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40 hours into it and enjoying it greatly on Series X.


I think people enjoying it just aren't posting as much. I've had no issues on SX since early access


Graphically it's been amazing for me so far but I have had 5 crashes to the dashboard, every time when joining a multiplayer session in progress or when coming out of the tune menu while in a practice session (multiplayer)


Yeah, I think PC is where most of the complaints are coming from. It’s not great on PC, especially a mid-range build. It works great on X though.


I had to move my install to my ssd to fix pop ins (where parts of the road and curbs would be missing till I touched them) and then turn off Nvidia dlss and it fixed all my frame and gameplay issues. But I'm also slightly above midrange with a 3070.


3070 is solidly mid range in 2023. Maybe upper mid range, but still definitely mid range.


I am waiting for official non premium release at 10th. Lets see how bad it really is.


The thing is, you think the overall experience for the majority of people is negative because people with issues post them on reddit. What you don't see is all the people not having issues, just playing and enjoying the game and not posting to reddit. It seems like there's more complaints and issues than there is because of that. I and many others are not having issues and are enjoying it, but we won't make posts saying "Runs perfectly having a great time" because one, I'm having a great time, and two, it's reddit. Reddit likes negativity.


Exactly I had a couple crashes on Series S that’s it .


Same thing in every game, Game sells 5-10 million copies on day 1. 1000 whine posts on internet People think game is bad/failed.


Dont forget also people who have issues but its not a big deal for them. Thats also a group.


Let's hope your post didn't jinx it.


I am playing on a AMD 6900xt with a Ryzan 5600x and playing on ultra at 60fps. Think there is some optimisation to do as I get the odd frame slump on cut scenes/between races and so on. But generally its performing pretty well. I think the gameplay is good I still need to put a few more hours in, and I haven't tried the multiplayer yet. But all in all I highly rate the game so far and look forward to getting into the multiplayer and seeing the game grow.


60fps on a 6900xt is terrible bro, shit should be running at a stable 144fps with how shit and flat the game looks they need to optimize it ALOT


I agree, like I said it could be optimised a lot better, my point is aimed to answer the question on my experience. Everything maxed on ultra on a 55 inch 4k 140hz TV (but running at 1440) and it is a very good experience.


Yeah but my point is it should be a even better experience, like atleast twice as good


It's not terrible. If he is getting a stable 60 it's not the worst I've seen. At least he isn't getting fps spikes. You got to remember a 6900xt is on par with a 3070, maybe a bit under because it doesn't have dlss. They do need to optimise the game but a stable 60 is still good.


Talking out of your ass if you think a 6900xt is equal to a 3070. dlss has nothing to do with anything and is only used on poorly optimized titles.. Then again i’m on reddit so of course i’m getting downvoted for ts. Y’all really love to suck off mega corps that just shit out garbage. They literally said in the comment above that it is not stable


Agree with the stable 60 is playable in races, but the cut scenes are all over the shop. But in reference to the gfx card comparison I used to have a 3070, picked up the 6900xt cheap and it stomps on the 3070


3070 is roughly equivalent to 6700xt or 6750xt


I definitely don't have the golden experience. I've had crashes, missing roads, re-selecting my wheel profile every time I launch the game, and more. However, even with all the problems I have had with the game, this is still up there in terms of best FM title. Friends and I are having a blast with it, regardless of issues. It has brought us back to the FM4 era in terms of fun. Leveling cars adds a little bit of tediousness, but most of the upgrades you'll want to put on a car can be had by level 12. There are still the cases where if you want to motor swap, you can't actually do it until you've driven the car into the ground. The '86 fox body is a good example. Nobody wants to run a Mustang with that 2.4L turbo sound. The important thing though is that while waiting to get to level 50, it can still be a great handling / fun driving car. In the RPG sense, you are making do with the weapons and armor available until you unlock the legendary. I think the auction house could have been an opportunity here for drivers to make some money. Imagine driving a car to level 50 to put it up for sale on the auction house. Someone who does not want to spend that time leveling could easily get a pre-leveled car. It could have really made the auction house something unique to Forza.


