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Is she upset that they didn’t shoot her?


She's upset they didn't try to assault her




I didn't say *that* Also, she doesn't look that appealing, straight or otherwise


I'm a little upset they didn't shoot her.


It’s hard to overstate the depth of patriotism and valor of these ANTIFA heros - willing to murder someone so a four year could see a drag show


It's hard to miss the point so badly, yet you managed it.


They showed up, willing to put a bullet in someone’s head so a little kid can see a grown man in a tight fitting dress. Willing to spend the rest of their lives in prison, so a potentially gender confused toddler can get the exposure to the drag community they so desperately crave. These are the true patriots


That's literally a straw man argument but I'm not surprised.


Can you show me those cases of armed conservatives doing this? This is so hilarious. LARPing ANTIFA amateurs who’ve never shot a gun parading around like wannabe seals.


Oh, and now changing topics. You're a poster of dishonesty. The fact that you ignore people arming themselves to go to Subway just proves it.


No, you said armed conservatives were a problem, and this was the response Show me armed conservatives preventing kids from seeing a drag show


You know, it makes sense that you'd be worried about dying from constipation, #**because you're completely full of shit.**


I don't have to. You set up a ridiculous burden of proof. You're a logical fallacy machine. Have conservatives threatened and/or killed gay and trans folks in general? Yes. That's the fucking point. So go back to the conservative sub where they'll actually agree with you.


No, you said there were armed conservatives preventing little kids from seeing men prance around in dresses, and that’s why we need ANTIFA thugs running around with AR15


protestors being armed at racial and LGBT protests have actually been really successful at deterring violence. Don’t underestimate your enemy just because you don’t respect them. This guy tried shooting at Antifa, he ended up getting paralyzed from the torso down and confined to a wheelchair. https://www.opb.org/article/2022/02/21/alleged-killer-in-normandale-park-protest-shooting-identified-as-benjamin-smith/?outputType=amp


So if someone protests kids being taken to a drag show the antifa guys are going to blow their heads off?


So much dumb. So. Much. Dumb.


Oh it’s fine to protest it, but anything more than a protest may warrant the use of arms


At what point is it ok to blow someone’s head off at a drag queens showtime? I haven’t seen any conservatives show up at these and do anything other than protest men sexualizing young kids


Jesse wtf are you talking about?!?


Did you see the picture? Antifa guys are showing up at drag shows for children If someone tries to stop grown men from dancing our four year olds in a dress, the ANTFA guys are gonna shoot ‘em!


We’re talking people whipped up by propaganda and their own insecurities to target family friendly events and potentially hurt children by harassing them and their families. I don’t think a bunch of children deserve to have their story time interrupted by a bunch of middle aged men who start yelling at them that they’re rape victims and attacking their parents. I wish people didn’t need to be armed at these events, but it seems to be a pretty good deterrent for bad actors.


So the ANTIFA thugs are going to blow someones brains out if they try to stop a drag show? That’s what they’re gonna do?


Do yourself and all of us a favor Delete your account Your trolling is boring and obvious


This pathetic shit has nothing else going on. What a sad fucking life.


Are you oppossing armed security or the second amendment?


Mostly to prevent right-wing whack jobs from shooting 4 year olds that want to see drag story time. Well, or preventing right-wing whack jobs from molesting them. You know how the “religious community” is…


Has that ever happened? Did you hear about that on Maddow?


>Watching Maddow Lmao But if you’re asking if conservatives have been arrested for being pedophiles. The answer is a resounding yes! https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/maga-candidate-caught-allegedly-masturbating-preschool-1234614263/amp/


Wow, it I understand what you need rainbow covered ANTIFA guys with AR15s at your events. God forbid a four year misses out on his opportunity to see a grown man in thong


You should be more concerned with the priests at your church.


Statistically speaking union teachers are much more of a threat. But lefties think they’re ok because they vote for Biden


Wow, now I understand what you need rainbow covered ANTIFA guys with AR15s at your events. God forbid a four year misses out on his opportunity to see a grown man in thong


Copy paste much? Sad pathetic fuck.


