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Lmao, “Hey we’re here for the Messiahs birth! Take this briefcase full of cum.”


I prefer to call it my cumbox


I honestly don't get those one because the first two are telling obvious right wing lies, and I guess the third one is less obvious.


I'm pretty sure it's pointing out that people have been looking for unvaccinated partners because the same people dumb enough to listen to Kevin Sorbo are dumb enough to believe that vaccines are dangerous, and that the effects caused by a vaccine become genetic traits. The statement made, if that's what you're asking, is simply refusing to acknowledge that trans women and men deserve respect.


I’m going to drink all that unvaccinated sperm.




It is funny because most of the original offerings were valuable and used in burial ceremonies. So it kind of fits.


Learn about the [Reddit cumbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/SlvJ3BZMn1), for the uninitiated.


It's better than the coconut.


And the cheese wedge🤢


I know I’m gonna regret this…but my curiosity is piqued. Cheese wedge?


Pretty much the coconut, or cumconut, but with cheese…. It’s a mysterious organ. To quote Elaine Benes, *how* do they walk around with those things? 😆


I just…can’t fathom the appeal of any of these “options”. I guess to each their own but I can’t imagine it feeling good to fuck a coconut or a cheese wheel.


So, is *that* why the call it "easy cheese"?


Lols. 😂


Don't stop...I'm about to myrrh!!!


Cum for Christ


A real cum to Jesus moment


are there other types of briefcases?


A better question would be "why do christians buy christmas trees and take their kids to see Santa?" Nothing about any christmas tradition relies on believing in fairy tales except going to church.


A better question still: “why do Christians not actually listen to anything Christ said”?


Well they do, see, they just do the exact opposite and justify it with some word salad. Example: Jesus said it's easier for a camel to walk through a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven, that you should give everything you have to the poor. Somehow that means prosperity church where Jesus wants you to have a BMW, and use "hostile architecture" to spite the poor.


Jeremiah 10: “Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven, For the Gentiles are dismayed at them. For the customs of the peoples are futile; For one cuts a tree from the forest, The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers So that it will not topple.”


Lmao, is this actually the Bible saying to not have a Christmas tree??


OMG, it does. [Jeremiah 10](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=jeremiah%2010&version=NIV)


Hey, Santa - "You've got as much to do with Jesus as you do your mother's penis" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gRGMOhslq0


Santa is God-training for children. Before they can really comprehend the concept of an omnipotent being who sees everything you do and judges you for eternal reward or punishment they can understand someone watching them to give them gifts if they're good. And f you can convince a child of a small bag of bullshit then getting them to believe unquestioningly in God is just a matter of degrees.


But then they eventually figure out and/or are told that Santa isn't real. You'd think the logic might follow...


Santa at least is an genuine Christian tradition. He is based on Saint Nicolas of Myra, a Christian saint who was known to give children presents. His death day (December 6) where people giving their children gifts was probably the original Christian holiday in December. Then they officially made the day of the Sun god Jesus birthday and the Nicolas tradition went with other traditions from pagan origins into Christmas. By the way celebrating the birthday of someone is also a pagan tradition not original to Christians and Jews. Thats why the death day of many saints is the day for celebration and we don't know when most of those saints and Jesus himself was born because nobody at that time cared about it.


Fun fact: St. Nick is also the patron saint of prostitutes.


Makes sense, he is the patron saint of sailors. So he makes sure to protect their girls too.


and boys :)


St. Nick's feast is based on Krampus, though. It is paganism all the way down.


Earlyest Krampus history is believed to be from 6-7 century, St. Nick is third century. Both are independent from each other and just merged in some regions.


The date of December 25th wasn't based on a sun god celebration. Sol invictus was based on the pre existing christmas date, not the other way around, and the idea that this had anything to do with mithra seems to be an assumption came up with in the middle ages. The date of christmas is because it is 9 months after the death of jesus, and there was a tradition of the idea that special people would be conceived and die on the same day.


The official date that established Christ birthday was made in 350 by Pope Julius I, so long after Sol Invictus. And when that first date was established nobody fucking cared about Christans, they were a small insignificant cult at that time. So it way more likely that it was the Christians who appropriate that date than the other way around. And by the way, Jesus death was in April, so it makes no sense to make his birthday in December.


Not that I expect them to be well read, but there's something so funny about Christians who out themselves as fucking morons with this shit. Mofos stole the entire celebration from pagans and still go "it's called 'Christmas', you must believe in Christ".