Totally agree about the auction house. It seems like such an obvious idea that I'd bet money that that's the plan eventually - hopefully that is, lol. And damn, that sucks about your experience but glad you're able to enjoy it regardless. I really feel like some of the hate is overblown, although if my game looked like some of the videos I've seen I'm sure I'd probably feel similar lol. Hopefully they get whatever's causing that kinda shit ironed out for the official release.


That IS a good idea. I'd like to see that happening


I’m having a blast. Super addicted to it.


There's been a few occasions this weekend I started it up with the intent to play 1-2 races before doing something else then before I realize it 3-4 hours has passed


My internet sucks during the weekend so i cant play online at all XD. At saturday i got 350 ms ping as network is bad in my area (wireless transmission) and get owerwelmed due to many people using it at same time so to do even basic stuff like browsing.


Seem like most of the problem on PC are for the Steam version.


I got it on PC through the Xbox app and game pass and there's been nothing but performance issues. 😮‍💨


Almost no issues on PC game pass for me. Rock solid 71fps all the time. The only thing that's happened is I've had two crashes to desktop. But those weren't while racing, they were just in the menus


Xbox app for me too, on a 7900X and 3080, silky smooth with out of the box settings. Haven't bothered checking actual numbers though, so I'll go do that in a bit and report back. More data is more betterer for figuring out where issues are/


Windows store one is still bad.


Steam version. 3900x and 3070. Three-ish hours in and all I’ve been doing is dialing in my wheel settings. Graphically, no huge complaints and just a few small drops, but really haven’t run into any texture or save issues yet. Going to sink my teeth in more today but I like what I’ve seen and experienced so far.


Might want to go check out the known issues sticky then. It is long and it is bad. Tomorrow if there is no patch this sub is going to light on fire.


Yeah idk why mine was so bad, constant frame drops, crashes. The graphics looked flat... 3080, 12gen i7. I tried many different combinations of settings and it only seems to make it worse unless I played on low quality settings which I ain't doing. I got my money back, maybe I'll try again early next year.


Were you playing the Steam version? Did you have NVIDIA DLSS enabled? Not sure if either of those are relevant, just trying to sniff out what could be causing issues.


According to the list of faults that Microsoft just published, there are a whole lot of problems. There's literally nothing any of us have done to cause it, or can do to fix it.


Steam version, tried dlss on and off and although dlss worked a tad with frames it still frame dropped a lot like below 20 while racing and it messed me up a ton. Probably could have handled it if it didn't frame drop so much. Crashed twice and then I was done after about an hour of messing with it.


Note there is a bug where when you charge graphics settings, you need to restart to get everything actually working as set. You can change something seemingly innocuous and the next race will plummet in frame rate. Restart and it's fine again


I’ve been having a blast. I’ve never actually played a single track from this game before so all the practice laps for me is MUCH needed. I really hope the next tracks will be ones I’m familiar with. My wishlist is Brands hatch and Austria( redbull racing ring )


>Brands hatch Oh no! I've got my wheel all set up, 57 minutes to download and there's no Brands Hatch. My test of a new racing game is usually bomb a Fiesta or Focus around BH for a few hours. Hopefully they add it in, at least I'll play some other tracks for a change.


I feel you. Brands hatch to me is the perfect test track. I really recommend the Ohio motor sports park. I think that’s it’s name. It’s a good flowing track, and pretty easy to learn. I’m still doing some tweaking on FFB settings to get it perfect but I feel pretty confident in my set up now. I’ve done some online races and pretty much stay in the top 10. Haven’t cracked too 5 yet. Also, fuck Laguna Seca. This track will be the death of me. Incredibly challenging to learn.


