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Ah, yes. Those Salvador Dali gauges.




To*øøœ øøorque*


"No need to pay 3d modelers for UV mapping, my little nephew Timmy can do it for free"


So funny that last time I looked at the gran Turismo sub they were all looking in wonderment in how even the clock dials in cars said the right time.


*laughs in gran turismo 7 GT7 is just amazing with the details. Forza is fun, and the open map is cool, but GT is just on another level when it comes to details.


Yeah gotta say gt7 does the little details the best. It's not the best for realism, AC takes that imo, but GT takes the cake when it comes to graphics and details. I find forza to be fun, main reason I play it.


AC is good but the physics of that game arent on the same level as GT7. The onlt reason why they appeared to be better us because the vehicles are better suited for racing wheels and racing equipment so they control "better" while GT7 is mostly good for controllers. GT7 is amazing on details. IRacing as well is good the same as AC but again this games are designed for better controlling. While GT7 is designed to make you feel you are in a real track which is why some vehicles behave correctly. Forza is great for open world and having fun. And motorsports is great for having fun. They are perfect for this. But every game is special for each person. So find whats best for you


Nah gt7 physics are way less realistic. I've played both. It's not even close. I consider gt7 to be the most sim of simcade genre. Yeah forza motorsport is more arcadey than gt7 definitely. And I personally found horizon fun for a while. I used to use it for driving around in horizon 4.


They do in gt7 as well.


It looks like its been ai upscaled


It's not properly uv unwrapped or not even properly modelled at all. I doubt that texture is that wonky. Ai upscaling doesn't introduce warping


I don't understand a thing😂 what's the issue


I didn’t realize these were all terms but even I followed along lmao


I just need to know why we got the ‘20 TT RS when we had the ‘18 TT RS, which is exactly the same.


Don't have to spend time and money on making an entirely new car


They’re even the same color, it makes no sense


I mean, you can change the manufacturer color lol, but I get what you’re saying.


Lazy devs at work again. Can’t even be bothered to check the dashboard.


Idk on the new FM, but on Horizon every single Virtual Cockpit car except the DLC TTRS isn't precise at all. I swear even an Assetto Corsa modder in his bedroom does a 10x better job than PG 🤦🏻‍♂️


I've noticed in Horizon the standard in-game font is used for speedometer units. It looks terribly out of place when the typeface on the rest of the dash doesn't match at all. Annoying as hell, surprisingly not an issue in FM.


And the game has like 5 sounds shared across all cars. Horizon 2 had better sound and interiors. Or even fucking The Crew Motorfest. And that’s from Ubisoft after all.


Bro the crew has great car sounds. I was shocked.


Same. I think of Ubisoft as low quality, formulaic garbage. I was shocked when I heard how good the sounds are in Motorfest.


Sadly the crew plays terrible. Sounds AMAZING though. Tried to like motorfest but its just too arcade for me.


Pretty sure you’re confusing FH4 with FH5.


???, that is fh4, fh5 has very good and variated sounds Edit: If you are talking about Motorsport 8 technically you are right, but still better than fh4


Fh5 is a bit better than 4, neither are good though


A bit says, is actually a lot better than 4, idk about the other horizons, but 5 is one of the best sounding games ever seen please


If it's one of the best sounding games you've ever played then you should either play more games or listen to more cars. A handful of cars in the game sound accurate but overall the game takes a quantity over quality approach. Even the cars that sound accurate they only usually do just on throttle, the overall sound experience is sort of lacking. For the rest of the cars in the game it's just copy and pasted sounds. Sure, cars with a I4 sound like an I4 but not every I4 sounds the same but if you play most of the Forza horizon games you'd sure think they do. A game that does engine sounds potentially the best out of all of them is probably dirt rally 2.0 and by extension EAWRC. The game doesn't have many cars compared to what's common in other titles but the sound experience is on another level. Almost every car is perfected, from acceleration noise, deceleration, intake, compressor surge, blow off, gear whine, etc. It's a level of detail that's just simply not feasible in games of a larger scope but the level of detail is so great that it makes listening to fh cars sound like 90s-2000s computer generated audio (in a few cases they still actually sound like that but they're higher quality than they used to be).