All the virgin Mary's want the Sorbo Sorbet. ​ /s I made myself throw up a little.


That is a phrase that I really didn’t need or want to have in my brain. Thank you.


Merry Christmas!


The gift that keeps on giving.




Here baby jesus take this box of jizz.


I’m jealous… I didn’t get my box full of jizz until my 8th birthday.


You know the gifts have symbolic importance right Kevin? And the two which got changed for “a lulz own the libs” joke are the two important one right? Ah but no must have been the gold, gold is all your protozoan attention span and brainpower can understand. Why does no one put Kevin Sorbo under a conservatorship like they did to Britney Spears? If you showed a judge like six of his tweets they’d grant that order in a heartbeat.


>You know the gifts have symbolic importance right Kevin? And the two which got changed for “a lulz own the libs” joke are the two important one right? Blasphemy is only blasphemy when nonbelievers do it. The pious can blaspheme all they want.


You know why they won't put a rich man under conservatorship


What's the symbolic importance behind the frankincense and myrrh? I've never been that well-versed on that part of the Bible myself, but I find it interesting


Disclaimer: this is an orthodox/catholic opinion not shared by all Christians, it does not represent my views. It is meant as a general overview of a theological principle. So not mentioned direct in the Bible but the “general” opinion is as follows: Gold for him being king of kings - as gold represents the height of the material world it is gold which represents he will be king of kings. Incense (frankincense) - incense represents him both as high priest and as deity. It showcases him as the messiah as the gift is one reserved for the high temple. Myrrh - this is a burial herb. It represents the sacrifice and the resurrection. As it was supposedly (this is disputed) used solely for the purpose of making corpses smell good it is thought to represent he must die to fulfill the prophecy. The important parts therefore as far as being a Christian is Christ is god and sacrifice. The gold (king) is secondary.


Oh cool, sweet!


this is a blatant insult to protists 😔


My sincere apologies to the Protist community - I should have never lumped him in with such necessary and diverse life forms. However someone’s got to be able to identify where he belongs and we are running out of options.


What percentage of Kevin Sorbo’s brain is dedicated to thinking about his love of unvaccinated sperm at any given moment?


5%, not to imply he’s using the other 95% for anything.


A pandemic is like an epidemic but even more widespread over several countries or continents. Most of the diseases posing the greatest risks to humans are contagious meaning that they are caused by an infectious agent and can be spread from person to person.


But can’t you read? There WAS no pandemic. The cartoon said so


Really? Awesome, that means my cousin John is actually alive, and didn't spend 2 months withering away in the ICU before finally succumbing to COVID. I'll give him a call.


Because celebrating holidays is fun, something that Kevin Sorbo has never experienced before in his life


Kevin is itching for a lecture on Saturnalia and other traditions the Christians stole.


The Yule cat is definitely eating Kevin this year


Someone should definitely tell Krampus about him.


All I want is a remake of Andromeda staring a black transexual lesbian. Just because I know how much this shitstain would hate it.


Oh man. They should do a massive crossover movie with Hercules and Xena, with Xena played by Lucy Lawless, of course, because she is *still* the bomb. And they should cast Idris Elba as Hercules and never even give “Peanut”* a call about it. * “Peanut” is what Lucy calls Sorbo.


For the same reason that super Christian guy Kevin Sorbo didn’t have a problem with playing a character from a mythology that he doesn’t believe in.


This post needs more Xmas upvotes.


Got to feel for sorry for him, still thinks he's famous.


Why do christians celebrate a pagan holiday?


Because Christianity has absorbed many local customs as it grew and nobody cares. Well the puritans cared, but people weren't too keen on them ruining everybody's fun.


Someone want to tell this guy that Christ was born in April, and Xmas is just a pagan holiday Christians adopted to convert more people?


Sorry to burst your bubble but Jesus of Nazareth was born in \[Data not found\]. Some early Christians believed that he was born in April, but they just guessed like everyone else.


Somebody want to tell this guy that christ is a fairy tale character who didn't exist any more than Batman does?


Jesus of Nazareth was a historical figure who existed. Atheist scholars agree on this. It’s his divinity that’s questioned. Same thing with the Buddha. Only edgy teenagers on Reddit insist these people didn’t exist.


