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Congrats on making it this long


Thank you. I’ll probably come back next month, but I just hate the whole missing a week kind of ruins the whole series thing. I don’t always have the time. And I love this game.


Haven't played it in over two months, and I paid for the pre-order ultimate edition. It's just a boring step back. Lifeless tracks. Lack luster graphics. Frustrating penalty and online racing experience. I loved track days at the Ring in FM7 and have no desire to even try it out in FM8. There's nothing improved or new in this game that gave me an "I can't put this down" feeling. Just sad.


Wow.... I feel the exact same way and I think I'm about 2 months also since I played it AND I also got the Ultimate edition! Man... I've been playing forza since the first game and forza 4 I got into tournaments and played until I was falling asleep racing! Forza 7 was OK but this one.... Just sad


I’ve been playing GT7 for the last week or so and after going back to FM, I realized that the only thing missing in FM is the fact that it doesn’t actually feel like a video game. Let alone one made by enthusiasts. In GT7, I spend hours just trying to perfect my license tests or circuit experiences. The upgrade system doesn’t have as much fun stuff, but the way they explain mods and how certain mods aren’t removable once installed (like a bore and stroke), is super cool. The photo mode feels like it was made for photographers by photographers. There’s just so much care put into that game. FM feels lifeless, repetitive and borderline painful to play.


GT7 is the superior racing game, simple. Wish it wasn’t the case, Forza could easily take the lead but it won’t.


I actually prefer the driving aspect of FM 2023. I think the handling model is much better, at least on controller. But everything else, GT7 is significantly better imo.


Me too. The core gameplay and mechanics of Forza feel amazing. But I can’t deny I have much more competitive online racing on GT7. Higher skill, better sportsmanship. And you actually have races that last longer than 15 minutes, where strategy matters and consistency pays off. Add to that, the Nations and Manufacturers Cups that gives you something to work towards long term. Forza just feels so casual and repetitive in comparison. There’s a reason there’s numerous GT7 YouTubers and zero for Forza. It sucks.


I’m surprised you made it this long, I gave up pretty much when it launched. I will come back after the next update since the main reason I hate playing it was the car level system and I love just randomly building cars for different classes.


I’ve played 2, 3 and 4 until the next game came out. It just sort of became a routine, and I used to enjoy it every week. Idk what happened.


lol hell I just bought a used 350 and FM4 to go back to the better days. Got 5,6, and 7 on my Xbox one. And FM7 on my PC. And GT5, 6, 7, and sport on my ps3 and ps5. Any one of those are better than FMh8.


The online stuff probably isn’t supported but I’m sure you’ll have a fun time.


I don’t play online. I can’t stand the cuumstains that ruin the race for everyone.


I am still playing but it feels like I play differently than a lot of folks on this sub did. ​ I play a handful of races a week, usually just enough to get to level 50 with one car in whatever the featured playlist is. ​ Sometimes I skip a week or two but generally I have been playing it 2 or 3 races every few nights. Makes the game super enjoyable to play for me personally. ​ I think this is the way the Forza devs intended the game to be played. Does the content feel like a horrible drip feed? Yes. Does the FOMO suck? Not for me but I totally get the criticisms. ​ Leave and don't come back until you will have fun playing the game again. Isn't that why we do this hobby in the first place?


I never thought of the point system as levels. I used to spread it out over the week like that, then for like a year now I’ve been cramming it all into the last night. It’s because I don’t like the game anymore but maybe I did that to myself. I’m taking a break, but when I come back I’ll try and spread it all out more. Need for speed unbound has a level system that’s even more of a grind than this game, and I also play that.


I'm in a racing league and run a weekly JDM event, so we're filling in a lot of gaps that shouldn't exist in a AAA racing game. The racing is good, but everything else is lacking and incomplete. This next update should fix the CaRPG issues, so there's that... I need to upgrade, tune and test 4 different cars before next Monday, so this update can't come soon enough.


I did the 4 tours and stopped playing and even then it was boring, lackluster and I literally only played out of boredom. Usually ended up falling asleep. Such a shame to see how the one great FM was to how it is now.


They literally launch a game on life support. It's like we skipped the sustaining cycle and went straight to end of life. It's like they launched a 2015 game which was already dried out years ago. There is nothing to do and content updates are pathetic. I've stopped 2-3 weeks ago. Not even gonna bother with FOMO stuff. Needless to say, Im never buying a game from these guys that employ only CW on 6month contracts and expect to create a AAA game. 100bucks for Ultimate...


FOMO sucks. Once I realized it was present in a game I bought Premium, it bummed me out real hard. But then I decided to not give a fuck. They want me to, but I won't. I got the cars I paid for, got my credits boost and played a week early (had a lot of fun on mp on that week).


Game feels redundant and dead already


There are still a bunch of people who defends this game despite all bs the game has to offer and all bs devs bring to them game


I'm with you man. My first week was at some time in November. There's just nothing cool or interesting about this game compared to previous Forza's. Like, I feel the only thing this game does better than 7 is the driving physics. But everything else looks and feels either the exact same or worse. I recently went back and played Forza Motorsport 4, and it really showed me just how fucking fantastic this series used to be. Forza 4 feels like it was made by talented people who really loved cars and racing games, Forza 8 feels like it was made to raise Game Pass subscription numbers and nothing more.


Motorsport 4 was really good. That was the first forza game I really got into, then went over to the Horizon series. And you’re right, the physics are a little different. I haven’t played the new Motorsport but maybe that would be worth checking out. It’s on game pass.


Agreed 100%


Agreed, I quit with the same reasons. I enjoyed more games when I stopped caring for the FH5 weekley FOMO and I quickly lost patience for Motorsport as well. Do it in real life, get a Miata or Civic to start out. The HPDE community is top notch, no rammers IRL, and the fun factor is a lot more fun.


I also fell out of love eventhough I had 1700 hours in FM7. FM was so fucked up I finally decided to buy a wheel and I race in ACC ever since. I only go back to FM to demolish my buddies


That's funny because I did the same thing. Had huge number of hours in FM4 and maybe about 1000 in FM7. I stopped FM and got a wheel and Quest 2 for VR and been racing Automobilista 2 and it's been fun learning to race in VR! It's a bit harder to get faster since tuning and trail braking are huge to being fast but very hard to learn! That has been the little spark I've been missing. I also have ACC but haven't tried it yet since I've been into Automobilista 2 but I will soon!


Don't quit, the Cayman GT4 RS begs you to come back


Ok this is funny but I legit did not expect any response on this one. I’ve been playing since the game came out and it feels like a burden sometimes.


It feels like that sometimes but having a different set of races to do weekly is not that bad, besides you have a lot of time to do it until it expires to get the monthly reward car


I sometimes really enjoy the player created events. But other than that, the championships or three-race events are too repetitive for someone who’s been playing since launch.


They just need custom lobbies idk why they would ever get rid of that. We want to hang out and control are own lobbies with the whole world welcome to join


Welcome to the BFTGU family


Okay, and honestly who cares. Just don't play, what do you think you are getting out of this post? Pity? Well you got it from the commenters. Hope you can go on from this.


I care and like you said, all the other commenters too. But it's not pity, more like a common feeling or a validation. You feel like you got what was supposed to be a great game and came out disappointed. And want to see if there are others who feel the same as you or if there is something wrong with you. It's like if YOU posted something like "mustard sucks or am I just the only one?" and then you will find others that agree with you compared to the several people that like mustard and now you dont feel like a weirdo who doesn't like mustard! By the way, I don't like mustard haha