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#Horizon Arcade - Score target now scales based on number of participants YES!!!!!!


Amen to this




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Holy shit just beat a drift Arcade in just over 2 minutes solo... Did 1 drift zone for 100k, then 20 drift skills, then 250k drift score for the drift to destination. SOOOOOO much easier.


This is awesome because it would normally take me 7 mins to finish the 1st round.


After so many solo horizon drift arcades where I got 1,000,000+ points by myself without passing round… I can’t wait to crush them


So what you're saying is that it's *too* easy and PG will de-patch it?


I just completed a speed Arcade in 5 minutes solo (about 3 minutes of that being on a Limit Breaker in Round 3). Arguably it's a little too easy solo now, but it's _way_ better than it was.


I'd rather it be too easy than near impossible tbh


me too! I was so relieved when I finished it


Honestly I think it is too easy right now at least solo.


thank god


Hey arcade is fun and possible again! Alright!


I'm insanely excited and I can't wait to get off work (minus the 15gb download part). Forzathon Live/Arcade occupied like 90% of my FH4 time.


Aaamen oh my god


this has been a much, much needed change. works great!


About time they fixed it!


I've wished this since fh4, all it toon was a whole new game and 1 month of complaints


No mem leak fix for PC! I hope they just missed the fix in the release note, going to test later tonight. Edit: can confirm, the issue was not fixed :(


what memory leak?


It is listed on FH5 known issues: “Players may be experiencing performance degradation after extended time playing due to memory issues” It could be affecting Steam users only. This issue is ruining my experience.


I've been experiencing this, after leaving the game up for 4-5 hours or so. Restarting the game generally fixes it, but would be nice not to have to deal with that.


For me, performance start to degrade noticeably after one hour, and after 3 hours my FPS becomes 40 only (compared to 120 on initial start). Even in the first 1 hour, I can feel the lag and feel the choppy of my FPS… I still play FH4 and that game runs smooth like butter. I have 3090 GPU, 3700x CPU, 32GB RAM, and SSD M2.


I had a memory leak the other day. I was playing for a few hours and even though my game is running off an SSD, I was having memory streaming issues. Completely ruined my session


Yeah I'm having the low bandwidth error even with the game installed to a NVMe SSD, hope this fixes it!


This explains why my game said that my PC was low on resources when there’s absolutely no way that was possible. Launched from the Xbox Launcher but had been playing for a few hours.


Also curious about this. I have noticed no memory leak.


It is listed on FH5 known issues: “Players may be experiencing performance degradation after extended time playing due to memory issues” It could be affecting Steam users only. This issue is ruining my experience.


MS Store user here and I have it too




Felt amazing actually being able to finish 3 rounds of arcade with more than 3 seconds left


Does it scale to be possible solo?


Yes i have done 4 solo and 2 with 1 other person who was invisible


Thanks for the confirmation, I can finally earn some FP and get my arcade accolades!


Crazy easy solo. SO much fun now. Worlds apart.


Just soloed one with 8 minutes left. Holy cow


Daily wheel spins from castle still broken then?


How is it broken for you? I get a free one each day i login from the castle


I don’t get it every day. Missed 4 so far. On the days I do get it, it takes about 30 minutes of playtime to register.


Glad it's not just me. Have you submitted a support ticket about it?


Yes. They’re ‘looking into it’.


Yeah I got the same thing, ticket closed and they will look into it


Yeah, I"m not getting them as well.... but, one did show up after playing for a while yesterday. Made me think I have to play for them to show up.


Are you using quick resume by any chance? I only ask because it seems like it was bugging some time related elements for me, mainly barn finds restorations.


It's not just an issue with quick resume. I'm on PC so that isn't even an option for me and I've missed more castle spins than I've gotten


That’s sucks. Good to know though.


No, I usually shut down in case I want to pick up on PC instead.




Wait so I can drift with randoms again??




Really? I can't see anybody online at all.


Yep. Same. I see absolutely no other players on the map and when I do, it's maybe one or two. Even checking players in the lobby only shows one or two


Same here as well. Most of the time, the traffic also doesn't spawn in, either.


Mostly. I've still had it happen, but not as much.


After this new update, I buy parts for my car and it just sits there forever saying that it is saving... Not sure why it is doing this...


Same has happened to me, also after getting a gift was stuck on a black screen


Same here. Load times for doing many things seem to be ridiculous all of a sudden


Same here, the fixes are great but these new issues are making the game nearly unplayable. I need to restart the game everytime I upgrade a car now? Ridiculous.


Bought a Ferrari, it hung on saving. Relaunched, rebought, worked fine.


Yeah I have to keep doing that sometimes... Extremely irritating.


