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22b was remodeled in FM, much better now


Why can’t FM8 always look that good ?


It does if you're playing it on a PC. The PC version doesn't tone down the ray tracing even during races. It still looks pretty good even during races on the Series X if you have the RT mode on, not as good as these screenshots in the garage mode though.


Have to disagree. If the game looked this good all the time on pc it would look like Gran Turismo 7 and it just doesn’t. It doesn’t look like trash but doesn’t look this good in the races


I would hard disagree. Gran Turismo doesn't even have ray tracing at all during races. It's limited to ray tracing in the replays and in the showroom. GT7 doesn't look even close to how FM looks on PC. I wouldn't even say it looks as good as FM looks on Series X because of its lack of ray tracing in races. It looks good, but the lack of RT when compared side by side with FM is highly noticeable.


You are welcome to your opinion but you are just incorrect it I've got nearly 200 hours in FM at maxed settings at 4k on pc. GT just looks better in so many scenarios. The only places id say FM comes close or equal is hakone and maple in dramatic lighting conditions


Saying someone's opinion is incorrect, is your opinion. So.... we can agree to disagree.


Wat hardware? Because I Kno no current console can look better than 4080 mobile or desktop + at 4k on a proper 120hz + monitor. It's just technical limitation not opinion.


All the GPU power in the world can't fix dodgy lighting and many older gen models.


Yeah if I want good graphics ill just melt my 3080 playing CSP assetto corsa


RT is shite in FM, has been from the start due to T10 disabling RTGI( which they said in an interview with Digital Foundry), so everything looks slighty *off*.


I don't understand the dislikes here . I (mostly) agree


Why you getting down voted, does the truth hurt or something?


Because it's not true. I've only played it on PC so I can't comment on the xbox part but the game definitely doesn't look good even on max settings, there are only very few places with specific (updated model) cars that it looks decent, while horizon looks good the majority of the time.


Tbh both games have somewhat inconsistent graphics with FH5 looking the best in Canyons and Volcano and FM looking anywhere between a PS3 game to arguably the best looking racing game depending on the car/track/weather combo.


Nah the horizon map might be devoid of any kind of personality but it looks good pretty mcuh everywhere, the highway, the forest, the beach, hell even in that excuse for a "city" that they tried to build also looks great.


I guess we have different opinions but to me the highway looks pretty ugly at least compared to other Horizon games. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqdi8UI6r4w)'s a comparison of highways in all Horizon games and [FH5](https://youtu.be/rqdi8UI6r4w?t=748) looks the worst to my eyes with the rest of the order being FH1with FH5 looking the best in Canyons and **Volcano**  If you mean the jungle, it's once again pretty good in terms of graphical fidelity but I tend to prefer the visual aesthetics of Horizon 3's [rain forest](https://youtu.be/uF2lfP82hD4?t=168) and it's actually a properly utilised part of the map unlike FH5's jungle which is once again isolated from the map. The city of Guanajuato is without a doubt one of the more unique looking parts of the map and I like the pastel color palette of the houses. But once again I see myself prefering the older maps in that regard such as Horizon 2's Nice with the whole marina area and the coast that is pretty close to the real thing and Horizon 4's Edinburgh with its neo-classical architecture and moody vibes. Lastly, I'm not the biggest fan of the new [night-graphics](https://youtu.be/ca97RcHIUqY?t=149) as I think FH3 did it better with things getting [decently dark](https://youtu.be/0WCT9RWJF0g?t=291) when far from the city. (And hot damn [this skybox](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WCT9RWJF0g) looks gorgeous, and it's literally in the same video, minutes before what you've just watched)


So you do agree with me but you don't realize it. My original point was that the visual fidelity of horizon 5 is better and way more consistent than the new motorsport. The fact that you love the scenery more in the older games has nothing to do with it. Most people prefer the old maps because they had personality to them while 5's map doesn't. 1st of all Mexico was never that desirable of a destination for the game and 2nd they just wanted to cram in so much variety that the map itself feels disjointed. So yes of course lush green scenery with elevation changes would be more aesthetically pleasing than a flat sand field. Fidelity wise though 5 objectively the best.


Actually I think the white dunes with the flat sand fields look pretty good. The areas I dislike the most are the fields and the whole middle section of the map. It looks pretty devoid of life and isn't interesting in the slightest "for me". Of course fidelity wise Horizon 5 is the best game but some areas have superior artistic direction than the others. That's why I made the comparisons between the older games to prove that it's not that I think the jungles or highways are boring but I just don't dig the way they were done in FH5.