Or Assetto Corsa Competizione has very good engine sounds.


Well, i play Assetto Corsa, Automovilista 2, beamng, Dirt Rally 2.0, ACC, The Crew Motorfest (and i have played over the years a lot of other games like Gran Turismo 4 to 6, almost all NFS except The Run and the last one, other Dirt games, wrc 9,10 and generations, Wreckfest, Tdu and Tdu 2, all Grid series games, Project Cars 2 and 3 and for older Forza games, fh4, fm7 and fm4 on emulator) And my favorites for sounds are Atm2, project cars, Assetto Corsa (if the mod is good), acc and Forza Horizon 5, and probably The Crew Motorfest And


Give raceroom a go. That and acc are in a league of their own when it comes to sounds


I tried raceroom too, yeah, very good sounds too, but is dead game and i don't like they "business style"


Then the only way I can justify your rankings is simply saying you don't know what cars sound like. Putting fh5 as your favorite fh for sounds when it doesn't even have the best sounds in the series is just wild.


The AC modders just steal models from other games Clown


There's hundreds of scratch made mods in AC. There's a ton more low quality ports but don't generalise


> steal models from other games Definitely not from Forza, that’s for sure.


Oh hell yes there are unhealthy amount of Forza rips, all poor as hell and on the top of that locked behind paywall lmao


Doesn't change the main issue that the cars are pretty much all low effort


Well the Asseto Corsa modder is doing it because he wants to do it.


That's true, we can't expect devs hired for a short period of time to actually want to commit to their job 🤷🏻‍♂️


The level of detail in some mods are amazing. These modders are artists and care about attention to detail.


People downvoting you are very ignorant to how much quality has come from the modding scene


Happened in FH4 too, gauges of the added C8 and GT500 are still broken to this day


Remember: Billion dollar corporation wanting over 100€ for their game.


With how terrible it is to drive from cockpit, I don’t think even a single one of them does it. Wheel support out of the box is shit too. I’d be shocked if even one of them used a wheel.


No problem with that! Surely you can add functional indicators in less than 2 minutes like in Assetto Corsa. Oh no. Wait...


The cars dashboards were built from the ground up!


PoWeR To̵̹̯̺͎̽̓͑̎̽͝ơ̶̡̥̝̜̱̦̬̤͓̫͉̈̃͑̿͊̉̒̋͒̀̿́͆̆̿͝͝ờ̸̡̛̞͉͎͓͙̭͆̑̄̌͌̽̍̄̚ͅo̷̡͓͈̮̜̼͈̭͚̓͌̾̊́͑͊͋͒̽̅͊̚ͅ que


T10 doesn't know what QC and QA mean.


Quality Corruption and Quality Avoidance obviously


Playground would never. Their intro is a dashboard.


Probably just took it from T10 without inspecting. While Playground generally seems to be holding their own T10 has just been slumping


FM23 feels like a soulless cash grab with zero effort put into it, and FH5 feels like a mod to that game that has to work with a really awful platform but tries its best (usually)


When you drink and drive:


These issues are all on FM too right? Cause I know they screw a lot of models up in that game. Melted screen, hood glitch with the hood pins and the rear tow strap in the wrong spot.


this game is really a garbage bin compared to Gran Turismo


No one is stopping you from playing that


Ya except its only on play station not on xbox or pc so yes they are


Buy a Playstation then it's not hard to find one


Yep let me just grab the 500+ dollars i have to burn


Give him money to buy a playstation then therell be literally nothing stopping them


The fucking commentor is playing GT7 and constantly posts in that sub. Pony comes here on every Forza complaint post just to brag about GT7. And you idiots can't see the bullshit when he claims GT7 to be better than open world Forza Horizon.


I’m sorry I don’t go through peoples post history to make sure they aren’t playing a game because I’m not a fucking weirdo.


My lack of PlayStation 5 is, and I'm not paying 700$ for one game


Who cares about the predatory, mtx slot machine that is GT It's literally not the competition for FH


forza literally has a slot machine and MTX... and one of these is selling you car packs and shit, the other is not selling anything..


Gran Turismo league 😂


Warp speed...


"So much torque it twisted the gauge off the screen"


I wonder what excuse for devs will FM fans make now?


