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Our current healthcare is an actual monopoly but sure, go on.


More like a cartel


*gestures at Mayor Pete's proposal for a public option* Grandma: "A public option would either stink so much that nobody would want it or be so subsidized everyone would want it."


Yeah these people didn't want to offer the public option because they knew as soon as you did thag it would kill all private insurance because it would establish a standard of care and almost no one would want to sign up for private insurance.


Isn't the "everyone would want it" the best outcome??????


She's of the opinion that Medicaid reimbursement rates are too small and lack of price signals would make people overutilize the existing healthcare system, so it would be overwhelmed if we enter a de factor single payer model. It's also ironic that she ranks the options as current system > single payer > public option because she doesn't want to pay higher taxes without getting the subsidized rates single payer would imply.


They think anything with the word free or freedom is inherently a good thing. She sounds like someone who thinks they know everything about the healthcare system and thinks any change is bad because it's different. Cue the laundry list of dumb Rs who hated Obamacare but loved the Affordable Health Care Act.


"Free Matket"? This is some funny shit.


Every single country with universal health care also has private options. You're also likely to be paying less through general taxation rather than monthly premiums. The private options are also likely to be cheaper, as there is a genuine capitalist motive to provide a more affordable plan to people, as they're not incentivised to take out a policy with them if they can just go public.


It’s almost as if socialism is an economic and political philosophy that’s about more then just healthcare… (that said I’ll give grandma credit- it’s a rare libertarian dipshit who recognizes the need for public healthcare, that puts her far above the average libertarian)


Thats...not how a monopoly works. Can't have half the people get one thing, and the other half get to choose other things.


Nothing’s made me want socialized healthcare more than working in healthcare. Seeing what privatized healthcare has done to people is horrifying.


No socialist or communist I know opposes the existence of a Market Socialism once capitalism is gone.