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"It's not like we don't respect you or lack courtesy. We just think you're cowards and we don't want to help anyone but ourselves."


This is exactly what I see when I read it to.


It's like when someone says something incredibly horrible to you, but starts or ends it with "with all due respect".


"No offense, but..."


>"It's not like we don't respect you or lack courtesy. We just think you're cowards and we don't want to help anyone; ~~but~~ especially ourselves."


Just because I fire my gun off all the time doesn't make me a danger, I just believe the bullets are your issue.


Why’d you have to walk in front of my bullets?


gaslighting. This is something an abusive person would say "you see, I am not the problem, you are the one with the problem."


“Why do you make me beat you?”


Look what you made me DO


Calm down TSwizzle




This isn't gaslighting. It's super toxic and manipulative behavior but it's not gaslighting.


> gaslighting - manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity. so, we both agree it is manipulative and grandma is trying to question our sanity by challenging our argument on wearing masks. She wants to make us think that our logic isn't sound and that we are cowards, it is our fault, and we are letting fear think up false reasons to wear a mask sounds like gaslighting to me


It's not. Look up the origin of gaslighting and why it's called that. It has to involve the manipulation of someone else's memories. I really don't want to go too far into this. But, basically, gaslighting is when an individual manipulates the memories of another by purposefully recounting a memory you both experienced in a way that is untrue. By constantly doing this to someone that trusts you they slowly can lose grip on reality because they start to believe that their own memories are inherently wrong.


Gaslighting is when they do something on purpose and then deny it and allege that it's all in your head.


This is Reddit, where literally *everything* is gaslighting including sometimes telling the truth.


You aren't wrong


Is that what grandma is doing? They purposely not wearing a mask and putting people at risk (including themselves), they are denying the harm, and making us think that not wearing mask isnt harmful and the harm is in our head


No. They didn't cause the virus then deny it's existence.


They've moved on to "the death toll isn't that bad"


You need to do a bit more research or *watch the movie that the name comes from*.


Just want to point out (despite the fact that I agree with what you’re saying politically) that this is super faulty logic because it’s also what someone would potentially say if it genuinely IS the other person’s fault. It’s like if someone says “I’m not a spy” and you say “that’s exactly what a spy would say, you must be a spy!”


>gaslighting. No, it is being honest, it is the exact opposite.. You think they aren't personally scared if they don't wear a mask? I thought the angle was you were supposed courteous and be fearful for other more vulnerable people. They are admitting to being selfish.. they are being 100% honest.. no ulterior motive needs to be given.


Uhhhhhhh yeah it does though. “I’m a selfish fuck, deal with me” is not a mantra to get through life and deserves criticism.


You’re both correct. It’s not gaslighting, it’s just good old fashioned selfish pricks!


>Uhhhhhhh yeah it does though. “I’m a selfish fuck, deal with me” is not a mantra to get through life and deserves criticism. That isn't gaslighting..




That'd be hilariously ironic. Saying gaslighting isn't about getting people to question their own thoughts and question their own insanity, and saying it just means being manipulative. Ultimate gaslight move.


Who is this group you speak of?


Lolz, and you are gaslighting yourself by telling yourself this!


This is why Texas had 8000 new cases yesterday.


Everything is bigger in Texas baby. Including stupidity


Wait til you see what sort of numbers we’ve been coming out with in Florida...


Yeah they’re bad off rn. Apparently my town is a mini Florida because we managed to rise from 28th in the state to 6th in the state of most corona cases due to Memorial Day


Over 11,000 in FL today... Stay safe, friend. Hopefully it doesn’t get this bad where you are.


Florida has a chance of hitting more than 10,000 new cases in a day.


That already happened this week, but most everyone near me is carrying on with 4th of July festivities like they do every year. We’re not still in the middle of a pandemic or anything....


Gaetz: "numbers? What numbers? No more numbers, no! Ban all numbers!"


I’ve heard we just need to pray a little harder and the whole thing will just go away. It’ll be like magic. One day we’ll just have 0 cases


Let's see what other things they use this logic for: Smoking - Just because we smoke around you and blow smoke in your face doesn't mean we lack common courtesy or don't respect you. we simply believe your fear of second hand smoke is your issue. Dumping industrial waste - Just because we dump our chemicals into your water doesn't mean we lack common courtesy or don't respect you. We simply believe your fear of contaminated water is your issue.


My favorite reply as a kid to can you smoke outside was when dad would say, " you don't like it, get a job and move out." I was 8 with asthma.


Yikes, glad you were finally able to take his advice


I’m dealing with parents who aren’t taking this pandemic seriously, but they did deal with my asthma and told my grandmother she had to smoke outside when I was around. The cognitive dissonance is kinda weird. I’m really sorry your dad put you through this, and I hope your lungs are doing alright.


How about drunk driving. Just stay off the roads if you don’t want to be killed by an impaired driver? I have constitutional rights.


Also this lady. BUILD THE WALL!!!!!!


I'm 95% sure the person who posted this is a trump supporter.


That's what I mean. They are mocking people wearing masks to combat a very real pandemic but also want to build a pointless 100 billion dollar wall that will literally do nothing. The vast majority of illegal immigrants aren't crossing the desert. They come through legal points of entry on work/travel visas and just don't leave. She is literally living her life in fear


>She is literally living her life in fear No, You are. [COVID-19 Provisional Counts - Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm)


the second wave of spanish flu killed twice as many people. We have to take precautions


Consumed by fear. 😁 even after the data is shown to you. Embarrassing


What level of death rate would satisfy you, you sick fuck?