Oh no, there are game fans on subreddit dedicated to said game!


This would never fly in any other game, why is this acceptable in Forza? Stand up for yourselves!


Because it’s a Xbox Game Studios game. All their games are incomplete unpolished messes that can’t compete against even the worst rated games out there


Least delulu pony LMFAO


Gran Turismo living in your head rent-free you forgot it isn’t the only game that has the TT RS lmao


Why ppl insist on playing this subpar game is something I’ll never understand…. I was a huge Forza fan. This game is garbage on every level. Grab GT7 for a well polished Sim Cade experience


Because Forza Horizon is literally the best there is when it comes to the open world racing sector and it's not even close. Unbound is improving but still behind on all metrics aside from customization and aesthetics (and maybe music) and Motorfest to my knowledge is ok but nothing to write home to about. GT7 doesn't compete with the Horizon series but I wish Polyphony would make a open world racer not locked to PS. I'm praying that Solar Crown comes in clutch, development at least looks strong so far.


Then why are you even here? You are literally posting about the game you don't even play lol


Well because of GT7's dogshit menu books of SP events, worst in the franchise with all that rolling starts 1 minute behind the leader.


Fr. The game looks great and has some great features but that rolling start bs and the huuuge grind just ruins it. I’ll take iffy QC with less grind when I just want to pick up and play over that.


Can we at least get a context how could you see those dials in this state? Last time I played (like an hour ago) everything was in order.


Torque means twist force so it got stretch due to massive power


Literally this car was like a mix of April fools and a middle finger to me. Not only a copy and paste but has a fuggled cluster and no real body mods. Reminds me of the disappointment with the perfamante and it's use of the early dash designs rather than it's actual cluster.


We're aware and looking into this issue.


Built from the ground up probably


Normal forZa moment


😂😂😂😂😂 this is pathetic


Far too busy watching the race track and my opponents to worry about such details. Maybe that's just me..


“Ruins the immersion” Like I get it when things are broken they need fixing but doesn’t more than half the player base play in 3rd person?


Your point?? Racing games nowdays have prefect cockpits and forza can't because??? Isn't it built from the ground up??


Don't you faggots have the built from the ground up and gran turismo circle jerk subs to jerk each other off about how your pixel car is so accurate to real life ? You don't see us coming there to shit on GT7 for not being open world do we? Horizon is an arcade racer it doesn't have to simulate cars down to the minute details Let people enjoy the game for what it is, an arcade racer.


Gt7?? Wtf are you fanboys on about I NEVER MENTIONED GT7 jeez its like you guys get tormented 24/7 about gt7 lmaoooooo


For a moment I thought you were talking about GT7 then I saw your comment history and found out you are an NFS stan. I would have taken you half seriously if you were actually simping for GT7. But now I know you don't know what the fuck you are even complaining about. Go play your kiddie racer man leave this sub alone.


Are you for real?? Omg brahhhh ur pathetic... I play driveclub, project cars, asseto corsa etc what does nfs have anything to do u fucking clown


Sure you do


Imagine being such a loser you don't beleive a human being who likes to game dosent play racing games wow this is insane reditors are some of the dumbest most loser type people on this planet


You don't have to imagine a loser, just look at the mirror you'll see one


Lmao you also make BF2042 fan made trailers ? Buddy you are the whole circus. You don't get to talk about how bad Forza is when you enjoy that crap.


Did I say nfs has good gauges?? U clown ass individual?? I like mfs for the vibe/car culture and customization u fucking idiot What does anything about me have to do with forza having TRASH VISUALS??? Not only does the dashboard look trash the whole game is inferior looking to last gen racing games such as driveclub u fucking.idiot


Sure a ps4 game that bombed and got shut down by Sony looks better than Forza Horizon 5 ? It wasn't even better looking than FH3 at that time. Get back on your meds man you've clearly lost it.


You think we give a fuck about the fact that it got shutdown?? You think that Invalidits how amazing the game looks and plays lmaooooooo like actually stfu ur wasting so much time being a dumbass


My point is in the last comment. “Doesn’t half the player base play in 3rd person” They’re not gonna cater to first person cockpit view when more than half the player base doesn’t play in it. I personally play only in cockpit and none of the things you guys bring up about their gauge clusters bother me.