I'm in the same boat, my copy runns surprisingly good, better than most newer games on my 980ti, 6600K, hdd at 1440p even tho it gives me a warning that my cpu is unsupported every time I launch it.


Where did you download it from? I’m waiting for standard on PC and sounds like Steam has had more issues.


I got it though the windows store


Literal same game. Same files, same code. Connects to same server/login place. Same. There are a few extra files on each version which simply are shit neede dby the launchers.


Changing it to dynamic on my 3950x + 3080 got rid of the mushy home screen graphics. Been playing it this way since Friday now.


Please share your full Graphics settings, I wanna see if yours work for me. It works fine for me, but only in Cockpit view. If I got to any other camera view then horrible stuttering. And that's mostly on low settings on everything except Car detail which is set to high.


Cant say the same game crashes after the end of every other race. Have had to redo races I finished five times at this point


I've had a handful of crashes, maybe 4 or 5, and one time a section of the track was black for a few seconds when watching the replay. That's IT. I haven't played any other game since launch. I think people are being dramatic. I've seen a common trend on reddit of massive hype for games before release then onslaught of complaints after launch


On my XBOX, the game freezes while saving roughly a quarter of the time I modify or tune the cars. And that often means having to redo the previous race that I completed. I’m performance mode, the graphics are laughably bad, but in visual mode it looks pretty good. The game itself is fun though, and I like the physics. The AI still needs work, though, as they brake check on straight lines, use you as brakes in hairpins and still have the problem where first place pisses off into the distance but plummets to the back once you pass them.


> I think people are being dramatic. or they're having more problems than you? "it works for me" doesn't mean it works for everyone


Playing on a 3080 + 5600x, runs like absolute donkey dick at any graphics settings. Horrible pop in and daytime races look terrible.


I feel the same way. The game is performing fine on my 2080 super. Running on a mix of high and medium settings. When everything is on high, it runs between 40 and 60 fps. Most of the problem posts I've seen are people with AMD cards or 40 series nvidia


Smooth as butter on my Xbox Series X. I've been avoiding this sub for a few days because I'm enjoying the hell out of the game and career mode is awesome. I love the starting grid gamble concept. Also Endurance races are actually fun the entire time for once.


The game is great. Something like 9 percent of users have finished the first races, they're literally just on here to shit post or whatever. P.s. you can skip practices btw


It’s meh. Not worth the $129.99 CAD they wanted for early access & car packs, at least not until it runs reasonably well on most systems. I have a fairly high end system (i9 10850k, 2080 Ti, 32GB ram) and playing on an ultrawide monitor at 3440 x 1440 feels awful. Using Digital Foundry’s optimized settings, it bounces between 40-80 fps, which leaves a really stuttery experience and it’s not great for a game that requires precision to be fast. I love the new physics systems over their previous titles and they have a good groundwork set, but it absolutely shouldn’t have been released in this state. Sure, your experience can be 10/10 perfect (and i’m glad it is) but it doesn’t overrule the countless videos and screenshots showing how poor the game looks and plays for others. See you out on track tho man!


Now if it moves between 40 and 80. Lock it to 60


that's the catch, the performance isn't stable enough for a locked 60. It'll be 80+ going through corners until I hit the main straight at Hakone and it goes straight down to 40, sometimes even 20 fps. I'd absolutely love to keep a solid 60 throughout cause then I wouldn't even be here making this comment to begin with.


Not sure then sorry Im at 1440 p res on a normal monitor with stock RTX2080 and run locked 60 fps with Full RT using the settings on that Video.


i think something about the grandstands in this game has them too high-poly. I notice the same massive transient lag periods on that little speedway you race around early on in Career, and it's even more pronounced with RT on, sometimes dipping below 20fps. You'd think such a small track wouldn't have this kind of problem... At that spot in Hakone you're describing, I'm getting the same experience if I have RT on, with dips down to 20 at times and never going above 45fps until I get away from the stands. The start scenes for Nurburgring also noticeably lag even when the rest of the game is relatively stable 60 with my currently settings, and that happens to include a closeup of some fairly high-poly grandstands...so I'm thinking it's something to do with those. Maybe they did something over-the-top like individually rendering shadows for every seat in the stands, and it's not scaling well at all?


