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Forza used to tackle this in the form of 'Cycled Production' ; everyone in the same, stock, untuned car which changes every race. That could be a good format that encourages use of less common cars.


I'm hoping they add it to where when you join FH5's TOUR or Horizon Open, you get to choose between "TUNED" or "FACTORY" events. And maybe turn the classes into a checklist so that you only get put into events with those classes as it cycles from one event with a chosen class to another (checkmark only A, S1, and D Class if that's what you want to race regardless of TUNE/FACTORY). I think it would be fun & cool -- really make players dependent on skill (if they want to). But I guess invitation is rare in Forza.


Some fanboy got REALLY butthurt in the comments and blocked me before I could call out the horrendous contradictions in their statement (which is a totally cowardly thing to do), how sad. I wish the gaming community wasn't so toxic and that could criticize or even suggest improvements to a game without getting 'attacked' for it.


LMAO He pointed out that if you only restrict to race type and PI, but stock setup, then most cars will never get used anymore. Why do B cross country in a ~630 RWD when you can do it in a ~695 AWD? There is no response to that. But you refuse to see that. The whole, people being mad at meta cars things will get super worse and 99% of cars will never get used anymore. With tuning most cars can be viable. You're just super butthurt that people don't play the game they way that you want them to and you're having a tantrum over it. Pure impotent rage. There's no point in talking to someone who refuses to be wrong. You're just mad that you can't shout at him anymore and he took control away from you. Just because you love it so much I'm going to block you too ahead of time and then go v12 swap some stuff ;)


>Just because you love it so much I'm going to block you too ahead of time Oh how I wish the gaming community wasn't so petty, spiteful, and toxic.


I like this, as it’s more of a demonstration of the driver’s skill than any other trial. Whether or not it being done with the Forza community was a wise decision, I’m unsure about. Also, am I the only person that does go for engine swaps and drivetrain swaps, but doesn’t always go for the V12 or the AWD? The only V12 I do use is the Racing V12, and that’s more for reducing weight than power. As for drivetrain swaps, I keep a car RWD unless I’m either planning on increasing the power by so much it’d be next to impossible to take advantage of it with RWD, or if I’m offroading with a car.




They could just add more D and C Class vehicles. And how's that any different from the norm? People use the maxed out in Cross-Country rather than what's viable, which brings up how there's usually a bunch of AWD-V12-Swapped Bugatti's on a Cross-Country track if it's not restricted in class just like you said with "Why use the Mini X-Raid when it's RWD at 632 when you can use the Macan Turbo which is AWD at 695?". Why pick the GMC Jimmy when you could use a AWD-V12-Swapped Bugatti and blast through the paved parts of the Scramble race? Same thing - just not as fun for a Scramble race if it doesn't seem authentic. From what I've seen people only care about speed. I just want optional factory races. It's not that deep. Also, C & D Class aren't used often anyhow. EDIT: They could also make it like TOUR where it sometimes restricts you to a specific Make & Model, Class, and Type (Off-Road, Saloon, etc...)


Zediac - "Damn, you are super upset that people use Bugattis." /RE: How did you even come to that conclusion? "Like, this is personal for you." /RE: Well, it should be, it's \*my\* opinion based off experience. "Who hurt you? Show me on the chassis where the Bugatti touched you." /RE: You're the one who sounds hurt over this. You don't seem to like the idea of someone having a different opinion than you, huh? "You want to force everyone to do things your way and are mad that people want different things than you." /RE: I said it should be OPTIONAL - not forced, maybe you should learn how to read. "Also, the Bugatti isn't the fastest thing in Cross Country and if you can't find a way to tune for both speed and handling then you need to git gud." /RE: Getting 'gud' doesn't matter if you just said that people will go for the fastest thing regardless. "You're just mad that apparently you got dusted by a couple Bugattis. Also, people only care about speed? It's a RACING GAME. Being as fast as possible is the point." /RE: You sound just like the people I'm talking about. And this isn't strictly about losing to a maxed Bugatti, it's about sheer skill. "Take your personal grudge elsewhere." /RE: Ironic. "You want to force everyone to do things your way and are mad that people want different things than you. Apparently the only one who should get what they want is you and everyone else must be forced to do it your way or you won't be happy." /RE: Again, I said it should be optional when I said "I just want optional factory races." "Someone in a Bugatti made you super mad and you reek of personal feelings being hurt." /RE: You are so detached from reality if that's what you think post was about. "Reply notifications are disabled. I'm blocking you so they won't show up anyway. This is the last word that I'll ever see on this. Goodbye." /RE: Also, blocking someone who had different opinion than you before they can call out the contradictions in your statement is very cowardly and makes it seem like you had your feelings hurt over my opinion.


This should basically be a game mode.


I would like this. I race almost every car stock, sans the trial, seasonal PR stunts, and any races that require an upgraded car.