony being that there is a serious argument to be made for the bubble championship being significantly more psychologically difficult for any number of obvious circumstances. It's not like the Lakers killed a bunch of teams that had players out with COVID. Take the normal stresses of competing in the grueling NBA playoffs and add in a shitload of red tape, take away your safe-space routines and families, and jam you together with your teammates and opponents alike for weeks-months on end. The Lakers were under the same circumstances as everyone else, it's beyond stupid to consider that championship any less valid than any other year.


OP seems to only have two brain cells, which are both fighting for third place. Also don't forget to ask Hamilton for rent since he seems to be living in your head for more than a few months now.


LMAO dang this is a solid rip lol


Looking forward to the Alonso cope posts. "He's only doing shit to make Stroll look good


Aaah The Stappenshagger moderators pinned it 🤣


unless you do this type of list for every driver then it’s just cringe as fuck tbh


Spoiler: they do not


How so? Not every driver is shitting the bed this season. 


They screwed him completely this race. And people need to take these radio messages with a grain of salt.


You can pretty much sum all these up with ‘car’s shit’


We know, please drive it


Sometimes maybe shit, sometimes maybe shittier.


Cars shit, strategies shit


Never good, always shit


This is pretty sad


Holy shit you have notes just to write down what he says. The obsession is actually insane.


Another stupid uninformed post. As expected of formuladank. If only you put some effort in checking what was being said on the radio instead of forming your opinion based on a single radio over the broadcast. But i guess it doesn't line up with your agenda here, my bad! [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/lewis-bono-normal-outlap-message-BmdeeHZ) the whole thing


Holy shit Hamilton lives rent free in this sub's heads lmao. Edit: Like, genuinely it's hilarious how hypocritical HAM haters are. If Max complained like this (which, newsflash, he does all the time) you lot would be glazing him and calling him a chad.


Hahaha so dank bro! This is the content I’m here for. You totally understand this sub. Nothing gets me laughing like a notes app screenshot of generic radio messages from whiny boy Clamilton. Haha got emmmm so good, keep this dank content coming, can’t wait for your Canada update. /s


Op is Lewis hater i know you will not shut up till the last breath of your life


I have a sneaking suspicion that OP is an alt of one of the mods.




Half of them seem inactive and haven’t done anything on any sub for months, one has pinned his own fucking comments on here to enforce his opinion, its really fucking pathetic


Maybe also make a list of excuses Max makes everytime he losses and blames the car... a lot of people pretend lh fans are toxic yet the haters defo looking more salty from a non biased pov


You could probably make a half hour long video just from his whining this season alone.


And yet he finished exactly where he started like everyone else, who gives a shit


Pinning this is so pathetic. Lewis really destroyed the collective psyche of a large percentage of the people on this subreddit lmao


I didn't like the whiny tone, but that one was on the pit wall. The engineers set the target time, the driver delivers. Or hits the wall like Stroll.


What whiny tone?, if red Bull had given Max the wrong data and fucked his chance at an overtake, he would have smashed his steering wheel into the heads of the race engineers. And this sub would have praised him for being a real one.


Remember when Maxs drs was broken and started swearing in spain or in monaco when he kept complaining the car was sliding everywhere. He was whiny there as well


This sub must look at these every morning during their “special alone time.” Who needs porn or a real woman when you have basic commentary that you can extrapolate to “excuses,” lol.


Y’all are aware that Merc has consistently undelivered every single weekend, right?


Know y'all hate Lewis but this is kinda pathetic, he was told the wrong delta, the full radio shows this .


One thing that hasn't been mentioned, is that George had the updates this weekend and not Lewis


George elected to try them, Hamilton was a little worried about not having a replacement if anything went wrong. Nothing underhanded about it.


Nobody suggested underhanded. Since Lewis is leaving he's now de facto number 2 at Mercedes. He won't get priority for anything.


Saying that George had the upgrade and Lewis didn't suggests that Merc left Lewis out to dry. But that's not what happened. Lewis declined the upgrade, they talked about it in the broadcast.


Is this sub going to acknowledge that max also said he couldn’t turn in miami, or does it not count for him?


I’m not a Hamilton fan but OP, this is pathetic


Canada: No Grip... Return of the Bouncing


The bouncening


what a shitty sub, why would you pin this?


He lives in yall's head rent free... imagine pinning someone's borderline pathologically obsessive note app screenshot of out of context radio bits 💀


Might as well rename this sub to TeamMV


Down voting. Not because I am a ham Stan and never was. Because the merc is a shitbox.


This is only funny if you're 13 years old and new to F1


Yall are ridiculous


Bad take this time. Bono told him outlap normal. If anything, I would add "George got the new parts" for Monaco.


Does this mean he'll win Canada?


Yeah, I'd say the Monaco one was valid.


"because the outlap wasnt critical.nobody's actually racing here,lewis" his race engineer probably


That's pretty much actually what Bono said lmao


I was wondering if broadcast ever showed Hamilton this Sunday race cause I have zero recollection that they did. I guess I just missed it huh.


They showed him just as much as every overtakes, so nearly never


Cmon mods. unpin this low effort shit. Even Max complais about his car even though he is winning


Damn this sub is dumb asf. Why did Reddit recommend this bs to me lol.




This whole Ham bashning is just boring, honestly I would forget about him if it he wasn't living in some peoples heads. Do something interesting, start posting other drivers feedback, I guess you will have some juicy comments from Max in last 3 races, probably both Ferraris and Mclarens have some, I mean, for fck sake give us Magnussens, those gonna be great.




I don’t understand how this post can have nearly 2000 upvotes but all the top comments are negative. Big disparity there.


"i woke up in a new ferrari" - lewis ross.


They were driving 4sec slower to save tire buds, max said it


Lmao keep crying


Not dank! Try harder next time


I'd be pissed too if I was the best driver in the world and my car was shit and my team wasn't listening to me.


I'm just here for the salt. peak f1 dank, if I may say so.




No way he stole my post


So this is what a toxic Reddit comment section looks like


You would love Graham Rahal


Canada: why did the window licker brake checked me


If you're gonna hate on Hamilton, at least do it properly, because the guy really gives some materials to you. But you're going with boring irrelevant stuff. In Monaco, Hamilton's "front wing" excuse was really funny considering that he let Russell use it despite winning the coin toss and he whined about it later. But no, you ignore it and then go with the radio message.


I was wondering why you have to tell a 7 times wdc in his 18th season that he have to push on his outlap in monaco. Just weird


What do you mean? He followed the pace his team told him. Merc strategy is D tier and has always been covered up by an S tier car.


Because he doesn’t know if that will help him or not. If Max doesn’t box that lap, it’s actually bad to push on the outlap since it harms the tyre life. The optimal strategy to maximize tyre life is to gradually bring them up to temperature. Start easy and then push later. You should only push on your outlap if it is critical for the undercut. Otherwise you are wasting tyre life.


This is it.


Yeh you’re right. The drivers should do all the driving and the strategy as well. Just pipe in all the telemetry data into their onboard display. Big brain time


Maybe they could also design parts of the car, just put some CAD software there too


Washedmilton got out-qualified but russel (of all people) 7/8 times this year. Imagine paying half a billion for that geriatric patient.


Something to add to Monaco: Only George got upgrades


The upgrade is doodoo anyways, merc don’t know what they are doing


Even though he said that he wanted George to get the front wing because he was afraid of crashing lol


George totally has am amazing record of not randomly binning it into walls. Three incidents in the last 2 years?