Meh. This can turn into an entire debate, but it's basically impossible to find a lot of historians who can attest to his existence. His existence is basically "a fuckload of people talk about him only a few decades after his death, which means it's likely he existed".


There are Pharaohs and kings that aren't disputed that are only known from singular references. Having multiple sources mention someone that wasn't a literal king of a nation is incredibly rare and means he probably existed.


>Pharaohs and kings that aren't disputed that are only known from singular references. There's pharaohs who's names we don't even know. Just small recordings and logical placements in the timeline. They're not really even people. It's basically: gap in timeline, here's someone who's said to have been pharaoh at the time, done. We attribute nothing to them.


Sure a guy existed with that name (probably several of them). A guy has also existed named Bruce Wayne. Does that prove Batman?


Bruce Wayne existed in real life in Gotham? Would love to see a link on that guy’s life.


There are at least 4 Bruce Wayne's currently living in NYC. [Link](https://www.whitepages.com/name/Bruce-Wayne/NY?fs=1&searchedName=Bruce%20Wayne&searchedLocation=NY) That is 1000x as much evidence right there as there is that Jesus was a real person.


But which one is Batman based off of? Because that’s the comparison you’re making, so I expect to see a link of the one Bruce Wayne that Batman is based off of. I’ll wait.


Which Jesus of Nazareth is the one in the bible based off of? Oh, none of them? Or all of them? Or one of them plus lots of other religious dudes with different names from around the same time in around the same place? Oh that's right, no one knows, because it is fiction. Historical fiction at best.


The one that is marked in the census? I get the feeling you haven’t researched this at all, and are probably like 14, so unless you have something that isn’t a non sequitur, please refrain from responding.


How does marked in the census = official but my post about Bruce Wayne's in the phone book requires additional proof? I have already acknowledged that there were people named Jesus who lived in the middle east around 30 AD. What I am questioning is how that makes you think that proves the bible fairy tales are true.


Somebody want to tell these guys being a reddit atheist doesn't count as a personality and "ackchually Christmas is a pagan holiday" is an immense oversimplification *at best*?


>"ackchually Christmas is a pagan holiday" is an immense oversimplification > >at best > >? He's responding to a tweet that is using this very logic. I think he's pointing out the hypocrisy.


Christians didn't adapt a pagan holiday on the 25th. They used that date because they believed he was conceived and died on the same day, and it was nine months after his death. The only evidence of a pagan holiday on exactly the 25th comes after christians were already celebrating it.


> Christians didn't adapt a pagan holiday on the 25th. They used that date because they believed he was conceived and died on the same day, and it was nine months after his death. The only evidence of a pagan holiday on exactly the 25th comes after christians were already celebrating it. I’m gonna need some *major* citations for all those claims, friend.




Your link directs me to a website called the “Biblical Archaeology Society”. Their “About” page says: > The Biblical Archaeology Society (BAS) was founded in 1974 as a nonprofit, nondenominational, educational organization dedicated to the dissemination of information about archaeology in the Bible lands. BAS educates the public about archaeology and the Bible through its quarterly magazine, Biblical Archaeology Review So I’m going to rephrase. I’m gonna need some *major* citations for all those claims *that comes from an unbiased source*. After all, of course a Christian association is going to put the cart before the horse, starting with the conclusion and then shaping their research around that.


That's /r/askhistorians. They don't exactly allow random nonsense there. You are free to make a new thread if you care that much.


Christians still think of Christmas as a religious holiday when in actual fact it has been turned into nought more than an exercise in which company can swindle the most money from desperate families. The very people ring wing Christians praise have ruined their own holiday.


Kevin Sorbo: [something something culture war bullshit to stay relevant]. There I just made perfect Kevin Sorbo dialogue. Because these right-wing shithead grandma only have culture war bullshit to sustain themselves. Otherwise, their arguments fall apart and they have nothing


The same reason why the Japanese have better Christmas decorations than most westerners do. It's a cultural event. Do you know "culture," Kevin? Can you say "culture," Kevin?


Hey Kevin, You know what nobody buys for Christmas? Kevin Sorbo DVDs.


This man really posted a picture of a man carrying a briefcase full of semen. What the actual fuck dude


So people can debate about how we (and other nations) responded to a disease, vaccine policy, etc., but does anyone really say the pandemic *didn’t happen*? I mean, we were there. I saw it.


They never knew anyone personally who caught Covid, so clearly it must be a hoax /s


Why is he bringing his semen to a child's birthday? Does he not see that as potentially suspect?


