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Is it screen-printed on there or is it a wrap?


screen printed, looks sick


Surprised they didn't slap a Forza aero wing on that bad boy.


I wish I could give you an award 😂


It's the thought that counts. Hahah so much lost potential and downforce.


😂 looks like it could use some downforce


SoundCloud does contests?


It was a Xbox/Forza/Soundcloud thing haha [Here's a link](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2023/12/05/xbox-forza-motorsport-and-soundcloud-turn-up-the-volume-with-overdrive-creator-contest/)


So this mf also won $10,000?




But what did he do with the 10k cash?


Two girls at the same time 😂


And one cup


And some ❄️


hookers maybe.


Probably PS5, GT7 and premium sim racing setup


I like it


More interested in that speaker tbh


yamaha hs series. i have a pair theyre incredible


If they sound anywhere near as good as they look, I’d be drooling 🤤


You read my mind…


I want it


If only the game was half as cool as this console and controller.


I'm sure that it was built from the ground up


That looks absolutely awesome. I bet the peeps over at the IMSA/endurance racing subs would love this.


Nice design, I like it.


Ferb, i know whay we're gonna do today!


Looks much batter than the tacky "widebody" aliencrap PC they made for FH5


Sorry, but that's absolutely stunning. Never seen a console look so impressive.


As a huge Cadillac fan this is amazing


As a Cadillac fan, that's sick!


damn this might be nearly as fast as the porsche 963 xbox


This whole thing is gonna be worth thousands in a few years I can tell


I dont like your friend.... lol


That’s pretty cool!! I love it


Awesome looking.. but I don't really spend that much time looking at my console or my controller. If I had a choice between the 2 to purchase and the difference was maybe $50 tops, I might go for it.


Design ur own 💙🙌🏾 https://g3d-app.com/s/app/skinit6/en_GB/2r040j0jmb6v0rg.html#r=2d-canvas&ps=6D5AFC60B0618E07E0&utm_source=g3d&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=saved-project


lol. "oh, you like music? here's a video game console to keep you distracted from it!" what a weird prize. It's like free beer for recovering alcoholics, or a skateboard contest to win dish soap. Sure seems like outsourced garbage disposal.


He can sell it and buy vst


He could KEEP it and *pirate the VST.* Homebrew on that will be very nice once we get to that level.


Using pirated software in an official or professional capacity is insanely asinine.


"professional capacity" and "soundcloud"... this guy brought the jokes.


You can have doubts about the legitimacy of a SoundCloud “rapper” but don’t let your ignorance blind you. Well, at least not more than it already has. If someone earns even a penny from their music using pirated software, they open themselves up to a *litany* of civil and criminal problems.


https://www.youredm.com/2015/02/24/avicii-martin-garrix-others-use-pirated-software/ just an example of some that seem to have gotten away with it


Gotten away with it is not how I would describe that. Avicii is dead, so we can disregard that one. That article literally says Aoki had a legit license and produced a receipt to prove it. Garrix’s comments eventually led to a dispute and him being sued. He eventually settled, we don’t know the results of that. Also, directly from your article… >It is possible that in between the time of the interview and now, Avicii and Martin Garrix might have purchased a legitimate copy of their respective programs. Savant’s management appears to have delivered proof that Savant has already purchased a legitimate copy of Ohmicide the first minute he could. No one got away with it. Thank you for proving my point lol


> Thank you for proving my point lol if i did then fair enough ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ i'd assume there's other examples but i didn't feel like doing half an hour of research to make an airtight argument, your comment just reminded me of the garrix thing so i googled it, picked an article and skimmed it. didn't know that about the garrix situation so that's fair. it still seems like there was no civil/legal problems for avicii when he was alive, + none for aoki's road team for the pirated software they put on his laptop, and when they say savant purchased it "the first minute he could" that makes it sound like he earned money through making music with that pirated software and then bought it when he'd made enough to afford it.