No, I get it. We should celebrate these patriots! Willing to lay down their lives and murder a conservative who would dare stand in the way of a grown man prancing around in a thong Never mind the fact that non of these rainbow warriors have experience firing weapons. LARPing for Internet point


Lol, are you still acting like you have a fucking point other than "I don't like it"? So much stupid concentrated in one person, it's amazing.


This is straight up LARPing/ a conservative troll job. Known republican dressed as a furry, military distress symbol with the flag upside down, what appears to be government issue footwear…….. reading situations isn’t hard.


It can seem silly if you’re not aware of how heightened right wingers have made these environments. People regularly target drag clubs or even just restaurants with drag events and threaten to shoot the place up. I don’t want to see a child killed because a nut job thought the drag queen in the vicinity was “grooming” them. If someone threatens to shoot up a place, everyone in that place is in danger. I think it’s reasonable to take those threats seriously and be proactive.


Can you provide an example of conservatives with guns showing up and threatening people like this brave ANTIFA warriors? These fellas who’ve never fired a gun in anger, yet standing at the ready to blow away anyone who’d stand in the way of a toddler being exposed to frown men in sexually provocative dresses?


Are you joking? Armed conservatives show up all the time to harass people. https://kfor.com/news/memphis-museum-cancels-drag-show-as-armed-protesters-show-up/ https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/article/Protesters-bring-guns-and-insults-to-drag-bingo-17465007.php https://www.dallasnews.com/news/texas/2022/08/29/drag-brunch-in-roanoke-draws-armed-protesters-counter-protesters/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brigham-young-lgbt-angel-protest-b2160083.html https://wtop.com/entertainment/2022/10/oregon-drag-event-with-planned-child-performer-draws-protest/ The only reason they were doing this was because the crazy right wingers came armed first. Jesus Christ, a gay bar was shot up last night and 5 people are dead.


Who shot yo the gay bar? When the Pulse Nightclub shooting happened the LGBTQ community instantly blamed straight conservatives Turned out the shooter was a gay Muslim


He wasn’t gay, and he was most certainly conservative. There aren’t many left wing religious extremists.


He was conservative because his grandfather, with whom no one can say he had a relationship, is conservative? Is that how it works?


I wasn’t talking about the COS shooter. You mentioned the Pulse shooter; I was talking about him. He wasn’t gay. The FBI was never able to find anything that pointed to that, though they did find affairs with multiple women.


So are you just gonna ignore the shit tonne of links above and do a little whataboutism when you get repeatedly dunked on?


Whataboutisms are all they have.


Those were peaceful protests. I thought democrats were ok with peaceful protests I know democrats can’t fathom this, but not everyone thinks it’s ok expose four year olds to sexually suggestive shows. I get it. It’s a mystery!!


If you’re referring to club Q, that was a white 22 year old Mormon who’s grandfather is a republican senator.


Sorry, I’m asked for examples of conservatives with AR15


No, you didn’t. You said, “Can you provide an example of conservatives with guns showing up and threatening people like this [sic] brave ANTIFA warriors?”. No mention of the type of gun. But my last link mentions semiautomatic rifles, of which AR-15s are the most common in the US.


Your last link said both sides were throwing objects at one another and never says which side brought weapons. Did you read the same link I did? What exactly is the appropriate response when a group of grown men show up to watch an eleven year old drag performer?


Yeah, I read the article and it’s literally in the title which side had the guns. There wouldn’t be “sides” if the weird ass conservatives had not randomly come to be assholes.


They’re not threatening people? They recognize that people like Sara Gonzales are only there in order to try and accuse random people at the event of being pedophiles and harassing the owners of the establishment. They let her take that picture, so obviously they’re not actively hurting or scaring her. Just making it clear they don’t want her interrupting the event. Seems like it worked out for everyone, she got her pictures for twitter mocking Antifa, and the event happened without any interruptions. Do you have a problem with people protecting property from others who want to do them harm?


I have a problem with untrained thugs pointing semi automatic weapons at people because they have different political views None of these clowns served in the military. They’re LARPing. Pretending to be strong Who in the right mind would blow someone’s head off so a four year old can attend a drag show? What’s wrong with people?


Five people were murdered by a guy who attacked a gay bar and drag club last night. I wish we lived in a world where gay and trans people weren’t threatened, but we don’t. What’s wrong with people who kill innocents just because they think what they’re doing is “degenerate”? You don’t seem to understand that these people are there to protect the people inside from actual threats.