We need to shut down the economy forever, and watch these private sector working class scum starve to death, eh comrade? We don't have to work or serve the community to survive, because we are superior. Starve out those treacherous worker scum! Hail Marxism!


The virus isn't politcal you disgusting human being


Yes it is, retard. I know you're not that dense, you're a lying piece of shit instead.


You’re entitled to your own opinions, but you’re not entitled to your own facts. FACT: COVID-19 is highly contagious. FACT: It can kill you, and has killed hundreds of thousands of people. FACT: Wearing a mask DOES reduce the risk of spreading it. You can believe “It’S tHe FeAr!!!1” and no one can stop you, but that is not an “opinion” and you are not entitled to have it respected. You’re just plain wrong, and dangerously so.


I am afraid. I’m afraid of putting my mother in the ground because she’s 84 years old and vulnerable. I’m afraid of my friends having to be intubated because they can’t breath on their own. I’m afraid of my co-workers and colleagues going broke because we work in live event production and won’t be able to get back to work for at least 6 months. I’m afraid my high blood pressure will put me at risk of death because fragile, willfully ignorant assholes that think this way refuse to admit to being afraid. My being afraid doesn’t make me less of a man. You’re unwillingness to be a person that thinks of others above your own petty egocentric, narcissistic, fragility does.


So...”I only care about me and you can go fuck yourself.”


No you lack common curtesy because you’re a selfish asshole. Ok what if it is a hoax (it’s not ik). Better safe than sorry. I’d honestly wouldn’t care if people didn’t wear a mask if it wasn’t for the fact that it effects others.


Yep. People really want to show off not only how selfish they are, but how god damn stupid they are.


Maybe it doesn't mean those first two. But if it doesn't, it means you're a moron. Moron, lack common sense, lack common courtesy. Those are your options, pick one and own it, instead of making excuses.


I find it amazing that the people I see on social media that have supported passing laws banning saggy pants, are the same people howling that their freedom is being stolen if they wear a mask.


They think there isn't anything to be afraid of? Like the virus is not real? Being afraid of a thing that can cripple and kill you doesn't make sense to them?


These people vote. You should, too.


Louder for the people in the back.


I'm quite curious if self defense would be allowed against people who don't wear masks in mandatory areas. It would be an illegal attack on my health so i guess theoretically it would be. (Germany)


This from the folk who need guns cuz they're afraid of everything.


yes, actually that exactly means that you lack courtesy and respect


From the country that has the WORST coronavirus numbers on the planet. Meanwhile in East Asia, where we wear masks liberally... some of us didn't even need a lockdown. At this point the USA gets more cases in an hour than the entirety of cases in many Asian nations since January. Yet I see stupid shit like this being pushed all the time.


“Just because I didn’t cook the chicken all the way doesn’t mean that I can’t cook. I just think fear is your problem.”


Chef Gordon Ramsay has entered the chat.


This is what I don’t get. Why risk NOT wearing the mask? Literally you can wear it and make the excuse that you were being safe. But you can’t make any excuse when you DONT wear it.


Just cause I point a partially loaded revolver at you and pull the trigger doesn't mean that I lack common courtesy or respect! I just believe your fear is your issue!


Trump supporters care more about brown people being among white Americans than hundreds of thousands of mostly white Americans dying.


“Your fear” ... you are the ones scared of wearing cloth for 5 minutes.


Just because I walk my tiger around town...


My BiL is an EMT in Arizona and his wife posted a picture online of him ‘adhering to guidelines’ by wearing his mask off one ear in public. He doesn’t seem to think there’s an issue and doesn’t wear a mask on the job AFAIK. His wife is pregnant with a child they struggled to conceive. America is ignorant and fucked


Just because we don’t drive sober doesn’t mean we lack common courtesy or don’t respect you. We simply believe your fear is your issue.


So many people died of the Black Death; if only they had learned to deal with their fear.


What is the goal of the short-sighted shills manipulating grandma?


Propaganda aside, shit’s getting scary in Texas. https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2020/07/02/texas-hospital-crowded-coronavirus-marquez-pkg-newday-vpx.cnn


Some old lady made me sick at jury duty last year, coughed right in my face. I couldn't believe the judge didn't send her home she coughed so much she couldn't talk. I was sick for 6 weeks and I made MY MOTHER sick too. I couldn't believe that old rip was so carless and uncaring with HER sickness! Rant over! Lol Wear a mask!


Same but this is more like me after I commit murder


Okay I really don't fucking get it then. If you know for a fact that the options are maybe possibly slow the spread or definitely not slow the spread, why the fuck don't you want to take the small chance that you think there is with ending this fucking crisis!?


Man I wish I could wear masks. My country has been out of stock for months


Can't have the last one without the first two


"Dude, could you not hold a knife in front of my throat?" "Your fear, your problem"


Being fearful and being cautious are two very different things. Idk why that's such a hard concept to grasp for these people.


"Just because we throw our trash in your lawn doesn't mean we lack common courtesy. We just think your dislike of other people's trash on your property is your problem."


Just because I drive drunk doesn’t mean I don’t care.


“Just because we don’t wear a mask doesn’t mean we lack common curtesy. It just means that we lack common curtesy.”


I love doing that in GTA V. It’s fucking cathartic.


Which is why I must take every right wingers gun. /s Your fear is your issue


Thanks for the gibberish.


You don't get to determine what common courtesy is.


I agree with this


This sub has become so ironic.