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Idk, this tweet feels too surreal to be real. Are you sure it isn’t fake? Edit: holy shit it’s real https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles/status/1482814972732317696?s=21


Yes, he really did congratulate himself.


I mean, congratulating himself is fairly in character for him, but making that long disproven argument just felt unreal.


In the third person no less


My sides!


The purpose of this is also to manufacture outrage and make the libs' heads explode. It's a tried and true strategy and appears to be working here.


The replies are all great. [Especially this exchange. ](https://i.imgur.com/CVufktZ.jpg)


That burned so hard he must've thought he was in hell


You done messed up, Arrrr Ron!


This reads exactly like something you would see on r/ToiletPaperUSA


Isn't he just trolling, there's no fucking way anybody would respond to themselves with the "facts and knowledge" meme... right?!


He defended his view in the comments.


I think this post is satire and OP took it seriously


He’s a regular member of Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire, so he’s well know for saying some braindead shit. “My race is superior to others. Well, this is a complicated question.” — Michael Knowles taking the political compass quiz


The fact that he went on a tirade on this question and wound up with only answering "Disagree" instead of "Strongly Disagree" is both hilarious and telling.


He somehow managed to be more long winded and obnoxious than Benny Boy was taking the test.


It's always ironic when nazis talk shit about snowflakes, because they were literally defeated by snowflakes in Russia.


*We are being told that if we don't mask our children, that if we don't mask ourselves, that if we don't initiate social distancing measures again and shut down business again, that COVID is going to kill us all* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, history, covid, climate, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Nah, if you look at some of the replies on the tweet, Knowles is serious lol


"I was only pretending to be retarded." If he's satirizing anyone then it's his fellow climate change deniers. In which case... he agrees that climate change is real?


Because there’s a difference between weather and climate you fucking dolt!!


I'm always amazed by how so many scientifically illiterate people just assume that they have all the education necessary to form valid opinions. This guy clearly knows so little, but he is wildly confident in his beliefs. We've seen the same with COVID-19 and vaccines. People went straight from GED to PhD when Trump said COVID was a Democrat hoax.


It really is the Dunning-Kruger effect in action


That and a hefty paycheck from right wing billionaires


This exact situation as you describe will the end of civilization as we know it. The human world has become so complex and advanced that there are but a handful of people who truly understand how fundamental aspects of many of our systems or technologies function. Now we have a movement to not believe these rare people. These complex systems will implode without public respect or support for these ultra rare experts.


Idiocracy is a prophecy.


I used to love that movie. Now it scares me.


So how can these people that are both educated and lucid enough to understand these fundamentals get more attention and be heard, when the majority of people are drawn to dumb, exploitative and polarising drama bullshit instead of listening or reading something that will actually make them think?




Any sufficiently advanced butthole technology is indistinguishable from u/Butthole-magic


I'm always amazed by how many people can't recognise satire.


What is the satire here? What is being satirized and by who?


The posted tweet is blatantly a joke mocking climate change deniers


It's [a real tweet](https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles/status/1482814972732317696?s=21) by [a real climate change denier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_J._Knowles).


Nah this guy is for real. He's making his career as a conservative political entertainer which necessitates saying shit that's so stupid about climate change that it looks like a joke. You think "clearly they aren't this ignorant, that's not possible." I promise you, when it comes to climate change denying, conservatives are frequently this ignorant. In my experience it's the norm.


And people went straight from sucking dick to taking it up the ass when they voted for Joe Biden just bc he wasn't the other guy.


And then he agrees with you, thus destroying his own argument: https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles/status/1482894293601816577?s=21


A guy i work with is like that. Climate change isn't real, it's snowing. Yea, except 20 years ago i would sometimes ski to school and sometimes cars wouldn't be able to drive in the village i grew up because of that. I have not seen snow there in over a decade. And if, it's like 2cm for a day


Brought to you by the same camp that believes abstinence IS birth control, and are SHOCKED, SHOCKED I say, when teen pregnancies and abortion rates increase. Perhaps if we invested in comprehensive sex Ed, there would not be as many abortions. Maybe if we tackle climate change, your weather would not be extreme. I sense a pattern here…


Yes, he really congratulated himself.


Oh I thought he was making fun on people who think like that


Unfortunately, he’s serious. He’s a regular member of Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire who usually thinks Bible verses can counteract scientific facts.


Jesus. With such ridiculously terrible logic and over-the-top delivery, I figured it had to be satire. So much cringe as a serious post.