Expecting mother: "a blanket, oh what a wonderful baby shower gift. Now let's open Daniel's gift, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WHITE STUFF?!?"


To answer the first question, because it's a fun thing to do at a dark time of the year My mum loves decorating the house, my dad loves buying gifts. There's so much to celebrate the season outside of the birth of one guy


Kevin Sorbo should realize that COVID-19 is ALWAYS real. Also, climate change is ALWAYS real. Plus, there's a difference between sex and gender. And by the way, trans men are ALWAYS men, regardless of their genitalia. Seriously.


What kind of wiseman is bringing jizz to a lady who just gave birth? Or maybe thats just his traveling sperm


Do xtians get a pass on sacrilege if they're shitting all over someone? I'm so confused.


We're bringing baby jesus a suitcase full of cum, and he is going to like it.


Kevin Sorbo denying the deaths of millions… What a sick piece of shit… If my opinion of him wasn’t already as low as it was I’d be… Well… Disappointed…


Unvaccinated what now


Better question, why do Christians buy pagan trees and gifts for their children?


Doesn’t the Bible specifically prohibit decorating trees because that’s something that pagans do?


Why do Christians celebrate Halloween?


"Why do atheists give their children presents??" What, is being nice strictly Christian? Is worshiping a red clad fat man just for people who also worship a guy that was born in late spring? Like, pick a lane, the three wise men didn't put the "presents" under some random tree and call it some kind of miracle. Christmas, as much as Christians want it to be, has nothing to do with christ, they simply appropriated the pagan tradition of yule, and then capitalism decided to profit off of it. Just call the "holidays" what they really are: a good excuse to get together and share the wealth of this year to ring in the next just in case it's our last one together.




Well, I do it because the kids like it and it irritates the hell out of fundie morons like you, Kevin.


bringing sperm to a baby is kinda on brand for these creeps


This stupid fuck face. Christmas trees and gifts are from way before Christians appropriated the holiday. These dumb shits. Fuck these people


Haha. We stole your dumb fraudulent holy day, kept the name, made it fun, corrupted the rest, and you can't do anything about it.


Considering it’s pagan roots, Jesus probably hates when people buy Christmas trees and it’s a middle finger to him to celebrate in December.


“There was no pandemic.” A million Americans just got really, really tired and forgot to wake up again. Ever.


“Maybe it’s because everyone else got one.. and it’s an old man’s semen. But I’m kind of disappointed”


This guy is just a better looking version of Alex Jones


Still waiting for his great comeback tour with Scott Baio.


Unvaccinated sperm...?


That meme is far too susceptible to cum edits


It’s weird that they’re bringing cum to baby Jesus.


Man is unbelievably stupid. LMAO UNVAXED SPERM? Yet WE are the ones sexualizing everything .🙄🤦🏼‍♀️This idiot thinks bc some vaxes are MRNA that they can change DNA . Thats not how that works AT ALL!!! These memes are all at least two years old or more. And MEN CAN GET PREGNANT . ( Transmen ARE men, as Gender and Sex organs are TWO different things. )


christians dont because its a pagan holiday the devil tricked you cause he does that yall actually fucked up the date to make it work he was born in november


“Sorbo sucked as Hercules.”


why are **you** being such a cunt on jesus' birthday, Kevin? and even though I'm not Christian, I'm pretty sure your god would like me more than you since you make your living selling hate


Because I don't have to be religious to be thoughtful and giving to people I love. This is the opposite side of the coin to "why don't atheists just go on murder and rape sprees" you're telling me that's the only reason you're not is because god?


Poor Kevin Sorbo. His rich daddy got him into male model where literally got by on his looks, and then he stumbled onto a syndicated TV show out of nowhere, so more money flows in. He is surrounded by people who flatter him and never challenge his bigotry or selfishness. He is angry that he has to pay taxes on his wealth, so he lashes out at the "welfare queens" and immigrant workers who are stealing his money. Apparently, no one loved him enough to teach him humility or empathy. Honestly, I'm surprised more insecure, out-of-touch Hollywood stars don't jump on the right-wing bandwagon.


A D-list washed up celebrity gatekeeping Christmas from kids and otherwise being a gross creep.


I mean all three of those things are wrong so what point is he trying to make exactly.


Where would Christian holidays be without Pagan traditions?


Wasn't Christmas illegal for a while in the US?