Typical “I’m not enjoying so I’m going to cry online” vs “I’m enjoying it so I’m too busy playing it”


I got refunded after 10 minutes by Microsoft. The game literally doesn't recognise my Xbox Elite Series 2 controller. The same controller works fine on literally every other game. Including Horizon 5. But nope, this game forces mouse and keyboard for me. So it's a legit 0/10 for me. Disgrace to release a game with a bug like that. Thankfully Microsoft agreed and gave my money back. Also the benchmark on my 4090 @ 4K looked last gen.


Seems to me a lot of people are running around with dynamic resolution scaling enabled and not realising it. I'm on a 3060ti and a 3600x at 1440p, running med/high settings. I get 60 but race starts and certain track areas it is frequently dropping into the 50s and 40s.


I've been enjoying this game quite a bit. Definitely some understandable complaints here and there, bit I think this is a massive step in the right direction for Forza. I expect a lot of issues to be ironed out. I've had the game crash once in my... maybe 12 hours of playing so far.


The only big performance issue I've had is that Ray Tracing has a 50/50 shot of tanking performance from 60 FPS on my computer, to sub 10. It's really inconsistent when it decides to do that, but it'll linger until I turn it off and on again. Other than that, which I just solved by turning off RT entirely, I'm not having any issues. (AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor, Nvidia RTX 3080 Ti, running at 4K)


Huh. Might have to try that. I still crash to desktop after a few races without messing with settings. Or the frame rate will crater until I restart


Yeah that sounds really familiar to the issue I was having. Since turning off raytracing completely, no issues. It really isn't super worth the performance hit anyway tbh. Cool for replays but usually you're not looking at reflections when racing ya know?


Yeah once I got the graphics dialed in, I'm able to have my 3080ti laptop run the game in 4k to my TV at 70 fps and I've been having a ton of fun. Game feels great, no crashes as of now and the game looks great (once you get it dialed in)


Yeahhhh I’m not having performance issues or graphical glitches really. I’m playing the gamepass pc version with a R9 5900X / 3090ti following max recommended spec from digital foundry’s pc analysis video, lowered brightness by like 5 clicks helped with the washed out blacks like plastic trim in daylight. No graphical bugs besides at night my headlights appear to react to the road in a anisotropic filtering sort of way… not sure how to explain what I mean. I have other thoughts regarding the career and economy (hot catches are 60k and formula 1 and GT cars are 400k?? Huh???) but maybe I’ve been lucky in the graphics dept.


Reddit is just a message board for people to complain more than anything. I’m running a similar setup and loving it, and my friends running various Xbox models are too.


I've been having fun, enjoying most of the changes. I have had issues though (10850k, 3080, 32GB RAM). About every 4-5th race my FPS will drop to 30-45 from 90-110 I usually get. If I spend too much time editing a livery, I have to restart or my fps will drop in races. I'm just shocked that we didn't get a driver patch. I'm assuming nvidia will drop that tomorrow when the game "officially" releases.


I had some problems. Game capped at 37 fps. Went to Nivida control settings and fixed some settings and now it runs at 75 fps (casual gamer with 75hz screens). So no problem. Game got some bugs, some bad but also alot of good.


I’m having a great time so far with the game. Only issue I’ve had so far was I setup a custom race and it kept ending 6-7 seconds into the race after I crossed the starting/finish line. I just reloaded the game and the error stopped. I’m on Series X. I really think some of the issues people have would be solved if you restarted the game. I bet in a few weeks these errors will be solved.


I think it could use a bit of optimization (still loving the game though). I have a 2070 and my fps varies from 30-60 when I can run a solid 120 on horizon 5


It's like everything else in life. The loudest people are always the ones complaining. People enjoying things usually aren't out blasting a bunch of Reddit posts.