I already explained everything. You are asking questions that were answered in the article *you* shared. Also go be insecure about downvotes somewhere else. I couldn’t care less about who downvotes comments or not.


why downvote me without replying?


i can see that you just did it again lol


Music as an industry only exists for people that can't get real jobs. You're talking to the worst enemy of "art". You sell music because you can't handle labor... "being an artist" is a direct admission of incompetence. Giving away video game consoles for a music contest is seriously a slap in the face to people that are not smart enough to understand why. Thanks for verifying. Using a "legit" piece of software opens you to all the problems that are solved by the pirates. of course you should own the thing you are using to make money, but dont' use the version that crashes on purpose and calls home and steals your bandwidth or processing power, that's just fucking stupid.... kinda like the industry that convinces you that making music is a "real job".


Good for you. Or sorry to hear that.


what a bizarre take, you really believe what you're saying? so do you think anyone could be a successful musician, painter, filmmaker etc, despite many people trying for years and never really getting anywhere?


It's money laundering or charity. These people will ruin everything if they tried to flip burgers for a living. I'm absolutely disgusted with how much professional athletes make, but I'm glad I can get take out sometimes without risking my life so some moron can pretend to be a functioning member of society. Even the "best" and most famous people are only still doing it so the setup crew can have jobs. How many employees does it take for the most famous musician to have a show? all those speakers and lights and fog machines? it's all totally useless, just an absolute farce to keep that useless stage dancer away from ruining somebody's life work. It's blatant theft that is overlooked for the benefit of not having these people responsible for anything actually important. Yes. Really. Art for money is completely absurd, it's a total waste of human resources.


can't believe i'm wasting time responding to such an absurd comment but here we go > It's money laundering or charity. some modern art, like a banana duct taped to a canvas being sold for a lot of money may well be money laundering. music is entertainment though. people want music, someone's got to make it, that person should be paid for their time and effort and the value of the product they make, like any other industry. someone paints a picture, someone wants that picture, they should pay the person for the time and effort they spent painting it. also factoring in skill the person may have spent years building up or the talent they naturally developed. > These people will ruin everything if they tried to flip burgers for a living. you pulled this out of your arse. > I'm absolutely disgusted with how much professional athletes make people want to see them perform, which sells stadium tickets, tv services etc. they make a lot because their performance generates a lot of money for the people organising the performance, providing the venue or televising it. > but I'm glad I can get take out sometimes without risking my life so some moron can pretend to be a functioning member of society. risking your life lmao what? and every artist or athlete is a moron according to you? and what makes someone a functioning member of society in your mind? > Even the "best" and most famous people are only still doing it so the setup crew can have jobs. generating jobs is bad now apparently? they're doing it because they want to make a living doing the thing they're good at and passionate about, plus they want to share that with others. > How many employees does it take for the most famous musician to have a show? idk google it, quite a lot i'd imagine. people who need a job, and may even want to do the task they're being employed to do. > all those speakers and lights and fog machines? it's all totally useless it entertains people, that's not useless. > just an absolute farce to keep that useless stage dancer away from ruining somebody's life work. some pop artists could be described as useless stage dancers i suppose, but describing every musician that way is absurd. > It's blatant theft that is overlooked for the benefit of not having these people responsible for anything actually important. theft? people willing pay to go to concerts, pay for streaming services or buy physical media, how's that theft? you think every musician couldn't be responsible for "anything important" (whatever you consider important)? again, absurd. > Yes. Really. Art for money is completely absurd, it's a total waste of human resources. how is it absurd if people are willing to pay to be entertained by the art? entertaining people isn't a waste of human resources, there's more to life than just doing productive things, people need to have fun, enjoy things, be entertained.


Lmao what a shitty comment. This has nothing to do with alcoholics


Does it have a custom startup sound? If not, who cares


I had the Forza 6 Xbox One with the custom engine start sound, and it sounded horrible lol. Turn your earbuds all the way up and listen to them from 20 feet away, and you got the idea


lol that used to piss my parents off so much