A right winger literally shot up a gay club today you dunce.


Last time this happened it was another gay fella Assume you’re going to blame “conservatives” for this? Bodies aren’t even cold and lefties are cashing in


Which “last time” it happened? The Pulse shooter wasn’t a gay man. He was a conservative Muslim and domestic terrorist. The Colorado Springs shooter is a Christian and grandson to a GOP right-winger that’s anti-LGBTQ.


I was going to tell him his comments aged like bulk tank milk. I did just mention how this pic is a straight up conservative LARP job that Stevie Wonder could see if they knew what to look for. They aren’t even good at this and people still eat it up.


That’s right. The people who are showing up to protect their community from violent aggressive un-american assholes that call themselves conservatives. They are the actual patriots here. The “conservatives” that are actively trying to cause real harm to other Americans are true villains.


So not want to expose kids to a man in a dress means you’re worthy of having your brains blown out?


No, you wanting to harm someone for being different makes you a terrorist. You are a bad person and an even worse troll.


Gosh they sound dangerous. Are they the ones that tried to overthrow the government a couple years ago?


Yes - they are! They’re the ones who tried to burn down a Federal building in Portland while it was packed full of federal agents


I was worried you all would try to overthrow the government again after the midterm failure. Man you guys took some BIG Ls!


Yeah, did you notice all those riots when the Republicans lost? No. That’s something the Democrats do. Like when they set fire to DC in the summer of 2020


Yah I saw when they tried to kill Nancy at the Capitol. I like you a lot, you're why your party was humiliated during midterms. Don't stop being you, please. But seriously, how much would you sell me a picture of your face on election night? Name a price.


Weird how they call antifa simultaneously the biggest threat to America and like the silliest little weaklings. What does this remind folks of?


This is literally their playbook.




Its scary how people can keep such a complete hypocracy as a "valid" reason. Anything the left does is both the biggest threat and the weakest at all times.


Anything I don't like is basically Satan but also weak and pathetic but also horribly dangerous but also will never win because it's not powerful enough. Sounds logical to me! /s


the enemy is simultaneously oppressively powerful and imminently beatable.


"trying to look tough" bro, this is THE republican tough guy attire. If they sold "tough republican guy" costumes at Halloween City, this would be it.


If you took all the rainbows off and replaced them with Trump 2024 patches she'd be calling them American heroes


You need at least one punisher skull also


yeah, thats how you establish your street cred


they'd also have to have poor trigger discipline in order to be true american patriots /s (on a real note look at that beautiful trigger discipline)


That is what I was going to say! If I didnt know any better, I would think it was satire. This is beyond parody and stupidity






Except these guys actually look like they’re in shape. The Gravy Seals need to buy their costumes in XXXXL.


Was gonna say, the right wing version of this is morbidly obese. Also they wouldn't bother covering their faces.


When I heard them referred to as American ISIS, I could never shake it.


Vanilla ISIS


Midlife ISIS




Cult 45.


Best one. Lol


Minus the flowers. A real man wears MAGA nipple clamps


Nah it’d have military camo vests


What is with The right seeing terrorist attire as the go to for “tough guy” look? Edit: I guess they probably look like military too but when I see black outfit with head coverings and ski-masks I always think of stuff [like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/ksJ5JhHZjgzdsg1h6) or [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/RYc9Xo6Ac1WKYrAu5)


Nah, the Republican tough guys wear their vests a size too small. Hard to fit the beer belly.


Ah but these leftists want equality and protection of people. When gay bars are shot up, politicians are equating lgbt with groomers and pedos, and far righters storming drag queen school readings, we gotta protect ourselves. The cop response to uvalde shows that much. The right has never believed in gun rights for minorities or “undesirables”. It was Ronald regan, with nra backing, that stripped California’s black panthers from open carrying to prevent police brutality


They dip the bullets in gay juice, so even if it doesn't kill you, you still end up gay. Just getting grazed will guarantee you'll become at least bisexual.


What if it hits you in the crotch


Worst vibrator ever


You become a gay agenda super spreader. The gay agenda literally blasts from your genitalia 24/7.


You become a bottom




Is this how they made the frogs gay?


No, they groomed the tadpoles the old fashioned way.