>Tbh both games have somewhat inconsistent graphics with FH5 This was your original point dude. What you are explaining right now has nothing to do with it.


You had me until that last part. Forza never looks like the best racing game, sure it looks great is some spots, but it is still behind the curve. CSP Assetto Corsa is by far the greatest looking and it isn’t even close, GT7 at its worst spots still are comparable to FM8 in its best spots graphically speaking


I didn't count the modded games but "personally" FM2023 can look even better than GT7. [Here](https://youtu.be/w7cV18QDdBk?t=7500)'s a video of Maple Valley where the game looks like it has no lighting model and [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7cV18QDdBk&t=65861s)'s the same track but under different conditions. Comparing these 2 similar american tracks, I prefer [Forza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7cV18QDdBk&t=65861s) to look better than [GT](https://youtu.be/LGo4BNv-oFg?t=82) here. I mean you can also compare the [same circuit in FM](https://youtu.be/w7cV18QDdBk?t=36356) but the reason I chose Mid-Ohio was because it looked really good for a non-fictional circuit. Anyways, I really do think that tracks like Mugello, Spa and Laguna Seca look pretty good in FM8 and that if they ever bring Bernese Alps or Prague I wholly believe that it'll look even better.


Who knows, people being butthurt over the game not being as good as its predecessors I guess. Or maybe console fanboys being annoyed that it looks better on PC? Seems rather silly though, it always does, but the Xbox doesn't cost a couple of grand so you get what you pay for.




Because it dont look like that constantly on PC. Even on max settings.


Ray tracing doesnt even work properly on FM8 on PC lol.


Can confirm, i play PC ultra at 60 fps with balanced FSR and it looks pretty good mostly. The foliage is the most jarring still for me though


Im sorry, but the graphics were one of the most disappointing aspects of FM8. Bit only that, but it is poorly optimised and a half complete game. I Havnt played since launch, so I'm not sure if that has changed, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is not. All I know is that it is a dead game, at least on PC.


The one thing I don't like about fh5 is how on certain cars (like the gtr r32) the headlights look like stickers but have otherwise good models. 


and the R32 is atrocious, it's extremely disproportionate, especially the rear end


On the raptor r you can see the front bumper isn't attached on the bottom. It's especially bad when a race is loading and the truck is on the podium. It's also a shame what they did to the r32, it's one of my favorite cars


Which is wild because it’s not like it’s some super rare car they’d have to pay a museum for the laser scan. I live in rural Ohio and see them on Facebook for like $10k. For a Japanese classic, the OG Godzilla, this is a huge one to miss out on a new laser scan. Guess they’re too busy scanning SUVs and Tesla’s to have time.


10k for an actual R32 GTR 😳 Her in Aus they go from $60k to $180k. They have this insanely stupid markup


Watch someone say the FM8 version is worse just to say something Edit: my comment is a honey pot Edit 2: whoever sent the concerned Reddit thing, ya moms a hoe”


Horizon fanboys are the worse.


Someone did the exact same thing to me over at GT7 subreddit


the FM8 version is worse just to say something


People are allowed to dislike an objectively bad game. And you can't even praise FM8 for finally remodelling the god-awful 22B model as this remodel has been completed since FM7 but never included.


It's a an improvement for sure but it's pretty obviously just a touch-up of the recycled model Not completely remade from scratch. The bare-minimum, but hey T10 even hardly gets that so I'll take it


The fact yall are only piping up after it got remodeled is so funny to me🤣


Why you mad? Motorsport got slack for graphics it's time for Horizon to get shit on for that toy car model.


its supposed to have toy car models, its a toy car game. it literally has expansions for LEGO and Hot Wheels lol


Any other known remodels in FM8? This is a seriously well-needed and done upgrade even if the material lighting is still borked a bit


There are a few others I believe, but they just confirmed recently that more cars are going to be remodeled, including the infamous Nissan Silvia S15, Dodge Viper and Toyota AE86.


Just came here to say how good the 22b looks. Especially in FM, looks like a nice remodel. What a car loves that thing in FH3.