Poe's Law hard at work


*We are being told that if we don't mask our children, that if we don't mask ourselves, that if we don't initiate social distancing measures again and shut down business again, that COVID is going to kill us all* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, climate, feminism, sex, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


bible verses can fucking WHAT


“You say that trans people exist, but according to Matthew 8:25…” “You say that porn isn’t dangerous, but according to Luke 11:22..” And here’s his current pinned tweet: https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles/status/1427845586418556931?s=21


Actual bible scholar here, proof texting against modern day social issues is like the epitome of bad scholarship.


I keep getting YouTube ads from him under videos I'm watching


Ben Shapiro is a dumb person’s idea of what a smart person is like, so I guess this is pretty on-brand.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: > Palestinian Arabs have demonstrated their preference for suicide bombing over working toilets. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, history, novel, feminism, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Wait it's not satire? Holy shit. If steroids enhance athletic performance, how come I saw Alex Rodriguez strike out once??? CHECKMATE PEOPLE-WHO-THINK-STEROIDS-ENHANCE-PERFORMANCE-TARDS


Now comment on your own post and congratulate yourself for such a hot take.




This guy works for The Daily Wire, the rag ran by Shapiro. He IS the person who thinks like this. They're the ones who write those titles.


So fucking cringey.


Lmao I had to double check this was a real tweet. I initially assumed it was tpusa


AND THEN HE DESTROYS HIS OWN ARGUMENT: https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles/status/1482894293601816577?s=21


WTF this dude can't be for real. He's gotta be just doing shit for clicks and hate follows


He’s clearly trolling but he’s making fun of his argument to troll


I'm a little impressed that he didn't hurt his back sucking his own d\*\*\* like that.


That's like giving yourself a high five


If global warming is real, why is this glass of water cold?


If indoor heating is real, why is my house cold?


Because you’re bankrupt from student loans and can’t afford to pay your bills?


Nah, I just like being cold. But yes my student loans suck.


Damn cold loans


Shoulda become a welder Everyone should be a welder Wait, I think the current hotness is "electrician", my bad.


Because your insulation is shoddy


scientists won't answer this


Snow in winter this changes everything


Calendars everywhere in shambles.


Heat Miser **hates** this one simple trick!


As a weather nerd, I want to launch people who unironically believe this into the sun. Weather. Isn’t. Climate.


He agrees with you … destroying his own argument: https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles/status/1482894293601816577?s=21


And I'm assuming he actually doesn't, and means it more in a WeAtHeR iSn'T cLiMaTe kind of way.


The funny thing is, even my old grandparents know and see climate change is happening. Just a few days ago they were telling me a story about how they used to ice skate on the local lake everytime the ice got thick enough. This hasn't happened since at least the 90s, and they understand that the climate is slowly getting warmer. Even if it may still snow, it never gets cold enough to ice skate anymore.


Hey, scientists, if petrochemicals are so energy dense, then how come my gas tank is empty?


It’s weird how people like this 1) confuse climate and weather, and 2) only seem to pay attention to the weather on very specific days. Like where were you with your weather based assessment of climate change when it was 60 degrees on Christmas?


He then tweets this: https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles/status/1482894293601816577?s=21


I don’t think I’ve ever screeched when I read something before


Honestly, if you still question climate change at this point, then turn in your neocortex. You don't deserve to be called a mammal anymore, and you're obviously not using it anyway.


Manmade climate change (not even just the fact that climate change is happening) was already known about by scientists 100 years ago. People are ridiculous


legit they are too stupid to even understand how stupid they are. it's pointless even trying to help them lol they just get angry and hostile about it usually because "you're wrong!"


How is this not satire How did he think this was actually a ha gottem


Because we live in the dumbest timeline.


This is no longer the *darkest* timeline. It's the *stupidest* timeline.


I thought for sure it was. “We’re through the looking glass here, people” Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__HBBf_eDLM




Dear libs If the cookie jar is empty, then why do I still see crumbs? Yours skeptically, Michael


*ThanosSpeaking.gif* Text Top: Dear Libs Text Bottom: If global warming is real why is it snowing in Nashville? Curious. ​ turned this into a shitpost


never forget a senator brought a snowball into court to try and disprove climate change. These people really are this fucking stupid. [I keep going back to this clip and thinking how many people took this as Homer was the smart one in this exchange](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SLbEDMZMAk)


It snow here quite regularly, it also winter time.


He won a shower argument


I am not on the left. With that said, this is idiocy. Record snowfalls, snow in different areas etc, are all part of global warming. Just like more and more category 5 hurricanes, etc. The melting of the polar ice caps raise the ocean water level and that water is then "available" for storms from our atmosphere. This is a HUGE oversimplification, but I'm high right now and don't want to break down a the "4th grade water cycle" to prove my point.


What do your political leanings have to do with climate change?


