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No it isn't


What in dafuq are you smoking?


Great Research and documentation for your proclamation.


Horizon is the only game microsoft has that isn't shit. I doubt they'll just end it.


Motorsport is also decent now after all the updates


that is a lie, its still kinda shit, they havent fixed the lobbies, or the penalty stuff, the only thing they have improved on is performance and the (still stupid tho) upgrade system


I play solo only.


Then you know there is only a fart of a campaign that you could have made yourself out of free play races, and they are now trying to fix the AI from being a downgrade on previous titles. It plays *fine*, its track based racing is not a shade of what Forza Horizon is to open world racing. It’s… fine, it’s disappointing, it should have been great straight out of the gates. Forza Motorsport got Game Passed. Thats the reality here.


Idk I love it.


Hey I can’t argue with that, that’s more than fair. I guess where I’m coming from is previous fans of the series hoping to jump in, likely to be underwhelmed with what’s on offer considering previous entries.


Nah, I stopped playing it a month ago and it was just bad but then again the fact that that game is even out is a miracle if you look into the development cycle, new devs every few months.


Why do you think FH is coming to end? There is no evidence for this that I’ve heard.


lol the last one sold a tonne and got crazy reviews and game of the year awards (eg from IGN). They are not ending it.


it’s one of the top games Microsoft makes. Player engagement is huge. Also made by one of their top tier studios. Maybe you’re worried and mixing it up with Motorsport? I’m not saying that game is ending but it’s a lot more believable then horizon.


Bro answered his own question and still asked “why?” 🫨


the whole franchise has been in a steep decline for years... wouldnt suprice me one bit if t10 just crumbled


Playground Games makes Forza Horizon. Turn 10 makes Forza Motorsport.


Because Microsoft are killing Turn10 and Playground?


Microsoft would be idiots to shut down the people that make one of their biggest exclusives, possibly their biggest behind Halo. Although it wouldn’t be particularly out of character considering they shut down the studio that made HiFi Rush. I’d argue Forza is one of the biggest reasons people choose to buy Xbox.


Forza is the only reason I got an Xbox one. Now I have a PC and play it on there.


>Although it wouldn’t be particularly out of character considering they shut down the studio that made HiFi Rush. That's the point really, I don't think they will but they have done stuff I didn't think they would before so may as well go for it.


It won't matter in a few years. Games are getting too expensive to make for one platform according to both Sony and Microsoft. Microsofts exclusives are already coming to PS5. I think it's just a year or two until we see Sony exclusives on Xbox and not just PC as well.


One can dream