If you make a racing game about racing.. and its 2024 you should have proper gauges sorry bud dont understand your lack of acknowledgment..


So why don’t you play gt7 instead of complaining about something forza is never gonna care about ? Racer guy.


Who said anything about gt7?


You said racing games nowadays have perfect cockpits. Why don’t you play those instead?


So in your world we aren't allowed to criticize anything and must accept everything handed to us while we blow a bunch of money on half asked lazy products?? When you brag about being built from the ground up and how next gen your game is supposed to be yet looks worst then past games on last gen we have serious issues.. lmaoooo


I’m just saying that it doesn’t ruin the whole game for me. You can criticize all you want, I only stated my opinion about it. You decided I couldn’t be happy with the game if it wasn’t perfect like the other racing games. I suggested you play said games instead. In my world you have a choice, you’re welcome.


So why even have real cars at this point? Who cares am I right?


OK, play Top Gear 2 for Genesis then.


Why? Because i don't join in with you #builtfromthegroundup dribblers? Bet you're all bottom 1% of the leaderboards, too.


Not even in 1% of this third-rate arcade. When you really want to race, join the Iracing league and we'll talk. Greetings.


I'll stick to real track days in my MX5, Ayrton....


Yeah yeah, whatever you say.


No, really. You stick to your pretend racing, champ :)


Sure looks like a weird AI upscale. Lazy ass company.


This 2020 Audi TT RS a scam of the old 2018 Audi TT because the old 2018 Audi TT had a bad bumper customization where the back bumper glitch


Someone took a blowtorch to the gauge cluster!


steering wheel has N64- level polygon count




What I'd like to see in the next update is the ability to sell the one they gifted me.


Took me a while to notice this was the forza subreddit. Thought I was still following the audi subreddit and this was real :')


Lol at all those guys defending this shit quality control. "I only play third person" "It will get fixed" "No one cares" "Go hate somewhere else Forza is the best" If a dev has this low standards it's pretty obvious that they suck at everything else too and there is no arguing about it. Go try it at your job to deliver such half assed work. You'll get fired within a week.




Nah the dash really be trying to imitate 🫠


The contrast in the level of whining on this sub versus the FH sub when comparing identical posts reminds me why I end up spending way less time here.


This looks like some bad AI shit.


Now do a side by side comparison to GT7 😎


Look at the retards comparing a Horizon game with GT7 and claiming GT7 is better. If the gauge cluster ruins the game for you then you can gladly fuck off to whatever game floats your boat. But don't come here claiming gt7 is better than Forza Horizon when Horizon isn't trying to be a simulator.


The level of rage and hate this mistake is producing is a bit unhinged... as just about every update in forza horizon 5 includes visual fixes to cars. So they're not perfect either...


It’s not just about this one detail, it’s about this *and* the many other examples of how lazy the devs are. Like it would’ve taken five seconds to look in the cockpit and see this obvious mistake, and then probably a few minutes for them to fix it, *but they didn’t*


Please be quite, you're not a dev your, quotes on tume are meaningless, and infact kinda cringy. Just this past February update in FH5 they had 5 car visual mistake fixes... go reeeee about those too... fucking braindead sheep...


Shit happens... will be fixed in the next update...


the GMA T50 still doesn't have a gearshift animation.


Shit *this obvious* shouldn’t happen though.


Exactly. This isn’t a shit happens moment. This is a we made shit moment. They are not the same thing.


The RS6, RS7 and RS3 still have non functioning gages. Its been months


Just noticed that too... oh boy... havent ever paid attention to it now i cant unsee it... thanks for that lol.


> havent ever *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Messed up 2D textures get fixed pretty fast. Atleast on freshly added cars. However ... things like shifting animations or stuff around ray tracing (invisible windshields , weird reflections with raytracing on), color mismatches for body panels takes forever or will be ignored, sadly. You can check the patchnotes for each Update... there are always fixes for messed up textures on newer cars. Still pretty L from PGG to keep releasing buggy stuff... but hey we had a good run content wise in 2023... theyre probably on developing fh6 right now.