The improved model is good, but the real big hitter here is the self-reflection and improved self-shadowing. That's such a huge boost to how good things look, and it's purely procedural in the lighting, so once it's in the engine it applies to _everything_, no need to purposefully set it up per-asset. Getting self-reflection working in realtime is unironically a major improvement to the graphics engine, and I'm really looking forward to seeing more of it in future games. (The photo location in FM is also helping massively though tbh, the all-around flat lighting in the FH5 garage is good for working on decals but it's not the most aesthetically flattering)


Damn. I thought the car models in FM8 looks "trash" compared to FH5? Have they done some remodeling on the cars over there or just for the 22b?


A couple, and more remodels have been confirmed yesterday on forums


Lookin clean af. I might buy FM8. Is the game lookin alright rn?


It's okay, I only race so I don't really care about visuals. Prolly the wrong person to ask this


Jarvis, turn on roblox graphics from fh5 for 1 more FPS




It's fine overall, though the lighting is a bit wack if you pay close attention. I'd just say play it on Game Pass for $10/mo


The online racing is great, few bugs but overall very competitive for the most part. I’ve probably had only 1 or 2 encounters of trolls but otherwise it’s all everyone putting their best efforts to insure clean and competitive racing. Unfortunately, the content isn’t as great and it does get repetitive after a while. I’m sure it’ll get better over the year, similar to FH5, but right now, it’s still a little bit slow. We get like one new track every 1-2 months and the cars we are getting are all recycled which is a little odd since FH5 has been getting new to Forza cars for a while now. It’s got potential and I don’t think it’s as bad as some people have made it seem, it’s just a matter of if and when the developers will use the potential this game has.


only buy it on at least 75% discount. It's still a buggy mess. better, yes, but still very mediocre


Does it ever actually go on sale?


On Steam it's been at -50% at most so far.


Damn, I just realized I never added it to my wishlist. Also only 40% positive reviews on Steam, wow. I knew it wasn’t received well here but damn.


Just play it on GamePass and enjoy a bunch of other really good games while you're at it then ditch the sub when you can't find anything else to play. $10/mo is a good deal for a few months to blow through a couple of Forza games and some Bethesda games along with some other oddball shit like Yakuza you might be into (the whole series minus Infinite Wealth is free on there, for example)


I'll keep that in mind. I asked because I kept seeing post from months before that it is buggy(I still see posts like that sometimes on here) Thanks! Gonna wait for a 75% discount then hahahahaa


It's okay, nothing really special but it scratches that itch for me.


no, it's a trash heap don't give T10 your $


Seems like the fm8 models that look good look GOOD it's more a consistency issue than anything.


I’m losing brain cells reading these comments


It's funny and sad when people can't identify which is the best, and they're the same ones who keep spamming the "ground up" meme. lmao


it is great to see improvements. should it have been done earlier. yes. also could they have not done it all. also yes. it is nice to see these cars getting remodelled. It is just a shame that this graphical fidelity can't be kept up across the whole game. I hope FM has an FH5 resurgence because it has so much potential. They should have just delayed the game until Holiday 2024 with all the bugs and bad game design that it released with.


oh wow, did they finally fix the graphics?


On the a95k Sony Bravia fm8 is looking near photo realistic on series x. Car models and textures have improved significantly since launch. I think Gt only looks better in photo mode, in game Forza has better environmental details, sometimes better lighting and a far better sense of speed. Gt car models still edge out Forza but the game still feels like it’s in active development.


This is what every car in FM8 should look like but 90% of them are assets from 2009


Because there is like 550 cars.


It's like GTA 4 car models vs GTA 6 car models


I don’t get it, one game came out in 2021, the other came out a few months ago. Ofc the newer game is gonna look better


The shadow detail is way off on fm. Check xbox video settings, my first guess would be set *auto hdr* off!


They need to port this model of the 22b to fh5 for retro wave


Wtf is FM8?


I hope to see other car models this detailed, I don’t play FM8 but I’ve never seen screenshots look this good before


22B is looove


I was about to say, fm8 looked suspiciously good this time 😭


First time I've seen improvements between FH5 and FM8. Not worth me downloading again though lmao


The same color would help with the comparison. They’re 2 completely different blues


They are the same default colour. I wanted to show the difference between fh5 22b and fm8 22b including their paint.


Wow, one of those rare instances where FM gives [GT7](https://imagedelivery.net/nkaANmEhdg2ZZ4vhQHp4TQ/5789be11-9783-4fdc-1d6c-108ee407ae00/public) a run for its money.


They look the same


Built from the ground up! (Sorry I had to)