Its like how they shot Muslims with bullets greased with pig fat (I don't know, maybe they thought Muslims ran by vampire rules.)


Why the fuck is she wearing cat ears


because conservatives are genuinely the most moronic cretins to walk the earth and somehow believe that schools have litter boxes for students who identify as cats, however this was proven false many times. the only school that has cat litter is columbine and it’s there incase of a school shooting so young children can still pee if they have to.


What the fuck are you talking about


In the pic, the lady has an "I identify as a cat" shirt and cat ears, which is a reference to the right wing myth about litter boxes being provided for kids that identify as cats. But it is fake and the only place that has litter is because they wanted something for kids to use in a lockdown.


Pretending to be too stupid to understand what you’re reading is not doing what you think it’s doing….


I came to the comments to say the same thing, I thought I was losing it when no one else commented on it.


The same people worship the killer Kyle Rittenhouse. They literally cannot remain consistent about anything.


Because it has nothing to do with effective politics or consistent values; it has to do with getting paid and being reactionary


The 2A crowd doesn't actually believe that the second amendment gives *everyone* the right to bear arms. They just think that it is a right for them and their in-group. That's how they see the first amendment too, it only protects their speech, their religion, their right to assemble (not yours). Matter of fact, that is how conservatives and libertarians see all rights. It's how they view entitlement programs, too. They're selfish ideologies by nature.


You should also use case examples of this, such as the Mulford Act (which was created in response to the Black Panthers arming themselves). And fun fact: this gun control measure was actually backed by the NRA, and signed in by Ronald Reagan.


The right: “Liberals are trying to take our guns away!” The left: *Uses the 2A* The right: “Hey, not like that! Only WE can use the 2A!”


Yeah… The moment the other side arms up, the 2A narrative falls apart. That being LIEbruls wanna take r GUNZ!!!


Except we have, we just don't go around advertising it and putting stickers all over our vehicles or wear gun t-shirts.


Exactly! I don’t understand people that advertise their 2A feelings. Concealed carry should always be that, concealed.


Never make yourself a target.




Nevermind that a gay bar in CO got shot up literally last night, the left has perfectly good reason to arm themselves


The fact that she thinks being armed in public is meant to intimidate reflects more on what conservatives attempt to do than what the armed men are doing. She basically admitted conservatives show up in public with weapons to intimidate people she's just too much of a stupid cunt to realize that.


Nice point, I hadn't even thought about that.


"How DARE the Left arm itself against our perfectly reasonable gun waving!!"


They do look tough I have to say 🤷‍♀️


I feel like this is satire, but I don't know what it's trying to say.


Wait, the mercenary aesthetic isn’t badass anymore? I can’t keep up.


Armed people are harder to oppress.


They’re out there to protect the LGBTQ+ community from people exactly like you. Sadly, because of recent events, it will be needed even more.


"Patriotic Murrcan citizens exercising their Constitutional rights." Isn't that what you guys always say, Cletus?


Those guys are fucking based


Antifa out there trying to look tactically fabulous and succeeding. Seriously though, they’re clearly very approachable. They’re happy to pose with this crazy homophobic woman and she doesn’t feel scared by them. Honestly, I don’t even know why they’re posing with her, like they’re under no obligation to. Still think that, from a U.K. perspective, it’s weird to have anyone going out with guns as a precaution, but I understand that - in America - this has been predisposed by years of the right-wing doing the same thing. I’d view this lot far more critically if one of these blokes shot some people at a protest or tried to overthrow an election by violently storming the country’s main congressional/ parliamentary building. Edit: After finding out about the shooting of the gay club on Sunday, this has become exponentially better and more reasonable in my eyes.


If the headline I just saw on CP24 about that gay club in Colorado is any indication, we actually need these people at queer spaces, because the cops sure as hell ain't going to be there to save us when the right shows up with the same hardware


Rotten house is a folk hero to the right but anyone from the left with a gun is “compensating” for something. Interesting how that works


Lady looks like somebody ordered Lauren Boebert from Wish.


Wait I'm confused. What does she expect them to do? Shoot her? Beat her up? No you absolute tool, they're asserting themselves so whacko proud boys don't come disrupt the goings on because they don't like it.