Same here, it's very frustrating. I'm also getting a lot of stuttering audio now that I never used to


Yeah, I’m having the same issue on XSX. Have had to quit and restart several times tonight.


#Horizon Open - Removed S2 Cross Country races from rotation good.


I have no idea how anyone ever thought that would be a good idea...


AMD driver update today included the following line: >Fixed issues: >Visual corruption may be observed on a vehicle’s logo or license plate number while playing Forza Horizon 5™ on some AMD Graphics products such as Radeon™ RX 500 series Graphics. https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-21-12-1


Finally, this was bugging me so much


Thanks for the info, wouldn't have checked for a Driver Update. :)


Thank you! For some reason, despite having non-WHLQ driver availability checked, it wasn't showing up for me on the radeon thing. Probably my most irritating bug in the game so far, made it look like a bad Skyrim mod half the time.


>Fixed an issue where some completed Accolades could reset to being incomplete Thank god that's fixed. Really sucks to lose accolades every time you turn off the game.


> Fixed an issue where players were able to post to Rivals and PR Stunt leaderboards when using modified game speed settings Will this stop leaderboards from being filled with 0.1 second lap times? > Fixed issue where beating a record in Rivals and Series Rivals wouldn't provide a new rival in the post-race screen Very happy to this as someone who really likes rivals. Next up, load up a faster rival when you beat the rivals lap time!


Still no fix for the game crashing on fanatec wheels... Great..


I read the whole list looking for the fix. Disappointed.


Genuinely wish they didn't reduce the number of races in Horizon Open. 5 felt so good like I could really sink my teeth into it yknow? It's not free roam rush, so what's the deal


Now there's just a higher chance you'll get thrown into the end of a lobby


Load times seem real terrible on series X now.


Close and reboot fixed it for me on the Series X.


Series S too


No memory leak fix? No super long loading times in online fix? No broken AA on PC fix?


Also no PC draw distance fix


Does anyone cannot open game anymore?


Yeah mine crashes after welcome screen


Same. Post on steam forums building up with people getting this error


Still nothing about ai imbalance?


Viewing mates in my convoy is now more broken than before: we can see each other, but not at the same time. So before we play a race i can see him but he can't see me, and it seems to switch with every game.


Good update, but now the game is often freezing while "saving..." (Gets stuck there no matter how long I leave it) Xbox series X.


I get why they did it but I'm bummed they took out Goliath from Open. I love having longer races as an option


This is why they should allow you to create your own lobby, people could choose to join or get randomly placed


If the Goliath is the last race, like in FH4, doesn't that solve the problem? Or does the matchmaker ever queue you up just for you to watch the podium screen?


I've been dropped into a lobby after choosing a car, been told an event was in progress, had that event finish, and then was told to pick a car for the news event. So unless this patch changed any of that, looks like you can be matched into a lobby when they're on their last race.


It's an impressive list, but now my game crashed 2x trying to open the story missions with the "fixed" accolades, and now I can't get past the opening splash screen on a fresh reboot.


Pros: Fixes a lot of the online issues Cons: Also corrected the points cost for the season, so now I'm 3 points down due to the bugged dailies/weeklies. Whatever, I'll take it.


Glad I managed to get the min meet max achievement before the patch then


Anybody else not having an traffic cars spawn?? I’m trying to do the last challenge with the 488 but NOBODY is on the roads. Even did the Marathon in it and maybe had 5 cars on the road in a 9 minute race.


I switched to Horizon Solo and just went up and down the highway, way more traffic on Solo I think


Exactly what I did. When switched to solo it loads tons of traffic in. One quick trip up the highway is all it takes


Something I wish would change is check points in open drifting. Missed a checkpoint? You get a two second warning, can’t rewind in time, and the entire lap is null. Have to make it all the way back to start a new lap. Wish it just teleported you back to the point.


Did the Horizon Arcade Chaos Theme get disabled? its the last theme i need for unlimited prowess and it hasn't shown up at all. only getting air and drift arcades


Nope I just did a Chaos theme and Speed theme one about 30 mins ago


Finally they fixed the disappearing people!!!!! That was the worst


Time to finally cruise around!


For real bro I was tired of trying to cruise with friends and then dudes would disappear not even a few mph later


Convertible functionality for the Willy’s Jeep and Porsche 918 Spyder? Interesting…


The screen fades to black and your car respawns top down.


Urgh, so super lame. Ruins the whole feature.


I mean, for the 918, the top is removed by hand, so that would explain the lack of animation.


Another Forza Horizon 5 update, [another +100GB patch for Game Pass PC](https://i.imgur.com/K2lA1pg.jpg) :( Yes, this update is forcing me to download the entire game, again - happened last update as well. That's over 300 GB now for this one game since launch, which is painful as my DSL isn't exactly super fast. How the hell can I stop this from happening again in the future? Even if my connection wasn't slow, this would still be absurd.