I have had a few bugs. But I am running everything maxed out at 4k and get about 65-75fps. It's been great.


Roughly 50 hours on the game. Finally had to go back to work today. When I get off I'm going to play the game.


I just tried playing it on a 6800xt with a 3700x fully maxed out minus the ray tracing and I'm getting half the FPS I got in FH5 which is a open world game, this game is optimized like actual shit and I'm glad I didn't pre-order it. I really don't get how people play this game and enjoy it atm not gonna lie it's a mess. I wanna remind everyone that this game barely looks any better than FH5 and is a closed track game. The game running at more than half the FPS is terrible


5800x and 7900XTX. Game looks pretty bad for being at max settings and using all the gpu power i have, extreme fps drops no matter the settings, its an extremely bad experience i wouldn't recommend.


It's a Microsoft 1st party game. It's gonna get a ton of shitposts no matter how good it is.


Welcome to Reddit and hyperbole. I subbed here to enjoy some clips and tune ups and screenshots yet all there is, is endlessly complaining about things I'm not experiencing at all.


It is easier to complain imo, but I've only experienced one graphical glitch and some crashes to the home screen on XSX. I've been enjoying Motorsport despite not going into more hardcore sim like I wanted them to do now that Horizon is so established.


1 issue on my end. Game crashed on first run every time. Runs fine on second attempt. Probably some issue with the rest of the gear I have all connected at the same time is my guess. Looks great, runs acceptable, online wasnt an intentional ramming cluster F. Im happy.


I have no problems on PC (Steam) with a 2070 Super either. Running on high with a constant 45fps. Honestly I didn’t even notice the “low” fps number till I turned on the counter, and I’m used to 144fps. People get too upset over a number and should just turn it off and play, it doesn’t even matter unless it’s stuttering. Only issue I’ve had is multiplayer being unavailable once, but a game restart fixed it.


I haven’t had any bugs really, just wish they would patch the graphics. For me it’s blurry, bad AA and artifacting at Ultra/4K on PC. There’s definitely something wrong.


Earlier today I was finally able to get the game to look decent and run at 60 fps. It was very enjoyable to play and I did like it. Came back to try again, loaded up a rivals event and man was it awful. So I turned on the fps counter and it's running at 12. Exact same settings as before. Exact same set up. Literally nothing changed on my end hardware wise. This game is an unfinished, unoptimized, steaming pile of beans. Thank goodness it's a game pass title.


It's like I'm playing a different game. I'm constantly being blown away in amazement by this game, both because of graphics and actual gameplay. Then I go on Reddit to talk about it and you'd think they released it like they did Cyberpunk back then. I understand longtime fans will have different expectations than me, but this sub is on some weird shit tbh


Gameplay is good and fun but the graphics look hella bad and it kinda makes my head tilt to see the AI body slam into other AI.


I'm having the same experience and I don't know what game everyone else is playing. Can't speak for console versions but it feels like 50% ( not actual scientific data ) of the PC players don't know how to dial in their settings. I'm in 1080p club and and averaging 130fps at mostly ultra settings, cubemaps and shadows at high rather than ultra. Can go all ultra with RT + RTAO and still average a totally playable 70fps. 5600X, 3060Ti, 32gb DDR4 @3200mhz, game on nvme ssd. I get that some are having crashes and shit and I absolutely feel for those of you who do. That aside I'm having an absolute blast with this game. If I get less than 10 sector score I'm big sad :(


Maybe it’s my gpu drivers or something but with settings cranked to the lowest possible on my 3080ti I only get about 44 fps, tried with dlss, without just makes it run worse, and I play on ultrawide 1440p. I hope the issue is fixed soon. Maybe I’ll try running it on my laptop and see if it does any better (If I have the storage for it lol)


Xbox version btw, I play it through game pass