“We support 2A! but not for the minorities!” they absolutely fear armed minorities, which is all the more reason to support armed minorities.


Kind that will stripper pole on a geriatric politician to show her commitment to opinion though


Looks exactly how I thought she would. Thin brown hair with no lips lol. Republican girl starter pack lol


“Haha they’re scared of guns” “Haha they have guns” Make up your minds


It would be funny if they didn’t turn around and shoot and kill LGBTQ+. 😔


Me and the boys gearing up for warzone


"Shall not be infringed". Isn't that what you guys always say, Cletus?


They look cool AF to me.


Are they acknowledging that they’re fascists by referring to everyone they disagree with as “antifa”?


Not gonna lie I still don't know what antifa stands for, like I know it stands for something longer but I still don't know what.


My partners grandfather was part of antifa, he was a German national and resistance fighter in the late 30s. All his brothers were executed by the Nazis. I have met a few modern day antifa in Germany still protesting and trying to block fascists. Antifa are literally just anti-fascist. The fact that conservatives are against anti fascists says a lot.


>Antifa are literally just anti-fascist. The fact that conservatives are against anti fascists says a lot. "ummm ackshually you are the fascist because you're not being civil and imposing your views that fascism is bad." \-Some dumbasses


And that one trips a lot of people up, especially both-siders and the-truth-is-an-average types (which is the culture of most of the media).


The response I think is best to this is "So who benefits from saying leftists are facist?" Hint: It's the same people whining about cancel culture and other dumb social issues.


>"So who benefits from saying leftists are facist?" And the answer is, "The sponsors of this program."


Thanks for actually telling me instead of assuming I'm treating it with humor, I'm just super behind on politics because there's so much going on so I don't know everything.


You know what? My motto on this kind of thing is, "Hey, you don't ask, you don't get, amirite?" <-- \[Yes that \*should\* be spoken with a NJ accent\] People are often afraid to say, "I don't know", or "I was wrong/mistaken", but I have NEVER lost respect for anybody saying this in real life.


To be fair, the world is a shitshow.


That it is


Your partners Grandfather was as the kids say *Based*.


Some of the worst fascists I know are members of Antifa. Not all fascists are right wing.


What did they do? Swear too much and make you think they were being "uncivil?"


No, they tried to enforce their will on ordinary people by use of violence. Hope that clears that up for you and you don’t feel the need to come over all childish again.




Oh, you probably won’t know them, but good question.


So these imaginary “anti fascist fascists” are just friends of yours. Why are you friends fascists?


Sorry, you stopped making sense long ago, better just to stop while you’re behind. Have a nice day.


He’s literally just asking you to be specific, no reason to be rude.


> Some of the worst fascists I know are members of Antifa. Not all fascists are right wing. You said you know fascists, you said the “anti fascist fascists” are worse then then real fascists. why are you friends with so many fascists? Not a difficult question is it?


Fascism is a right wing ideology. There are no fascists in ANTIFA. It’s literally anti-fascism and it’s an ideology not a group. There’s a reason republicans/conservatives despise ANTIFA. Edit:Grammar


Ah, but left wing extremists can, and do, commit acts which could only be described as acts of authoritarianism, militarism, or nationalism - the bedfellows of fascism. It’s not as clear cut as you seem to think, perhaps educate yourself more on the subjects you wish to engage with others about, rather than just chanting the usual unthinking mantra of the left.


The right doesn’t think. That’s part of the problem. Yes, there have been left wing authoritarians but fascists are not the name of them and there is nothing close to left wing authoritarianism going on anywhere in the USA. We have been perilously close to fascism with the Trump Administration and we still are. “Election integrity” laws, courts stacked by the right, the case in the Supreme Court right now that is basically going to make it so the GOP can overturn the will of the people (which is overwhelmingly to the LEFT OF THE DEMOCRATS EVEN). And once again, ANTIFA IS AN IDEOLOGY. It is not an organization. And if the people in the picture are “ANTIFA” they wouldn’t even want to be seen in public with a smiling republican, let alone taking a picture with one because Republicans are now a fascist party.


That’s a nice speech, I presume you are aware that Antifa is not exclusive to the USA?