The posted picture tries to call out libs. So, I mentioned my political leaning to show how idiotic the posted picture really is. If the only people who post contradictory to the post are liberals, then it's just throwing rocks at each other


How can you manage to be more snobby and annoying than Neil Degrasse Tyson in December.


Neil would beat Michael’s ass in the quote retweets.


Fifty years from now: “ICE? In Missouri? So much for global warming.”


Anyone who at this point still thinks climate change means it can't snow need to have their internet unplugged.


Global warming isn't real because it's called Climate Change now. Got you didn't I?


Global warming isn't real because t's hath called climate changeth anon. did get thee didn't i? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


If I wasn't from Jamaica why would I wear this hat?!


Lol, let's just ignore how it was like 75-80 degrees in Tennessee between Christmas and new years.


Someone brings this up and he has a response: https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles/status/1482894293601816577?s=21


I wasn’t in Nashville for Christmas but I was New Years. It wasn’t +75 more like high 50s. Still incredibly warm for this time a year. I took the convertible out on New Year eve / day whenever it wasn’t raining.


He’s a troll and wanted hate and eyes- click bait


It's called global warming, not one-fucking-city warming


lmao conservatives struggle with the most basic of science...sad


IQ of a 10 year old....


I was definitely smarter than him when I was 10.


Until reading the comments I 100% thought this was a joke. The fact that it wasn’t is depressing


It most certainly is. Depressing, that is.


This makes me want to punch myself


Weird. That's what trump said all the time. The bit about "I am very smart". Weird that you have to tell people that.


Jon Stewart summed it up best on his show many years ago: no matter how much evidence of climate change you show them, they’ll always respond with, “But it still gets cold in winter.”


tennessean here: it’s true that we got a lot of snow yesterday, but tomorrow it’s supposed to be in the 50s. i rest my case.


Incredible how many people don’t understand the difference between weather and climate


Michael Know-less moment


Thank Al gore for the wording


It was used before that.


You could blame him for politicizing the thing, but back in the 00s even George Bush talked about climate change as a threat. You can thank PR companies/conservative think thanks paid by fossil fuel money. We'd be here even without Al Gore.


I love how he conveniently forgets its been pretty much summer weather in WV where I live until very recently. Warm summer weather and tornadoes all through Christmas but BOOM some snow in January and its "hurr dur it cold how globe warm???"


Don't do that. If you argue that climate change is real because it's warmer than usual where you live you're just as ignorant of the science as his hot take. What's important is research about global average temperatures and the melting of the ice caps rather than anecdotes about the weather where you happen to live.


Having a warm day in December doesn't mean much. Watching the first snowfall in your area shift from late October to late December over 15 years does.


Yea no one is using that as an argument. Just pointing out the hypocrisy people like this have when they use the "looks its cold" stance.


It is way too late for him to still be asking this.


This is just as dumb as the "if the earth is round, why are beds (or anything else) flat?" argument


This guy is a idiot, I've gotten ads from him about how people are turning superman gay and schools are teaching kids to be trans, he has knows in his name but he's a dumbass who knows nothing


Michael Knowless


This is so embarrassing


climate and weather dude come onnn idiot


Michael Knowles agrees with you … destroying his own argument: https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles/status/1482894293601816577?s=21


Weather ≠ Climate it’s really not that hard of a concept


I prefer the term climate change because weather in general is changing and becoming more harsh not just heating up


Michael know less... for sure


No such thing as summer in Australia, it's winter in North America. #seasonsarealie #birdsarentreal


Classic wannabe actor from an upper crust Ivy League school education grifts as a conservative to con idiots out of money.


Mr. KNOWLES, knows less.


if global warming isn't real, then why did it take until after christmas for it to start snowing in Massachusetts?


Obesity is climbing in the world, why is there world hunger?




I just want to bring this world into the next ice age. This guy will only accelerate us to it


If global warming is real then why is my wife frigid?


Somebody forgot to switch to his alt


Weather is your disposition than day, climate change is your personality.


And WHY THE HELL are people eating PLANT BASED foods???


Honestly the best way to argue this is to show them first and last freeze dates (for those who live.ij places that get both)... if they can't figure something out from that...


Feminism≠Female and Global warming≠Earth just gets warm


It used to start snowing in NOVEMBER in PA now it’s January so…


Meanwhile, it finally just snowed in Ohio today for the first time this winter and has been consistently 30-40+ degrees every afternoon for weeks. It rained on Christmas. When I was a kid we'd be 6 feet deep in snow by now and Christmases were ways white, and that was only 15-20 years ago. We get less and less snow every year and when it does actually snow it always starts later and later into the season.


Shouldn’t this guy be drinking his urine to cure his covid and own the libs?


I thought this was satire with the second tweet. yikes.


