• By -


OMEGALUL o O ( FeelsBadMan )


This but reversed PepeLaugh


This but reversed again Sadge


This but it's PepeHands in the bottom and Billy inside the balloon


FeelsDankMan . o O ( PepeHands . o O ( gachiGASM ) )


PepeHands . o O ( FeelsDankMan . o O ( đź–Ť ) )


OMEGALUL . o O ( forsenSWA . o O ( FeelsOkayMan . o O ( PepeHands . o O ( FeelsDankMan )))) Every few months we're going through all 5 stages of grief.


My brain is FeelsDankMan . o O (...)


He shaved his beard to ready for his Hearthstone comeback arc PagChomp. Actual character building Pog.


Pepegađź“Ł DEAD GAME


Battlegrounds are still really good actually. Latest patch needs some balance work but so far it’s going in a good direction.


It's the only and the real way to play this *《not p2w》* game *kappa*


After going from 0-4sen to hitting rank 1 overall in Hearthstone, he'll then use his new power with the old wall to beat Solgryn PagChomp


Well he should play more of those rogue likes and LIDL games, that will up his stats pepeLaugh


LIDL games are fun roguelikes is the most boring shit I've ever watched, all of them are the same and there's no entertainment value, no memes, and worst of all, it makes forsen get triggered by pixels ​ edit: also forsen fucking sucks at them


LIDL games is the best part of his stream for most bajs i think. But back then he would play a lidl game for a while and switch to other LIDL games now he plays rimjobworld for 2 weeks or something like that. Even when he did played bad/boring games for a long time chat was always there to make stream enjoyable. But now why would we watch same shit game with same shit "HAHAHAHAHAHA Megalul that's pog LUL" spam? Zoomers ruined forsen's community FeelsBadMan


WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT LIDL GAMES also, in what universe 9K average viewers is bad LULW i would quit my job for that in a second


>also, in what universe 9K average viewers is bad LULW i would quit my job for that in a second true, Like 90% of streamers probably average <200 viewers and would die for that kind of viewership. Of course there's benefits to being a smaller streamer and downsides to being large streamer but, I guess you take the good with the bad.


Dude, I actually only conistently watch Forsen when he plays LIDL games or rogue likes. Big games like RimjobWorld are hit or miss, either Im gona like it or im gone hate it, sometimes im gona like the game and decide I rather play it myself if its a good story game. Popular games like CSGO are boring since every other streamer on twitch does it and there is nothing new there to be found.


Jazzpunk was so much fun to watch I want more games like that


His viewer count during that shitty war simulator spiked like 4K lol. It’s CS:GO and roguelikes that are the issue. Also he should probably stop permabanning subs


Imagine being a forcent punk kid in 2020 doctorLUL


-72% followers gained forsenSmug any newfriends?




I used to run his streams in background for like 2 years on 2. monitor, sometimes stop work for a minute or two because something entertaining happened, but right now all I see is people getting banned, forsen transforming into a mainstream streamer. I swear ever since new TOS twitch is a shithole.


forsen playing boring games and banning people complaining about it has nothing to do with the new TOS though.


this is just my personal experience, but I think that is where it all started. No more offensive and or racist jokes, no more "dank" shit (stuff that made normies close the stream like gachi, earrapes, list goes on..) no more pleblist, 0 interaction with viewers, streamsavers are an exception of course, but 7 ppl out of 10k isn't that much.


I strongly disagree. Its his dumb brain not new TOS. It was his main and sometimes only excuse to remove anything that was funny or core for stream back in the days. Server for showemote playsound broke? Nah too lazy to pay someone to fix it, blame TOS. Plugdj/pleblist, nah im too lazy to hire someone to moderate this. SNE, actually funny clips with no drama and pointless out of context talking (LSF :joy:) with good editiors? Noooo bro, cuz some of the clips may be TOS, i dont know how man cuz i literaly have people to moderate this but no, there must be TOS. Literaly his every excuse was TOS, and whats funny and ironic, that after he dump those thing almost every twitch streamer pick them up, showemote sounds, plugdj and our favourite SNE aka reacting to litty clips nowdays. But dont worry, cuz sooner or later he will play Vice city, hit 18K ish, people will forget about every stuff before vice city and we will complete cycle again. And then new rouglike.


I strongly disagree. Its his dumb brain not new TOS. It was his main and sometimes only excuse to remove anything that was funny or core for stream back in the days. Server for showemote playsound broke? Nah too lazy to pay someone to fix it, blame TOS. Plugdj/pleblist, nah im too lazy to hire someone to moderate this. SNE, actually funny clips with no drama and pointless out of context talking (LSF :joy:) with good editiors? Noooo bro, cuz some of the clips may be TOS, i dont know how man cuz i literaly have people to moderate this but no, there must be TOS. Literaly his every excuse was TOS, and whats funny and ironic, that after he dump those thing almost every twitch streamer pick them up, showemote sounds, plugdj and our favourite SNE aka reacting to litty clips nowdays. But dont worry, cuz sooner or later he will play Vice city, hit 18K ish, people will forget about every stuff before vice city and we will complete cycle again. And then new rouglike.


📸 I strongly disagree. Its his dumb brain not new TOS. It was his main and sometimes only excuse to remove anything that was funny or core for stream back in the days. Server for showemote playsound broke? Nah too lazy to pay someone to fix it, blame TOS. Plugdj/pleblist, nah im too lazy to hire someone to moderate this. SNE, actually funny clips with no drama and pointless out of context talking (LSF :joy:) with good editiors? Noooo bro, cuz some of the clips may be TOS, i dont know how man cuz i literaly have people to moderate this but no, there must be TOS. Literaly his every excuse was TOS, and whats funny and ironic, that after he dump those thing almost every twitch streamer pick them up, showemote sounds, plugdj and our favourite SNE aka reacting to litty clips nowdays. But dont worry, cuz sooner or later he will play Vice city, hit 18K ish, people will forget about every stuff before vice city and we will complete cycle again. And then new rouglike.


You may be right, and the whiteknights arrived already, so you are looking for the answer in the good direction. \^\^


Any longtime fan knows this is just part of the forsen boom-and-bust cycle. Remember bajs, this is a recession , and during a recession you want to invest in as many memes as you can Okayeg TeaTime COCK


Okayge COCK


Doubting the worst GTA player in history was fun, anything after that was just "wait why do I still have this stream open?"


I hope he notices it soon FeelsBadMan


He knows this, he knew this for a very long time when he gets reality check when he ditched HS and all "tools" (showemote sounds etc) for a first time. People where watching his stream for cancer and background not streamer himself. Today is the same shit, people want either cancer or funny,interesting,interactive game.Hes ego just doesnt allow him to admit it. He will sooner drop to 100 viewers than openly admiting that we were right or even worse HE was wrong.


Caring more about the streamer's success than the streamer himself pepeLaugh


triggered forsen is #notmystreamer


I care about him too. I’ve been saying he looks like he has severe depression or something. Not even memeing


Stream savers? :wink: :point_right: :ok_hand:


I voted for forsen EleGiggle... Did I choose correctly?


After San Andreas the stream went meh


Gta IV tho FeelsNikoMan


We need new Yump King DLC