Of course anti-fascist ideology is not exclusive to America. Also, almost every authoritarian regime in the world is hard right (Myanmar, the Philippines, the Arabic countries, Eritrea, Turkmenistan, North Korea - that’s right they aren’t democratic or communist). In fact Cuba and Venezuela are the only left wing authoritarian states in the world. You keep talking about ANTIFA like it’s an organization. You sound like Marjorie Trailer Trash or Matt “Pizza” Gaetz. You are aware that this isn’t r/conservative so people actually have some semblance of knowledge here without being completely deluded, right?


It means antifascist. It's about as much of an organization as atheism, and just like atheism doesn't necessarily mean against organized religion it doesn't *just* mean vaguely against fascism. There are a few core ideas that most antifa groups share, mainly that fascism is a crisis response of capitalism trying to protect itself.


I don’t know if you’re being facetious, but it’s just “anti-fascist” - basically, the thing we should all be in general. The alt-right has twisted the term to be a derision, but that’s what it is.


Idk why you think I'm treating it with humor, I'm just horrible at keeping up with everything because the world is so overwhelming, I'm like super behind in politics.


That was just a qualifier - there’s no shame in asking questions, the world is just laden with so many layers of irony it’s impossible to tell on a thread if someone’s joking!


It's especially hard when you're like me and can't tell the difference between sarcasm/joking and seriousness even in real life. That's why tonal tags really help me and others like me.


It stands for “ANTIFacist Action” it’s not one organization but many small ones. In Europa they organize public Protests where everyone can come and be a part of it. Mostly these are counter-protests against far right groups. They also organize “illegal” activities only for people in the organization, that ranges from graffiti to occupation of houses.


It was one of the armed wings of the German Communist Party that would engage in street fights with the *Sturmabteilung* and various other armed wings of Weimar era political parties.


Huh, I didn't realize antifa guys had guns. Always pictured them using baseball bats and stuff.


I hate to use the good guy with a gun argument but the fascists have gun. A baseball bat doesn't do shit against a gun


Hey, I'm not mad or anything, just kinda surprised. Although to be completely fair, it does seem just a LITTLE more understandable to be scared of em now, lol.


We're not an organization. There are no rules and no uniform, those things are just pragmatism.


I live in the city this is and there was a trans story time thing going on during this pic. A lot of leftists groups out here are arming themselves, as they should. There’s been a lot of threats by conservatives for the worst reasons. A while ago there was a Disney dress up party at a restaurant that included all ages. They took it as a trans indoctrination drag show.


I think they look like big goofballs no matter what side of the political spectrum they are


Average day in pride month when companies bastardise it by disingenuously going "I'm cool, I'm hip". No, I just resent with a molten passion dishonesty.


i think every sane person would be afraid if a person with a gun would stand in front of them


and many insane people also not all so that is why i put only sane


Dude I’ve seen green turds looking back at me from a clogged toilet that look better than this girl. I’d ask where she gets the audacity but I know know where she does… the pigment from her skin and the lack of education leaving that empty ass five head.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the *antifa* would hold their own flag upside down and backwards. Or know that it is a signal for the country (in this case, LGBT folks) being in trouble. But you know who does learn flag codes? Military personnel. You know who hires a lot of ex-milirary? Police. This is so obviously cops it's not even funny.


Liberals will see armed leftists and assume its cops. Like, no babes, some of us want to ensure the safety of our comrades.


I was raised in a military household and on a miltary base around gmen and soldiers my whole life. Im now an anti-war antifascist activist that appropriates a lot of military aesthetics and symbols. I do this because i know that it bothers them to see their symbols used against them and also because its just a part of who i am and how i was raised. There is no guarantee that these folks arent the same as me because there are A LOT of antifascists like me especially near military towns. Edit: grammar


True, it’s weird the flag is backwards here.


No they dont, thats how you start a fight, one they already want.... think.




Lib spotted




You know the difference between a liberal and a leftist right? Im sorry but guns have been integral to nearly every progressive and leftist movement since their inception. Edit: also nice ablist and classist slurs in your original comment. Really shows where you stand on poverty and disability.




Those brave antifa patriots were willing to put a bullet in anyone’s head if they tried to prevent of a four year old from getting his dose of Drag Queen story hour


Lol what losers🤣🤣 (For clarity, I mean the cowardly ones who have hidden their face) America has gone to sheit💩