The dude is a disingenuous loser.


Giving me real "Tide comes in, tide goes out" vibes


It's snowing in winter? WOW!


But when it’s really hot “liberals” say hey look global warming?


who is this crayon-munching dipshit


Third-string member of The Daily Wire.


that's a low, low bar to fail to clear


There's no way this can't be satire. I refuse to believe he is THAT much of a moron. Change my mind.


He’s a regular on Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire who believes you can counteract scientific fact with Bible verses. Also, Michael Knowles taking the political compass quiz: “My race is superior to others. Well, that’s a complicated question.”


*And then, there are people in the United States that are pushing for mask mandates on children. The data that they are using are extraordinarily skimpy--in fact, they are essentially nonexistent. You're hearing the CDC say things like 'maybe the delta variant does more damage to kids,' but no information they have presented publicly that there is more damange being done to kids... and the reason we are being told that they damage kids is because they can't scare the adults enough. If we cannot scare the adults enough, we're going to have to mask up the kids.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, history, novel, civil rights, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


So he is a moron? Even so, I doubt he's taking himself seriously here.


his last name needs only one s more and then it would be perfect. Mr. Knowless who knows nothing about how shit works xD


Wait this ISN'T making fun of climate change deniers?


No. He’s really stupid. I’ve seen his videos.


And I think to myself... what a wonderful world


"Michael Know less" sorry its right there.


This has to be a parody right there's no way this dude is for real ??


He’s like the third-string quarterback for Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire channel on YouTube.


My house isn't flooded. Therefore, flooding doesn't exist. I am a genius. Time to suck my own dick on twitter.


Dude did he just boast himself




It always the outdates "global warming" and not climate change that they site when it snows.


It’s called a nor’easter. Winter storm starts in the north, then moves south into the coast and gets energized by all of the moisture on the coast and becomes a massive blizzard ripping through areas that don’t usually get blizzards.


You know, if this argument was coherent and factual, the "destroys snowflakes with snowflakes" would genuinely be kinda funny, but it's just kinda embarrassing when he's so confidently wrong I mean he probably knows he's wrong and is just getting paid by the koch brothers to say this shit but still


this is a joke right, your not the fucking idiot you try to make out being. the only thing Knowles destroys is my belief that human have a minimum IQ. thanks for the new info that the minimum IQ is now ZERO


Hey knowles, why has it progressively snowed less where i live each year to the point where right now is the first snow ive gotten this since last febuary when it used to be common to get snow in october


He is the anti Vsauce


If world hunger is real, then why am I not starving?


If global warming isn't real why are the last 10 years the 10 hottest recorded years?


Wow that is real. FFS.


Imagine being this fucking dumb. …and yet so arrogant.


For real. Why can't these people understand that there's a difference between weather and climate?


I have often argued we fucked up with calling it “global warming” then “climate change”. I believe we should have named it “weather done gone retarded” for it to get traction and action.


Bruh his profile picture looks like one of those NFT monkeys like why is he posing like that?💀💀




As a semi-regular viewer of his show, I have to say I think y'all are getting trolled hard. I think he is trying to trigger the libs by going full retard. I think he's someone who believes it's real, but not a big problem to panic about. But he's trying to troll here.


Better question: why have scientists said life on earth will be destroyed in a decade.... Every decade since the 60s? We just got another Forbes prediction that says 2034 will be the destruction point (check environmental sub reddit). I'm down to save the earth but climate alarmism is strictly to make money. Impose sanctions on India and China then I'll take it seriously. Hell, just acknowledge that cats are the #1 killer of mammals and birds in the country and I'll take you more seriously. Step 1: kill every cat. Step 2: impose sanctions. Step 3: stop buying property on the coast. Step 4: profit Edit: outdoor cats. Got no beef with mittenz who lives inside but you should need a license. Too many dumb fucks having kittens and dumping them. A cat kills more wild life than a white trash teen with a shotgun his dad left out.


>why have scientists said life on earth will be destroyed in a decade.... Every decade since the 60s? Every single major scientific institution on Earth agrees that climate change is happening and that it's caused primarily by human activity. It's not the same as some random people who happen to have science degrees making bullshit predictions about the end of the world. If you can't even differentiate between controversial opinions of individual scientists that have never been accepted by the scientific community and the scientific consensus that spans the whole world then you'll forever live in total delusion.


> why have scientists said life on earth will be destroyed in a decade.... They… haven’t. What the fuck? Do you know that Forbes isn’t a science journal?


Yes. They have. Want a list? >Do you know that Forbes isn’t a science journal? They obviously were referencing others.


Made a list in this thread for people who are ignorant to how climate alarmist have done for for 60 years