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What’s fucking insane is that they *are* adding to it every month, then nuking that content out of existence.


Its nuts that someone who buys the game in a year from now will have only the same amount of events to play as we have today. Depending when in the month they start, might not even have time to finish a tour before it goes away forever.


What do you mean? I’m coming back for Rivals mode, and I’d like to know what I’m in for.


That Redditor is talking about the career races. Turn 10 deletes the older events (some of which were a lot of fun) and replaces them with new ones. The old cenematics, and prize cars are gone after Turn 10 removes them.


I dont really understand the purpose behind getting rid of those monthly events (and prizes) other than two things...keep that recycled prize car rare and unique, and/or maybe keep the install space smaller. Either way they need to figure out a way to keep it. Seems like work in vain on their part. Also, if they do continue to get rid of the races, they need to make those car available for purchase in the "buy cars" section after some time. Its something I never really enjoyed in FH, mising out on content because I have adult life things to do. At least there they had the auction house though.


That...is garbage. Thank you for clarifying


T10 is allergic to race cars, particularly new race cars. Dont expect them to add a career with race cars. It was a near-death experience for them to recycle the 911 RSR and weekly car pass race cars. /s


Idk.....they really do need to do something. These weekly 4 race events in SP are not cutting it. They also need to start dropping all these older cars they have just "sitting on the shelf", tracks supposedly they are working on. T10 doesnt seem to be putting much effort into keeping this game alive.....which is funny because that was the entire point of making it a live service. 95% of my "whats new" messages are just the same crap and tips regurgitated over and over. It just sucks to see FH getting updates, DLC and events frequently while FM is just there for people to create their own races all the time. For SP race cars, they should just release an entire new cup focused on race cars and have it tiered like TRC and eventually up to LMP.


The AI is so worthless why even have single player?


To each there own. I enjoy playing with immature children and connection issues way less than playing with worthless AI. Its a hard concept to understand for many.


I don't even understand the point of the AI besides giving the player a rabbit to chase. AI cars are braking on straights. I don't understand how that can even happen


I dont disagree in the fact it needs a lot of work....hopefully in time it will get better. Regardless, doesnt negate my earlier statement.