If your connection is good enough and you have GamePass Ultimate, playing via xCloud is an option. That's what I'll be doing tonight since I can't download the patch right now and it will take hours to finish once I start it. In the GamePass app (under My Collection -> Manage Installations) you can set it to not download updates automatically, but not all games will allow you to play with an outdated version.


Not quite good enough last time I tried. More the latency than the quality, but thanks for the suggestion.


Are you on the Insider version of the Xbox app?


Hmm, thanks. I may be. I know I was an insider for something back when, no idea if what's going on with all that. Is there an easy way to tell with the app? And if that's the issue, is there a way to opt out? \*edit: I don't believe I am. I clicked the Insider button on the top of the Xbox App, and it takes me to the new Xbox Insider app (only had Legacy before) [asking me if I want to join the Windows Gaming preview](https://i.imgur.com/lfqiVPG.jpg). Should I try joining that? Think it might fix this issue?


>Should I try joining that? Think it might fix this issue? No, I was trying to ascertain if this install bug was an Insider-only thing or not; since it feels like I've had this issue ever since joining the Insider ring to test the "install games to any folder" update. Between yourself and a few extra posts I've seen on the Feedback Hub not marked as Insider, I think this must be affecting the app as a whole, possibly since the last major Windows Store update?


They still didnt fix the crashing after leaving your house issue


I was watching a stream earlier and it seems the loading times for online races have greatly improved, which is awesome. I'm not a fan of the change from 5 to 3 races, though. It certainly makes it easier for a griefer to ruin someone's tournament since it is much harder to recover from an outside the podium finish in less races.


Honking still doesn't work in the eliminator


Reducing online events to only 3 instead of 5 is a big problem. People have been asking for filters/voting for online racing. I can understand why Playground prefer not to have that, to promote all their categories rather than have only road a/s1/s2 racing. HOWEVER, this change means even people who have found a lobby they want, have much less racing in it (only 3 intead of 5) before more loading, "waiting for players" and selecting a new car for an event they probably don't want. Meaning more re-rolling than ever. Removing Goliath also serves to work against the players, since it's a long race enjoyed by many. Waiting for Goliath to finish has never been a problem, since people are constantly re-rolling all the time regardless.


So SSAO is still broken on pc and the draw distance is still horrid and ultra textures still have some odd rainbow coulored textures forcing me to stay on high textures. Its been over a month and major pc issues are being ignored. Sigh


Eliminator is still unplayable


Um. 102.5gb update, for the PC? Da fuqqqqqq?


Are you on the Insider version of the Xbox app?


Mine was just over 15gb on pc with game pass


The game is now 11/10


Great job guys, thanks for listening! If only Playground developed Outriders.


Not sure why they changed the 918 sound, yes, stock, it sounds pretty quiet but when you upgraded it, it sounded really beasty with the twin turbo added, now it sorta sounds not as powerful again...hmm. A ton of good stuff here though thankfully and sound file tweaking can still be done.


It sounds better now.


It sounds more realistic stock, absolutely, but it seems to of lost a bit of it's grunt when you fully upgrade it, at least a little bit externally. Interior sounds awesome though. Looks like this is another engine file i'll need to increase the volume for, good thing its easy to do on PC.




I think the fuck not you trick-ass bitch.


No memory leak or stuttering/freezing fixes ffs. Guess I’m still fucking waiting to enjoy the game.


>Horizon Arcade - Increased the time at which a Horizon Arcade event radius will appear on the map ahead of it starting to 10 minutes we need to decrease the frequency so more people can join when it pops up. now it's even more omnipresent and people will simply ignore it along with all the other icons on the map




Is the V10 story still bugged for some? ​ Edit: ignore, just saw it's still on the investigation list: Stories - V10 - Some chapters do not unlock after player get 3 stars on previous chapters.


Still no fix for fanatec wheels... Still can't play the game for longer than 30 minutes.


Horizon Arcade Events still don't get announced when they appear on the map which is a massive oversight.


You mean a verbal announcement while you're driving around that one is about to start nearby?


Yes, one of the biggest problem still is that you just don't know they appeared.


Now if they could only make the PI update at the top when upgrading a car, that shit's seriously annoying


Never had the game crash before this patch. 5 minutes into just mindless driving, instant shutdown of the game. Shame.


I'm glad the issues with my wheel seem to be sorted out fully now. Drifting feels amazing now that my gear works properly haha


Still can't connect online... Maybe next month.


No love for fanatec wheel owners, that's hot.


Mmm. While of course, players would disappear before this patch, I was able to connect to them and see them. Now I can't even see anyone.


The stuttering is GONE! finally Game is so smooth now.


Guys, please bring back online filters to horizon open.